StyleCoin said:
I have a question, if I focus only on soul cleansing and chakras, my power increases? Or am I still on the same level?
I'm not quite sure where everyone is getting the idea that "cleaning your auras" and/or working on the chakras will give you "power". I have searched throughout HP Maxine's website and have found nothing that suggests this is the case. (If you have, please correct me!) She says multiple times the word "empower" in her writings about the chakras and aura stuff but she never really defines the word. To me, "empower" means "to give authority to" rather than what OP is wanting to do which is "to accumulate power". So, I just want to be clear, am I missing something here?
Anyway, Aura cleaning, cleaning the chakras, empty meditation does not increase your powerlevel from my understanding but increases your "sensitivity and connection" TO your aura and chakras for further working. Void meditations specifically does nothing but "setting the table" for you to work with your soul/magick workings such as runes. You'd want to start with Void meditation first before literally anything else. It's like not having dinner plates when you are about to serve dinner.
The Hatha and Kundalini yoga are the activities that will give you accumulated power as it is working with the body. The body is like a giant self-charging battery. Think of a watermill or a wind-turbine. It constantly creates energy for you to gather, store and use whenever you need it to. Without taking care of the body, working with it and cleaning up emotional baggage (that will fuck with the energy centers/pathways) you cannot accumulate Qi (energy) efficiently and thus your powerlevel will ultimately remain the same. If you are only cleaning the energy, how are you getting more powerful? Maybe you are making the energy pathways clearer and thus believe you are actually gaining energy when in reality, you are cleaning the inside of the pipes of a "closed system".
If OP wants to gain more power, doing yoga, martial arts and/or breathing exercises is his best bet. He can also try and "breathe in energy" to gather energy in each chakra from as Maxine has said