In the past, I had a friend tell me that I had a demon inside of me. I didn't believe a single word he was telling me. He always seemed to me to be a strange one and at that time I wanted nothing to do with Azazel. Strange thing is that I wrote a song called Azazel and after that I wrote a song called 30 and asked my friend what 30 had to do with Azazel. He said that Azazel hated that number. I think he was covering something up. I don't feel Azazel hates the number now. I feel it has some significance and symbolic meaning. My question is....... Was Azazel leading me to something that I did not quite realize at the time when I was a blinded Christian in confusion about what the hell to do in this world? The strange thing is that the symbol I used for Azazel's song was Azazel's Sigil one. I had no idea what the symbol meant at the time and now as I click on it, it leads me to ... zazel.html. Isn't that something! I read that the number is
- Number: 20</li> What could 30 have anything to do with Azazel? Please help me because I want to know if this friend can be trusted or not. Me and this friend had a 4 year agreement of not seeing each other until the 4 years were over. Isn't this quite strange? I am not going to talk with him until August 14, 2020. <------ please help me with these numbers. I feel like I am in the twilight zone! What in the world is going on with me. This is remarkable and yet I feel so weird like I am losing my mind. I feel more connected to Azazel then I would with Satan. Is that normal? Aren't we supposed to feel more connected to Satan rather then his followers? I am so confused and yet I feel at peace when I think of Azazel. I also get this in my mind a lot....... Tell me if it has some meaning. " Just as Christ is the son of the biblical God, so you are the son of Satan!" It comes and goes and comes and goes and the more I ignore it, the stronger it gets.