Kevin Hernandez said:
I was wondering if my parents from previous lifetimes are the same as the ones I have now or are they different, say from parents from last lifetime to like an aunt or someone not related that I see as a father/mother figure or an inspiration idk.
If you are very close with a family member, I think it is common to be reincarnated back into the same family with them again if it is possible. Or even something like a grandparent dying, and being born again as their grandchild's baby is another thing that is possible. There are many things that can happen, and I am not saying that they all are likely but they can happen.
It would be nice if you could be reincarnated back together somehow with a past life family member, but it is not necessary and it is not guaranteed and you will be placed into whatever is the right situation for you which might be with a new family somewhere else.