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Coronavirus and Astrology: the future could be surprisingly good


New member
Jan 2, 2019
Hi everyone,

So at first I thought this post could be important to us all because we're all surrounded by negative news and nothing seems to go in the right way.
Well, stars don't think like us, but they reveal another aspect.

The rare conjunction Jupiter - Saturn - Pluto had somehow heralded an epidemic.

Planets like Saturn and Pluto are slow, severe and harsh, and also represent the prelude to concrete change, both individual and social.

Pluto and Saturn impose rules, discipline, suffering, fear, lead to reflection, destroy what must be destroyed to create the new. And none of this passes without suffering.

Jupiter is also an expansive influence, and in this triad it amplifies the effects of the other two planets.

This conjunction is rare and, when we find it, it is always linked to great world events - most negative. This conjunction Saturn-Pluto- Jupiter was also there in the World War I (1914-1916), and also in the Second World War, happening since 1946 to 1948, and in the 1980-1982, when AIDS first appeared. Notice the link with malady and diseases.

Many italian astrological people predicted coronavirus during 2010-2011. They all were talking about "a sort of pandemic, responsible for social and economical changes, in a time between 2019 and 2021".

This summer Venus passed in Cancer, in fact coronavirus effects were less distructive. In August, Saturn came back in Capricorn with Pluto and this is why we're having another new attack of the Virus. This conjunction will last till December, so this winter will be quite difficult. Corona will spread along for a while and we will have a giant amount of death.

But! Good news coming. At least, for those who studied astronomy.

There will be a phase of rising of Saturn in Aquarius. The change will be hard and difficult, Saturn is a slow and severe father.

But this means a good phase from 2023 to 2028, giving the best of itself between 2025-2027.
So we're not lost. Stars don't predict the future, but snap a picture of the past and simply gives it back. It's a circle, very bad and severe, precise, it doesn't see prayers or piety, but teaches a lot for our lives.
I think during the world wars there was the Spanish Flu right?

Both Saturn and Pluto are to do with death and essentially the debt one owes to how they've treated their body, people of importance in their life and a couple other significant and powerful things. Generally hardship is the biggest motivator for self reflection and actual improvement and transformation, then when life becomes stable once more we take the liberty of rest and security rather than the pressure of negative situations- which is natural. Generally these periods will always come and go but it should be up to the individuals who have the time of ease, to use it to prepare their children and thus safeguard all of our future, pay off nature's debts and keep these forces at least 90% at bay.

Jupiter's effect in this transit should also amplify the particular introspection and transformative capability of this, as well as the negative implications. Jupiter has a "positive" way about it which should rub off onto these times although it is debilitated in Capricorn whereas Saturn for example is more powerful. Still this should bring conversations people will have across, spiritual ideals, ideologies and all kinds of values into question whether modern, medieval or ancient. The means of today such as the internet also amplify the rate at which this conversion for good or bad values can go, as anything can be verified and also the world is in constant communication with an individual's 'opposing ideal' or what they don't necessarily want to see or have to think on.

I think that time you're alking about where Venus was in Cancer and the infections went down was due to the emphasis of love and social interactions brought within the family and home, as in Cancer's association to those. Venus in Aquarius for example (as Aquarius rules the common people and also friends and organisations) may of had the opposite effect at that time.

Anyway, this is Brill- and needed writing on this subject. Cheers Falais :D
Falais said:
Hi everyone,

So at first I thought this post could be important to us all because we're all surrounded by negative news and nothing seems to go in the right way.
Well, stars don't think like us, but they reveal another aspect.

The rare conjunction Jupiter - Saturn - Pluto had somehow heralded an epidemic.

Planets like Saturn and Pluto are slow, severe and harsh, and also represent the prelude to concrete change, both individual and social.

Pluto and Saturn impose rules, discipline, suffering, fear, lead to reflection, destroy what must be destroyed to create the new. And none of this passes without suffering.

Jupiter is also an expansive influence, and in this triad it amplifies the effects of the other two planets.

This conjunction is rare and, when we find it, it is always linked to great world events - most negative. This conjunction Saturn-Pluto- Jupiter was also there in the World War I (1914-1916), and also in the Second World War, happening since 1946 to 1948, and in the 1980-1982, when AIDS first appeared. Notice the link with malady and diseases.

Many italian astrological people predicted coronavirus during 2010-2011. They all were talking about "a sort of pandemic, responsible for social and economical changes, in a time between 2019 and 2021".

This summer Venus passed in Cancer, in fact coronavirus effects were less distructive. In August, Saturn came back in Capricorn with Pluto and this is why we're having another new attack of the Virus. This conjunction will last till December, so this winter will be quite difficult. Corona will spread along for a while and we will have a giant amount of death.

But! Good news coming. At least, for those who studied astronomy.

There will be a phase of rising of Saturn in Aquarius. The change will be hard and difficult, Saturn is a slow and severe father.

But this means a good phase from 2023 to 2028, giving the best of itself between 2025-2027.
So we're not lost. Stars don't predict the future, but snap a picture of the past and simply gives it back. It's a circle, very bad and severe, precise, it doesn't see prayers or piety, but teaches a lot for our lives.
Thank you. It's very interesting and telling.
We have a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction every 20 years and that obviously does not mean that we will have a virus or pandemic every 20 years. But since Jupiter and Plutone are now part of a large stellium, their impact is much more powerful. The conjunction is in Capricorn, a sign associated with old age and, in fact, the older population appearead to be most affected by the virus.
As you said, Saturn returns to Aquarius on December 18th, together with the Moon, but is protected by Jupiter on the 20th as it enters Aquarius. On January 7, 2021 Mars enters Taurus (and we are in trouble again).
However, Mercury returns to Aquarius on January 9; the Sun will also move to Aquarius on January 20, 2021, which fortunately will help us. On January 26, Mercury is retrograde so the crisis will be decreasing. That's only what I thought looking at the transits.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
