A beginner starts with the 40 day programme and the spiritual warfare programme. Both contain all the basic skills one needs to master as a beginner, if they are to build solid foundations for their spiritual advancement. The spiritual warfare skill also contain some non-beginner skills, as it gradually brings you to an intermediate or upper intermediate level, so to speak. The 40 day programme also provides the basic schedule to build upon which is:
• Aura Cleaning - at least twice a day (upon waking up and before sleeping)
• Aura of Protection - at least twice a day (upon waking up and before sleeping)
• Void Meditation - which builds focus and concentration, two of the most important basic skills for one to have
• Kundalini Yoga
• Hatha Yoga
As others have told you, the order for opening the chakras is the one on JoS, which was updated compared to the order used in the two listed programmes. So, you should always refer to that page for now. Third eye, sixth, crown, throat, middle/4th, solar plexus, sacral, root. Then the extensions: shoulders, temples, hips. Then the other ones: hands, feet, minor chakra. It's a top-down opening. Never let anyone convince you to do a bottom-up opening, as that brings several issues, not to mention the root chakra is the most cursed.