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Caloric deficit and building muscle


Sep 21, 2017
Hello :). I wasn't sure where to post this topic, I hope it was okay to post it here.

So a month ago I started to workout again and I always had some belly fat I wanted to get rid of.
When I started I was at 23% body-fat, I dropped down to 21% in a month. I also gained a lot of muscle(beginner gains which I really want to get the most out of). I mainly do strength training and don't do cardio, instead of cardio I just to some intense lower-body exercises.

My daily calorie intake is 1800 calories. To mitigate muscle loss, I consume 2.5 grams of protein per kg of my weight. I weight 79kg so I eat 197g of protein per day.
If you're curious, 70% of protein comes from food and rest from supplements. I also drastically cut down on carbs.

I've only had positive experiences so far with this diet. I'm feeling more energetic, more agile and I haven't noticed any strength or muscle loss. And thanks to losing some of that fat and getting a stronger core, I actually managed to do a proper headstand in yoga, so that was nice :)

But! Is this a viable strategy long term(or safe)? My goal is to get to 13% body fat, but I don't want my arms to suddenly look like sticks :?
Is the traditional way of bulking/cutting better? I really don't want to go on a bulk with summer being so close.
You’re approaching it, for the most part correctly. You don’t need to go on a bulk, it’s unnecessary for muscle gain, especially since you’re a new gainer. You’re in the best position for muscle gains and fat loss now. As you said, take advantage of it. You have about a year or two roughly in this stage.

For now, since you have a decent amount of fat to loose, it’s also going to be relatively easy to do. But as the body fat goes down it’s going to be more difficult. Especially trying to get to 13%. Which is a solid goal.

It’s going to take you longer, but diet breaks are a good idea too. Too long of a calorie deficit isn’t good for you. Something like 2 weeks on and 2 off. I would even suggest aligning it with the moon for added benefit. Calorie deficit during the waning moon. And maintenance during the waxing moon. And fallow that cycle.

Otherwise, keep training hard and keep with progressive overload. You’re protein intake is solid. If you can keep it there at 2.3-2.5g/kg as you’re weight changes, that’s best to prevent muscle and strength loss while losing fat. Adding muscle will help with metabolism too. The main thing with these objectives is patience. You don’t usually put on the weight quickly and so it doesn’t come off quickly either.

It doesn’t seem like your calorie deficit is too extreme, but don’t go over a 500~ calorie deficit. Or you’re more likely to create problems and see muscle and strength loss.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
