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Communication with the Sigil of the Gods (my experience)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
Today I was looking at the Sigil of a Goddess, I asked if I could summon her and if she would listen to me, hoping to understand the answer through particular energies. When I asked the question I immediately felt a pleasant positive energy that made me happy. I speak of energy, but it was more of a very strong feeling of happy pleasure. Can I use this method to communicate with the Goddess during the summoning? Or is it suggestion? I don't think I was suggested, I concretely feel what I told you. Do you have similar experiences?
That is a good experience. Probably it is not a suggestion, probably it is an affirmative answer to your question.
From what you describe it sounds like a genuine experience although one can't rule out autosuggestion entirely until you have perfected telepathy/astral communication. The sigils are there for facilitating contact and to convey a lot of information encoded in those relatively simple geometric shapes.

With time, kind of like learning a foreign language, it gets clearer and easier to understand. An unmistakable energetic signature is always present when we're graced with divine attention or presence.
It means an YES , to what you asked, and majorily an EXPERIMENT , and this is the way is gonna be, the gods speak in such indirect manners, so you have to think a lot and put their actions, signs, as pieces in a puzzle.Is a good start, keep experimenting, write somehwere what you feel.Many feel things differen when it comes to gods symbols, some hear them clear, some dont, some see them some see lights some see nothing, but we all see and feel something deep within ourselves and there is where to look first and the most

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
