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Can someone answer this?

<td val[/IMG]No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [HellsArmy666] Can someone answer this?
Sent: Tue, Jul 17, 2012 6:36:08 PM

<td val[/IMG]  

On [/IMG]landytristen@... wrote:

Okay! is it possible to be incarnated or embodie a living god.?
..Hail Satan!! Yes, and as Godhead is spiritual and physical perfection and immorality along with all the powers the perfected Godhead contains, then why would you incarnate again? makes no sense.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
The energy of a God is powerfull beyond words unless you were so advanced that you were just about reaching Godhood yourself I do not think it would be possible for the physical body to cope with energy at such a high vibration for very long inside it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landytristen@..." <landytristen@... wrote:

Okay! is it possible to be incarnated or embodie a living god.?
So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
<td val[/IMG]Sounds like the chicken before the egg type question.To be honest this is all I think I understand about our Gods.They have all human knowledge but not all universal knowledge.There is never a end to learning even for them.None of that sitting in the skys stumming a harp BS like most Gentiles including myself were taught by the kike programs.As far as there orgins that is something I have no clue about because of my limited human knowledge.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: leandrakatt <leandrakatt@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Can someone answer this?
Sent: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 12:05:10 AM

<td val[/IMG]   So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
Crawl before walking we have to understand OURSELVES in doing so we will grow we will learn, imagine living for even 1000 years in the same mind and body all you will learn then think how old our Gods are... many tens of thousands of years probably older and THEY STILL DON'T know everything about our universe because it is so so big it goes on and on it is what amazes and inspires me. I had a vision, I don't know what else to call it was an emotional experience shown or shared with me by Father Satan and Enlil when I first came to this and I wondered about it so they showed me what they experienced in a way that I could understand when they first found the Earth and came here, I saw from their eyes and feelings they saw this world the very first time, they were in total awe. As big as this universe is planets like this one, and do keep in mind the earth we see now is a stunted degenerated very sick planet at a low vibration compared to how it was before the enemy attacked everything shone from within, it was even more beautifull and rich with life, it is hard to imagine it. They were sitting up on a mountain it seemed like somewhere in the Himalayas or near there on a peak and looking out from there and they could feel and know everything beyond what we can. This planet is a jewel I believe it is one of the reasons Satan made us to be the Gods of this jewel and it's caretakers, to study and learn and understand and protect her because they would not be here always. They have their own world, this planet needed its Gods. That is who we should be now. Now can you see how heartbreaking it must be for them to see us and this planet in the state it is in? What is at stake here. This is why I love nature and plants and animals and why I seek to keep learning and living surrounded by it I have tears typing this because I can feel it inside me, to see this place now it hurts.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Sounds like the chicken before the egg type question.To be honest this is all I think I understand about our Gods.They have all human knowledge but not all universal knowledge.There is never a end to learning even for them.None of that sitting in the skys stumming a harp BS like most Gentiles including myself were taught by the kike programs.As far as there orgins that is something I have no clue about because of my limited human knowledge.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
..Hail Satan!!
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... liens.html

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@... wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the news!!!

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense, you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@... wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landytristen@..." <landytristen@... wrote:
Okay! is it possible to be incarnated or embodie a living god.?
You can be born with the "favor" of a God or Goddess depending on what you did in the last life, A oath to The Gods of Humanity, Means you are one of us forever in which case, Whatever of any you pleased favours you most, That's how I look at it and, Have looked at it for four years.
..Hail Satan!! A wonderful post, firebird!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@... wrote:

Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the news!!!

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense, you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@ wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
A lot of great post's and really good and interesting information.  I have to come back to go over FireBird's 2) long ones though hopefully will be able-to later, as I am still working on catching up with a bunch I've still not seen yet.
<[/IMG]<font>~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler! ~ Heil Himmler!~ Hail the Mighty Gods of Duat!~    ~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine! ~[/I] 

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 2:51 PM, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:
  ..Hail Satan!! A wonderful post, firebird!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@... wrote:

Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the news!!!

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense, you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@ wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

<[/IMG]<font>~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler! ~ Heil Himmler!~ Hail the Mighty Gods of Duat!~    ~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine! ~[/I]
Another thing, I want to say first this is my OWN understanding and belief so it could be wrong however I think I am right here.

I read that the kike race suposedly has a higher IQ than Gentiles. Einstien is NOTHING compared to the fully open and awake mind of an advanced Gentile. The nasty aliens that attacked Earth from what I know used nuclear or some kind of radiocative weapons. There remains physical proof of this. Surely if they were as smart as they make out they should have much more effective and advanced methods of wiping us out. Why did they fail? Well for one... we had Satan and our Pagan God's protection and help... more than once I don't think I am supposed to say too much about this actually I am going to leave that part for the moment until I see an HP post what I am thinking here... ok but we have had help more than once. Secondly the ET's the enemy ET's are nowhere near as powerfull or intellegent or advanced as OUR GODS. We only think they are because of what we have seen their ships do in our skies compared to what we ourselves have. Every once in a while an enemy ship crashes... Roswell is only one example. Think about it... They also only want to wipe out THE STRONG GENTILES especially Satanists they cannot use as slaves. You only cull the cattle you don't get anything from, and they get nothing from us but their destruction.

BUT they are constantly checking our physical deffences here on Earth. This is also on the JOS I read it again this week and I think it is true. They could if they were so awsome wipe us out in a heartbeat. But they cannot. We are not as dumb as we think. Our military's have secrets, I don't think all the concipracies are right about the US military. I think they know things and are getting good help and are not the bad guys. There is an element of control on governments from Isreal and enemy ET's this I am certain BUT we have defences that stop us from being attacked. One of the reasons for the secrets is to keep infomation from the enemy.
There have also been many near hits of asteroids and other space debri than come close but don't hit.

We have protection aswell. What I was getting at is this. Our God's are far more advanced than the enemy the enemy has numbers. That is all they have... there are a lot of them and they can put on a good show. Their mind weapons they use only effect a mind that is stunted once you fight back their spell is broken and I am astonished at just how easy it is getting to break their mental hold and see it in action. This terrifies them, they are scared to death OF US that is why they try to use fear and confusion to attack those comming to and new to Satan.
They can only control a weak mind. Our minds are more powerfull than theirs and they don't show up to us in the flesh when we are wide awake why? They are weak and we could knock them out a child could soccer punch one of these weakass messed up grey beings. They are weak and pathetic. My family has had visits from these bastards from before I was born... perhaps they knew their would be a Satanist in the family? I spent almost 3 decades wondering why us.

My Grandmother has had these creatures in her house. I could feel their presence still many years later. I have had one appear next to my altar, not as flesh and blood just a pale weakling looking misty thing it seemed to be suicidal I laughed at it I said what do you think you are going to do are you suicidal touching my altar? It vanished. The night I performed my dedication I saw the face of one beside my altar to the right of my vision. I ignored it, it had no power to stop me. When I was attacked very badly when very new here and asked for help a very High ranking GOD came to my aid and drove them off, I was so weak at that point I could not fight back he fought them along with at least one other God while I was told to rest. While I slept I dreamed of what was happening I was told not to worry and I would feel much better when I woke up, and I did. They have not dared to attack me as hard as that since. Just piss weak little attempts at confusing or making me worry. I see it much quicker now and can usually handle it myself. Around the time I was dedicating I was seeing a lot of weird things at night and feeling worried.
I started feeling a protective presence around me as I went to bed, at least 3 Gods I do not know which ones around my bed, as I fell asleep, sometimes sitting on my bed watching over me. When you first discover the truth and come to Satan this is the most vulnerable time and it is because the enemy is SCARED of you and SCARED of Satan. Because they know the power you have inside and so long as you are supressed they don't worry about you. Once you realise this however they start to panic and will try any amount of bullshit to stop you and bring you back down. I still when about to post a message on here like this have sudden internet crashes and my computer has shut down on occasion. So I save my work and re start knowing it must be important and try again :) It happened a lot the first time I found the JOS and was reading the infomation there.

We have the blood and the spirit of the God's. Because we were attacked and cursed we have only been slowed down but when you break from it and begin training yourself under Satan your mind aswell as your body and soul starts to grow and wake up again. I believe and I see it in our HP's posts here our minds are extremely powerfull our intellegence capabilities are unlimted and the kikes when we are done with them will look like primitive little reptiles in kindergarden shitting themselves. They will then look so weak and so stupid we will laugh as we squash them under our boots.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

..Hail Satan!! A wonderful post, firebird!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@ wrote:

Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the news!!!

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense, you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@ wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
The enemy has enemy nordics and reptilians, despite of the greys that are dumb as fuck. Both are quite advanced and without the help from Satan and the Gods they could wipe Humanity en masse, easily. The average nordic is more intelligent than the average human. By far. Never understimate the enemy, they are not fools. Its just that our side is very intelligent and very powerful in protection. The enemy is ruthless and cold blooded killers. They don't feel like us and all they see us is 'earthlings' and 'mud'. We should thank Satan 24/7 for His action to save our ass, because there would be nothing now- nothing at all if we were alone against these retards.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@... wrote:

Another thing, I want to say first this is my OWN understanding and belief so it could be wrong however I think I am right here.

I read that the kike race suposedly has a higher IQ than Gentiles. Einstien is NOTHING compared to the fully open and awake mind of an advanced Gentile. The nasty aliens that attacked Earth from what I know used nuclear or some kind of radiocative weapons. There remains physical proof of this. Surely if they were as smart as they make out they should have much more effective and advanced methods of wiping us out. Why did they fail? Well for one... we had Satan and our Pagan God's protection and help... more than once I don't think I am supposed to say too much about this actually I am going to leave that part for the moment until I see an HP post what I am thinking here... ok but we have had help more than once. Secondly the ET's the enemy ET's are nowhere near as powerfull or intellegent or advanced as OUR GODS. We only think they are because of what we have seen their ships do in our skies compared to what we ourselves have. Every once in a while an enemy ship crashes... Roswell is only one example. Think about it... They also only want to wipe out THE STRONG GENTILES especially Satanists they cannot use as slaves. You only cull the cattle you don't get anything from, and they get nothing from us but their destruction.

BUT they are constantly checking our physical deffences here on Earth. This is also on the JOS I read it again this week and I think it is true. They could if they were so awsome wipe us out in a heartbeat. But they cannot. We are not as dumb as we think. Our military's have secrets, I don't think all the concipracies are right about the US military. I think they know things and are getting good help and are not the bad guys. There is an element of control on governments from Isreal and enemy ET's this I am certain BUT we have defences that stop us from being attacked. One of the reasons for the secrets is to keep infomation from the enemy.
There have also been many near hits of asteroids and other space debri than come close but don't hit.

We have protection aswell. What I was getting at is this. Our God's are far more advanced than the enemy the enemy has numbers. That is all they have... there are a lot of them and they can put on a good show. Their mind weapons they use only effect a mind that is stunted once you fight back their spell is broken and I am astonished at just how easy it is getting to break their mental hold and see it in action. This terrifies them, they are scared to death OF US that is why they try to use fear and confusion to attack those comming to and new to Satan.
They can only control a weak mind. Our minds are more powerfull than theirs and they don't show up to us in the flesh when we are wide awake why? They are weak and we could knock them out a child could soccer punch one of these weakass messed up grey beings. They are weak and pathetic. My family has had visits from these bastards from before I was born... perhaps they knew their would be a Satanist in the family? I spent almost 3 decades wondering why us.

My Grandmother has had these creatures in her house. I could feel their presence still many years later. I have had one appear next to my altar, not as flesh and blood just a pale weakling looking misty thing it seemed to be suicidal I laughed at it I said what do you think you are going to do are you suicidal touching my altar? It vanished. The night I performed my dedication I saw the face of one beside my altar to the right of my vision. I ignored it, it had no power to stop me. When I was attacked very badly when very new here and asked for help a very High ranking GOD came to my aid and drove them off, I was so weak at that point I could not fight back he fought them along with at least one other God while I was told to rest. While I slept I dreamed of what was happening I was told not to worry and I would feel much better when I woke up, and I did. They have not dared to attack me as hard as that since. Just piss weak little attempts at confusing or making me worry. I see it much quicker now and can usually handle it myself. Around the time I was dedicating I was seeing a lot of weird things at night and feeling worried.
I started feeling a protective presence around me as I went to bed, at least 3 Gods I do not know which ones around my bed, as I fell asleep, sometimes sitting on my bed watching over me. When you first discover the truth and come to Satan this is the most vulnerable time and it is because the enemy is SCARED of you and SCARED of Satan. Because they know the power you have inside and so long as you are supressed they don't worry about you. Once you realise this however they start to panic and will try any amount of bullshit to stop you and bring you back down. I still when about to post a message on here like this have sudden internet crashes and my computer has shut down on occasion. So I save my work and re start knowing it must be important and try again :) It happened a lot the first time I found the JOS and was reading the infomation there.

We have the blood and the spirit of the God's. Because we were attacked and cursed we have only been slowed down but when you break from it and begin training yourself under Satan your mind aswell as your body and soul starts to grow and wake up again. I believe and I see it in our HP's posts here our minds are extremely powerfull our intellegence capabilities are unlimted and the kikes when we are done with them will look like primitive little reptiles in kindergarden shitting themselves. They will then look so weak and so stupid we will laugh as we squash them under our boots.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! A wonderful post, firebird!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@ wrote:

Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the news!!!

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense, you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@ wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
Sorry I drink a lot of coffee... :)

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@... wrote:

A lot of great post's and really good and interesting information. I have
to come back to go over FireBird's 2) long ones though hopefully will be
able-to later, as I am still working on catching up with a bunch I've still
not seen yet.

*~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler! ~ Heil Himmler!~ Hail the
Mighty Gods of Duat!~ ~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine! ~*

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 2:51 PM, blackkat_411 <[email protected]:


..Hail Satan!! A wonderful post, firebird!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@

Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh
and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan
being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical
bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh
and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as
his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats
where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the
shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were
outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there
is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some
sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the
JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept
from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us
awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you
should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find
out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple
from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN
PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad
naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels
up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path
to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad
for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced
they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and
technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or
science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this
because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the
kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and
control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open
your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to
the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them
in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit
and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true
and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on
every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from
us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will
loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire
will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the
toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive
and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic
anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the
ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history
long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were
they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross
with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on
until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense
and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start
the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense,
you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as
everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see
what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@ wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand
in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word
Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were
living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time
but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If
you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

*~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler! ~ Heil Himmler!~ Hail the
Mighty Gods of Duat!~ ~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine! ~*
Your right there of course, I do mean with the help of Satan of course we would not by any chance be here now. Have you seen the Nasa video that was doing the round of what appeared to be a weapon being fired at a ufo in space? I saw it, I don't know if thats really what it was but whatever the light flashed at certainly saw the ship take off in a hurry. Ive watched a few of these Nasa videos interesting but I don't always know for sure what I am seeing there. There is also some interesting stuff going on under the outback over here... and under some of the mountain ranges a few craft have been taken down here too one was in NSW before I was born, it was only a couple of hours from where my Grandparents lived, they woke up and actually heard the ship going over the house that night even my Pop who was a skeptic wouldnt get out of bed to look. It crashed not far from where I live now. Ive seen too many myself to be coincidence. I am glad I am yet to run into a reptilian... theres a lot of weird and creepy stuff in the bush over here I'll put it that way. There are places I will not go day or night, alone or not even with Satan's protection I'll leave it at that.
I do know for a fact The USA military is fully aware of what is out there my Father served in the US airforce nothing major but he was shown things, he told me after many years of me dropping hints I wanted to know. He pretended he didn't believe any of it for a long time and finally he came out with it. He is a xian and I could tell it bothered him alot I am not really sure how much he truly believes the lie anymore but he will not talk about it or let go.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

The enemy has enemy nordics and reptilians, despite of the greys that are dumb as fuck. Both are quite advanced and without the help from Satan and the Gods they could wipe Humanity en masse, easily. The average nordic is more intelligent than the average human. By far. Never understimate the enemy, they are not fools. Its just that our side is very intelligent and very powerful in protection. The enemy is ruthless and cold blooded killers. They don't feel like us and all they see us is 'earthlings' and 'mud'. We should thank Satan 24/7 for His action to save our ass, because there would be nothing now- nothing at all if we were alone against these retards.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@ wrote:

Another thing, I want to say first this is my OWN understanding and belief so it could be wrong however I think I am right here.

I read that the kike race suposedly has a higher IQ than Gentiles. Einstien is NOTHING compared to the fully open and awake mind of an advanced Gentile. The nasty aliens that attacked Earth from what I know used nuclear or some kind of radiocative weapons. There remains physical proof of this. Surely if they were as smart as they make out they should have much more effective and advanced methods of wiping us out. Why did they fail? Well for one... we had Satan and our Pagan God's protection and help... more than once I don't think I am supposed to say too much about this actually I am going to leave that part for the moment until I see an HP post what I am thinking here... ok but we have had help more than once. Secondly the ET's the enemy ET's are nowhere near as powerfull or intellegent or advanced as OUR GODS. We only think they are because of what we have seen their ships do in our skies compared to what we ourselves have. Every once in a while an enemy ship crashes... Roswell is only one example. Think about it... They also only want to wipe out THE STRONG GENTILES especially Satanists they cannot use as slaves. You only cull the cattle you don't get anything from, and they get nothing from us but their destruction.

BUT they are constantly checking our physical deffences here on Earth. This is also on the JOS I read it again this week and I think it is true. They could if they were so awsome wipe us out in a heartbeat. But they cannot. We are not as dumb as we think. Our military's have secrets, I don't think all the concipracies are right about the US military. I think they know things and are getting good help and are not the bad guys. There is an element of control on governments from Isreal and enemy ET's this I am certain BUT we have defences that stop us from being attacked. One of the reasons for the secrets is to keep infomation from the enemy.
There have also been many near hits of asteroids and other space debri than come close but don't hit.

We have protection aswell. What I was getting at is this. Our God's are far more advanced than the enemy the enemy has numbers. That is all they have... there are a lot of them and they can put on a good show. Their mind weapons they use only effect a mind that is stunted once you fight back their spell is broken and I am astonished at just how easy it is getting to break their mental hold and see it in action. This terrifies them, they are scared to death OF US that is why they try to use fear and confusion to attack those comming to and new to Satan.
They can only control a weak mind. Our minds are more powerfull than theirs and they don't show up to us in the flesh when we are wide awake why? They are weak and we could knock them out a child could soccer punch one of these weakass messed up grey beings. They are weak and pathetic. My family has had visits from these bastards from before I was born... perhaps they knew their would be a Satanist in the family? I spent almost 3 decades wondering why us.

My Grandmother has had these creatures in her house. I could feel their presence still many years later. I have had one appear next to my altar, not as flesh and blood just a pale weakling looking misty thing it seemed to be suicidal I laughed at it I said what do you think you are going to do are you suicidal touching my altar? It vanished. The night I performed my dedication I saw the face of one beside my altar to the right of my vision. I ignored it, it had no power to stop me. When I was attacked very badly when very new here and asked for help a very High ranking GOD came to my aid and drove them off, I was so weak at that point I could not fight back he fought them along with at least one other God while I was told to rest. While I slept I dreamed of what was happening I was told not to worry and I would feel much better when I woke up, and I did. They have not dared to attack me as hard as that since. Just piss weak little attempts at confusing or making me worry. I see it much quicker now and can usually handle it myself. Around the time I was dedicating I was seeing a lot of weird things at night and feeling worried.
I started feeling a protective presence around me as I went to bed, at least 3 Gods I do not know which ones around my bed, as I fell asleep, sometimes sitting on my bed watching over me. When you first discover the truth and come to Satan this is the most vulnerable time and it is because the enemy is SCARED of you and SCARED of Satan. Because they know the power you have inside and so long as you are supressed they don't worry about you. Once you realise this however they start to panic and will try any amount of bullshit to stop you and bring you back down. I still when about to post a message on here like this have sudden internet crashes and my computer has shut down on occasion. So I save my work and re start knowing it must be important and try again :) It happened a lot the first time I found the JOS and was reading the infomation there.

We have the blood and the spirit of the God's. Because we were attacked and cursed we have only been slowed down but when you break from it and begin training yourself under Satan your mind aswell as your body and soul starts to grow and wake up again. I believe and I see it in our HP's posts here our minds are extremely powerfull our intellegence capabilities are unlimted and the kikes when we are done with them will look like primitive little reptiles in kindergarden shitting themselves. They will then look so weak and so stupid we will laugh as we squash them under our boots.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! A wonderful post, firebird!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@ wrote:

Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the news!!!

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense, you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@ wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
Something I read about Ptah (one of the Names of Satan from Ancient Egypt)
There came into being as the heart and there came into being as the tongue ... in the form of Atem. The mighty Great One is Ptah, who transmitted [life to all gods], as well as (to) their kas... (Thus) it happened that the heart and tongue gained control over [every] (other) member of the body, by teaching that he [i.e., Ptah] is in every body and in every mouth of all gods, all men, [all] cattle, all creeping things, and (every thing) that lives, by thinking and commanding everything that he wishes... Thus all the gods were formed and his Ennead was completed. Indeed, all the divine order really came into being through what the heart thought and the tongue commanded. Thus the ka-spirits were made... by this speech... Thus were made all work and all crafts, the action of the arms, the movement of the legs, and the activity of every member, in conformance with (this) command which the heart thought, which came forth through the tongue, and which gives value to everything Ptah's consort is Sekhmet, goddess of war. A man wrapped as a mummy with a shaved head or skullcap and beard. Hanging from the back of his neck is the Menat, a symbol of happiness. Holding a staff that is a combination of three symbols. An ankh, a djed, and a was scepter.This staff represents life, stability, and longevity. Ptah represents the sun at the time when it begins to rise above the horizon and or right after it has risen. As early as the Second Dynasty, he is regarded as a creator god. The patron of architects, artists and sculptors. It was Ptah who built the boats for the souls of the dead to use in the afterlife. In the Book of the Dead we learn that he was a master architect, and responsible for building the framework of the universe. It was said that Ptah created the great metal plate that was the floor of heaven and the roof of the sky. He also constructed the supports that held it up. Some creation legends say that by speaking the names of all things, Ptah caused them to be.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@... wrote:

Sorry I drink a lot of coffee... :)

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@ wrote:

A lot of great post's and really good and interesting information. I have
to come back to go over FireBird's 2) long ones though hopefully will be
able-to later, as I am still working on catching up with a bunch I've still
not seen yet.

*~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler! ~ Heil Himmler!~ Hail the
Mighty Gods of Duat!~ ~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine! ~*

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 2:51 PM, blackkat_411 <egret23@wrote:


..Hail Satan!! A wonderful post, firebird!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@

Sorry I don't follow what you are getting at. The Gods are real flesh
and blood ET's basically human like but far advanced race. They (Satan
being the leader and most powerfull) made us genetically as in our physical
bodies and Satan gave us our souls, created from his own, we have the flesh
and souls of the Gods but we are not Gods yet. Satan wanted us to become as
his own, to become God's that was what he wanted for us all along thats
where the trouble started other 'Gods' did not want us to advance and the
shit hit the fan, there was a war, Our Gods that love us and helped us were
outnumbered (the old fallen angel story in the bible of lies) (oh btw there
is physical evidence of nuclear blasts on earth from long ago and some
sites are still radiocative from it)... the rest is history and is on the
JOS website. We have been sealed off spiritually and this knowledge kept
from us for a very very long time. Satan still tries to reach those of us
awake enough to hear him.
That is why all the religions depict him as the evil terrible devil you
should be very very scared of, to keep us away from him or we might find
out who we really are and who He really is! You take a bite of that apple
from the Tree (soul) of knowledge!!! the SERPENT (our kundilini fire SATAN
PUT IN US) and you according to the bible are in big trouble bad bad
naughty naughty... because the serpent is our enlightenment... it travels
up the tree of our soul and enlightens us to THE TRUTH and this is the path
to US BECOOMING GODS so the 'fake god' dosn't want this... it is only bad
for the enemy. Do you see it?

The GODS still have the same bodies they always had they are so advanced
they do not age and die like we do. They have both the science and
technical, medical knowledge AND the spiritual. It is not a fantasy or
science fiction. Our race has trouble understanding and accepting this
because mentally, spiritiually and physically we are basically stunted. the
kikes were made by the enemy gods to keep us under the thumb on earth and
control us and what we hear see and think. if you don't believe me open
your eyes just one example is what they are doing right now in Palestine to
the people there plenty of videos on youtube that prove it you can see them
in action treating humans lower than animals. They don't show it on the

Religion is nothing more than a program to ensalve the mind and spirit
and feed energy and power to beings that hate us. They stole what was true
and twisted it into a lie. This is designed to keep us under control on
every level and keep the knowledge that Satan wanted us to have away from
us they are TERRIFIED if enough gentiles wake up and realise this they will
loose their stronghold and have their asses handed to them. their empire
will fall... it is falling right now religion is on it's way down the
toilet the catholic church is finally falling. The evidence base is massive
and everywhere of our God's presence on Earth in the far past, the genetic
anomolies in the human body, the difference in our brains to animals, the
ufo presence that you can see even in paintings right back into history
long before photo's and computers in RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS HELLO! what were
they saying there? think about it... ufos in old paintings near the cross
with the filthy nazarene hanging on it.

I spent most of my life trying to work out what was really going on
until finally I found the JOS and in one night it all finally made sense
and Satan made himself known to me who He really is. Then when you start
the meditations... and you do it every day... it makes more and more sense,
you see more and more things. And do you know something? As fucked as
everything is in the world it never looked so amazing because I can see
what it can be, what it was when our Gods were here.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "leandrakatt" <leandrakatt@ wrote:

So we can be like those living Gods from the past the way I understand
in others possibilities is of course A God is a ghost that's where the word
Gospel comes from the ghostspell but in relation to past God's that were
living walking breathing eating was incarnated from the beginning of time
but they were really created Gods through family.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@

No one is born a God you have to work on your soul to become one.If
you think you are a God better think again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

*~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler! ~ Heil Himmler!~ Hail the
Mighty Gods of Duat!~ ~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine! ~*

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
