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Clearing traumatic memories and forgiveness

Feb 12, 2024
There is a saying forgive but don’t forget.

We as Satanist, are we supposed to forget traumatic memories, when we feel like the perpetrator has made up for their wrongs, is this the time to start erasing traumatic memories, which in a way is a way of forgiveness? Like creating a clean slate?

And if they never make up for their wrong doings, we should perform the freeing of the soul?

Hail satan
There is a saying forgive but don’t forget.

We as Satanist, are we supposed to forget traumatic memories, when we feel like the perpetrator has made up for their wrongs, is this the time to start erasing traumatic memories, which in a way is a way of forgiveness? Like creating a clean slate?

And if they never make up for their wrong doings, we should perform the freeing of the soul?

Hail satan
It is a matter of moving on because in the end you are the only one suffering unnecessarily from the situation.

As you purify yourself, energetically the situation will become more stable and consequently justice will happen indirectly.

When you free yourself and purify yourself, visualise that you also free yourself of the effects of any past wrongs, as you do the rest of the negativity.

I don't think there is such a thing as forgiveness, there is only moving past a problem and doing justice on all levels, you don't always take each case individually, but liberation and purification can already bring justice indirectly.
Some time ago, I have found information on the subject that seems to be consistent with my personal experience and more-or-less I agree with them (based on so far acquired knowledge). I allow myself to copy-paste it below:

To heal the energetic imbalances in the sacral plexus (orange) chakra, you will be required to heal or release old emotional baggage including resentments, unfinished business and old grudges you are still holding onto against other people. Remember, the sacral plexus relates to “emotional attachments and relationships.” This healing process is called “Emotional Clearing” and the most common approach is known as “Karmic Cord Cutting.” The ascension program contains the instructions for conducting this activity.

A karmic cord is your emotional energy connected to a person, place, thing, or traumatic event, which was created from something you emotional experienced at some point during your life. For example, a cord is created when you have a personal conflict with a person. In this case, this negative cord represents both your “memory” and the “emotional experience” (pain, anger, guilt, fear, resentment, etc) that was created in your mind from that incident. Since the sacral plexus relates to emotions, this chakra is an energetic storehouse of negative emotions you are holding onto. A karmic cord is a mental connection that keeps the emotional attachment (incident/situation) alive. Most cords are positive and stem from happy memories, but negative cords are created from experiencing a hurtful or harmful situation. A cord is simply conscious energy that resides within the ethereal body. For example, each time you verbally abuse someone, an ethereal cord is automatically created. That conscious energy consists of very heavy and dense emotions, which is sent from your mind down the spine to your sacral plexus. You have now created a permanent emotional attachment to a person, event, or issue, which remains energetically connected to your ethereal body.

“Karma” is an energetic attachment between you and another person that has not yet been emotionally healed, which may have been carried over from a previous lifetime into this incarnation. That incident has been repeated in this lifetime, until you consciously heal that energy and release that cord. Karma is not about punishment; it is about healing your actions. It is important to release bad memories and emotional pain, guilt, resentment and anger that you are holding onto. To lift your vibrational frequency, you must clearout the energy of guilt & harm that you have caused to others. The quality needed to release karmic cords requires positive energy. Forgiveness heals karma. Forgiveness means removing resentment, you placed on others. You must forgive the people you have “hurt/harmed/abused physically and verbally” and forgive people that have done the same to you during this lifetime. They are the people who you had major disagreements, arguments, physical and emotional abuse or conflicts, such as siblings, friends, ex-partners, work colleagues, family members etc.

Negative energy can only be dissolved or transmuted by positive energy. Forgiveness is the purest form of unconditional love. You will need to stop taking ownership of that bad memory and let it go! It does not matter that your choices or actions (or theirs) were right or wrong. You must demonstrate forgiveness. All these people came into your life for an incarnational reason. They volunteered to assist you at some point in your life. You need to acknowledge those individuals for their spiritual service, regardless of the outcome. When you undertake the ascension program, karmic cord cutting does not require you to literally contact those people, rather it uses a visualisation exercise to energetically release the emotional attachment to that person. Your failure to clear out karma from your ethereal body will keep your energy signature low. This is why you must confront your bad memories and detach the emotional energy from those negative experiences. Your suffering means you believe your actions did not create the problem. Personal ascension requires to you to be brave, to step up and demonstrate your divinity by using karmic cord cutting to forgive yourself and others.​

Karmic cord cutting technique is a powerful tool for letting go of pain, guilt, and hurt from any type of relationship. Since the release of energy is directly related to past memories and emotional pain, you can expect to experience a range of emotions such crying, laughing, a burst of anger, joy, etc. This part of the ascension program will be difficult. It will be painful, because your emotions and ego will resist. Lastly, karmic cords do have different properties. The number and thickness depends on the number of incidents and the degree of emotional pain that you experienced with a particular person. The rule for cord cutting requires you to mentally release three issues or ethereal strands at a time, wait a couple of days for your ethereal body to heal and rebalance, and then you can begin the next set of cord cutting.​

There is a saying forgive but don’t forget.

We as Satanist, are we supposed to forget traumatic memories, when we feel like the perpetrator has made up for their wrongs, is this the time to start erasing traumatic memories, which in a way is a way of forgiveness? Like creating a clean slate?

I think forgive is too "soft" as a concept here and sounds a bit xian. I would rather say "let go", in case you do not want to enact justice or revenge - that are very legit and sometimes even needed.
I have deep experience with forgotten memories of traumas, I mean I forgot most of the traumas I suffered in early life, as this is a defense of the mind to keep on surviving. What happened? Forgotten memories did NOT erase any feeling about the memories, that still reside in the unconscious mind, and unfortunately feeded some highly energetic thoughtforms attached to my aura. Further, repressed memories started coming back in the form of flashbacks, when my offender (and his will to keep everything buried) started weakening. I say then, erasing memories is of no use, as you will not erase the emotional, energetic, and astral links consequent to events suffered.

I think that, LETTING GO is the key. If you let your repressed emotion surface, work on them, fix issues with meditations (Munka, Chakra cleaning and fixing, aura holes sealing, etc.) - the memories will not be heavy anymore, as the emotional pattern has been healed.
Also forgetting bad actions by a person, will cause you to see this person as a non-offender, that is dangerous. This is what happens in repeated abuse: the abused erases traumatic events memories, so next time, the abuser is not recognized as dangerous (on conscious level, deep inside you know).

And if they never make up for their wrong doings, we should perform the freeing of the soul?

Hail satan

Freeing ritual is basic and needed, as offenders most often create links to the chakras, with which they vampirize and drain the victim. So, yes, imo.

May Jupiter assist you with luck in your healing, it is not an easy task.
You must forgive the people you have “hurt/harmed/abused physically and verbally” and forgive people that have done the same to you during this lifetime.source:
Good point overally, in my opinion. But this sounds too xian and similar to "turn the other cheeck"
Good point overally, in my opinion. But this sounds too xian and similar to "turn the other cheeck"

I think "turn the other cheek" is more about life attitude and how to react in daily situations than having any connection with spiritual work. In short, that suppose to make you a submissive, vulnerable to jewish exploitation slave.

You must forgive the people you have “hurt/harmed/abused physically and verbally” and forgive people that have done the same to you during this lifetime.

This statement seems to be consistent with my personal experience. Why? I had to deal with my emotional baggage, unresolved guilt and regret over what I did to some people as well as anger and 'mental harm' as a result of other people actions. The relief, in all cases, came to me during meditation which tremendously helps connect with particular standing-in-the-way problem. It just spontaneously appears in me (without conscious effort to bring it up) and is letting me know - this is a moment you can deal with it. In case of memories when I did something harmful to other people I had to sincerely express inner regret and honest apologies towards that person - I'm sorry I did that to you, I feel that was unnecessary. In the other cases, when someone did something to me, which btw. is way more difficult to deal with (at least for me), I had to come with some some of compassion - you behaved in the best way you could at that moment, I do not hold anger anymore, I forgive you (in connecion with real, honest inner feel of forgiveness). And then usually came to me this sudden feel of unblocked flow of energy, something quite remarkable.

As far as I am consciously aware, most of these things are gone thanks to 'karmic cord cutting technique', but I still expect things to come out as I proceed with spiritual practice.

Please also note that any of the above doesn't mean that I forget and let those particular or any other people do anything harmful to me as well as when situation requires I do not hold back and do what is necessary.
So we don’t want to forget memories (or suppress them into the sub conscious), but face them, relive them, and cut the emotional chords to them.

Whether we were the victim or the perpetrator, we forgive/let go of the emotion, but we don’t forget the memory.

So we don’t actually erase the memory, only the emotional chord associated with it.
I think "turn the other cheek" is more about life attitude and how to react in daily situations than having any connection with spiritual work. In short, that suppose to make you a submissive, vulnerable to jewish exploitation slave.

This statement seems to be consistent with my personal experience. Why? I had to deal with my emotional baggage, unresolved guilt and regret over what I did to some people as well as anger and 'mental harm' as a result of other people actions. The relief, in all cases, came to me during meditation which tremendously helps connect with particular standing-in-the-way problem. It just spontaneously appears in me (without conscious effort to bring it up) and is letting me know - this is a moment you can deal with it. In case of memories when I did something harmful to other people I had to sincerely express inner regret and honest apologies towards that person - I'm sorry I did that to you, I feel that was unnecessary. In the other cases, when someone did something to me, which btw. is way more difficult to deal with (at least for me), I had to come with some some of compassion - you behaved in the best way you could at that moment, I do not hold anger anymore, I forgive you (in connecion with real, honest inner feel of forgiveness). And then usually came to me this sudden feel of unblocked flow of energy, something quite remarkable.

As far as I am consciously aware, most of these things are gone thanks to 'karmic cord cutting technique', but I still expect things to come out as I proceed with spiritual practice.

Please also note that any of the above doesn't mean that I forget and let those particular or any other people do anything harmful to me as well as when situation requires I do not hold back and do what is necessary.
So we don’t want to forget memories (or suppress them into the sub conscious), but face them, relive them, and cut the emotional chords to them.

Whether we were the victim or the perpetrator, we forgive/let go of the emotion, but we don’t forget the memory.

So we don’t actually erase the memory, only the emotional chord associated with it.

The above passage which was posted has many New Age themes, such as excessive forgiveness and warped views on Karma, etc.
They are oversimplifying everything, especially by describing it as a negative cord which you just "cut", also directly stating that forgiveness (rather than energy work) heals karma. This part is not true.

Look at the function of the moon within the soul and you will see that it feels, senses, and eventually calms and purges old memories, usually done through self-reflection and coming to peace with what happened. You cannot just "cut the cord" to get this, although you can visualize a similar method of purging negativity, which involves reflecting on your past emotions and expressing and feeling them.

Regarding forgiveness, yes this relates to making peace, but sometimes you cannot just make peace and expect a good result. When a major crime has been committed, further actions must be taken to ensure this won't repeat and that the victim has been compensated. Not doing this is an affront to justice and the stability of a society.

Many malicious people will abuse you regardless of whether you forgive them, hence why the justice system uses punitive measures. Furthermore, when we forgive without demanding compensation, we have relinquished energy or material power to them. If someone hurts you, it takes energy to heal, which they should be required to give to you. The same goes if they steal a material item.

If someone hurts you, they have set back your path of advancement based on the trauma inflicted on you. Therefore, letting this go unanswered disturbs the natural course of evolution of not just you, but also life and society itself.

I am just writing this quickly now, but if you have more questions, please ask. Just be careful with these New Age sources which take an overly Pisces approach to everything, as this results in dissipation. Energy and structure creates a higher vibration, not simply giving up on things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
