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Jul 24, 2022
"Nazi Germany allied itself with the Zionist lobby.

In the following years, the foundations were laid for that aforementioned sacrilegious alliance between Zionism and Nazism, which would play an essential role in the birth of Israel in 1948. When Adolf Hitler came to power and inaugurated the era of Nazi Germany in 1933, one of his first acts of government was to establish a solid pact with the Zionist Federation of Germany and the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
Thus was born the infamous Haavara, i.e. that treaty without which it can be said without fear of contradiction that the construction of the future Jewish state would have been practically impossible. In fact, through this agreement, at least 70,000 highly trained and specialized German Jews arrived in Palestine, who will play a leading role in establishing the future Israeli ruling class.
It should also be considered that, once they arrived in Palestine, the German Jews had the opportunity to buy, with their funds, goods produced by Nazi Germany for a value equal to the sum of 125 million Deutschmarks. This leads to another paradox carefully concealed by historians and academics from liberal universities.
So, while on the one hand some exponents of the Jewish world launched a boycott of everything produced in Germany, on the other the leaders of the Zionist world took care to rush to Adolf Hitler's aid and made large sums of money available to him, without which the Nazi regime would hardly have been able to survive"

"Who financed Hitler?

There is a book called "The Financial Origins of National Socialism" written in 1933 by a writer who adopted the pseudonym Sydney Warburg. The book reveals how the Nazi party received 25 million dollars from the Rockefellers and New York finance from 1929 to 1933.
The book was quickly withdrawn from bookstore shelves. After the war, it was revealed that the book was written by Otto Strasser, a member of the Nazi Party until 1934 and expelled by Hitler for his opposition to racial discrimination against Jews. You learned about the secret and forbidden history between Zionism and Nazism. You saw how Zionism wanted the persecutions against the Jews to come to an end, namely the birth of the terrorist state of Israel.
But there is also this aspect. Many stories of these persecutions against the Jews are false. A German historian who had written several false histories of the Holocaust was found dead at the age of 31. The news was obviously obscured by the media."

Has anyone clarified the whole context and perhaps the manipulation behind these statements?
For now I recognize the Hava agreement as something weird, which I will study later.
This whole thing is BS. I have just begun to read Hitler's book, and he is most obviously against the Jews. All of Nazi Germany was against the Jews.

It is really easy to write garbage and have it "verified" by other garbage.

I highly doubt Nazi Germany received any "support" from any Jewish organization when in every way ideologically they are in opposition.

You need to stay simple in observation in this case.

This whole thing is BS. I have just begun to read Hitler's book, and he is most obviously against the Jews. All of Nazi Germany was against the Jews.

It is really easy to write garbage and have it "verified" by other garbage.

I highly doubt Nazi Germany received any "support" from any Jewish organization when in every way ideologically they are in opposition.

You need to stay simple in observation in this case.

I realized that there are immutable statements for everything.
I understand about the SS scriptures, about not supporting Jews and stuff like that.
In fact, this has always been the popular and correct belief.
On levels
Otto Strasser won't get out of my head any time soon, the fact that Hitler made a deal with the Jews by throwing them into Arab territory, the Arabs being Hitler's great colleagues.
I'm going to take some time to read the whole of Black Sun, I've already read some parts and several pdfs.
I'll try to find some citations for this new socialist Hitler theory there.
Then I'll read all of Otto Strasser's book and try to find the inconsistencies.
Até lá saberei se esses textos foram escritos de má-fé.

If I find the inconsistencies and contexts of the above statements, I'll write it all up here in the forums.
If the article refuting this theory isn't on Black Sun, of course.
"Nazi Germany allied itself with the Zionist lobby.
"Who financed Hitler?
On french side, the Nat Soc translator Didi18 has debunked this points.
These affirmations are false, Hitler has jailed the banker Rothschild, Nat Soc were financed by German industrial to set up an economy based on the work of the German people.
There is also the fact he would be jew because a Rothschild get his grand mother pregnant... all is bullshit.
Do lado francês, o tradutor do Nat Soc Didi18 desmascarou estes pontos.
Estas afirmações são falsas, Hitler prendeu o banqueiro Rothschild, os Nat Soc foram financiados pela indústria alemã para estabelecer uma economia baseada no trabalho do povo alemão.
Há também o fato de que ele seria judeu porque um Rothschild engravidou sua avó... tudo é besteira.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
