I'm unhappy because I see how terrible it is
That's sure that all goes wrong today. I take care of my life and only stop at sane people or projects. At least, I'm not sad.
Mixing peoples, destroying ancient works of art, stupidity around the world and more
Jews spread this plague to demoralize us, it's a psychologic fighting method.
Jews act like the stupid, jealous and wick people in the life. Their methods are :
Trying to demoralize you by cynism, laughing at your face, discrediting you to whoever will listen... to gradually undermine you until they can openly crush you without force.
They continuously stay under the level of vigilance of the majority to remain blameless and form clans with stupid people they handle, who act as amplifier of influence, their army.
What to do ? living away from them, observe their behavior and methods but never be psychically affected - they are vampire waiting for those falling in their trap. Never associate with those who get along with them - the "leftists" because they bring back bad energies/behavior/people.
If you are creative in your life and stay away from any negative influence, each time shitty people get close to you, you kick them naturally because you are psychically strongest than them.
Therefore, they stay away from you because they loose energy at your touch - their motivation being to vampirize others to fill their existencial void.
Jewish problem is not personal but social. The mechanic is the same.
We must avoid to promote their business, listen them... and always invested in high-value activities.
The first thing is to take care of yourself because our life is our image, an extension of yourself.
The more we are to act like this, the fastest our societies will become sane again.
That's what successful people do, they prevent bad energy to invade them but continuously create good things then attract good opportunities.
... and that's these people who prevent the boat from sinking.
Let's be these creative people, taking a hard look on what is deviant without ever being affected, like the Gods are.