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Color of isolation

Adarsh Dabas

New member
Oct 17, 2005
I kindly seek knowledge on something which i lack. What is the color of isolation? I mean while working with someone else's aura what color is to be applied to make him/her lose interest from another person. To isolate him/her from another person. What color is to be used ob him/her?
White gold is all purpose. Use white gold. Just make sure to do it in a good moon sign for this, maybe something having to do with permanence. 

Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 22, 2018, at 10:36 PM, Adarsh Dabas adarshdabas@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I kindly seek knowledge on something which i lack. What is the color of isolation? I mean while working with someone else's aura what color is to be applied to make him/her lose interest from another person. To isolate him/her from another person. What color is to be used ob him/her?
White colour is to repel, if that's what you mean, but be careful not to over-use it. To make someone lose interest in someone else, you'll also need to apply some other energies.
@fancymancy and jeremyThanks a lot fancymancy you always reply to my problems and questions thanks a lot man for guidance. Fancy what kind of another energies? What i want is to lose a particular person interest and all feelings for another person. And then later i can program his/her aura according to my way. What kind of energies do i need to apply on  a person to completely end all feelings in him/her for another person. Again thanks a lot.HAIL SATANHAIL ALL GODS OF HELL
On Tue, 24 Apr 2018 at 9:46 pm, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   White colour is to repel, if that's what you mean, but be careful not to over-use it. To make someone lose interest in someone else, you'll also need to apply some other energies.
White/White gold.Right after placing it around the person,program the energy several times while visualizing..something like..."I am placing powerful white gold energy from the sun around ________(name of person )which is isolating him/her from ________(name of person )". --
Sent from Outlook Email App for Android Monday, 23 April 2018, 08:36am +03:00 from Adarsh Dabas adarshdabas@... [JoyofSatan666] [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:

<base/>   I kindly seek knowledge on something which i lack. What is the color of isolation? I mean while working with someone else's aura what color is to be applied to make him/her lose interest from another person. To isolate him/her from another person. What color is to be used ob him/her? <base/>
Black is the colour between colours.
Black is not a colour, black is a lack of colour.
When there is no light what colour do you see? You don’t see a colour and yet you stil would call it black… but black is colourless because you can’t see a thing!

The point is use black!
I use black all the time to remove programming from me so it would make a lot of sense to use it on another for the dam effect!


Not to contradict what Jeremy M said - white or white gold is all-purpose, but/and can be used to repel. Using it on your Aura can repel, because it is reflective. We use white in our Auras to repel negative energies. It can be used to repel other things.
No problem. To be honest, I can't recall the username Adarsh Dabas, but OK, lol.

You know the circumstances and the individuals, whereas I don't, so you'll have to decide which to use. You can try using:

  • Runes;</li>
  • colours;</li>
  • energy from the Sun;</li>
  • SATANAS;</li>
  • raising their Light Body (individually) and commanding it, when they're asleep;</li>
  • you could ask a God or Goddess - but they are very busy now, and you should also agree on a payment/thank you to them for their work...and make sure you honour it...plus doing it yourself would bring you pride and achievement;</li>
  • try hypnotising one or both of them, but that would be much more difficult - not only because you'd have to have them willing to let you...play with their Mind and be under your control...;</li>
  • curse the other person in any way you wish - which is an extra few layers of difficulty on top of all if your hard work</li>
    It sounds like a feat you want to accomplish - you'd better not give up. If the one you want to be interested in you is stubborn and unwilling, then you'll have to work harder and longer.

    You have to have a conviction that what you want to do is OK - if you doubt that it is "right" or that you do want to do it or that the Magick will work, etc., then you'll undermine the workings and have to start again. If you lose patience and think too much about it or give up, then that will also cause it to be a failure.

    You might want to advance and empower yourself a lot in order to make your Magick workings more effective and last/be permanent, before starting working on these people individually.

    Generally, it would be better to use the following example working -

    Vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune
    [vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune
    vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune

    When using Runes, you should use ones which work for the same reason/goal, rather than using different Runes to accomplish different things. While you are affirming, visualise the thing you are affirming, e.g. if causing anger between those persons, you can picture them arguing a lot and falling out.
    You could also visualise the relevant colour around the individuals.
    You could also create a thoughtform, but that might be too advanced, and they need to be maintained/fed energy.

    When working on the persons, you must do things individually i.e. as you said make them loose interest, then make them like you... Of course, there may be more to it that I don't know about. It has to be methodical, unless you are powerful enough to just think/wish things to happen as you want.

    Your affirmations must be positive, i.e., don't say, "X is not..."; rather, say, "X is...", and they must be in the present tense. They must cover all bases, and they must be direct and to-the-point; no waffling; hence, why I mention methodology - be systematic.

    A full working lasts for 40 days. You can do more than one, if necessary.

    What I think is important to do is to write down (or type on the computer a document) methodically about what, exactly, you wish to achieve and how, then structure your Magickal workings according to that.

    It may be much easier than this above. Maybe all you need to do is work something like, "X is extremely interested in me. X has lost all interest in Y. X [likes/loves/wants...] me."

@fancymancy...?..sorry for replying late i wasnt online for last few days....i used different email id for the part i said u always reply to my problems. But are always helpful....i wish we would meet someday till then advance a lot brother and i will do the same. Lets make our father proud.Hail Satan!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, 28 Apr 2018 at 11:31 pm, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   No problem. To be honest, I can't recall the username Adarsh Dabas, but OK, lol.

You know the circumstances and the individuals, whereas I don't, so you'll have to decide which to use. You can try using:

  • Runes;</li>
  • colours;</li>
  • energy from the Sun;</li>
  • SATANAS;</li>
  • raising their Light Body (individually) and commanding it, when they're asleep;</li>
  • you could ask a God or Goddess - but they are very busy now, and you should also agree on a payment/thank you to them for their work...and make sure you honour it...plus doing it yourself would bring you pride and achievement;</li>
  • try hypnotising one or both of them, but that would be much more difficult - not only because you'd have to have them willing to let you...play with their Mind and be under your control...;</li>
  • curse the other person in any way you wish - which is an extra few layers of difficulty on top of all if your hard work</li>
    It sounds like a feat you want to accomplish - you'd better not give up. If the one you want to be interested in you is stubborn and unwilling, then you'll have to work harder and longer.

    You have to have a conviction that what you want to do is OK - if you doubt that it is "right" or that you do want to do it or that the Magick will work, etc., then you'll undermine the workings and have to start again. If you lose patience and think too much about it or give up, then that will also cause it to be a failure.

    You might want to advance and empower yourself a lot in order to make your Magick workings more effective and last/be permanent, before starting working on these people individually.

    Generally, it would be better to use the following example working -

    Vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune
    [vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune
    vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune

    When using Runes, you should use ones which work for the same reason/goal, rather than using different Runes to accomplish different things. While you are affirming, visualise the thing you are affirming, e.g. if causing anger between those persons, you can picture them arguing a lot and falling out.
    You could also visualise the relevant colour around the individuals.
    You could also create a thoughtform, but that might be too advanced, and they need to be maintained/fed energy.

    When working on the persons, you must do things individually i.e. as you said make them loose interest, then make them like you... Of course, there may be more to it that I don't know about. It has to be methodical, unless you are powerful enough to just think/wish things to happen as you want.

    Your affirmations must be positive, i.e., don't say, "X is not..."; rather, say, "X is...", and they must be in the present tense. They must cover all bases, and they must be direct and to-the-point; no waffling; hence, why I mention methodology - be systematic.

    A full working lasts for 40 days. You can do more than one, if necessary.

    What I think is important to do is to write down (or type on the computer a document) methodically about what, exactly, you wish to achieve and how, then structure your Magickal workings according to that.

    It may be much easier than this above. Maybe all you need to do is work something like, "X is extremely interested in me. X has lost all interest in Y. X [likes/loves/wants...] me."

@fancy mancy i know i can take the help of Our Gods....but you know....why to bother them when they have provided you with enough knowledge that you can do it yourself....i prefer achieving things by myself. It provides exprience. Hail SatanHail all Gods of Hell.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, 7 May 2018 at 7:48 pm, Adarsh Dabas<adarshdabas@... wrote: @fancymancy...?..sorry for replying late i wasnt online for last few days....i used different email id for the part i said u always reply to my problems. But are always helpful....i wish we would meet someday till then advance a lot brother and i will do the same. Lets make our father proud.Hail Satan!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, 28 Apr 2018 at 11:31 pm, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   No problem. To be honest, I can't recall the username Adarsh Dabas, but OK, lol.

You know the circumstances and the individuals, whereas I don't, so you'll have to decide which to use. You can try using:

  • Runes;</li>
  • colours;</li>
  • energy from the Sun;</li>
  • SATANAS;</li>
  • raising their Light Body (individually) and commanding it, when they're asleep;</li>
  • you could ask a God or Goddess - but they are very busy now, and you should also agree on a payment/thank you to them for their work...and make sure you honour it...plus doing it yourself would bring you pride and achievement;</li>
  • try hypnotising one or both of them, but that would be much more difficult - not only because you'd have to have them willing to let you...play with their Mind and be under your control...;</li>
  • curse the other person in any way you wish - which is an extra few layers of difficulty on top of all if your hard work</li>
    It sounds like a feat you want to accomplish - you'd better not give up. If the one you want to be interested in you is stubborn and unwilling, then you'll have to work harder and longer.

    You have to have a conviction that what you want to do is OK - if you doubt that it is "right" or that you do want to do it or that the Magick will work, etc., then you'll undermine the workings and have to start again. If you lose patience and think too much about it or give up, then that will also cause it to be a failure.

    You might want to advance and empower yourself a lot in order to make your Magick workings more effective and last/be permanent, before starting working on these people individually.

    Generally, it would be better to use the following example working -

    Vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune
    [vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune
    vibrate Rune either Rune-number of times, or a Power-Number of times
    affirmation, relevant to Rune

    When using Runes, you should use ones which work for the same reason/goal, rather than using different Runes to accomplish different things. While you are affirming, visualise the thing you are affirming, e.g. if causing anger between those persons, you can picture them arguing a lot and falling out.
    You could also visualise the relevant colour around the individuals.
    You could also create a thoughtform, but that might be too advanced, and they need to be maintained/fed energy.

    When working on the persons, you must do things individually i.e. as you said make them loose interest, then make them like you... Of course, there may be more to it that I don't know about. It has to be methodical, unless you are powerful enough to just think/wish things to happen as you want.

    Your affirmations must be positive, i.e., don't say, "X is not..."; rather, say, "X is....", and they must be in the present tense. They must cover all bases, and they must be direct and to-the-point; no waffling; hence, why I mention methodology - be systematic.

    A full working lasts for 40 days. You can do more than one, if necessary.

    What I think is important to do is to write down (or type on the computer a document) methodically about what, exactly, you wish to achieve and how, then structure your Magickal workings according to that.

    It may be much easier than this above. Maybe all you need to do is work something like, "X is extremely interested in me. X has lost all interest in Y. X [likes/loves/wants...] me."

Aww. You're sweet, lol.

Yeah. It was just an option, but I agree - and it also helps us gain pride, which is something people need.
Fancy you are a good guy too brother. Wish we would meet someday. Till then advance brother. I pray that you achieve everything you desire in your life and every other Satanist too. 
On Wed, 9 May 2018 at 1:48 pm, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Aww. You're sweet, lol.

Yeah. It was just an option, but I agree - and it also helps us gain pride, which is something people need.
'I pray' blah blah blah - doesn't this sound xianish / mudslimish to you?
Ban this shit. It trolls and spams - nothing more.


---In [email protected], <adarshdabas@... wrote :

Fancy you are a good guy too brother. Wish we would meet someday. Till then advance brother. I pray that you achieve everything you desire in your life and every other Satanist too. 
On Wed, 9 May 2018 at 1:48 pm, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:  Aww. You're sweet, lol.

Yeah. It was just an option, but I agree - and it also helps us gain pride, which is something people need.
You are the problem man....By praying i meant the prayers to Satan.And no one pointed out it out but only you you were the only one whos first thought was related to xian as soon as you heard the word pray......praying are for Father Satan too...which i daily do....i highly doubt you of being a xian troll? Or else why would you directly relate prayer to xianity rather than our father. You are the one who should be ban. 
On Sat, 12 May 2018 at 12:22 pm, sable.wolf616@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   'I pray' blah blah blah - doesn't this sound xianish / mudslimish to you?
Ban this shit. It trolls and spams - nothing more.


---In [email protected], <adarshdabas@... wrote :

Fancy you are a good guy too brother. Wish we would meet someday. Till then advance brother. I pray that you achieve everything you desire in your life and every other Satanist too. 
On Wed, 9 May 2018 at 1:48 pm, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:  Aww. You're sweet, lol.

Yeah. It was just an option, but I agree - and it also helps us gain pride, which is something people need.
@sablewolf you shouldnt be so toxic praying for satan is a part of satanism we don't ban people for your ignorance we aren't crazy people who just gets triggered and ban we aren't jews on youtube
We don't "pray", we telepathically communicate with Satan.
Praying is for losers who beg higher beings (not in the case of the loser jewhova) for them to baby-feed them their desires.
Satan is NOT a genie. He's also definitely not entitled to answer to your requests

So Wolf is right, we don't pray.

Hail Satan!
@karkar If you think that praying to satan like you do to the xian god daily is what every spiritual satanist does, youre gravely mistaken.

I have to say that sable.wolf is right in his/her statement.

We meditate. Daily. Thats something different than praying, and personally I hate it when people say 'I pray that blah blah for you'.

Its like they have a fixed goal on you and wont give you your own freedom of choice.

Besides that about the comment. It is highly NOT recommended to meet with another irl because of the dangers that you may be attacked or otherwise harmed.
"Pray" is just terminology. There is a 'Prayer to Satan for Protection' ritual. If you can't speak Astrally to the Gods and Goddesses, then you speak with "praying", until you open your Astral senses, where you can then speak telepathically.

The difference between abrahamic prayer and Satanic prayer is you are in ACTUAL communication with the Gods and Goddesses, rather than a nothing. Once we open our Astral senses, we can "pray" to each other - speak telepathically with each other.
Fancymancy Thanks again mate for backing me up. Actually by praying what i meant was i imagine Father's Sigil and i pray that Father Satan the true creator of humanity the greatest who rules and reigns forever may you protect us all and show us all who believes in you the right path for achieving our goals and desires.So for extra smart beings and all knowing where is your freedom of choice snatched in all this? And i do it out of respect. And the one who think that praying to Father out of respect is equal to begging its amazing how you proved your level of intelligence.
On Thu, 17 May 2018 at 12:25 am, fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   "Pray" is just terminology. There is a 'Prayer to Satan for Protection' ritual. If you can't speak Astrally to the Gods and Goddesses, then you speak with "praying", until you open your Astral senses, where you can then speak telepathically.

The difference between abrahamic prayer and Satanic prayer is you are in ACTUAL communication with the Gods and Goddesses, rather than a nothing. Once we open our Astral senses, we can "pray" to each other - speak telepathically with each other.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
