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Aug 27, 2010
Hi i was thinking about making a Druid outfit with some Celtic details on and was wondering if this is to dishonor the gods? i was thinking that sense the druids works with nature and so does satanists?! if i am totally wrong pleas let me know before i make something stupid
the druids are satanist,read the sermon by reverend don danko at hp jake website.

From: darctanzbronzvix <p0pc0rn.89@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, April 16, 2011 7:30:37 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Clothing

  Hi i was thinking about making a Druid outfit with some Celtic details on and was wondering if this is to dishonor the gods? i was thinking that sense the druids works with nature and so does satanists?! if i am totally wrong pleas let me know before i make something stupid

here from lgbt site  
<center>The Naddreds (Druids) by
Reverend Mageson666
High Priest Jake Carlson</center>
After Hyperborea sank, the locus of the remaining population moved into the Isles. It has been stated the Isles where part of Hyperborea that did not go under the waves. The evidence I have seen shows the Aryans came from the West/North and moved East.* Who where the Druids? The Druids did not call themselves by such a name the name itself was a Gaelic title "Druthin" given to them by others, which means "servant of truth" which might have to do with the motto of the Druids which was: Y Gwir Erbyn Y Byd "Truth Against the World." The Druids called themselves the "Naddreds" which is Gaelic for "Serpent Priests." The Druids or Naddreds held the symbol of the Serpent and Dragon in the highest honour as the symbol of royality. It was recorded the Druid Arphaxad refferred to himself as thus: "I am a Serpent." In the ancient world was a Priesthood called the Kingly Serpents or Naga's in Sanskrit:
"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery schools which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries... .The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates." - Hall What were the insignias of these Serpent Kings? "The three, five, seven, nine-headed snake is the totem of a race of ruler, (Brahmins/ Naddreds) who presided over the Aryan Hindus."-J.H. Baecker. The Maruts, Rudras and Pitris are esteemed "Fiery dragons of wisdom," as magicians and Druids were of old."-Hans F.K.Gunther( the Religious Attitdues of the Indo-Europeans) What about Druids themselves? "(Druids) a caste incorporating all the learned professions, philosphers, judges, teachers, historians, poets, musicians, physicians, astronomers, prophets and political advisers or counselors." -P. Berresford Ellis (The Druids) "As one of their leading dogmas, they (Druids) include this: that souls are not annihilated, but pass after death from one body to another, and they hold that by this, men are much encouraged to valor, throught disregarding the fear of death. They also discuss and impart to their young many things concerning the heavenly bodies and their movements, the size of the world and our earth, natural sciences, and the influence and power of the immortal Gods."-Julius Caesar From the old Irish texts, one gathers that the Druids were concerned, above all things, with Truth...this notion of truth as the highest principal and sustaining power of creation pervades the Irish literature." -Peter Berresford Ellis One of the Holy sites of the Druids were described as such:
"One of their (Druids) temples in the island of Lewis in the Hebrides, bears evident signs of their skill in the science of astronomy. Every stone in the temple is placed astronomically. The circle consists of twelve equidistant obelisks denotoing the twelve signs of the zodiac. The four cardinal points of the compass are marked by lines of obelisks running out from the circle, and at each point subivided into four more." You can see how the Catholics ripped this off with St. Peters Square in Rome. On the Wisdom Temples of the Druids:
"The students at these universities numbered at times sixty-thousand souls, among whom were included the young nobility of Britain and Gaul. It required twenty years to master the circle of Druidic knowledge... Natural philosphy, astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, jurisprudence, medicine, poetry, and oratory were all proposed and taught, the first two with severe exactitude. The system of astronomy inculcated had never varied, being the same as taught by Pythagoras, now known as the Copernican or Newtonian." "In the Druidic order indeed centered, and from it radiated to the whole world civil and ecclesiastical knowledge of the realm: they were its statesmen, legislators, priests, physicians, lawyers, teachers, poets; the depositories of all human and divine knowledge; its Church and parliament; its court of law its colleges of physicians and surgeons; its magistrates, clergy and bishops." "Druids appear as healers in many Irish and Welsh tales. And in the Sagas we find many male and female physicicans. ...The Druidic physicians appear in native sources as being skilled with herbs as well as surgery and among their operations they perform Caesarean sections, amputations and brain surgery...We are told that a whole medical corps accompanied the army of Conchobhar mac Nessa during the Tain wars." It appears that part of their Temples where also used as free hospitals for the populace, i.e. free health care. The Druids also taught from their Temples that the path to true salvation was by work on oneself by finishing the Opus and obtaining physical and spiritual perfection. Part of their religious views center of a sun God named Esus who is crucified, dies and rises from the dead, a thousand years before Christianity existed. A title of the Druids was Aryan meaning "Pefected man, shining one" or "twice born" in the alchemical sense. Ireland was once called Erie meaning Aryan. What about St. Patrick and chasing the Snakes out of Ireland, when there have never been physical snakes in Ireland?
"No country in Europe is so associated with the Serpent as Ireland."- J.Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions) The story of Patrick is about Christianity removing the Naddreds and their wisdom Tradition and centers from Ireland. The Christians lead by Patick burned one of the largest libraries in the world holding over 300,000 texts, all the knowledge of the sciences, lore and history of the Aryan peoples. That was just the start of the cultural and physical genocide the Christians launched in Erie. Ireland was once Erie- the place called by the Hindus "The seat of religion" the realm of the great Naddreds the blessed land of light where thousands of people travelled from across the world to be taught in the Temples. Now look at what it has become, because of Patrick the murderer and Jewish-Christianity. Is that what an honest person would want to celebrate? I say make this 17th, Naddred day and celebrate the honourable Aryan Priesthood of Father Satan and what they stood for. "Truth against the World."
- Reverend Mageson666
Yes, there are still many Christians who keep their brains in their ass who still honestly believe that "St. Patrick" drove snakes, literal snakes out of Ireland. Even scarier are the ones who say that they've never heard of the Inquistion. Yes, these Christians really do exist. When you try to enlighten them, it's just in one ear and out the other. The same goes with the truth about "St. Patrick's Day." And why would any honest person want to celebrate the death of thousands of Satanists in Ireland? It's either because of ignorance or Christianity. Both go hand and hand and amount to Stupidianity. The quotes that I have here are from the book titled The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Mark Amaru Pinkham. "I am a Druid, I am an architect, I am a prophet, I am an Adder." - declaration of a Druid. "The Serpents of Wisdom of the British Dragon Culture were known as Naddred or Adders, a Welsh name for Serpents. They were more commonly known as Druids, a title in which the Gaelic language of early Ireland signified a wise man, sorcerer and Serpent. Among the later Celts the designation of Druid denoted a priest, an enlightened spiritual master, a judge or even a priest king." Notice many descriptions of the Nazarene stepping or stomping on a serpent. The "St. Patrick's Day" massacre represents the destroying not of real serpents, but real people who had Satanic Serpent knowledge and power. The "I am a Druid, I am an architect, I am a prophet, I am an Adder" was the declaration of the Druids as we can see. With the convert or die ultimatum taking place, the once Aryan Pagan Ireland was gradually Christianized. "Christianity was first introduced into Britain when Pope Gregary I approved a law which sanctioned the fusion of Celtic and Christian belief. Soon afterwards, many British kings, such as King Diarmuid MacCerunbhail, accepted Christianity and declared that both it and Druidism should co-exist as cooperative religious faiths. As a result, some new sects arose which were an amalgamation of the two traditions. The Druid-Christian synthesis eventually engendered the formation of certain sects like that of the Culdees. The Culdees pursued a daily regimen of both Druid and Christian spiritual disciplines while living as a cloistered group of monks upon the ancient Danaan Island of Iona. After genuflecting in front of the cross and chanting Christian devotional hymns, they would commune with the Druid nature spirits in the fields or recite the magical incantations of the ancient Pheryllt and Danaans. Many Culdees who mastered the Danaan magical rites were known to have achieved the power to shape-shift, become invisible and even summon blistering storms on demand. Their ultimate goal, however, was to achieve the state of Jesus Christ, a renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids." Naaseni and Ophites: The Jewish and Greek Gnostic Serpents "According to Hippolytus, a Church Father and historian who composed a Christian history of "heretical" sects, many of the very first Gnostics who traveled to Egypt were known as the Naaseni, or the "Serpents" (from Naas or Nahash, Hebrew for serpent). The Naaseni were descendants of the School of the Prophets and continued the ancient worship of their predecessors by worshiping Nahustan, the golden or "brazen" Primal Serpent, which they adoringly placed upon wooden crosses. They also venerated live snakes as manifestations of the Serpent and incorporated these slithering beasts into many of their rituals. During the daily ritual to bless their food, for example, the early Gnostics were known to cajole a live snake to crawl over loaves of bread and then kiss the beast squarely upon the mouth. The Naaseni movement eventually engendered teachers who separated from the parent order to form their own gnostic schools, each of which was at least partly committed to the worship of the Primal Serpent. Many Gnostics, however, remained purely Naaseni in belief and worship were later known more commonly as Ophites (Ophir and Ophite is Greek for Serpent)." It's also quite obvious that the Jewish "Tribe of Dan" was stolen from the Druidic Tuatha de Danann, or People of Dana/Don. Also, the "heretical Christ" that was incorporated into the new Druid and Christian fusion was stolen from the symbolic birth, death and rebirth of the SUN god Esus who the Naadrids knew was symbolic and alchemical- not only symbolizing the death and rebirth of the Sun (night-morning), but overcoming death which is a result of Gnosis. The Christian church had to go and carnalize this symbolism and alchemical metaphor, just like they have done with everything else. As can be seen here, Gnosticism has been corrupted as well. Gnosis means Knowledge, enlightenment and the end result of achieving immortality. All-seeing and all-knowing. In the ancient far east, we have the term "Siddha." Siddha is a Sanskrit word which means "one who is accomplished." This is what the risen kundalini represents. This was the original basis of the teachings and practices of the Aryan left hand path Tantric Yoga from Asia Minor which migrated west to Europe. In Celtic lore, there is plenty mention of sidh/siddhe. In many modern books about the Druids and Celtic Paganism, things have been purposefully blurred as to who the Druids were. Depending on the author, the terms "faery" and "siddhe" have been given to woodland nature spirits and faery mounds, but also to the Shining ones themselves who were the Druids. "Siddhe," like "Siddha" has it's roots in ancient Hindu-Aryan Sanskrit which has the same meaning, and that is "Shining One" which is another despription or title of one who has achieved Godhead. The end result of the Magnum Opus. - High Priest Jake Carlson
From: darctanzbronzvix <p0pc0rn.89@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, April 16, 2011 7:30:37 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Clothing

  Hi i was thinking about making a Druid outfit with some Celtic details on and was wondering if this is to dishonor the gods? i was thinking that sense the druids works with nature and so does satanists?! if i am totally wrong pleas let me know before i make something stupid

Thanks catloversforeva for helping me out
Hail the true gods

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Catlovers Foreva <catloversforeva@... wrote:

the druids are satanist,read the sermon by reverend don danko at hp jake

From: darctanzbronzvix <p0pc0rn.89@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sat, April 16, 2011 7:30:37 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Clothing

Hi i was thinking about making a Druid outfit with some Celtic details on and
was wondering if this is to dishonor the gods? i was thinking that sense the
druids works with nature and so does satanists?! if i am totally wrong pleas let
me know before i make something stupid

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
