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Counter agent / blocker to the effects of Marijuana?


Active member
Sep 21, 2017
Nowhere of particular interest
Hello all :)

This isn't a big deal (yet), but recently I've been thinking about looking for something to stop the effects of marijuana (even it's smoke) from messing with me. My room mates decided to take up smoking pot about once or twice a week, and though I'm not smoking it too. I worry about it's effects on my chakra work I'm doing, and my over all spiritual health.

Does anyone know of a good solution to this? My room mates who smoke will be moving out in a month and some days, but I fear this could ruin the last half of my MUNKA working :(

Thank you, and have a great rest of your day :)
If you are paying rent, then you have the right to speak up about their bad habit effecting your physical and spiritual life/health. Find an opportunity soon to sit down with them and explain to them your concerns. Ask if they can practice their habit outside the apartment - either in their car or at another person's home BEFORE they come home.
Ask your GD for help and calmness to bring this about.
Father Satan is with you
Realistically, once or twice a week for a couple weeks of a little bit of second-hand smoke isn't going to do much if anything. I'm sure there's members who have personally smoked much more than that and were able overcome it. Just keep doing your meditations and keep your aura strong. The situation is already resolving itself by them leaving. If you mean some physical thing to block it's effects, I guess get a fan and tell them to blow it outside. Just keep cleaning your aura with these
Poweredbythesun said:
Hello all :)

This isn't a big deal (yet), but recently I've been thinking about looking for something to stop the effects of marijuana (even it's smoke) from messing with me. My room mates decided to take up smoking pot about once or twice a week, and though I'm not smoking it too. I worry about it's effects on my chakra work I'm doing, and my over all spiritual health.

Does anyone know of a good solution to this? My room mates who smoke will be moving out in a month and some days, but I fear this could ruin the last half of my MUNKA working :(

Thank you, and have a great rest of your day :)
You have multiple options here if you are seeking a spiritual solution, you could employ a binding ritual on them to stop them from smoking marijuana, you could begin working on a strong aura of protection along with a secondary AOP working directly tuned to blocking out the harmful effects of drugs, pollution, smoke, and herbs, or if you are experienced enough with working with the Akasha, you can invoke the Akasha in a trance while they are asleep to tune in and tell their Light bodies to quit smoking marijuana, which will place the urge to not smoke in their subconscious.

Now if you are looking for a more mundane solution, you simply can ask them to smoke outside, saying that you have an allergy to THC (if they don't listen to that, you have even bigger problems with your roommates), you could also put a towel underneath and above your bedroom door, and keep a window open if you have one in your room.

I know how you feel in regards to having a pothead in your vicinity. I had a neighbor who obsessively smoked every night of the week until it got to the point to where it began to have a negative effect on my concentration and aura, at which point I had no choice but to bind him from smoking pot.
Can't you also tell them not to smoke in the house for as long as they live there? There are rules to be made for living under the same roof. Is marijuana even legal in your country/state? If not, and it would have not too negative repercussions on you, can't you insist with them to not do that in the house, threatening to tell the owner and law enforcement?
While were on the topic...
What are some optimal ways to reverse the effects of longterm marijuana use?
Bravera said:
While were on the topic...
What are some optimal ways to reverse the effects of longterm marijuana use?

Keep meditating. The neuroplasticity of the brain it's documented will rebuild. But you have to take it seriously and do it daily, for quite the while. And eat properly.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Realistically, once or twice a week for a couple weeks of a little bit of second-hand smoke isn't going to do much if anything. I'm sure there's members who have personally smoked much more than that and were able overcome it. Just keep doing your meditations and keep your aura strong. The situation is already resolving itself by them leaving. If you mean some physical thing to block it's effects, I guess get a fan and tell them to blow it outside. Just keep cleaning your aura with these

The point is he shouldn't have to keep up with this abusive behaviour. If someone wants to fuck their life, they can do so... without affecting other people. Otherwise, it's my business (if I'm affected) or the business of whoever is affected, to first ask gently, then warn them of repercussions and, finally, take any measure necessary to stop the abuse, which can include both physical and spiritual measures. The point is cohabitation is based on rules and no one should put up with any kind of abuse, when it's avoidable.
Thank you all for your help :)

Since it's been small amounts, and they smoke in the downstairs I'm just going to keep burning incense in my room and building my AoP until they quit or leave. They only smoke once or twice a week too, so it's not as bad as it probably sounds. But, having just started to feel my progression on a physical level, I was scared of losing that and slipping again. But I've been reassured that it'll be okay, and it's not worth getting them in trouble (as they're just about to move any how)

Thankfully too, my work doesn't randomly test for drugs. As marijuana is illegal where I live (for now :/ ).
Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you all for your help :)

Since it's been small amounts, and they smoke in the downstairs I'm just going to keep burning incense in my room and building my AoP until they quit or leave. They only smoke once or twice a week too, so it's not as bad as it probably sounds. But, having just started to feel my progression on a physical level, I was scared of losing that and slipping again. But I've been reassured that it'll be okay, and it's not worth getting them in trouble (as they're just about to move any how)

Thankfully too, my work doesn't randomly test for drugs. As marijuana is illegal where I live (for now :/ ).
If it's illegal you can tell the guy to fuck off.
Aquarius said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you all for your help :)

Since it's been small amounts, and they smoke in the downstairs I'm just going to keep burning incense in my room and building my AoP until they quit or leave. They only smoke once or twice a week too, so it's not as bad as it probably sounds. But, having just started to feel my progression on a physical level, I was scared of losing that and slipping again. But I've been reassured that it'll be okay, and it's not worth getting them in trouble (as they're just about to move any how)

Thankfully too, my work doesn't randomly test for drugs. As marijuana is illegal where I live (for now :/ ).
If it's illegal you can tell the guy to fuck off.

Exactly. In any case, it's only going to affect you if the smoke gets inhaled either actively or passively. If you can smell it, then you have effectively inhaled it, although in a very limited and minor quantity compared to inhaling the smoke itself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
