Nyan said:
I want to live on the astral so I can do magic like it is in movies and video games so I can create a big thoughform the size of a planet to explore and live in and I could shoot fireballs and do whatever I want. So can you do literally everything on the Astral Plane.
Go to Satan is god.org then click on Satanic witchcraft tab, you should see "creating and astrial temple. There an astrial project meditation on the meditation tab, but I'd read the whole website to get an understanding of everything.
I'm not advanced enough for that but I do impress human projectors sometimes. While doing my meditations I'd hear them make a surprised remarks. I feel them and sometimes see them as foggy clouds, if I squint and concentrate hard by staring I can see them barley. Sounds like I'm missing out on alot but at they same time from what I've heard and seen they have sex with each other alot. Also do it to me but I can't really feel it too much. It's annoying to me cause I don't want these connections with these random people. Sometimes they hit me and I feel a small pressure but nothing painfull. They like to mess with me and intimidate me, gon as far as picking fights with me telling me to," pull up to ____" and my dumbass would actually go and try to fight these people because they think its funny that I can't advance enough to astrial project. Ive projected a couple times it was kinda painfull. It felt like a knot in my body getting twisted up and electrocuted, but that's cause I'm not good at controlled breathing while I sleep and I'm not 100% conscious, oh well I learned it's best to ignore anything that I pick up on the astrial because in the end I always end up in a rabbit hole/loop. I'll get there when I'm ready and the only thing I can do is master the beginner meditations. I feel I'm close though.