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Breathing from diaphragm at all times - The ultimate cure to Asthma and chronic cough,chest pain and sinusitis.


Active member
Apr 13, 2014
I had been suffering from Asthma and chronic sinusitis for more than half a decade now.


I had tried many things to solve my problems but none of them worked to permanently cure my disease.

1. Ayurveda
2. Hatha Yoga for 2+ months
3. Needle Acupuncture from a specialist for more than a week.
4. Neti Pot (I do not recommend neti pot anyone since after learning about bacteria theory of the nose)
5. Humidifier
6. Vibrating specific mantra to each Chakra
7. Red light laser therapy machine
8. Self acupressure from both hands and electric one
9. Applying lacto bacteria to my nose.
10. Trying the water cure protocol.


Finally found the cure from Dr. Eric Berg.

I will not say that I have permanently eradicated my disease. However, I will say that my symptoms have almost completely vanished after trying his method. Following his breathing method for first few days was very hard. I had to struggle just to breathe in a way he advised. However, before I knew it, my asthma symptoms had been alleviated by a lot. Frequency of me taking emergency asthma medicines declined by a lot.

Now, even if I cough, If I follow that breathing method of his, my chest and throat won't constrict like before making me take my medicines. My chest fucking hurt even by the slightest sneeze or cough and I had to take my medicines to alleviate the pain in the short term. Now I cough very rarely and even if I do, there are no long term side effects like chest pain or constriction.

For people intending to apply the cure, always carry your emergency asthma medicine with you at all times. I still had to take the medicine when it got worse although the frequency has decreased by a lot.
Also, it will be hard for the first few days. However, I strongly recommend to stick to this breathing method for the first few days as the result is seen in the first few days. Your body, specially your throat and chest muscles are trying to adjust to increased oxygen. That is why it is hard initially. However, the initial phase of adaptation will have ended in 3-4 days. After that you can say fare thy not well to the damned disease. Some people's adaption period might be longer or shorter but it will for all of them within a week or two.

To breathe from your diaphragm, you should breathe slowly and without your nose making any sound. Your breath should be silent and not be heard by you. Do this 24x7(at all times).

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=329674 time=1646073990 user_id=21286]

I advise you guys to see that video. Acupuncture did not work for me and I do not believe it will work for anyone as the issue is something fundamental. He say that you breathe more oxygen into your body while you breathe that way. And I read somewhere that an alkaline environment is rich in oxygen. If that is so that should correspond to low heat in your stomach. I believe that I will be free of my asthma and chronic sinusitis if I am persistent with following this breathing method for some few months as it will take time to heal the damage from low oxygen.

He also says that breathing this way will relax your sinuses due to increased nitrogen oxide.
Also I believe that his suggestion is equal to taking hydrogen peroxide as both increase the oxygen in your body which means that it works not only on asthma but almost all kinds of disease. He also talks about benefits of hydrogen peroxide in one of his videos. I advise people suffering from Corona, COPD or any chronic disease to try the above.

Also to anyone reading this, watch his other videos on odysee. His videos are full of precious health advice and I believe even members like Blitzkreig and Centralforce666 could learn a lot from him. I do not mean that as an insult but I mean it as it is.

Good luck on your journey to freely breathe.

Hail Satan !!!
Hail Vapula !!!
Username said:
I advise you guys to see that video. Acupuncture did not work for me and I do not believe it will work for anyone as the issue is something fundamental. He say that you breathe more oxygen into your body while you breathe that way. And I read somewhere that an alkaline environment is rich in oxygen. If that is so that should correspond to low heat in your stomach. I believe that I will be free of my asthma and chronic sinusitis if I am persistent with following this breathing method for some few months as it will take time to heal the damage from low oxygen.
If that works then aerobic exercise should work as well, no? Have you tried?
Username said:
Hail Satan !!!
Hail Vapula !!!

One thing that most people with asthma have in common is that they are deficient in vitamin D, they often times breath in shallow breaths as well. Vitamin D is one of the body's most important hormone's, and if one has a lack of this many problems can arise, be it bone density, skin ailments or breathing problems, among many other problems.

Now there are 2 main things that i know of that can help a lot.

1. Get enough sunlight every day, if this is not possible find other solutions to get enough vitamin D. You can eat egg's for example or use supplements.

2. Breath in and out in a natural way, when i say this i mean that one should not breath in trough their chest (This can cause chest pains), but one should breath in trough their stomach. This should not be forced! work towards this in steps.

If these 2 steps are done one should see a big improvement, and eventually its possible to stop having asthma like symptoms. Of course it is possible to have deeper or other problems that can cause asthma like symptoms, like a deficiency in zinc, or having immune problems. But i think that in most cases vitamin D and breathing correctly will solve the problems.


If anyone reading this wonders if they have a form of asthma or not, you can easily do this exercise to find out for yourself:


Breath in and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, and count how long you can hold your breath for, you can use a stopwatch for this.

If you can only hold your breath for less than 15 seconds, you have severe asthma problems!

The moment that you can hold your breath comfortably for more than 40 seconds is the moment that you are in the clear. So if you are not able to reach 40 seconds, you should do some breathing exercise or any of the other things that i spoke of above.


You are the one with more experience so what do you think? I wasn't able to see the vids by the way :?
Henu the Great said:
If that works then aerobic exercise should work as well, no? Have you tried?

Although I have not tried any aerobic exercise, I believe that the answer is no. I will emphasize this again, the issue is something fundamental, something very basic and something equivalent to not eating food to nourish the body.

You have to understand that people suffering from asthma can't inhale and exhale as long as normal people. Their breaths are shallow and short. As they are not able to breathe normally due to the initial barrier which prevents them from breathing normally, unintentionally they program their sub conscious mind to breathe in such a manner at all times.
Two barriers prevent them from breathing normally:

(1). Physical barrier
Their chest and throat muscles do not allow them to breathe long and slowly. Any attempt to do so will be met with pain and resistance. However, this barrier is broken through by constantly exercising these muscles by breathing from diaphragm at all times. Conscious breathing exercises for short term is not the answer here. However, consciously breathing from diaphragm for long term to affect the sub conscious to breathe in the same manner is the very essence of the cure.

(2). Sub Conscious Barrier
If the above barrier remains for a long period of time, people develop asthma. The sub conscious part of your body handles blood circulation, digestion, absorption etc. The above barrier eventually affects this part. The sub conscious has to adapt to breathing short and shallow in order to avoid chest pain. If it did not adapt, people suffering from asthma would be in constant chest pain as it is normal to breathe slow and long for the sub conscious. Eventually, you end up programming your mind too to breathe short and shallow.

All you have to do to break through those two barriers is to breathe from your diaphragm at all times. It will be very hard for the first few days. You have to learn to consciously breathe in such a manner for hours and hours. The pain and the feeling of suffocation will even make asthmatics start questioning the validity of my post. However, the efforts aren't rewarded until the body completes the first phases of adaption which might take anywhere from 3-4 days.

Once the first phase of adaptation is complete, the effects are permanent.. You still have not completely eradicated asthma from your body but you are able to breathe normally. You stop coughing. The chest and throat pain ceases. The frequency of you taking emergency asthma medicines is decreased by one eighth. Rarely you will find yourself reaching for the inhaler or the rotacaps. However, this is only the first phase of adaptation. You have to stick to this natural method of breathing for a year or so to completely eradicate asthma from your body.
In fact, if you can program your sub conscious to breathe from diaphragm at all times, then you can forget about asthma as it will eventually be cured at some point or another and this can only be done by constant conscious effort/reinforcement.

It is not about just about short breathing exercise as you say. It is about making your body remember the correct way to breathe and make it learn to do so at all times 24x7. Only then will it be able to reverse the years or perhaps decades worth of damage from insufficient oxygen. Short aerobic exercises will never cut it.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
1. Get enough sunlight every day, if this is not possible find other solutions to get enough vitamin D. You can eat egg's for example or use supplements.

You can get sunlight all day but unless you don't work on your breathing, you will never be able to cure your asthma. It is not about deficiency. It is much more than that. If you want to see what the problem is, then see my answer to Henu the Great.

I will not deny that sunlight will help in curing asthma. You can forgo bathing in sunlight to cure your asthma but you must absolutely not forgo breathing from diaphragm at all times.
Of course, the best results are obtained from doing both but working on your breathing is of the topmost priority.

2. Breath in and out in a natural way, when i say this i mean that one should not breath in trough their chest (This can cause chest pains), but one should breath in trough their stomach. This should not be forced! work towards this in steps.

You should have elaborated more on what breathing through stomach means and how to do it.
To breathe through stomach, one should breathe slowly and without their breathing making any sound. If you are breathing through stomach, you should not hear any kind of sound from your nose both when inhaling and exhaling.

I disagree somewhat when you should say it should not be forced. There is a category of people who need to force themselves somewhat to work on curing their disease. Those people are called asthmatics. Of course I do not mean as in forcing to the extent that you pass out. You can choose to give up temporarily but you must get right back up and start breathing from stomach again. There's a certain degree of pain and a feeling of suffocation involved. However, this only last for the first few days. See my answer to Henu regarding adaptation phase.

Asthmatics including me have to open their mouth just to breathe even when we eat something. Trying to breathe from my nose, having my mouth shut and breathing from my stomach while eating was somewhat hard but doable. I will not say that you should force yourself to the maximum extent but to try the best you can without overexerting yourself.

About your exercise to determine if someone has asthma, the doctor in the video suggested exactly the same exercise. You should have seen it. I emphasize members reading this to see that video.

This comes from someone who had to lie in stomach just to get more oxygen in severe cases to someone who is now able to hold their breath comfortably for 25-30 seconds and reaching to this state only took me 2 months. I believe that I will be free of asthma in a year if I stick to this natural, wonderful and stress relieving way of breathing.
A lot of asthma is simply weak lungs. I was diagnosed with it when I was young even though I was thin and in decent shape (as opposed to most people who are fat), as one of my parents also has asthma. I used an inhaler for some years. I then found the JoS, learned about the 10 Tibetan Breaths, cured my "asthma". I have not used an inhaler in 10 years or so.

The 10 Tibetan Breaths (easily found online) stretch and strengthen the lungs from all sides while breathing, holding the breath, or holding the exhale while using arm and/or torso movements. I highly recommend them to anyone who is not breathing properly or feeling weak in the lungs.

It probably depends on how severe your asthma is, i myself have had some form of asthma as well, not nearly as severe as yours but there were times that i basically hyperventilated because i didn't get enough air, as you know this is in most cases a problem in the breath. I had to learn how to breath properly, and as you did i forced it to an extent.

Forcing yourself to do a breathing technique can do harm to your nervous system if i remember correctly, so forcing this is never a good idea, of course it can be somewhat uncomfortable but only to a certain extent. I did not go more in dept about the breathing technique because all SS should be familiar with the basic yogic breath, so SS should have somewhat of understanding of what i meant. It would have been better if i revered to the basic yogic breath in the first comment, but i didn't think of adding it.
Username said:
Henu the Great said:
Although I have not tried any aerobic exercise, I believe that the answer is no. I will emphasize this again, the issue is something fundamental, something very basic and something equivalent to not eating food to nourish the body.
I am inclined to think there is more to this than you have understood considering you have no expierence with the effect exercising has on the body. The way I see it is that aerobic exercising does make your whole aerobic system stronger, including lungs so it could be very well be that you can have benefit from it.

Aerobic exercising can, and mostly should be done for an hour or more per session. I get that busy people and unfit people are not able to do this, but the point is that this is not a short effort. Especially when the nature of it is consistency over years of practice. One part of it is concsious breathing and it is excactly as you have done, without the exercising aspect. As have been stated above, breathing exercises will help with this with certainty and with them even less than hour a day will bring results.

In any case its good that you have found a remedy for your ailment.
Henu the Great said:
Username said:
Henu the Great said:
Although I have not tried any aerobic exercise, I believe that the answer is no. I will emphasize this again, the issue is something fundamental, something very basic and something equivalent to not eating food to nourish the body.
I am inclined to think there is more to this than you have understood considering you have no expierence with the effect exercising has on the body. The way I see it is that aerobic exercising does make your whole aerobic system stronger, including lungs so it could be very well be that you can have benefit from it.

Aerobic exercising can, and mostly should be done for an hour or more per session. I get that busy people and unfit people are not able to do this, but the point is that this is not a short effort. Especially when the nature of it is consistency over years of practice. One part of it is concsious breathing and it is excactly as you have done, without the exercising aspect. As have been stated above, breathing exercises will help with this with certainty and with them even less than hour a day will bring results.

In any case its good that you have found a remedy for your ailment.

Indeed it was presumptuous of me to say that it would not work. I have not tried any aerobic exercise and therefore I have no right to say if it works or not. Only by trying it and seeing it for myself can I know whether it works or not.

From what you say, it seems that its effects are potent in healing ailments like the one I am suffering from. I though it would be 5-10 min per session but I didn't know that it should be done for an hour or so. Consistency with years of practice, this sounds like raising energies for a certain number of days after which the effect is permanent.

Could you recommend some aerobic exercises ?
Username said:
Henu the Great said:
Username said:
Although I have not tried any aerobic exercise, I believe that the answer is no. I will emphasize this again, the issue is something fundamental, something very basic and something equivalent to not eating food to nourish the body.
I am inclined to think there is more to this than you have understood considering you have no expierence with the effect exercising has on the body. The way I see it is that aerobic exercising does make your whole aerobic system stronger, including lungs so it could be very well be that you can have benefit from it.

Aerobic exercising can, and mostly should be done for an hour or more per session. I get that busy people and unfit people are not able to do this, but the point is that this is not a short effort. Especially when the nature of it is consistency over years of practice. One part of it is concsious breathing and it is excactly as you have done, without the exercising aspect. As have been stated above, breathing exercises will help with this with certainty and with them even less than hour a day will bring results.

In any case its good that you have found a remedy for your ailment.

Indeed it was presumptuous of me to say that it would not work. I have not tried any aerobic exercise and therefore I have no right to say if it works or not. Only by trying it and seeing it for myself can I know whether it works or not.

From what you say, it seems that its effects are potent in healing ailments like the one I am suffering from. I though it would be 5-10 min per session but I didn't know that it should be done for an hour or so. Consistency with years of practice, this sounds like raising energies for a certain number of days after which the effect is permanent.

Could you recommend some aerobic exercises ?
Aerobic exercising is anything with increased oxygen intake. Typically something like running, cycling and swimming, but also things like skiing, roller skiing, jumping rope and so on and so forth.

Getting good with it is a lot like raising energies as you say, altough I never thought about it like that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
