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Bruce Lee was a true genius.


New member
Dec 2, 2006
I recently started studying bruce lee's philosophy and outlook and what made him so great.He strongly advocated as a martial artist and human being that the true core of his jeet kun do is to empower your body and spirituality.
As a satanist this means you meditate daily and train your body.Training the soul empowers the body and mind.Training the mind empowers body and soul.Training the body empowers mind and soul.
Bruce Lee trained in western boxing, epee fencing, wing chun kung fu, and numerous other arts and he developed jeet kun do when he realized that "style" of fighting ex. boxing, muay thai, karate etc. are very restrictive and that one should take the concepts that work and make them stronger while cutting away what is useless.
He trained in weight lifting for strength, running for endurance/stamina, stretching for flexibility and qigong for spiritual power!

That you should study many different styles, incorporate what is useful or natural for YOU as an individual
train your body and spirit and then add your own unique personal twist to the techniques you use to make your own combat style as a form of self expression.

Bruce Lee was every bit one of us even without being a dedicated satanist! He practiced qigong and his power and speed came from his combination of physical training and spiritual power!
This is what sets apart a man like Bruce Lee, or ANY great warrior versed in spirituality and meditation from the rest of the world!
As Satanists it is our duty and birthright to incorporate such practices into our own training on the path to Godhood!
Train the body!Train the mind!Train the soul!Meditate daily!
And above all be yourself and find your own unique true power!
I disagree. There's a piece of info about him that contradicts what you say:
<b style="color:r[/IMG]Bruce Lee[/B] (Lee Jun-fan[/B], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters]Chinese: 李振藩; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973)

He died when he was 32 years old :p Don't you think there's something wrong with that if he died that young? SS's strive to reach physical immortality, so what he did is most likely counterproductive.

Bruce was definitely a spiritually aware human being whom I have much respect for. I am certain that the level he was training at gave him siddahs', or supernatural abilities. I was reading about him a while back and what many fighters said about Bruce was that he had a sixth sense when it came to fighting where he seemed to know exactly what moves his opponent was about to make. If you look at his natal chart you would see that it is not normal and he was born with a purpose. His chart ruler Jupiter is conjunct Saturn in opposition to a Venus-Mars conjunction with Pluto them all in the 8th house of power. There are 8 planets in fixed signs, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus in the 5th house giving him extreme (also 4 planets in Scorpio) endurance and the patience needed to train all day every day. 
His master Yip Man has a very unique chart and relationship with Bruce. HP Maxine wrote about synastry a while back in the JOS Astrology section and she mention a Saturn-Uranus conjunction which is normally horrendous in a normal relationship. I know from personal experience how brutal this is since I have three family members who I share these strangely serious relations with, but it does not always have to be so bad. Even before looking at either one of their charts I had suspected a Saturn-Uranus aspect between Lee and Yip Man, and I was right! I believe this aspect is very much like a master to pupil, drill sergeant to soldier, or mad scientist to quirky lab assistant type of relationship. The only thing is normally the master would be the Saturn person, but not between Bruce and Yip Man. In this case it was Bruce who was the Saturn person, and it looks like Yip Man was the only person really capable of bringing that out in him who had his Sun-Uranus conjunction in opposition to Lee's Saturn-Jupiter conjunction. A fated alliance that while not exactly Satanic in reality, is Satanic in intention. 
To firestarter: remember while you can't bring your memories with you from incarnation to incarnation, your energy level and character are still there.
---In [email protected], <j.l3mm0n@... wrote :

I disagree. There's a piece of info about him that contradicts what you say:
<b style="color:r[/IMG]Bruce Lee[/B] (Lee Jun-fan[/B], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters]Chinese: 李振藩; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973)

He died when he was 32 years old :p Don't you think there's something wrong with that if he died that young? SS's strive to reach physical immortality, so what he did is most likely counterproductive.

mmon don't you think brother someone killed him? like jews? they knew he would be problem afterward as he will reach higher so they killed him where there was no eyes and blame it on marijuana any retarded can know that marijuana wont kill you and he didn't even use any of these shits

On Monday, June 15, 2015 11:07 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I disagree. There's a piece of info about him that contradicts what you say:
<b style="color:r[/IMG]Bruce Lee[/B] (Lee Jun-fan[/B], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters]Chinese: 李振藩; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973)

He died when he was 32 years old :p Don't you think there's something wrong with that if he died that young? SS's strive to reach physical immortality, so what he did is most likely counterproductive.

@no state I know the chinese triads tried to kill him by slipping real bullets into one of his prop guns and then Bruce made this a plot point in one of his movies.He took one of the assassination attempts on him and wrote it into the script of a movie he was making at the time so yes, lots of people were trying to kill him and he was definitely poisoned.
According to Chuck Norris (I hate that guy, stupid ass hardcore xian but he was truthful about this much)
Bruce injured his back doing a weight lifting exercise called "good mornings" and dislocated a disc and was in recovery for a few months.After this he started experimenting with drugs like cannabis to deal with the pain and keep his muscles loose.He had a headache the day he died and took a painkiller for it that reacted with his other pain medication for his back and made his brain swell.The autopsy confirmed this, however they also found cannabis in his stomach.I do however think he was set up to die but his back injury is also true.
It's even highly possible his injury and the events leading up to his death came from spiritual attack from jewish hexes but I haven't done enough research into this yet so I'll get back to you on that one

On Monday, June 15, 2015 6:15 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Wasn't he murdered?

The conspiracy sites say so, anyway.

Cerebral edema or fluid on the brain due to drugs. He was a heavy cannabis user and this reacted with a painkiller which he took.
@J.L3mmon I never said he was one of us. If you read it carefully you will see I stated that even without being a dedicated SS he still developed his spiritual powers by practicing qigong and went on to say if he WAS one of us he would have never been killed because he would have spiritually seen his own assailants coming and would have refused to ever take any drugs for that dislocated spinal disc from doing good mornings.That back injury is why he started experimenting with certain drugs to deal with the pain and keep the muscles loose.This is what supposedly lead up to him being poisoned to death.If he WERE one of us he would still be alive today!
My point there is that he discovered ways to empower himself spiritually on his own and combined this with martial arts and physical training and THIS is why he was a genius!

On Monday, June 15, 2015 1:07 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I disagree. There's a piece of info about him that contradicts what you say:
<b style="color:r[/IMG]Bruce Lee[/B] (Lee Jun-fan[/B], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters]Chinese: 李振藩; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973)

He died when he was 32 years old :p Don't you think there's something wrong with that if he died that young? SS's strive to reach physical immortality, so what he did is most likely counterproductive.

@astralnaut888:No, he wasn't born for a purpose because he didn't have a YOD in his chart. That only shows whether someone is born for a purpose or not. Hitler did have a Yod for example (although with an angle).
@others: Even if he was killed that means he wasn't advanced enough. If you are advanced spiritually, you can protect yourself and you only die a natural death. Remember, spiritual powers and longevity go hand in hand.
@the_fire_starter 666

Deep down in my bones I know you're right about this. Still, the guy brought something to the table.

BTW, please help me understand what it means to have a YOD in your chart.
See, the actual mechanics of astrology make sense to me, even though I have trouble explaining it to others.

But the nomenclature confuses me, although I am a logophile.

Thank you, though.

Once, long ago, I put my birth chart up here. I wish I could get a reading.
I, and many other natural born Satanists, do not have a yod in our charts, but that doesn't mean we are not born with a purpose. What I meant was he was going to grow up to be who he was because of his natal chart. Heinrich Himmler had two grand trines, one air, and one fire, but by your own logic he was not born with a purpose because he doesn't have a yod? That's ridiculous. He was born to be a grand master, and if Bruce had lived long enouth he would have been one as well. He has always been a well respected soul, and is  a leader of his people.
hey guys, whats a YOD? and how do i learn more about them? from what i read in this post, i assume they are astrological charts of some sort? just give me a link and i'll be on my waythanks and/or sorry, im probably going to get an earful 
Also, in Hitler's chart there is a golden yod formed by the planets Neptune, Saturn, and a Moon-Jupiter conjunction. This is much more creative than a regular yod.  Instead of a sextile and two inconjuncts there is a quintile, and two bi-quintiles. I call it a pentagram leg because yod is a letter in the hebrew alphabet, and I don't even like using the term to describe a normal yod.
Bruce Lee was poisoned as a Jew / Star sacrifice thing.  He wasn't killed but destroyed.

Bruce Lee was obsessed with the body and found that the body was the way to understanding the soul and the mind. 

A person doesn't have a soul.  They are one.  So, the spirit is the source point that is used to develop the body, not the other way around. 

Aura alone can block physical attacks.  Other things can be done in addition to that.  And its very immediate.  For example:  someone could try to walk up to you and punch you in the face.  Someone that was fairly advanced could know about it, change your mind, or allow you to advance to a certain point before stopping you dead in your tracks with the power of their intention alone.  You could stop them dead in their tracks, 5 feet away from you and have plenty of time to draw a gun or mace spray. 

Physically, martial arts does not compare to the power of the adept in Satanism.  Mentally, martial arts is nothing in comparison to the adept in Satanism.  But I believe its a step in the right direction.

Jeet Kun Do Martial arts should be taught in school as a requirement for junior high school graduation, right alongside ethics. 
@astralnaut888: I mean born with a major purpose in changing the history of humanity and things like that. Not things like Grand masters of a coven. Anyway, Bruce Lee DID have a Yod. If you read my next post after that you'll see I recognized I made a mistake because those pics I first found didn't show the aspects associated with the Yod like sextiles and quincuxes.
I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life. 
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.
no surprise there magnum. And Chuck Norris is untrustworthy and he's the one who kept saying Bruce died from drug use but we all know how retardedly xian chuck norris is.
He's pathetic if you ask me and he is either a complete moron or if he DOES know the church is an organized jewish crime racket then he is even more guilty than most jews and a traitor!
But I have to assume he's an idiot. All it takes is to watch walker texas ranger and you can see how brain dead that guy is.
Bruce Lee's death was however due to some form of poisoning without a doubt and the coroner's report still says he had been a cannabis user ever since his back injury and that it reacted with his back medication and the headache pill he took that night.
I still can't think Bruce Lee wouldn't be at least educated enough to know what not to mix and how certain things affect your body given his affluent upbringing and his studies in the human body and martial arts along with how much research he put into creating his strict diet as part of his training.
It's very possible the coroners report is a lie as well and that he was just plain poisoned and we already know the triads tried to kill him once by replacing a prop gun with a real gun on the set of one of his movies.
And I mentioned before that he took this assassination attempt and put it in one of his later movies (I forget the name, it was the one where he played an actor obviously)

On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 8:25 PM, "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Bruce Lee was poisoned as a Jew / Star sacrifice thing.  He wasn't killed but destroyed.

Bruce Lee was obsessed with the body and found that the body was the way to understanding the soul and the mind. 

A person doesn't have a soul.  They are one.  So, the spirit is the source point that is used to develop the body, not the other way around. 

Aura alone can block physical attacks.  Other things can be done in addition to that.  And its very immediate.  For example:  someone could try to walk up to you and punch you in the face.  Someone that was fairly advanced could know about it, change your mind, or allow you to advance to a certain point before stopping you dead in your tracks with the power of their intention alone.  You could stop them dead in their tracks, 5 feet away from you and have plenty of time to draw a gun or mace spray. 

Physically, martial arts does not compare to the power of the adept in Satanism.  Mentally, martial arts is nothing in comparison to the adept in Satanism.  But I believe its a step in the right direction.

Jeet Kun Do Martial arts should be taught in school as a requirement for junior high school graduation, right alongside ethics. 

I am totally lost on astrology. I read the info on the JoS but can't understand much of it at all......

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:15 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @astralnaut888: I mean born with a major purpose in changing the history of humanity and things like that. Not things like Grand masters of a coven. Anyway, Bruce Lee DID have a Yod. If you read my next post after that you'll see I recognized I made a mistake because those pics I first found didn't show the aspects associated with the Yod like sextiles and quincuxes.

In the same boat as you shaman :( it might as well be computer code. 

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 10:01 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am totally lost on astrology. I read the info on the JoS but can't understand much of it at all......

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:15 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @astralnaut888: I mean born with a major purpose in changing the history of humanity and things like that. Not things like Grand masters of a coven. Anyway, Bruce Lee DID have a Yod. If you read my next post after that you'll see I recognized I made a mistake because those pics I first found didn't show the aspects associated with the Yod like sextiles and quincuxes.

@eu719 .....are we talking about the same person?
Bruce Lee was so fucking strong he had to fill his punching bag with metal to avoid breaking it and all his training equipment was modified for the same reason!
He was so fast that in his movies the camera was always in high speed mode just so you could see him move!
So no if you're talking about Bruce Lee you're dead wrong on all counts except maybe the powerlifting thing.He trained with lighter weights to build strength and keep his speed.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:04 AM, "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life. 
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.

He was a genius in the sense that the knowledge he had was immense. He probably was overall better than every other athlete. But he is very far away from the lion slayer demi-gods from mythology.Can he perform a routine like Nadia Comaneci? Or punch like Muhammad Ali? Or like Tyson? He would probably lose a lot in 1 vs 1 MMA, because he didn't have technique (Royce Gracie although was very weak beated every other style with technique). He would probably lose an Olympic Marathon Challenge or an Olympic Marathon Sprint...He didn't specialize, that doesn't mean he wasn't a beast, super strong compared with all others (overall). And it wasn't his job to do that, he was an actor. But since he didn't do something to surpass the elite in one group (who didn't practice something spiritual), we can't say for sure how did the spirituality he practice helped him.

În Sâmbătă, 20 Iunie 2015 0:54:47, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] a scris:

  @eu719 .....are we talking about the same person?
Bruce Lee was so fucking strong he had to fill his punching bag with metal to avoid breaking it and all his training equipment was modified for the same reason!
He was so fast that in his movies the camera was always in high speed mode just so you could see him move!
So no if you're talking about Bruce Lee you're dead wrong on all counts except maybe the powerlifting thing.He trained with lighter weights to build strength and keep his speed.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:04 AM, "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life. 
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.

@victor You do know he was so fast he could not be caught on camera without intentionally slowing down right?And again, his punching bag was filled with metal because otherwise he would have broken it.His one inch punch was as strong as a car hitting you at 30 MPH.Now there's a shaolin monk who recently surpassed his one inch punch and clocked it at being like a car hitting 36MPH but that's not much more than what Bruce Lee could do.
What exactly are you basing this off of when you say he wasn't anywhere near as tough as this?Because I've seen the demonstrations he gave where he would give a man a coin, stand more than 5 feet away and then take the coin before the guy could close his palm.
He was faster than any martial artist in recorded history and saying he "lacked technique" is bullshit.
He studied boxing, kung-fu, epee fencing, and numerous other martial arts, took the useful techniques and ditched what was superficial or pointless.

He could lift a whole chariot with a man still sitting in it and throw it! That stunt he did in the movie was REAL.His coordination and speed were very real. He was way stronger in reality than in the movies.
He had to intentionally slow down just to be seen on camera! The set of the Green Hornet was pissed because the first time he was on their set during filming he beat up everyone in the room before the camera saw anything!It literally came down to either bruce lee slowing down so the camera can see him or the Green Hornet changing the script to give kato psychic powers where he kills you with his mind!

On Saturday, June 20, 2015 12:04 AM, "V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  He was a genius in the sense that the knowledge he had was immense. He probably was overall better than every other athlete. But he is very far away from the lion slayer demi-gods from mythology.Can he perform a routine like Nadia Comaneci? Or punch like Muhammad Ali? Or like Tyson? He would probably lose a lot in 1 vs 1 MMA, because he didn't have technique (Royce Gracie although was very weak beated every other style with technique). He would probably lose an Olympic Marathon Challenge or an Olympic Marathon Sprint...He didn't specialize, that doesn't mean he wasn't a beast, super strong compared with all others (overall). And it wasn't his job to do that, he was an actor. But since he didn't do something to surpass the elite in one group (who didn't practice something spiritual), we can't say for sure how did the spirituality he practice helped him.

În Sâmbătă, 20 Iunie 2015 0:54:47, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] a scris:

  @eu719 .....are we talking about the same person?
Bruce Lee was so fucking strong he had to fill his punching bag with metal to avoid breaking it and all his training equipment was modified for the same reason!
He was so fast that in his movies the camera was always in high speed mode just so you could see him move!
So no if you're talking about Bruce Lee you're dead wrong on all counts except maybe the powerlifting thing.He trained with lighter weights to build strength and keep his speed.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:04 AM, "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life. 
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.

@fake name that was really good info, Thank you for that. I'm also glad that it didn't come down to that in the green hornet movie, that would have made it shitty! XD
I already admited he was a genius. The too fast for camera is spectacular, but there are other people who are too fast for the camera.
Sweet Violence: The Genius of Sugar Ray Robinson
To actually see what Sugar Ray Robinson was doing you have too go in slow motion.
A camera, usually to create the motion effect has to run at a minimum of 16 frames per second (fps), but the average camera is about 25 fps. So to punch faster than the camera you need to go like 1 meter (supposed length of the arm) in 1/25 seconds... which is 25 m/s... which is 90 km/h. Above that speed an averge camera would have problems.
For example Bren Foster Speed - Taekwondo - Studio BZA kicked at 136 miles/h which is 220 km/h. Way too fast for an averege camera. But now there are cameras which go to 120 fps, so you can record that.
The fact that he was faster than the camera was shocking to the media because they didn't see others do that (who were averege actors) do that, but that doesn't mean a profesional fighter couldn't do that.
What I say about technique was that he didn't have grappling technique. And with no grappling technique in today 1 vs 1 hand to hand combat, he would lose a lot, because it doesn't matter how strong you are if your opponent dodges your first punches/kicks (and pros are good at that), when you are at the ground, if you don't know what do to escape the situations, you lose (it's like beeing in water with a shark and you don't know how to swim), because no matter how strong you are a good chocke will kill anyone in like 10 seconds.
A fight with a grappler would most probably end like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd1KDz1X7iE&nbsp;

Now I don't want to give the wrong ideea. All his performance is very impressive (including the chariot, the 2 finger push up, the speed, the blind fighting).And he did have unique abilities like the ping-pong nunchaku (that's amazing, never seen anyone do that).
He was almost as good as a pro fighter, almost as good as a pro powerlifter, almost as good as gymnast (he did a full planche, which is hard) etc. So for example he could lift almost as good as a powerlifer, but can a powerlifer be as good as Bruce Lee in other domains, most likely not.
That is why he is a genius, thus beeing an actor not an athlete, which makes Bruce Lee even more amazing.

În Duminică, 21 Iunie 2015 0:33:35, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] a scris:

  @victor You do know he was so fast he could not be caught on camera without intentionally slowing down right?And again, his punching bag was filled with metal because otherwise he would have broken it.His one inch punch was as strong as a car hitting you at 30 MPH.Now there's a shaolin monk who recently surpassed his one inch punch and clocked it at being like a car hitting 36MPH but that's not much more than what Bruce Lee could do.
What exactly are you basing this off of when you say he wasn't anywhere near as tough as this?Because I've seen the demonstrations he gave where he would give a man a coin, stand more than 5 feet away and then take the coin before the guy could close his palm.
He was faster than any martial artist in recorded history and saying he "lacked technique" is bullshit.
He studied boxing, kung-fu, epee fencing, and numerous other martial arts, took the useful techniques and ditched what was superficial or pointless.

He could lift a whole chariot with a man still sitting in it and throw it! That stunt he did in the movie was REAL.His coordination and speed were very real. He was way stronger in reality than in the movies.
He had to intentionally slow down just to be seen on camera! The set of the Green Hornet was pissed because the first time he was on their set during filming he beat up everyone in the room before the camera saw anything!It literally came down to either bruce lee slowing down so the camera can see him or the Green Hornet changing the script to give kato psychic powers where he kills you with his mind!

On Saturday, June 20, 2015 12:04 AM, "V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  He was a genius in the sense that the knowledge he had was immense. He probably was overall better than every other athlete. But he is very far away from the lion slayer demi-gods from mythology.Can he perform a routine like Nadia Comaneci? Or punch like Muhammad Ali? Or like Tyson? He would probably lose a lot in 1 vs 1 MMA, because he didn't have technique (Royce Gracie although was very weak beated every other style with technique). He would probably lose an Olympic Marathon Challenge or an Olympic Marathon Sprint...He didn't specialize, that doesn't mean he wasn't a beast, super strong compared with all others (overall). And it wasn't his job to do that, he was an actor. But since he didn't do something to surpass the elite in one group (who didn't practice something spiritual), we can't say for sure how did the spirituality he practice helped him.

În Sâmbătă, 20 Iunie 2015 0:54:47, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] a scris:

  @eu719 .....are we talking about the same person?
Bruce Lee was so fucking strong he had to fill his punching bag with metal to avoid breaking it and all his training equipment was modified for the same reason!
He was so fast that in his movies the camera was always in high speed mode just so you could see him move!
So no if you're talking about Bruce Lee you're dead wrong on all counts except maybe the powerlifting thing.He trained with lighter weights to build strength and keep his speed.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:04 AM, "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life. 
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.

<td val[/IMG]He was a degenarate who race mixed with Aryan and Black wemon, he openly stated numorious times he was a marxist communist who "did not believe in race or sex" he was addicted to numorious drugs such as pot. I suggest you find a role model other then someone who was made into a myth by jewish hollywood.

At Jun 22, 2015, 2:55:45 AM, V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote: I already admited he was a genius. The too fast for camera is spectacular, but there are other people who are too fast for the camera.
Sweet Violence: The Genius of Sugar Ray Robinson
To actually see what Sugar Ray Robinson was doing you have too go in slow motion.
A camera, usually to create the motion effect has to run at a minimum of 16 frames per second (fps), but the average camera is about 25 fps. So to punch faster than the camera you need to go like 1 meter (supposed length of the arm) in 1/25 seconds... which is 25 m/s... which is 90 km/h. Above that speed an averge camera would have problems.
For example Bren Foster Speed - Taekwondo - Studio BZA kicked at 136 miles/h which is 220 km/h. Way too fast for an averege camera. But now there are cameras which go to 120 fps, so you can record that.
The fact that he was faster than the camera was shocking to the media because they didn't see others do that (who were averege actors) do that, but that doesn't mean a profesional fighter couldn't do that.
What I say about technique was that he didn't have grappling technique. And with no grappling technique in today 1 vs 1 hand to hand combat, he would lose a lot, because it doesn't matter how strong you are if your opponent dodges your first punches/kicks (and pros are good at that), when you are at the ground, if you don't know what do to escape the situations, you lose (it's like beeing in water with a shark and you don't know how to swim), because no matter how strong you are a good chocke will kill anyone in like 10 seconds.
A fight with a grappler would most probably end like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd1KDz1X7iE

Now I don't want to give the wrong ideea. All his performance is very impressive (including the chariot, the 2 finger push up, the speed, the blind fighting).And he did have unique abilities like the ping-pong nunchaku (that's amazing, never seen anyone do that).
He was almost as good as a pro fighter, almost as good as a pro powerlifter, almost as good as gymnast (he did a full planche, which is hard) etc. So for example he could lift almost as good as a powerlifer, but can a powerlifer be as good as Bruce Lee in other domains, most likely not.
That is why he is a genius, thus beeing an actor not an athlete, which makes Bruce Lee even more amazing.

În Duminică, 21 Iunie 2015 0:33:35, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" a scris:

@victor You do know he was so fast he could not be caught on camera without intentionally slowing down right?And again, his punching bag was filled with metal because otherwise he would have broken it.His one inch punch was as strong as a car hitting you at 30 MPH.Now there's a shaolin monk who recently surpassed his one inch punch and clocked it at being like a car hitting 36MPH but that's not much more than what Bruce Lee could do.
What exactly are you basing this off of when you say he wasn't anywhere near as tough as this?Because I've seen the demonstrations he gave where he would give a man a coin, stand more than 5 feet away and then take the coin before the guy could close his palm.
He was faster than any martial artist in recorded history and saying he "lacked technique" is bullshit.
He studied boxing, kung-fu, epee fencing, and numerous other martial arts, took the useful techniques and ditched what was superficial or pointless.

He could lift a whole chariot with a man still sitting in it and throw it! That stunt he did in the movie was REAL.His coordination and speed were very real. He was way stronger in reality than in the movies.
He had to intentionally slow down just to be seen on camera! The set of the Green Hornet was pissed because the first time he was on their set during filming he beat up everyone in the room before the camera saw anything!It literally came down to either bruce lee slowing down so the camera can see him or the Green Hornet changing the script to give kato psychic powers where he kills you with his mind!

On Saturday, June 20, 2015 12:04 AM, "V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" wrote:

He was a genius in the sense that the knowledge he had was immense. He probably was overall better than every other athlete. But he is very far away from the lion slayer demi-gods from mythology.Can he perform a routine like Nadia Comaneci? Or punch like Muhammad Ali? Or like Tyson? He would probably lose a lot in 1 vs 1 MMA, because he didn't have technique (Royce Gracie although was very weak beated every other style with technique). He would probably lose an Olympic Marathon Challenge or an Olympic Marathon Sprint...He didn't specialize, that doesn't mean he wasn't a beast, super strong compared with all others (overall). And it wasn't his job to do that, he was an actor. But since he didn't do something to surpass the elite in one group (who didn't practice something spiritual), we can't say for sure how did the spirituality he practice helped him.

În Sâmbătă, 20 Iunie 2015 0:54:47, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" a scris:

@eu719 .....are we talking about the same person?
Bruce Lee was so fucking strong he had to fill his punching bag with metal to avoid breaking it and all his training equipment was modified for the same reason!
He was so fast that in his movies the camera was always in high speed mode just so you could see him move!
So no if you're talking about Bruce Lee you're dead wrong on all counts except maybe the powerlifting thing.He trained with lighter weights to build strength and keep his speed.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:04 AM, "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" wrote:

I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life.
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.
@victor Bruce Lee actually DID know how to grapple and he was WAY faster than the people you just linked especially his kicks!
This is what happened if you didn't slow down  the camera while bruce lee was kicking Bruce Lee - Fastest kicks ever seen by the world
Take note that while the camera is shitty old world quality there is no editing of the playback speed, and Bruce is STILL not going at anywhere near full speed.
If you can;t tell by bruce lee's movements then pay attention to everyone else to see the camera IS at normal speed and bruce is just that fucking fast!Bruce Lee Incredible Speed Velocidad increible
And here's MORE detail on his kick speedBruce Lee Fastest Kicks ever
See that? Not as good as a pro my ass. No one could even come CLOSE to blocking him in these videos!
Bruce Lee was a street fighter in chinese gangs before he became trained in the martial arts.He was trained in wing chun king fu, judo, boxing, epee fencing, and others.
And since Bruce Lee was trained in judo that means contrary to what you have said he WAS trained in grappling. He developed a training regimen centered on practicality, speed, flexibility and efficiency, trained with weights for strength, running for endurance, stretches for flexibility and he was a user of qigong and owned his own martial arts dojos and gave many demonstrations!
He was not always an actor!
Bruce Lee started as a gang member who always got into street fights given the rough neighborhood he lived in, was trained in the martial arts, moved to america, and was eventually "discovered" by hollywood after his numerous demonstrations and how he beat the shit out of the local martial arts masters who challenged him.
There was a long list of chinese sifu who wanted him taken down because he was teaching chinese martial arts to white people or anyone willing to learn for that matter!
It was after this public duel that he realized wing chun was inefficient and he began training himself different techniques which eventually evolved into jeet kun do, which in truth has no specific forms but instead teaches you to study many forms of martial arts and methods of combat, keep the useful and practical techniues and abandon what is useless or superfical or just doesnt feel natural, and build a strong body with training and spiritual power to produce a mixed martial arts fighting style that suits the individual as a form of self expression!
jeet kun do relies on training the body and spirit for overall performance and adding your own personal twist to techniques while focusing on precision, flexibility and using whatever techniques suit you naturally.
So again you seem to be making alot of assumptions but have no idea what you are talking about.

On Monday, June 22, 2015 2:55 AM, "V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I already admited he was a genius. The too fast for camera is spectacular, but there are other people who are too fast for the camera.
Sweet Violence: The Genius of Sugar Ray Robinson
To actually see what Sugar Ray Robinson was doing you have too go in slow motion.
A camera, usually to create the motion effect has to run at a minimum of 16 frames per second (fps), but the average camera is about 25 fps. So to punch faster than the camera you need to go like 1 meter (supposed length of the arm) in 1/25 seconds... which is 25 m/s... which is 90 km/h. Above that speed an averge camera would have problems.
For example Bren Foster Speed - Taekwondo - Studio BZA kicked at 136 miles/h which is 220 km/h. Way too fast for an averege camera. But now there are cameras which go to 120 fps, so you can record that.
The fact that he was faster than the camera was shocking to the media because they didn't see others do that (who were averege actors) do that, but that doesn't mean a profesional fighter couldn't do that.
What I say about technique was that he didn't have grappling technique. And with no grappling technique in today 1 vs 1 hand to hand combat, he would lose a lot, because it doesn't matter how strong you are if your opponent dodges your first punches/kicks (and pros are good at that), when you are at the ground, if you don't know what do to escape the situations, you lose (it's like beeing in water with a shark and you don't know how to swim), because no matter how strong you are a good chocke will kill anyone in like 10 seconds.
A fight with a grappler would most probably end like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd1KDz1X7iE 

Now I don't want to give the wrong ideea. All his performance is very impressive (including the chariot, the 2 finger push up, the speed, the blind fighting).And he did have unique abilities like the ping-pong nunchaku (that's amazing, never seen anyone do that).
He was almost as good as a pro fighter, almost as good as a pro powerlifter, almost as good as gymnast (he did a full planche, which is hard) etc. So for example he could lift almost as good as a powerlifer, but can a powerlifer be as good as Bruce Lee in other domains, most likely not.
That is why he is a genius, thus beeing an actor not an athlete, which makes Bruce Lee even more amazing.

În Duminică, 21 Iunie 2015 0:33:35, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] a scris:

  @victor You do know he was so fast he could not be caught on camera without intentionally slowing down right?And again, his punching bag was filled with metal because otherwise he would have broken it.His one inch punch was as strong as a car hitting you at 30 MPH.Now there's a shaolin monk who recently surpassed his one inch punch and clocked it at being like a car hitting 36MPH but that's not much more than what Bruce Lee could do.
What exactly are you basing this off of when you say he wasn't anywhere near as tough as this?Because I've seen the demonstrations he gave where he would give a man a coin, stand more than 5 feet away and then take the coin before the guy could close his palm.
He was faster than any martial artist in recorded history and saying he "lacked technique" is bullshit.
He studied boxing, kung-fu, epee fencing, and numerous other martial arts, took the useful techniques and ditched what was superficial or pointless.

He could lift a whole chariot with a man still sitting in it and throw it! That stunt he did in the movie was REAL.His coordination and speed were very real. He was way stronger in reality than in the movies.
He had to intentionally slow down just to be seen on camera! The set of the Green Hornet was pissed because the first time he was on their set during filming he beat up everyone in the room before the camera saw anything!It literally came down to either bruce lee slowing down so the camera can see him or the Green Hornet changing the script to give kato psychic powers where he kills you with his mind!

On Saturday, June 20, 2015 12:04 AM, "V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  He was a genius in the sense that the knowledge he had was immense. He probably was overall better than every other athlete. But he is very far away from the lion slayer demi-gods from mythology.Can he perform a routine like Nadia Comaneci? Or punch like Muhammad Ali? Or like Tyson? He would probably lose a lot in 1 vs 1 MMA, because he didn't have technique (Royce Gracie although was very weak beated every other style with technique). He would probably lose an Olympic Marathon Challenge or an Olympic Marathon Sprint...He didn't specialize, that doesn't mean he wasn't a beast, super strong compared with all others (overall). And it wasn't his job to do that, he was an actor. But since he didn't do something to surpass the elite in one group (who didn't practice something spiritual), we can't say for sure how did the spirituality he practice helped him.

În Sâmbătă, 20 Iunie 2015 0:54:47, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] a scris:

  @eu719 .....are we talking about the same person?
Bruce Lee was so fucking strong he had to fill his punching bag with metal to avoid breaking it and all his training equipment was modified for the same reason!
He was so fast that in his movies the camera was always in high speed mode just so you could see him move!
So no if you're talking about Bruce Lee you're dead wrong on all counts except maybe the powerlifting thing.He trained with lighter weights to build strength and keep his speed.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:04 AM, "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life. 
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.

Who? Ben or sugar ray ?
On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 8:51 AM, Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<td val[/IMG]He was a degenarate who race mixed with Aryan and Black wemon, he openly stated numorious times he was a marxist communist who "did not believe in race or sex" he was addicted to numorious drugs such as pot. I suggest you find a role model other then someone who was made into a myth by jewish hollywood.

At Jun 22, 2015, 2:55:45 AM, V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote: I already admited he was a genius. The too fast for camera is spectacular, but there are other people who are too fast for the camera.
Sweet Violence: The Genius of Sugar Ray Robinson
To actually see what Sugar Ray Robinson was doing you have too go in slow motion.
A camera, usually to create the motion effect has to run at a minimum of 16 frames per second (fps), but the average camera is about 25 fps. So to punch faster than the camera you need to go like 1 meter (supposed length of the arm) in 1/25 seconds... which is 25 m/s... which is 90 km/h. Above that speed an averge camera would have problems.
For example Bren Foster Speed - Taekwondo - Studio BZA kicked at 136 miles/h which is 220 km/h. Way too fast for an averege camera. But now there are cameras which go to 120 fps, so you can record that.
The fact that he was faster than the camera was shocking to the media because they didn't see others do that (who were averege actors) do that, but that doesn't mean a profesional fighter couldn't do that.
What I say about technique was that he didn't have grappling technique. And with no grappling technique in today 1 vs 1 hand to hand combat, he would lose a lot, because it doesn't matter how strong you are if your opponent dodges your first punches/kicks (and pros are good at that), when you are at the ground, if you don't know what do to escape the situations, you lose (it's like beeing in water with a shark and you don't know how to swim), because no matter how strong you are a good chocke will kill anyone in like 10 seconds.
A fight with a grappler would most probably end like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd1KDz1X7iE

Now I don't want to give the wrong ideea. All his performance is very impressive (including the chariot, the 2 finger push up, the speed, the blind fighting).And he did have unique abilities like the ping-pong nunchaku (that's amazing, never seen anyone do that).
He was almost as good as a pro fighter, almost as good as a pro powerlifter, almost as good as gymnast (he did a full planche, which is hard) etc. So for example he could lift almost as good as a powerlifer, but can a powerlifer be as good as Bruce Lee in other domains, most likely not.
That is why he is a genius, thus beeing an actor not an athlete, which makes Bruce Lee even more amazing.

În Duminică, 21 Iunie 2015 0:33:35, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" a scris:

@victor You do know he was so fast he could not be caught on camera without intentionally slowing down right?And again, his punching bag was filled with metal because otherwise he would have broken it.His one inch punch was as strong as a car hitting you at 30 MPH.Now there's a shaolin monk who recently surpassed his one inch punch and clocked it at being like a car hitting 36MPH but that's not much more than what Bruce Lee could do.
What exactly are you basing this off of when you say he wasn't anywhere near as tough as this?Because I've seen the demonstrations he gave where he would give a man a coin, stand more than 5 feet away and then take the coin before the guy could close his palm.
He was faster than any martial artist in recorded history and saying he "lacked technique" is bullshit.
He studied boxing, kung-fu, epee fencing, and numerous other martial arts, took the useful techniques and ditched what was superficial or pointless.

He could lift a whole chariot with a man still sitting in it and throw it! That stunt he did in the movie was REAL.His coordination and speed were very real. He was way stronger in reality than in the movies.
He had to intentionally slow down just to be seen on camera! The set of the Green Hornet was pissed because the first time he was on their set during filming he beat up everyone in the room before the camera saw anything!It literally came down to either bruce lee slowing down so the camera can see him or the Green Hornet changing the script to give kato psychic powers where he kills you with his mind!

On Saturday, June 20, 2015 12:04 AM, "V Victor eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" wrote:

He was a genius in the sense that the knowledge he had was immense. He probably was overall better than every other athlete. But he is very far away from the lion slayer demi-gods from mythology.Can he perform a routine like Nadia Comaneci? Or punch like Muhammad Ali? Or like Tyson? He would probably lose a lot in 1 vs 1 MMA, because he didn't have technique (Royce Gracie although was very weak beated every other style with technique). He would probably lose an Olympic Marathon Challenge or an Olympic Marathon Sprint...He didn't specialize, that doesn't mean he wasn't a beast, super strong compared with all others (overall). And it wasn't his job to do that, he was an actor. But since he didn't do something to surpass the elite in one group (who didn't practice something spiritual), we can't say for sure how did the spirituality he practice helped him.

În Sâmbătă, 20 Iunie 2015 0:54:47, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" a scris:

@eu719 .....are we talking about the same person?
Bruce Lee was so fucking strong he had to fill his punching bag with metal to avoid breaking it and all his training equipment was modified for the same reason!
He was so fast that in his movies the camera was always in high speed mode just so you could see him move!
So no if you're talking about Bruce Lee you're dead wrong on all counts except maybe the powerlifting thing.He trained with lighter weights to build strength and keep his speed.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:04 AM, "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" wrote:

I like his personality, and he was very advanced phisicaly. He was good at many things, but master of none... There are people more athletic (gymnasts), stronger (powerlifters), faster (sprinters) and who fight better than him (modern MMA fighters), who didn't practice anything spiritual. He was good all around in many areas. Advanced but not Elite... His level can be achieved with steroids, with a moderate dedication for impoved, which could possibly be what shorted his life.
Another example can be Zyzz who used roids and shorted his life (died at 22)... though he made a lot of unhealhty choises and is really far away from the teachings of spirituality; he did achieve an aesthetic and strongish phisique.
When will JDK start actually using Lee's philosophy?
Lee tried out for the Kung Fu, western show but was turned down for David Carradine. They pwn it off as racism but the kikes wanted a White dude in the role because the whole show was Marxist, anti-White trash and it goes down easier with a White face on the TV.
The second series they did was good though, it dropped most if not all of the anti White, trash. And it also highlighted the evil of Communist China and got heavy into mysticism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
