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Co-Vid Exposed: Tony Fauci, Worst of humans


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2017
I don’t know how much of you have been fallowing the scandals of Tony Fauci that have come to surface recently, but it’s quite disturbing. From the start of this pandemic we’ve been breaking apart the shit narrative the jew media has been telling us all along, we’ve always known it’s a lie. Now all of the things we’ve been saying are all coming to light.

Tony Fauci directly funded gain of function research at wuhan lab, which is the research to juice up animal viruses to affect humans. The recent leaked emails prove this. Then at a recent court hearing, he blatantly denied this despite evidence to the contrary.

Now he’s writing a book about it all. How much more jewy does it get? Profiting from all these deaths? Oh, I’ll tell you. A few months ago Israel literally awarded Dr. Fauci with a $1 million prize for his efforts with dealing with Covid 19. Literally jews paid him.

The truth is coming out. This is a true manifestation of our rtrs. All of this stuff I have learned not from rogue media outlets, but from mainstream sources. The mainstream media is calling for the removal of Fauci and a bipartisan investigation to be done.

Dr. Fauci, along with many worlds elites have intentionally created this virus as an attack. Countless emails were revealed between Fauci and Bill Gates. Why? He was heavily involved in the covid nonsense. So was the WHO. All parties were involved in the cover up. Now they’re being exposed. This is our rtrs. It’s very real and we’re having a big win at the moment. Literally mainstream media is saying there’s a conspiracy.

Here’s some links of videos as well as an article from jewish news about Dr. Faucis prize money from Israel.

As well as all of this, the recent BLM terrorist organizations had one of their former leaders come out and say it’s all BS. The organization is a fraud. It’s just meant to attack and divide. Nothing more. I’ll link a video to that as well. We’re having a huge win with all of the stuff we’ve been saying for the last year now being fairly reported on. This is very inspiring. We need for Dr. Fauci and all people involved to be brought to trial and convicted of the crimes they’ve done. These are despicable humans. Thousand are dead and millions of lives ruined due to this organized criminal effort. It can’t go unpunished. This is where we come in. Let’s keep it up!


https://youtu.be/32V-e7saq60 video on why did they lie for so long.

https://youtu.be/OBEECclSJ7s Rand Paul, one of the main investigators to Faucis criminal role, discussing the matter on Fox News.

https://youtu.be/vJ6V55ObpNs Black Lives Matter leader comes out.
He has a long service for the US Government, but what he did recently was an atrocity. He is also directly involved with Billy Gates as stated, both going back to the Wuhan lab.

He also recently tried to claim the Coronavirus might "never be found out on it's source", because they are aware secret services are actively looking into it, both Canadian and US based. And they probably have found everything by now. He must know this is the case.

However, it may depend if he will get what he deserves this time around. He is deeply involved with Hillary Clinton and others. They may have the ability to throw this under the rug. They have had so much influence, the fact it's getting out is in itself a miracle.

Imagine now for example, the US Economy is on a thread literally because of the work of these few plotters. Hundreds of millions worldwide on a thread because of them.

Yet the Gods don't forget what damage they have heaped onto humanity, and their plots will come to light and be subverted, and they will be waiting for people like this. They may get away with this now, but it will be temporary. These have power only here, bestowed by the enemy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would have thought that that thing was a nothing(kike). Well just makes me hate that less than a thing more to know that it is a traitor(to its Gentile race)
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would have thought that that thing was a nothing(kike). Well just makes me hate that less than a thing more to know that it is a traitor(to its Gentile race)

But I never said he was one. In fact, he looks like a goblin, and it's no wonder he has been doing all this weird shit to destroy mankind.
Feels good seeing the results of our RTRs. I love destroying their curses and shattering their veil in the name of Satan! It will be beautiful to see them convicted of these atrocities. I will not let up RTR until justice is served and their slimy grip on humanity is eradicated permanently and completely!
Thank you for sharing these.
Also Fauci does look like a bobble headed goblin and acts accordingly. Fucking worms... him, Gates, and all the enemies of the true original Gods. Victory will be ecstatically sweet to behold when the day comes!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But I never said he was one. In fact, he looks like a goblin, and it's no wonder he has been doing all this weird shit to destroy mankind.

I recall someone making a post he is a jew of Italian origin.


As for the virus I recall an article mentioning just recently that Fauci stated "Trump administration will deal with a virus" sometime in '17 or so if I recall.

Remember guys this has been planned and meme'd into reality by the enemy since at least the 80s or so. So look at how long I recall someone mentioning a book of fiction stating the Wuhan-400 or Wuhan-800 virus which has a 70% mortality rate or something to that nature. And the Korean drama soap-opera stating a virus with a 90% mortality rate.

So this has been a long time coming. It's like our Russian Division Website before it was shutdown the use of irregular forces in the Middle East to disrupt Nation-State affairs and intervene in it by foreign powers for the plans of the jews and their Erretz Yisrael bullshit.

So don't be surprised if we uncover or the Gods let us know how far back this shit has been going on. Kinda like the Titanic and how in late 1890s the Titanic was known in a book by a person who was eventually poisoned by barbiturates in his tea to silence him from knowing the entire Truth and exposing the conspiracy of the Titanic.

The guy basically had a dream and wrote down so I guess the Titanic was meme'd into reality by the enemy. Same with Covid.
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would have thought that that thing was a nothing(kike). Well just makes me hate that less than a thing more to know that it is a traitor(to its Gentile race)
I did much research and can’t find anything on him being jew despite him looking like it, but when you directly aid in the deaths of thousands of people for your own personal gain and you’re writing books to profit from such a tragedy and directly accepting $1 million from the jews, IMO what difference does it make if he’s jewish or not? At this point he’s chosen his side and can’t come back from that. It’s too much. He’s an honorary jew at this point and good for him. He was probably so proud, but look now. It’s as cobra said, he may get away with it for a little bit, but it’s only temporary. And either way, now people know the scum he is. Point: NEVER MAKE A DEAL WITH THE ENEMY. With jews you lose. He’s not the only one. Bill Gates, the black gentiles leading the BLM movement, (people have been killing each other over that movement), the gentiles playing along with the jew media, many of ours have turned over. But it’s fine, we still have the upper hand and out power them all. We’re playing the long game and it’s still our win. We’re picking up a pretty good pace too, so it’s just a matter of exposing them more and more and everything will fall in place.

That’s what’s beautiful about America and why it’s possible to have a nonviolent revolution here. We have limited terms for people in power. The more we expose, the criminals will see going into positions of power means a lot of eyes on you, and with our rtrs the honest and noble representatives will take office and lead us out. It just takes a bit of time. But we do need more than just exposing. These people need to be tried for their crimes publicly and it will happen. This will be a big eye opener for the thugs in office who are more interested in using their power for their own gain.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would have thought that that thing was a nothing(kike). Well just makes me hate that less than a thing more to know that it is a traitor(to its Gentile race)

But I never said he was one. In fact, he looks like a goblin, and it's no wonder he has been doing all this weird shit to destroy mankind.

If he's not well he could be connected to the enemy I've came across many xians who were like that the xians would act like narcissistic an hate on humanity many at the top who are gentile might be aswell which is another reason for RTR's to clear out the rotten
So if science journal The Lancet is lying, if big boss Fauci is lying, how come the vaccinations are still going on?

Isn't it common sense to stop this as there is a big chance that the vaccine is developed based on fake data for instance?

I can just see how the vaccine was developed:

- Ok, here we have strand X, do we put it into the vaccine who is for yes raise your hand.
- Ok, it's in.
- Now protein Y, should we also put it the mix,yes? Ok, we're done guys let's test it.
- Sir, we tested it, it's not working.
- No, no it can't be working.
- But sirr, the tests show no effect at all. Plus we have some nasty side effects.
- Ok, no problem. Let's just make some fake data and make sure it shows it has over 90% efficiency, ok? Then pay some scientists to sign the papers and we're good to go.
- Oh, you're done. 95% you say, that's my boy. Now let's go and tell those governments to play the vaccine narrative non-stop.

Joke aside I only see traitors, traitors and more traitors! All these souls who committed crimes against humanity must be banned for ever being reincarnated again! Just go the borg hive and leave us, we don't need you scum :evil:
Fauci was educated at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, located at Weill Greenberg center... Also college of the holy cross. He is property of the parasites or is a secret jew... Either way is the fact remains about his bobbleheaded goblin intentions for humanity and he will pay dearly for his crimes.
Fauci is Jesuit trained and bred. Notice how the interviewer is a jew, who knows what Fauci is or how these "Jesuits" operate. It is quite weird every Jesuit I've seen has jewish features, they very well may not be a gentile organization.

I am so glad we have the RTR's..🔥🙏🐍 Thank Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet the Gods don't forget what damage they have heaped onto humanity, and their plots will come to light and be subverted, and they will be waiting for people like this. They may get away with this now, but it will be temporary. These have power only here, bestowed by the enemy.

It's as you say; more and more is being brought to light. Now, another scandal has been tied to the rat-faced fauci. Turns out the rat approved a large grant to the University of Pittsburg that does human animal hybrid experiments using parts from late-term aborted fetuses. This video from "the center for medical progress" is quite eye opening:

Now, more people are calling for his resignation (he deserves worse).


From the above article:
PITTSBURGH, P.A., and WASHINGTON, D.C. (05-27-2021) – Students for Life and Students for Life Action are urging Americans to contact Dr. Anthony Fauci to demand that he resign and that immediate action is taken to stop barbaric human rights abuses taking places at the University of Pittsburgh and elsewhere, paid for by large taxpayer grants....

...“Dr. Fauci runs an office within the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which literally describes its mandate as ‘serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, from conception,’” said SFL/SFLAction President, Kristan Hawkins. “Fauci’s actual job as a high-ranking official at HHS is to protect Americans from conception — yet he is enabling the exact opposite: sacrificing the most vulnerable American children to appease Corporate Abortion, the human body parts trafficking industry, and unethical researchers in league with Planned Parenthood at the University of Pittsburgh. And taking US taxpayer dollars to do it. No conscientious person can stand for these human rights abuses, or this hypocrisy at the highest levels of the federal government.”...

....“Dr. Fauci’s harm to human life doesn’t begin and end with allegations about a research lab in China,” said Hawkins. “Horrific experimentation is happening right now, right here in the United States, at the University of Pittsburgh and elsewhere. While untold harm has been done by Dr. Fauci prioritizing the forces of death — and we can never bring back the lives that have been lost under his leadership — we CAN demand action now so that the injustice stops here. Fauci must resign.”
Here, it is discussed on Tucker Carlson's segment.
I wouldn't call fauci human, that little POS bastard is scared shit less now u can tell, an you can really tell hes a god damn jew too, ive been watching him get grilled on youtube over and over it amazes me how most senators are totally switching sides they must know the gods are coming back
Thank you for posting this Eric13 this is very important. As where I am from the mainstream media are not running this breaking news. They are still pushing the vaccine narrative, and still trying to get the numbers up in time with their power occult dates. I'm am pumping the RTR schedule because I still want to be alive to watch the jewish Borg crumble. I want to watch it fall while holding my future grandkids hands and celebrating in Satanic style.!!!

Hail Si Lusiper!!!!!

This is nothing more than a distraction to keep the masses of the real truth.......their is no such thing as coronavirus. You cannot create virus out of a lab.....its simply a lie to keep pushing the idea that the virus is real.

The jew run society will allow you to argue about
- mask, social distancing, lockdowns, etc.

The argument they won't allow......that the virus doesn't exist and the popular understanding about virus's and disease are completely wrong.

One of the goals behind this so called virus is to vaccinate as many people as possible. If real truth about coronavirus comes out...... that it doesn't exist then it completely destroys any argument about getting a vaccine.


Your average JOS member right here.......

To anyone still reading this post and is interested in further understanding I highly recommend the book:
What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong by Dawn Lester and David Parker
You can find their website via a simple internet search.
Crippler said:

This is nothing more than a distraction to keep the masses of the real truth.......their is no such thing as coronavirus. You cannot create virus out of a lab.....its simply a lie to keep pushing the idea that the virus is real.

The jew run society will allow you to argue about
- mask, social distancing, lockdowns, etc.

The argument they won't allow......that the virus doesn't exist and the popular understanding about virus's and disease are completely wrong.

One of the goals behind this so called virus is to vaccinate as many people as possible. If real truth about coronavirus comes out...... that it doesn't exist then it completely destroys any argument about getting a vaccine.


Your average JOS member right here.......

To anyone still reading this post and is interested in further understanding I highly recommend the book:
What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong by Dawn Lester and David Parker
You can find their website via a simple internet search.

Right. And I'm sure you have the amazing, revolutionary explanation for why the same illness spreads and infects large groups/communities all at once. How do you explain contagion? If it's not a virus or other transmittable infectious agent then tell everyone what it is. Why does contact between a sick person and a healthy person make the healthy person ill? Why do people get sick when they touch carcasses without gloves or decontaminating themselves afterwards? Why does being in an area that is filthy and uncleaned produce sickness? Why is chemical warfare a thing? Explain yourself. Why do we have antibodies and an immune system in the first place if our environments can't infect us? Why would our bodies be equipped with something like that naturally, and develop such a thing? If you don't like the word virus to describe an infectious agent sabotaging a healthy organism then pick another word, but it will be the same concept.

People aren't as stupid as you think. And we're not going to forsake common sense in favor of the other end of the extremity spectrum. That's what jews do - they push people to either sides of extremes. We don't do extremes, we do balance... the middle that the jews are always trying to make us avoid. You've fallen for a psy-op designed to make fringe people look even more insane.

An example of what I say is found in how there's a divide between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. Each one on its own may as well be an extreme. And not enough people ask "why not both?" If Terrain Theory was accepted alongside Germ Theory then there would be no way for the jews to try to justify pushing vaccines on everyone all at once. Instead, people would advocate strengthening ones' natural immune system, and those who are too unfit and unhealthy should take a vaccine or be euthanized at that point because society should refuse to support their lifestyle of sitting on the couch 24/7.

Anyway, clear your head of these extreme points of view as soon as you can. You'll be better off for it.

I found this link for anyone who isn't informed on what I'm talking about.
Hornet666 said:
by Crippler » Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:57 pm

. You cannot create virus out of a lab

Umm... you have lost me there mate!! So your saying in wasnt Lab theory?? I'm confused.

Correct, you cannot create a virus out of some science lab. They are operating under the presumption that their is a virus and run with the lie from their. All the arguments and talks about mask, social distancing, lockdowns, should we vaccinate, which vaccine is most effective, where the virus came from, who is responsible is nothing more than way to promote to the false narrative that the virus is real. If you want to get to the real truth of any matter you have to go to the root lie..... which is .......their is no virus. All the nonsense after that is irrelevant.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
