As Lydia pointed out some years ago. On Short and long SATANAS.
1.Short-SATANAS: One Satanas per breath like a mantra for quick repetitions in other words you can do higher or high reps or even low reps quicker.
Can be good or better than long SATANAS due to numbers of repetition. But high reps aren't necessary and you can easily gain stuff from lower reps just if your persistent. Time wise is the reason L-S can take a long time even for low reps. This is more for a quicker time period.
2. Long-SATANAS: Breath per letter, you breath in vibrate S, breath in vibrate A etc.etc. and you perform lower reps but more powerfully.
This IS more powerful as your applying much power per letter. But even doing 10 L-S can be rough for a newer person. In the same amount of time you fire off 10. S-S maybe like 30+ can be done.
There is neither wrong or right both are just ways in which the mantra can be used. It is meditational what may work for one person might not work for another.
In the end it's up to you.
Other ideas S-S for some energizing or programming or general mantra it has no bearing like SATANAMA but I'm sure it's just up to our understanding it seems to be Aumic in the sense it's a general mantra or has general properties. Can be used as a booster or force multiplier or spiritual warfare situation.
And finally L-S can be vibrated Letter per Letter into each Chakra. So S(Base), A(Sacral), etc.etc. or opposite S(Crown), A(Center brain). As for the center chakra heart it is both A in up or down vibration. So the Heart chakra receives a general boost and not a direct boost for example how the vibration for the heart is Venus mantra but the Throat is Mercury mantra. Just a reminder if you feel like your over meditating on the center chakra and believe your producing mercury or excessive although I doubt many of our members reach those levels.
This use of Chakra L-S can be useful to keep chakras open or in use and keep stimulating. Just another stimulation mantra. You can use S-S per mantra for example fire off a few at each one. Again it can be good with Lydia's recommendation as well that she rather Chakra per day on the hour of the chakra to vibrate into it at higher rep than doing a total Full-Chakra Meditation which she mentioned to herself and I assume others can be burnt out or go man this is too much.
FCM can be a bit daunting and some like Lydia have liked Chakra per day workings. Of course she doesn't mention 3rd eye/pineal for gaum but I assume 3rd eye and guam also get pumped as well daily since it's Chakra per day but nothing on third eye or pineal.
I'm just assuming that 3E/Pineal are worked on every day.
These are the two main mantra usage and some general ideas of what it can be used at. You can even program this stuff to your liking or do lower rep plus a few reps of this mantra for a magickal effect. Sorta like how sometimes lower reps with a bit of extra side-power boost can do well sorta like high effects. Sorta like Sowilo with XYZ rune to boost it.