Artanis said:
Wait... WHAT???
I thought the WHOLE pandemics idea orchestrated by the Enemy WAS to get everyone to take their vaccines??
A vaccine, which MOST DEFINETLY has a MICROCHIP in them as a "digital evidence that one has taken the vaccine", as Bill Gates admitted!
And now a HPS is saying that if we must take it... We can????? :| :| :| :|
Slow down now, you are twisting my words here. Shannon clearly told me that she'd advise people to
not take it if at all possible. My advice here was in the case that one is forced to take it and wants to try to mitigate negative effects as much as possible. It's still a dangerous thing that should be avoided if possible.
To avoid further misunderstandings, let me clarify this here again. The things I have recommended there, and that Shannon has recommended me, are good for generally detoxing the body from harmful things. It can work to reduce damage from current vaccines.
But there is no guarantee that they will help with this vaccine here, because it works differently. It's simply the best shot you have to try to mitigate damage. It doesn't guarantee that you can just safely take it. Don't misunderstand this or twist my words on this matter.
The point about waiting a few months before taking it does not come from Shannon. It's merely my personal opinion on the matter. I said this in the context that, if for example people refuse to hire you if you dont have the vaccine, you should still bear with it for a few months and only then consider taking it. Because that way, possible harmful parts of the vaccine will have been made more public through the experiences of those who have taken it. In other words, we will know more about the vaccine. Going in blind is very risky as there is no way to tell what they really put in there in the beginning.
And yes, their plan is for everyone to get the vaccine. But they would be very dumb to try and directly force the whole world's population into this with threat of prison or even brute-forced vaccination through military. Such an approach would cause worldwide movements against them and as such is not viable. It may happen in some few places that are more tightly controlled such as China and Russia, but even there it's not guaranteed. As I said, it will first be through trying to give people benefits from taking it, such as financial incentives, more "freedom", and so on. It's unlikely that anyone will try to drag you by force to a hospital and vaccinate you.
As for the microchips, it's hard to say right now how they will approach it. We simply need to wait until time gets closer to when they actually have the vaccine ready and want to begin injecting people with it. My personal prediction is that there will be vaccines with the chip and also ones without it, perhaps again with incentives towards taking the one with the chip.