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Becoming a Satanist Has Ruined My Life, PLease Ban My Account


New member
May 6, 2021
I want nothing to do with Joy of Satan or Lucifer anymore. It was a mistake and realize Satan used my childhood trauma against me to decieve me to worship him.

I have been a devout Satanist since 2016 and it has landed me in scary, scary, scary places. It has led me to being human trafficked, homeless, raped multiple times, attacked and bullied everywhere I go, and to havesevere depression and spiritual attacks and be under severe spiritual warfare. Everywhere i go I see creepy ugly looking people who wear satanic symbols. I get bullied all the time despite being kind hearted, and polite unless I have to defend myself.

Last year I decided after only being on the main website to come on ancient forums and the fact people bullied and attacked me on here off the bat just for asking for help should of been my sign to turn to God, but instead I got deeper into Satanism and fought for Satan with all my heart.

Now I know that I have been deceived and lied to. Satanism has made me isolated, depressed, even more suicidal than I was as a child, and is ruining my life. I think spiritual awakening is evil and demonic and designed to make you kill yourself. I have thrown out all my crystals and my tarot deck and occult items and repented to the Lord

I have turned back to satanism and now worship Jesus Christ after deep thought. I was getting attacked in my sleep and the only think that helped was saying in the name of jesus. Doing daily aura cleaning and building, cleansing my soul, returning hexes and spells to senders, doing extreme cord cutting, and rituals for protection on a daily basis for a year now should of made my life better, but nope. im on the verge of suicidal.

Its crazy because when I was really fighting for satan, and I was homeless i would have ppl target me and talk about the devil, one time this guy locked me in a closet and told me the devil is lurking in the corner and terrorized me and wouldnt let me leave. why didnt i see this as a sign to find god?

The only thing that only makes me slightly still believe this website is that I get stalked and harassed by jews and they look very creepy and ugly, but nope. my life is worse than it was when i was a christian as a teenager. i had a horrible childhood and my adulthood is worse.

Please ban my account i want nothing to do with this and im very scared.
Satan does not use any form of trauma against us. He also does not want nor need any "worship", either. You are highly mistaken.

I ask - turn to which god and which "the lord"? We are to become Gods or Goddesses, depending on if we are Male or Female, ourselves. We do not need any man-in-the-middle actors to rely on. We learn to rely on ourselves and 'save our own Souls'.

Spiritual awakening is evil? So you wish to be ignorant and controlled by others who decide things for you? It certainly is not designed to make you kill yourself. This is utter nonsense.

OK. You enjoy being a christian, pretending that you have Spiritual knowledge - but don't forget; "jesus" is a plagiarised character, stolen from multiple much-older Gods, all squashed into one faerie tale story book character. Also don't forget that "jesus" never prevents Children from being abused by "priests" - whether that's catholic christianity or protestant christianity, or islam, or other, "jesus" never prevented it; "jesus" refuses and refuses repeatedly to prevent it from happening.

No-one is forcing you, nor anyone else, to come here or remain here. If you want to leave, then leave; your account being here makes no difference. The fact that you posted this tirade sounds more like attention-seeking; if you simply left, then nothing would have been said and no mind would have been paid to you nor your account.

You are either highly mistaken, pissing about like a troll seeking attention, or you might just be a jew yourself. Whether you stay and participate, lurk, or leave; whether you go to "jesus" or whatever you do, this ministry, its sites and its members and its goal, the Cause, are not going to stop; in fact, it will continue on and it will increase, and ultimately it will eradicate christianity its sibling islam and their parent root judaism once and for all. Indeed - we all will see.
666fairy said:
I want nothing to do with Joy of Satan or Lucifer anymore. It was a mistake and realize Satan used my childhood trauma against me to decieve me to worship him.

I have been a devout Satanist since 2016 and it has landed me in scary, scary, scary places. It has led me to being human trafficked, homeless, raped multiple times, attacked and bullied everywhere I go, and to havesevere depression and spiritual attacks and be under severe spiritual warfare. Everywhere i go I see creepy ugly looking people who wear satanic symbols. I get bullied all the time despite being kind hearted, and polite unless I have to defend myself.

Last year I decided after only being on the main website to come on ancient forums and the fact people bullied and attacked me on here off the bat just for asking for help should of been my sign to turn to God, but instead I got deeper into Satanism and fought for Satan with all my heart.

Now I know that I have been deceived and lied to. Satanism has made me isolated, depressed, even more suicidal than I was as a child, and is ruining my life. I think spiritual awakening is evil and demonic and designed to make you kill yourself. I have thrown out all my crystals and my tarot deck and occult items and repented to the Lord

I have turned back to satanism and now worship Jesus Christ after deep thought. I was getting attacked in my sleep and the only think that helped was saying in the name of jesus. Doing daily aura cleaning and building, cleansing my soul, returning hexes and spells to senders, doing extreme cord cutting, and rituals for protection on a daily basis for a year now should of made my life better, but nope. im on the verge of suicidal.

Its crazy because when I was really fighting for satan, and I was homeless i would have ppl target me and talk about the devil, one time this guy locked me in a closet and told me the devil is lurking in the corner and terrorized me and wouldnt let me leave. why didnt i see this as a sign to find god?

The only thing that only makes me slightly still believe this website is that I get stalked and harassed by jews and they look very creepy and ugly, but nope. my life is worse than it was when i was a christian as a teenager. i had a horrible childhood and my adulthood is worse.

Please ban my account i want nothing to do with this and im very scared.

Well you are doing something very wrong. Itsstarfire, you are doing something HORRIBLY wrong.

Okay, you not so intelligent individual.... you fought for Satan, you destroyed the Hebrew letters, you attacked the Jews, Jewsus, YHWH, and the Angels...


Well, tbh, after being a Satanist for so long, you have done something horribly wrong. Maybe stop blaming Satan and take responsibility for your own fucking live, situation and relationships. But no of course, you blame Satan. Little princess is still super upset after going against people.

Well, I can tell you something, from now on, everything will go down hill, if you think that live was bad before, you are in for a ride.

Satan was the only thing between you and them, have fun as once someone willingly leaves Satan, Satan also leaves them, you are without and you are alone now.

To anyone who is like this person, this is how NOT TO DO IT, there is NO GOING BACK!
FancyMancy said:
Satan does not use any form of trauma against us. He also does not want nor need any "worship", either. You are highly mistaken.

I ask - turn to which god and which "the lord"? We are to become Gods or Goddesses, depending on if we are Male or Female, ourselves. We do not need any man-in-the-middle actors to rely on. We learn to rely on ourselves and 'save our own Souls'.

Spiritual awakening is evil? So you wish to be ignorant and controlled by others who decide things for you? It certainly is not designed to make you kill yourself. This is utter nonsense.

OK. You enjoy being a christian, pretending that you have Spiritual knowledge - but don't forget; "jesus" is a plagiarised character, stolen from multiple much-older Gods, all squashed into one faerie tale story book character. Also don't forget that "jesus" never prevents Children from being abused by "priests" - whether that's catholic christianity or protestant christianity, or islam, or other, "jesus" never prevented it; "jesus" refuses and refuses repeatedly to prevent it from happening.

No-one is forcing you, nor anyone else, to come here or remain here. If you want to leave, then leave; your account being here makes no difference. The fact that you posted this tirade sounds more like attention-seeking; if you simply left, then nothing would have been said and no mind would have been paid to you nor your account.

You are either highly mistaken, pissing about like a troll seeking attention, or you might just be a jew yourself. Whether you stay and participate, lurk, or leave; whether you go to "jesus" or whatever you do, this ministry, its sites and its members and its goal, the Cause, are not going to stop; in fact, it will continue on and it will increase, and ultimately it will eradicate christianity its sibling islam and their parent root judaism once and for all. Indeed - we all will see.

I understand and everything on the websie makes pefect logical sense but becoming a satanist hasnt improved my life in anyways and it only keeps gettign worse. i havent left my house except for errands for almost 2 years now, thats how trauamtized and scared I am. I'm not troll seeking, im trauamtized and scared and just want this nightmare of a life to stop. im not ok. i have no family or support system and because of spiritual awakening i have a hard time relating to ppl and cant talk to them because of how ignorant they are, they are like zombie bots. having this much awareness of the world, and knowing that most of our consumerist goods are made by slaves in india, africa, and china is depressing because i want to chnage that and if i say that to people they mock me and make fun of me. i get mocked for wanting to make the world a better place.

everywhere i go people are harsh and cruel to me, im very introverted and shy and i have good manners, im polite, i am kind, i used to be an activist until people scared me away from that too because how am i standing up for good cuases like going to standing rock protests and people make fun of me and treat me like im inferior for wanting a better world.

i got severely abused by my parents , phsycially emotionally sexually. i got bullied at school. no where has ever been safe. and ever since i became a satanists ive been under so much spiritual warefare and attacks that i fear i'll actually go through with commiting suicide. i have no one and severely isolated and people keep kicking me when im down, i mentally cant take having one more person be mean to me i will slit my own throat in front of them thats how bad this is.
FancyMancy said:
Satan does not use any form of trauma against us. He also does not want nor need any "worship", either. You are highly mistaken.

I ask - turn to which god and which "the lord"? We are to become Gods or Goddesses, depending on if we are Male or Female, ourselves. We do not need any man-in-the-middle actors to rely on. We learn to rely on ourselves and 'save our own Souls'.

Spiritual awakening is evil? So you wish to be ignorant and controlled by others who decide things for you? It certainly is not designed to make you kill yourself. This is utter nonsense.

OK. You enjoy being a christian, pretending that you have Spiritual knowledge - but don't forget; "jesus" is a plagiarised character, stolen from multiple much-older Gods, all squashed into one faerie tale story book character. Also don't forget that "jesus" never prevents Children from being abused by "priests" - whether that's catholic christianity or protestant christianity, or islam, or other, "jesus" never prevented it; "jesus" refuses and refuses repeatedly to prevent it from happening.

No-one is forcing you, nor anyone else, to come here or remain here. If you want to leave, then leave; your account being here makes no difference. The fact that you posted this tirade sounds more like attention-seeking; if you simply left, then nothing would have been said and no mind would have been paid to you nor your account.

You are either highly mistaken, pissing about like a troll seeking attention, or you might just be a jew yourself. Whether you stay and participate, lurk, or leave; whether you go to "jesus" or whatever you do, this ministry, its sites and its members and its goal, the Cause, are not going to stop; in fact, it will continue on and it will increase, and ultimately it will eradicate christianity its sibling islam and their parent root judaism once and for all. Indeed - we all will see.

also here we go again this is why i hate you people, you always accuse me of being a jew but im not, im part black and from jamaica!!??!/ i dont even know anything about jewish culture except they have big ugly noses and look like gremlins. i just want my account banned because im scared that god is punishing me for having an account on here.
The liars keep getting worse at lying lately even though they believe they are getting more clever. How ridiculous.

If you aren't a jew then do remember what the spiritual consequences are for lying about Satan and blaming him for your problems.

If you are a jew then I don't need to say anything else. You know what you are, and you know why you are doing this - to influence people to leave. No other reason for this post.
666fairy said:
I want nothing to do with Joy of Satan or Lucifer anymore. It was a mistake and realize Satan used my childhood trauma against me to decieve me to worship him.

I have been a devout Satanist since 2016 and it has landed me in scary, scary, scary places. It has led me to being human trafficked, homeless, raped multiple times, attacked and bullied everywhere I go, and to havesevere depression and spiritual attacks and be under severe spiritual warfare. Everywhere i go I see creepy ugly looking people who wear satanic symbols. I get bullied all the time despite being kind hearted, and polite unless I have to defend myself.

Last year I decided after only being on the main website to come on ancient forums and the fact people bullied and attacked me on here off the bat just for asking for help should of been my sign to turn to God, but instead I got deeper into Satanism and fought for Satan with all my heart.

Now I know that I have been deceived and lied to. Satanism has made me isolated, depressed, even more suicidal than I was as a child, and is ruining my life. I think spiritual awakening is evil and demonic and designed to make you kill yourself. I have thrown out all my crystals and my tarot deck and occult items and repented to the Lord

I have turned back to satanism and now worship Jesus Christ after deep thought. I was getting attacked in my sleep and the only think that helped was saying in the name of jesus. Doing daily aura cleaning and building, cleansing my soul, returning hexes and spells to senders, doing extreme cord cutting, and rituals for protection on a daily basis for a year now should of made my life better, but nope. im on the verge of suicidal.

Its crazy because when I was really fighting for satan, and I was homeless i would have ppl target me and talk about the devil, one time this guy locked me in a closet and told me the devil is lurking in the corner and terrorized me and wouldnt let me leave. why didnt i see this as a sign to find god?

The only thing that only makes me slightly still believe this website is that I get stalked and harassed by jews and they look very creepy and ugly, but nope. my life is worse than it was when i was a christian as a teenager. i had a horrible childhood and my adulthood is worse.

Please ban my account i want nothing to do with this and im very scared.

Sounds like you never overcame your Childhood trauma to be honest. Satan didn't use this against you. What kind of Satanist are you that has lead you into those things. None of that has anything to do with what we are about. Sounds like you put yourself in some bad situations. Likely cause of that trauma and possibly addiction of some kind too. You have some kind of energy in you that is a direct opening to those entities or programming. This means they are attached to you.

Have not you read the site. Of course the attacks will stop with the Jesus thing they have you where they want to this is like giving into your attacker and now you made the situation worse with the energy inside you. Those people too they were xtians the one doing this stuff to you.

No need to put yourself in those kinds of situations to be an SS. Did you try the rtrs. If not this could help get that energy out of you.

Most of us are not depressed and suicidal Isolated possibly some of us but if so it looks to be by choice cause of the way the world is.

This really has nothing to do with any of the stuff you mentioned.

Explain why you think that stuff happening to you has anything to do with Satanism if anything it's related to the first thing I wrote about you having some kind of energy inside you that pulls it in. Likely dealing with the traumas.

If you take time to fix this you can have a positive life if not take your chances I guess. Jesus doesn't save anyone though believing in that only brings more of the same kind of stuff as I am sure you will find out soon enough.

Only workings and meditations to fix this that get to the point help and of course cleansing out these enemy energies that I am sure are causing this.
666fairy said:

If you want explain a little more. What kind of protection do you do try runes instead of cutting the cords in some cases if it's a deep attachment such as ansuz.

Were you being open about being Satanist if so that is the cause of some of this it's not recommended. If those people knew they are trying to scare you out of it. This stuff doesn't need to happen.

I don't have enough details to know what was going on fully.
slyscorpion said:
666fairy said:

If you want explain a little more. What kind of protection do you do try runes instead of cutting the cords in some cases if it's a deep attachment such as ansuz.

Were you being open about being Satanist if so that is the cause of some of this it's not recommended. If those people knew they are trying to scare you out of it. This stuff doesn't need to happen.

I don't have enough details to know what was going on fully.

i dont even want to go into full details cause i already know im gunna be accused as usual of being crazy a jew, a drug addict. i cant take the accusations and mental abuse anymore. im not fucking a drug addict i hate drugs, i eat very healthy. im tired of people bearing false witness and speaking on my life when theyre not arround to wittness or expeirece the living hell i am going through my whole life. this life is cruel sick joke i want to commit suicide i cant take it anymore
NinRick said:
666fairy said:

Well you are doing something very wrong. Itsstarfire, you are doing something HORRIBLY wrong.

Okay, you not so intelligent individual.... you fought for Satan, you destroyed the Hebrew letters, you attacked the Jews, Jewsus, YHWH, and the Angels...


Well, tbh, after being a Satanist for so long, you have done something horribly wrong. Maybe stop blaming Satan and take responsibility for your own fucking live, situation and relationships. But no of course, you blame Satan. Little princess is still super upset after going against people.

Well, I can tell you something, from now on, everything will go down hill, if you think that live was bad before, you are in for a ride.

Satan was the only thing between you and them, have fun as once someone willingly leaves Satan, Satan also leaves them, you are without and you are alone now.

To anyone who is like this person, this is how NOT TO DO IT, there is NO GOING BACK!

NinRick said:
666fairy said:

Well you are doing something very wrong. Itsstarfire, you are doing something HORRIBLY wrong.

Okay, you not so intelligent individual.... you fought for Satan, you destroyed the Hebrew letters, you attacked the Jews, Jewsus, YHWH, and the Angels...


Well, tbh, after being a Satanist for so long, you have done something horribly wrong. Maybe stop blaming Satan and take responsibility for your own fucking live, situation and relationships. But no of course, you blame Satan. Little princess is still super upset after going against people.

Well, I can tell you something, from now on, everything will go down hill, if you think that live was bad before, you are in for a ride.

Satan was the only thing between you and them, have fun as once someone willingly leaves Satan, Satan also leaves them, you are without and you are alone now.

To anyone who is like this person, this is how NOT TO DO IT, there is NO GOING BACK!


people never help and just kick me when im already down.i just need campssion and empathy and never given that, just treated like shit when im hurting badly
jrvan said:
The liars keep getting worse at lying lately even though they believe they are getting more clever. How ridiculous.

If you aren't a jew then do remember what the spiritual consequences are for lying about Satan and blaming him for your problems.

If you are a jew then I don't need to say anything else. You know what you are, and you know why you are doing this - to influence people to leave. No other reason for this post.

please just ban me, please im very very scared that im being punished by god for being a satanist and want this torment to end please , im very close to commit suicide
666fairy said:
NinRick said:
666fairy said:

Well you are doing something very wrong. Itsstarfire, you are doing something HORRIBLY wrong.

Okay, you not so intelligent individual.... you fought for Satan, you destroyed the Hebrew letters, you attacked the Jews, Jewsus, YHWH, and the Angels...


Well, tbh, after being a Satanist for so long, you have done something horribly wrong. Maybe stop blaming Satan and take responsibility for your own fucking live, situation and relationships. But no of course, you blame Satan. Little princess is still super upset after going against people.

Well, I can tell you something, from now on, everything will go down hill, if you think that live was bad before, you are in for a ride.

Satan was the only thing between you and them, have fun as once someone willingly leaves Satan, Satan also leaves them, you are without and you are alone now.

To anyone who is like this person, this is how NOT TO DO IT, there is NO GOING BACK!


people never help and just kick me when im already down.i just need campssion and empathy and never given that, just treated like shit when im hurting badly

We are not responsible for this though. Your response shows what I call the victim mentality. Look this up if you like on any search engine. Why would people accuse you of something if it's not true I didn't say you were an addict (just that many people in situations you describe are i am well aware of that as you are) if you say your not I would believe you I am generally a nice person. I do not spread a bunch of false stuff about people everywhere.

You have the power to stop what is going on. You didn't need to let it go on that long. Any thinking person could find someone to help them out or some agency or something if it's this bad you can too. There are ways out after reading this think hard about it. Suicide is never an answer that's helpful to anyone.

You can move somewhere else or go somewhere else if it's that terrible.

If you take power back into your own hands you will be OK. Your life isn't over to be honest even with all this.
slyscorpion said:
666fairy said:
NinRick said:
Well you are doing something very wrong. Itsstarfire, you are doing something HORRIBLY wrong.

Okay, you not so intelligent individual.... you fought for Satan, you destroyed the Hebrew letters, you attacked the Jews, Jewsus, YHWH, and the Angels...


Well, tbh, after being a Satanist for so long, you have done something horribly wrong. Maybe stop blaming Satan and take responsibility for your own fucking live, situation and relationships. But no of course, you blame Satan. Little princess is still super upset after going against people.

Well, I can tell you something, from now on, everything will go down hill, if you think that live was bad before, you are in for a ride.

Satan was the only thing between you and them, have fun as once someone willingly leaves Satan, Satan also leaves them, you are without and you are alone now.

To anyone who is like this person, this is how NOT TO DO IT, there is NO GOING BACK!


people never help and just kick me when im already down.i just need campssion and empathy and never given that, just treated like shit when im hurting badly

We are not responsible for this though. Your response shows what I call the victim mentality. Look this up if you like on any search engine. Why would people accuse you of something if it's not true I didn't say you were an addict (just that many people in situations you describe are i am well aware of that as you are) if you say your not I would believe you I am generally a nice person. I do not spread a bunch of false stuff about people everywhere.

You have the power to stop what is going on. You didn't need to let it go on that long. Any thinking person could find someone to help them out or some agency or something if it's this bad you can too. There are ways out after reading this think hard about it. Suicide is never an answer that's helpful to anyone.

You can move somewhere else or go somewhere else if it's that terrible.

If you take power back into your own hands you will be OK. Your life isn't over to be honest even with all this.

I dont have. victim mentality, i am repeatedly being victimized. the fact im too scared to leave my home should be evidence enough of that, you people arent here with me to see how people treat me on a regular basis, and they know ts wrong because just the other day the hair salon kept apologizing for the stylists bullying me and gave me a refund. i couldnt believe it even happened, everytime i leave my home im at risk of cruel treatment for no reason this is extreme spiritual warefare im scared for my life and im scared God si punishing me for a being a satanist i will do anything to make this stop
I hope you can heal yourself. First of all, I wish this as a human being. And it’s not fair to blame Father Satan for all this and for your life that has become uncontrollable. You haven't lived with Father Satan all your life. You were a christian before and jesus didn't help you. It was not people from Satan who made you suffer. They were other people. Almost everyone's life here got a lot better after discovering (or returning to) Father Satan. None of us here can know why your life is the way it is because even you don't know why. Again, I really hope you can heal yourself.
666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
666fairy said:

If you want explain a little more. What kind of protection do you do try runes instead of cutting the cords in some cases if it's a deep attachment such as ansuz.

Were you being open about being Satanist if so that is the cause of some of this it's not recommended. If those people knew they are trying to scare you out of it. This stuff doesn't need to happen.

I don't have enough details to know what was going on fully.

i dont even want to go into full details cause i already know im gunna be accused as usual of being crazy a jew, a drug addict. i cant take the accusations and mental abuse anymore. im not fucking a drug addict i hate drugs, i eat very healthy. im tired of people bearing false witness and speaking on my life when theyre not arround to wittness or expeirece the living hell i am going through my whole life. this life is cruel sick joke i want to commit suicide i cant take it anymore

Well I am familiar with much of the stuff you are talking about mostly from others not me personally though but I have had some bad stuff happen to me too. I try to be kind and listen to people. I would help out in the way of being there to talk to if someone was going through stuff and have some people before. I am not going to act harsh or judge you cause I know it's bad in the situation your talking about. I might have with some people before but that was other situations.
You're wasting your time, Slyscorpion. They're already hooked into the xian mentality. This is just a game that xians play. They emotionally bait you into commiseration, get you to say something predictably mature and wise which is actually helpful in response, and then they lash out angrily by purposefully looking for any sign at all in your words/message that they can pretend to be offended over. They don't want to be helped. They just want to cry and get attention while dragging you into their negative energy spiral. It's their program designed by the enemy. That's all xians do instead of helping themselves. I've seen this pattern over and over again.

There's people who actually deserve your empathy and time, and will actually make use of it to better themselves. Don't get wrapped up in worthless people like you did in the past because that was your pattern. Defy that pattern, and attract yourself to people who you can actually help. Take it from me. I spent many years trying to fix a broken xian individual, and they never got better no matter how hard I tried. Same pattern as this precious little snowflake. That's all xians will do is suck your time and energy, and by the end when they spit in your face for the thousandth time, you will wish you spent that time helping more worthy individuals who aren't retarded xians.

You will rise a lot higher yourself if you do this, Slyscorpion. Don't be dragged down by people like this anymore.
666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
666fairy said:

people never help and just kick me when im already down.i just need campssion and empathy and never given that, just treated like shit when im hurting badly

We are not responsible for this though. Your response shows what I call the victim mentality. Look this up if you like on any search engine. Why would people accuse you of something if it's not true I didn't say you were an addict (just that many people in situations you describe are i am well aware of that as you are) if you say your not I would believe you I am generally a nice person. I do not spread a bunch of false stuff about people everywhere.

You have the power to stop what is going on. You didn't need to let it go on that long. Any thinking person could find someone to help them out or some agency or something if it's this bad you can too. There are ways out after reading this think hard about it. Suicide is never an answer that's helpful to anyone.

You can move somewhere else or go somewhere else if it's that terrible.

If you take power back into your own hands you will be OK. Your life isn't over to be honest even with all this.

I dont have. victim mentality, i am repeatedly being victimized. the fact im too scared to leave my home should be evidence enough of that, you people arent here with me to see how people treat me on a regular basis, and they know ts wrong because just the other day the hair salon kept apologizing for the stylists bullying me and gave me a refund. i couldnt believe it even happened, everytime i leave my home im at risk of cruel treatment for no reason this is extreme spiritual warefare im scared for my life and im scared God si punishing me for a being a satanist i will do anything to make this stop


Read this. I am not sure you don't. You sound like it. It probably means though that its actually happening a lot. I think you need to work on changing your mindset a little and soon people will change how they react to you. You will be surprised. This got worse cause you were empowering yourself without working on it so you also empowered that. Also did you try this invoke a positive friendly star. Like this

MIRACH - [0 Degrees Taurus]
This star can give happiness in marriage, bestow artistic talent, and give a love of beauty. There is often strong intuition, along with a brilliant mind, and much creative talent. The disposition is generous and loving. These people often make friends easily and inspire others. Mirach gives beauty, and a love of the home and family.


ALPHERATZ - [Sirrah] [14 Degrees Aries]
Freedom, love of movement, speed, intellectual and can indicate riches and honors. The personality often has strong motivation, willfulness and the ability to take action. Those with this placement often come before the public and are popular with the masses. There is a considerate and harmonious nature, which is good for relationships.

Etc there were a couple more Spica and Betelgeuse.

But anyways this should change your energy a little people will be more nice to you.

Get to the bottom of it. Do working to remove karma. Do not do anything more with empowering until it's out of you and people are more friendly.

You get what you put out. If you expect people to mistreat you it happens. You can work on it.
666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
666fairy said:

people never help and just kick me when im already down.i just need campssion and empathy and never given that, just treated like shit when im hurting badly

We are not responsible for this though. Your response shows what I call the victim mentality. Look this up if you like on any search engine. Why would people accuse you of something if it's not true I didn't say you were an addict (just that many people in situations you describe are i am well aware of that as you are) if you say your not I would believe you I am generally a nice person. I do not spread a bunch of false stuff about people everywhere.

You have the power to stop what is going on. You didn't need to let it go on that long. Any thinking person could find someone to help them out or some agency or something if it's this bad you can too. There are ways out after reading this think hard about it. Suicide is never an answer that's helpful to anyone.

You can move somewhere else or go somewhere else if it's that terrible.

If you take power back into your own hands you will be OK. Your life isn't over to be honest even with all this.

I dont have. victim mentality, i am repeatedly being victimized. the fact im too scared to leave my home should be evidence enough of that, you people arent here with me to see how people treat me on a regular basis, and they know ts wrong because just the other day the hair salon kept apologizing for the stylists bullying me and gave me a refund. i couldnt believe it even happened, everytime i leave my home im at risk of cruel treatment for no reason this is extreme spiritual warefare im scared for my life and im scared God si punishing me for a being a satanist i will do anything to make this stop

Then for once in your life stand up to your bullies. You somehow feel comfortable enough coming here to run your mouth and yell in all-caps at Satanists while threatening to take your life, but you can't stand up for yourself against a bunch of weak xians? Do we just not look intimidating or scary enough to you for you to take us seriously? Do we look like teddy bears to you? We could do far worse to you spiritually than any of the people you've met offline, but you feel comfortable yelling at us when you can't do the same to people out there. If we thought you were worth the trouble then there's nothing your "lord" would be able to do to protect you even if that thing wanted to.

Grow a spine and deal with your problems, idiot. You're not going to make me feel guilty over your choice to commit suicide. None of us are responsible for your own individual actions.
The World currently is shit. That's a fact. Getting all bent out of shape about that hurts yourself firstly and mostly. Instead of trying to change the World, change yourself; instead of trying to improve the World, improve yourself. You can't be the World's strongest man after going to the gym once, nor for one year, nor for 6 years. You have to train correctly and train in things which are relevant to that goal, in the gym. You have to just ignore the shit which is happening. Alright, you care, you care too much - in an unorthodox way I say to you - stop caring. Not literally, but just go on strike for a while. Obviously you won't stop caring, but swing the pendulum to the opposite for a while. You should also be doing non-Spiritual things in everyday life, as well. This is as important as doing Spiritual things. There has to be balance.

Life and the World currently are shit. My words on here are shit in comparison with speaking in tones and inflections in-person, with body language and facial expressions - but that is not going to happen, so just accept it. Accept the status quo - you don't have to agree with it, you don't have to like it, you don't have to hear it, but just accept that's how things have been made to be. Stop for a while, sit back and observe other things, but don't take your eye off the ball completely. Do some things that you actually enjoy doing. You have access to an Internet-enabled device, go play some shit or good games (but don't waste money on them), listen to some music, watch some TV or films - I dare you to watch some things you wouldn't be interested in, say any genre which you find distasteful or cringey or stupid, watch some crappy Jerry Springer or Orange County (presuming you're not into these things), etc... Why? Because - that's why.

I don't know you. I'm not accusing you, I'm speculating, listing different possibilities. There is no jewish "god" to punish you because it doesn't exist. I think you need to do some serious, committed and consistent Void Meditation once after waking up and once before going to sleep, every single day, until... the cows come home. Also do the Muñka (Freeing the Soul) working 3, 6 or 9 times, for 40 days each (i.e. 3, 6 or 9 times 40 days), without skipping nor missing any days - but start slowly, though; it can dig-up things which have been buried down deeply, and that can be painful or worse. You also need to do the non-Spiritual things which you enjoy. Believe it or don't, you can have and do too much of a good thing, so go and do other good things for a while. Obviously, doing bad things won't counter these too-many good things, so don't do any bad things.

You may very well need to pretend that you are a good little christian sheep and pretend that you don't believe in the things that others oppose. There is nothing wrong with keeping your true Satanic self a secret. We live Physical lives in a Physical World, and in that Physical World exists christianity and other shit. You choose to be a christian or not, but there is way too much evidence and proof that it is pure evil, and will not help you. We also live Spiritual lives in a Spiritual World, and just like that that is "hidden" or "secret", so can it also be kept a secret and be kept hidden from others.

As you say, we're not there and we're not witnessing things, so we can only reply a certain limit. You have abilities - use them. Improve. The point of Spiritual Satanism is to better Yourself and the Universe, not to better the Universe and Yourself. 1 is super important, take care of 1 first.
I love how this has the exact timings with our ritual schedules always. This is the same shit magestein has been spouting in that rat den lately going on about how Satanism is jewish. I monitor that sewer from time to time to catch defectors, or to catch them planning to do shit that is just like this, and that cesspool has been spammed with his ignorant shit.That's what happens when you do nothing but induldge in hebrew filth, you start believing in it. I ough'ta really trash his ass for the crap he said about the canaanites too. Looks like this is just another one of the ones hes sent in, or for all we know this is him.This shit though. Every. Single. Time. Piss off.
666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
666fairy said:

people never help and just kick me when im already down.i just need campssion and empathy and never given that, just treated like shit when im hurting badly

We are not responsible for this though. Your response shows what I call the victim mentality. Look this up if you like on any search engine. Why would people accuse you of something if it's not true I didn't say you were an addict (just that many people in situations you describe are i am well aware of that as you are) if you say your not I would believe you I am generally a nice person. I do not spread a bunch of false stuff about people everywhere.

You have the power to stop what is going on. You didn't need to let it go on that long. Any thinking person could find someone to help them out or some agency or something if it's this bad you can too. There are ways out after reading this think hard about it. Suicide is never an answer that's helpful to anyone.

You can move somewhere else or go somewhere else if it's that terrible.

If you take power back into your own hands you will be OK. Your life isn't over to be honest even with all this.

I dont have. victim mentality, i am repeatedly being victimized. the fact im too scared to leave my home should be evidence enough of that, you people arent here with me to see how people treat me on a regular basis, and they know ts wrong because just the other day the hair salon kept apologizing for the stylists bullying me and gave me a refund. i couldnt believe it even happened, everytime i leave my home im at risk of cruel treatment for no reason this is extreme spiritual warefare im scared for my life and im scared God si punishing me for a being a satanist i will do anything to make this stop

Also if your in some shitty place with a high Jewish population or something you reduce your chances greatly of having stuff like this happen if you get at least away from that and somewhere more positive or neutral.
FancyMancy said:
The World currently is shit. That's a fact. Getting all bent out of shape about that hurts yourself firstly and mostly. Instead of trying to change the World, change yourself; instead of trying to improve the World, improve yourself. You can't be the World's strongest man after going to the gym once, nor for one year, nor for 6 years. You have to train correctly and train in things which are relevant to that goal, in the gym. You have to just ignore the shit which is happening. Alright, you care, you care too much - in an unorthodox way I say to you - stop caring. Not literally, but just go on strike for a while. Obviously you won't stop caring, but swing the pendulum to the opposite for a while. You should also be doing non-Spiritual things in everyday life, as well. This is as important as doing Spiritual things. There has to be balance.

Life and the World currently are shit. My words on here are shit in comparison with speaking in tones and inflections in-person, with body language and facial expressions - but that is not going to happen, so just accept it. Accept the status quo - you don't have to agree with it, you don't have to like it, you don't have to hear it, but just accept that's how things have been made to be. Stop for a while, sit back and observe other things, but don't take your eye off the ball completely. Do some things that you actually enjoy doing. You have access to an Internet-enabled device, go play some shit or good games (but don't waste money on them), listen to some music, watch some TV or films - I dare you to watch some things you wouldn't be interested in, say any genre which you find distasteful or cringey or stupid, watch some crappy Jerry Springer or Orange County (presuming you're not into these things), etc... Why? Because - that's why.

I don't know you. I'm not accusing you, I'm speculating, listing different possibilities. There is no jewish "god" to punish you because it doesn't exist. I think you need to do some serious, committed and consistent Void Meditation once after waking up and once before going to sleep, every single day, until... the cows come home. Also do the Muñka (Freeing the Soul) working 3, 6 or 9 times, for 40 days each (i.e. 3, 6 or 9 times 40 days), without skipping nor missing any days - but start slowly, though; it can dig-up things which have been buried down deeply, and that can be painful or worse. You also need to do the non-Spiritual things which you enjoy. Believe it or don't, you can have and do too much of a good thing, so go and do other good things for a while. Obviously, doing bad things won't counter these too-many good things, so don't do any bad things.

You may very well need to pretend that you are a good little christian sheep and pretend that you don't believe in the things that others oppose. There is nothing wrong with keeping your true Satanic self a secret. We live Physical lives in a Physical World, and in that Physical World exists christianity and other shit. You choose to be a christian or not, but there is way too much evidence and proof that it is pure evil, and will not help you. We also live Spiritual lives in a Spiritual World, and just like that that is "hidden" or "secret", so can it also be kept a secret and be kept hidden from others.

As you say, we're not there and we're not witnessing things, so we can only reply a certain limit. You have abilities - use them. Improve. The point of Spiritual Satanism is to better Yourself and the Universe, not to better the Universe and Yourself. 1 is super important, take care of 1 first.

Very good answer I like it. This kind of thing is exactly what happened to my girlfriend almost btw in that place I talked about where there were a lot of Jews. That's why I think that she even too was human trafficked.

If it's true and you can find somewhere else to live it will greatly improve things. That is why I said that.
What you have gone through is truly awful, not many people could relate to what you have gone through.

However, blaming anyone, or even yourself, is not going to help you in this situation.

The enemy loves weakness, and xianity, by design is created to cause as much suffering and pain as it can to people.

You blame Satan for all the pain and suffering you've been through, while in actuality the entities that have psychically attacked you, and caused all this pain and suffering, deceived you into thinking it was caused by Satan, this is very common enemy behavior, first entities will attack you and push you to the depths of despair, then they will pretend to come and save you, telling you worship xianity diligently and you will be saved from the "evil Satan" that has caused you so much suffering.

The person, broken and weak under the constant barrage of attacks, desperate for any way out, blames everything they have experienced on Satan and turns to xianity to seek salvation. Xianity gladly accepts the weak and broken person, and for a short time the person will live without these attacks and sufferings.

However after a while it continues, the same entities who brought you to the depths of despair and who presented themselves as your saviors, will continue to torment you until you fall deeper into the pit of torment and suffering, deceiving you into thinking you are being attacked by Satan and his Demons and telling you so long as you remain a devout xian and follow all the demands from "god" you will be saved from these evil entities.

The weak person continues to blame all this on Satan, and devotes their entire existence to xianity while they continue getting sucked dry of everything they have, living on the edge of despair their entire life, until the day they die and their soul continues to be exploited till it's destruction.

In reality Satan has nothing to do with this, and doesn't cause even the smallest ounce of suffering onto any gentile souls, instead he offers a way out of this for anyone who wishes to escape this cycle.

All you have gone through, the pain, suffering and misfortune, you can turn everything around using the methods that Satan has given us, here on the Joy of Satan.

Joining the enemy won't give you any of this, they keep you weak and unable to stand up on your own two feet, just begging to be saved by some "god" who toys with their existence in order to harvest their despairing souls and take from them everything they ever had while laughing at you for being such a fool for willingly submitting to it.

First you need to clean your aura and build your AoP. Everyday, build your AoP and protect yourself from this psychic abuse as well as any physical misfortune.

If you say you have been doing this, but it has done nothing, then you have been doing it wrong, because this always works.

Do it and make it work, continue building your AoP without fail and build an impenetrable fortress around your soul so none of this shit can ever reach you again.

Your will is important here. Clearly, because of everything you have gone through, your will is weakened greatly right now.

Turn this around by using the trauma you have as fuel to never want experience such sufferings again. Think back how painful and terrible all that has been, and feel strongly how you never want to experience such suffering ever again, how you want to escape this forever.

Build your AoP with that in mind. To escape forever this suffering and always be save and sound.

Clean your house with the Vinasa mantra daily.

Vibrate Vinasa 8 times, and affirm: "Any and all hostile and negative entities, energies, influence and thoughtforms are permanently banished from my home and environment now and forever in positive ways for me!"

This too always works when you do it right. No negative entity can stick around under the influence of Vinasa, it banishes everything spiritual you direct it towards.

Then, use positive visualization and thoughts to change your state of mind.

Visualize/imagine yourself flying through a golden sky, your being radiant like the sun, while all those who harmed and wronged you burn to ashes far below you on the ground under the invincible radiance of your soul.

Visualize/imagine yourself trampling all those who had harmed you underfoot, trample them to dust as you stand triumphantly like a mighty goddess.

The next time any entity comes around to cause you harm, do not point your knife at your own throat in fear, point it towards them with intent to return to them 10 fold the pain and suffering they had caused to you.

Instead of cowering and hiding somewhere, use the pain you have experienced as fuel to rise yourself up and escape this suffering so you never have to experience this again.

Remind yourself how much you hate all the awful things that happened to you and how much better life would be if you never suffered these again, create for yourself the path towards a life of freedom and pleasure that is worth living, imagine for yourself the life that you love and tell yourself everyday to seek that life.

Seek the positive, even if there is none around you, even if you do not believe in it. Quell your negative thoughts with avoid meditation and pick yourself up, then climb out of this pit of despair you've been stuck in.

Affirm to yourself daily that you want to live a life free of suffering, that you want to live a life worth living, that you escape the pain and suffering of the past to experience a good, positive and pleasant future.

Even if you are skeptical of this, or do not believe in it, keep telling yourself this.

Whenever suffering comes your way, do not sigh in acceptance or lower your head in fear, instead, reject it strongly and tell yourself "No! Not again! Enough is Enough! I do not suffer anymore!"

Fight it off. Reject it. Even if life is terrible where you live, it is possible to live a better life than you do now, you can shape your own life to be worth living by empowering your soul, protecting yourself spiritually and never capitulating under pressure or pain.

Rather than let the pain crush you, let it fuel you to seek a life without pain. Then too, let Satan guide you there as he is the one who can and will help you, rather than the enemy, xianity or anything else.

Blaming anyone leads you nowhere, neither does begging something to save you, especially not begging the enemy as they laugh at you while they continue to kick you down if you come crawling towards them like you are.

Instead you act to save yourself, you take matters into your own hands and overpower those that harm you through applying the knowledge Satan has granted to us, you rise above the suffering and have the last laugh.

Stand up and stop begging, take the reins and break out of this cycle forever.

Hail Satan!
My Jewdar is going off on this one sounds super familiar. This person should think about what kind of interactions they have had with them. I am almost sure that is the cause of the problem somehow. I talked a lot to at least 3 people who had major problems dealing with this. The line is very similar here.
slyscorpion said:
My Jewdar is going off on this one sounds super familiar. This person should think about what kind of interactions they have had with them. I am almost sure that is the cause of the problem somehow. I talked a lot to at least 3 people who had major problems dealing with this. The line is very similar here.

IF this was a real person with a real issue i would sympathize. but with the intel i havee gathered as of late i am certain it's a rat shill. Just a heads up. They might even send in more.
jrvan said:
666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
We are not responsible for this though. Your response shows what I call the victim mentality. Look this up if you like on any search engine. Why would people accuse you of something if it's not true I didn't say you were an addict (just that many people in situations you describe are i am well aware of that as you are) if you say your not I would believe you I am generally a nice person. I do not spread a bunch of false stuff about people everywhere.

You have the power to stop what is going on. You didn't need to let it go on that long. Any thinking person could find someone to help them out or some agency or something if it's this bad you can too. There are ways out after reading this think hard about it. Suicide is never an answer that's helpful to anyone.

You can move somewhere else or go somewhere else if it's that terrible.

If you take power back into your own hands you will be OK. Your life isn't over to be honest even with all this.

I dont have. victim mentality, i am repeatedly being victimized. the fact im too scared to leave my home should be evidence enough of that, you people arent here with me to see how people treat me on a regular basis, and they know ts wrong because just the other day the hair salon kept apologizing for the stylists bullying me and gave me a refund. i couldnt believe it even happened, everytime i leave my home im at risk of cruel treatment for no reason this is extreme spiritual warefare im scared for my life and im scared God si punishing me for a being a satanist i will do anything to make this stop

Then for once in your life stand up to your bullies. You somehow feel comfortable enough coming here to run your mouth and yell in all-caps at Satanists while threatening to take your life, but you can't stand up for yourself against a bunch of weak xians? Do we just not look intimidating or scary enough to you for you to take us seriously? Do we look like teddy bears to you? We could do far worse to you spiritually than any of the people you've met offline, but you feel comfortable yelling at us when you can't do the same to people out there. If we thought you were worth the trouble then there's nothing your "lord" would be able to do to protect you even if that thing wanted to.

Grow a spine and deal with your problems, idiot. You're not going to make me feel guilty over your choice to commit suicide. None of us are responsible for your own individual actions.

..now youre threatning me, if this is how you convince someone satanism is good and not evil ur doing a bad job this is really scary and im having a mental break down. im not yelling at you people, im literally crying non stop having a mental break down because i cant comprehend and handle what is happening to me im under severe spiritual warefare. u have cold hearted and make be even more scared of satanism
FancyMancy said:
The World currently is shit. That's a fact. Getting all bent out of shape about that hurts yourself firstly and mostly. Instead of trying to change the World, change yourself; instead of trying to improve the World, improve yourself. You can't be the World's strongest man after going to the gym once, nor for one year, nor for 6 years. You have to train correctly and train in things which are relevant to that goal, in the gym. You have to just ignore the shit which is happening. Alright, you care, you care too much - in an unorthodox way I say to you - stop caring. Not literally, but just go on strike for a while. Obviously you won't stop caring, but swing the pendulum to the opposite for a while. You should also be doing non-Spiritual things in everyday life, as well. This is as important as doing Spiritual things. There has to be balance.

Life and the World currently are shit. My words on here are shit in comparison with speaking in tones and inflections in-person, with body language and facial expressions - but that is not going to happen, so just accept it. Accept the status quo - you don't have to agree with it, you don't have to like it, you don't have to hear it, but just accept that's how things have been made to be. Stop for a while, sit back and observe other things, but don't take your eye off the ball completely. Do some things that you actually enjoy doing. You have access to an Internet-enabled device, go play some shit or good games (but don't waste money on them), listen to some music, watch some TV or films - I dare you to watch some things you wouldn't be interested in, say any genre which you find distasteful or cringey or stupid, watch some crappy Jerry Springer or Orange County (presuming you're not into these things), etc... Why? Because - that's why.

I don't know you. I'm not accusing you, I'm speculating, listing different possibilities. There is no jewish "god" to punish you because it doesn't exist. I think you need to do some serious, committed and consistent Void Meditation once after waking up and once before going to sleep, every single day, until... the cows come home. Also do the Muñka (Freeing the Soul) working 3, 6 or 9 times, for 40 days each (i.e. 3, 6 or 9 times 40 days), without skipping nor missing any days - but start slowly, though; it can dig-up things which have been buried down deeply, and that can be painful or worse. You also need to do the non-Spiritual things which you enjoy. Believe it or don't, you can have and do too much of a good thing, so go and do other good things for a while. Obviously, doing bad things won't counter these too-many good things, so don't do any bad things.

You may very well need to pretend that you are a good little christian sheep and pretend that you don't believe in the things that others oppose. There is nothing wrong with keeping your true Satanic self a secret. We live Physical lives in a Physical World, and in that Physical World exists christianity and other shit. You choose to be a christian or not, but there is way too much evidence and proof that it is pure evil, and will not help you. We also live Spiritual lives in a Spiritual World, and just like that that is "hidden" or "secret", so can it also be kept a secret and be kept hidden from others.

As you say, we're not there and we're not witnessing things, so we can only reply a certain limit. You have abilities - use them. Improve. The point of Spiritual Satanism is to better Yourself and the Universe, not to better the Universe and Yourself. 1 is super important, take care of 1 first.

i dont even want to be a christian my parents are christians and they tortured me im just very scared that maybe it was all a ploy by the deivl to make me think christianity is evil and end up in the hands of scary demons. because what im going through is scary, im very scared jesus is punishing me for being a satanist and i need to repent because u guys aay my life supposed to get better but it just hasnt. im very scared and i wish people would stop being cruel to me on this website, it makes me even more scared of satanism and that im being decieved, i just want the torment and suffering to end im having a mental break down
VoiceofEnki said:
What you have gone through is truly awful, not many people could relate to what you have gone through.

However, blaming anyone, or even yourself, is not going to help you in this situation.

The enemy loves weakness, and xianity, by design is created to cause as much suffering and pain as it can to people.

You blame Satan for all the pain and suffering you've been through, while in actuality the entities that have psychically attacked you, and caused all this pain and suffering, deceived you into thinking it was caused by Satan, this is very common enemy behavior, first entities will attack you and push you to the depths of despair, then they will pretend to come and save you, telling you worship xianity diligently and you will be saved from the "evil Satan" that has caused you so much suffering.

The person, broken and weak under the constant barrage of attacks, desperate for any way out, blames everything they have experienced on Satan and turns to xianity to seek salvation. Xianity gladly accepts the weak and broken person, and for a short time the person will live without these attacks and sufferings.

However after a while it continues, the same entities who brought you to the depths of despair and who presented themselves as your saviors, will continue to torment you until you fall deeper into the pit of torment and suffering, deceiving you into thinking you are being attacked by Satan and his Demons and telling you so long as you remain a devout xian and follow all the demands from "god" you will be saved from these evil entities.

The weak person continues to blame all this on Satan, and devotes their entire existence to xianity while they continue getting sucked dry of everything they have, living on the edge of despair their entire life, until the day they die and their soul continues to be exploited till it's destruction.

In reality Satan has nothing to do with this, and doesn't cause even the smallest ounce of suffering onto any gentile souls, instead he offers a way out of this for anyone who wishes to escape this cycle.

All you have gone through, the pain, suffering and misfortune, you can turn everything around using the methods that Satan has given us, here on the Joy of Satan.

Joining the enemy won't give you any of this, they keep you weak and unable to stand up on your own two feet, just begging to be saved by some "god" who toys with their existence in order to harvest their despairing souls and take from them everything they ever had while laughing at you for being such a fool for willingly submitting to it.

First you need to clean your aura and build your AoP. Everyday, build your AoP and protect yourself from this psychic abuse as well as any physical misfortune.

If you say you have been doing this, but it has done nothing, then you have been doing it wrong, because this always works.

Do it and make it work, continue building your AoP without fail and build an impenetrable fortress around your soul so none of this shit can ever reach you again.

Your will is important here. Clearly, because of everything you have gone through, your will is weakened greatly right now.

Turn this around by using the trauma you have as fuel to never want experience such sufferings again. Think back how painful and terrible all that has been, and feel strongly how you never want to experience such suffering ever again, how you want to escape this forever.

Build your AoP with that in mind. To escape forever this suffering and always be save and sound.

Clean your house with the Vinasa mantra daily.

Vibrate Vinasa 8 times, and affirm: "Any and all hostile and negative entities, energies, influence and thoughtforms are permanently banished from my home and environment now and forever in positive ways for me!"

This too always works when you do it right. No negative entity can stick around under the influence of Vinasa, it banishes everything spiritual you direct it towards.

Then, use positive visualization and thoughts to change your state of mind.

Visualize/imagine yourself flying through a golden sky, your being radiant like the sun, while all those who harmed and wronged you burn to ashes far below you on the ground under the invincible radiance of your soul.

Visualize/imagine yourself trampling all those who had harmed you underfoot, trample them to dust as you stand triumphantly like a mighty goddess.

The next time any entity comes around to cause you harm, do not point your knife at your own throat in fear, point it towards them with intent to return to them 10 fold the pain and suffering they had caused to you.

Instead of cowering and hiding somewhere, use the pain you have experienced as fuel to rise yourself up and escape this suffering so you never have to experience this again.

Remind yourself how much you hate all the awful things that happened to you and how much better life would be if you never suffered these again, create for yourself the path towards a life of freedom and pleasure that is worth living, imagine for yourself the life that you love and tell yourself everyday to seek that life.

Seek the positive, even if there is none around you, even if you do not believe in it. Quell your negative thoughts with avoid meditation and pick yourself up, then climb out of this pit of despair you've been stuck in.

Affirm to yourself daily that you want to live a life free of suffering, that you want to live a life worth living, that you escape the pain and suffering of the past to experience a good, positive and pleasant future.

Even if you are skeptical of this, or do not believe in it, keep telling yourself this.

Whenever suffering comes your way, do not sigh in acceptance or lower your head in fear, instead, reject it strongly and tell yourself "No! Not again! Enough is Enough! I do not suffer anymore!"

Fight it off. Reject it. Even if life is terrible where you live, it is possible to live a better life than you do now, you can shape your own life to be worth living by empowering your soul, protecting yourself spiritually and never capitulating under pressure or pain.

Rather than let the pain crush you, let it fuel you to seek a life without pain. Then too, let Satan guide you there as he is the one who can and will help you, rather than the enemy, xianity or anything else.

Blaming anyone leads you nowhere, neither does begging something to save you, especially not begging the enemy as they laugh at you while they continue to kick you down if you come crawling towards them like you are.

Instead you act to save yourself, you take matters into your own hands and overpower those that harm you through applying the knowledge Satan has granted to us, you rise above the suffering and have the last laugh.

Stand up and stop begging, take the reins and break out of this cycle forever.

Hail Satan!

I will try all the advice everyone gave me tonight, im giving this one last chance but if nothing improves im begging to please ban my account because im very very scared, and the way some people treat me on here when im in emotional distress, have no family that loves me, no support system, makes me very scared of satanism. im scared of everything at this point, if that mkes me weak so be it but you people have no idea the hell i been through and wouldnt last a day in my shoes.
slyscorpion said:
My Jewdar is going off on this one sounds super familiar. This person should think about what kind of interactions they have had with them. I am almost sure that is the cause of the problem somehow. I talked a lot to at least 3 people who had major problems dealing with this. The line is very similar here.

i dont think people understand what its like to walk through life feeling and believing youre not worthy of love or respect because everywhere you becuase, people treat you like you arent worthy of those things. im very trauamtized, scared, and hurt and wish people would show me love and compassion instead of call me names, belittle me, threaten me, etc when i actually need to be shown love and people be gentle to me. i dont want to be alive im scared of humans and this world. i feel like im already in hell and cant comprehend how im here to be tortured like this.

you know last year my neighbour was harassing me badly, she was some scary butch lesbian trying to dominate me and fiancially dominate me too, demanding i buy her studio equipment and move in with me, and when i wouldnt let her i recieved threats to be shot and killed on a regular basis and i recorded it. one day she actually did try to kill me, and i had witnesses and neighbours had to keep her off of me. the police showed up, ddint helped me, despite there being witnesses they said they are gunna get her side of the story, and when i saw them leavign they were smiling and laughing with her so i started crying asking why they never help me, because when my dad gave me a concussion the police wrote me up and called ME flloyd mayweather, and you know what the police did? they got violently angry and tried to arrest ME when my NEIGHBOUR TRIED TO KILLL ME AND THERE WERE WITNESSES.

but this is my fault? i get what i put out? do you even know what i put out? my whole life ive tried to stand for truth justce and love and been crucified for it, IRONICALLY just like jesus. if you gusys saw my old social media when i had a big following, all i did was uplft and try to empower people, teach them about the deception in this world, expose the evil in hollywood and the government, one of my statuses: "Society lied to you. Know your worth.
It aint got nothing to do with your race, appearance, weight, gender, class, what kind of car you drive, the clothes you wear, how big your house is, or financial status.", and funny enough after this status people bullied me AGAIN. but i deserve it, so aparrently being nice to people means im putting out negative energy and deserved to be treated like shit? I used to stand up for other kids at school and get in trouble for it and no one would do the same for me and my parents told me t stop and said no one would ever stand up for me, so stop standing up for others. but thats why i do it, because i would want people to sand up for me. i pray and dream of the day someone actually stands up for me and protects me like i do for others.

ive been to protests for indigneous rights. ive followed anonymous content and been a fan of tupac since i was 14 and thought i was on this planet to change the world and make it a better place., i used my social media to spread love and empower people and tell them that they are not what society lies to them about and to stop listening to the media and tabloids and magazines, you are beautiful as you are... yeah thats so toxic and means i deserve to be treated like shit. you guys say i keep blaming others, but actually you guys are blaming me for things that are not my fault or doing and scapegoating me for other peoples cruelty treating me like i desevere it, just like my parents made it seem like i deserved to be beaten up and given a concusson and emotionally abused. you are scaring me away from satanism and not making it seem appealing at all, just like my parents didnt make christianity appealing. whole reason i turned to satanism in the first place, but nothing has gotten better. things just get worse every fucking year .
slyscorpion said:
666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
We are not responsible for this though. Your response shows what I call the victim mentality. Look this up if you like on any search engine. Why would people accuse you of something if it's not true I didn't say you were an addict (just that many people in situations you describe are i am well aware of that as you are) if you say your not I would believe you I am generally a nice person. I do not spread a bunch of false stuff about people everywhere.

You have the power to stop what is going on. You didn't need to let it go on that long. Any thinking person could find someone to help them out or some agency or something if it's this bad you can too. There are ways out after reading this think hard about it. Suicide is never an answer that's helpful to anyone.

You can move somewhere else or go somewhere else if it's that terrible.

If you take power back into your own hands you will be OK. Your life isn't over to be honest even with all this.

I dont have. victim mentality, i am repeatedly being victimized. the fact im too scared to leave my home should be evidence enough of that, you people arent here with me to see how people treat me on a regular basis, and they know ts wrong because just the other day the hair salon kept apologizing for the stylists bullying me and gave me a refund. i couldnt believe it even happened, everytime i leave my home im at risk of cruel treatment for no reason this is extreme spiritual warefare im scared for my life and im scared God si punishing me for a being a satanist i will do anything to make this stop

Also if your in some shitty place with a high Jewish population or something you reduce your chances greatly of having stuff like this happen if you get at least away from that and somewhere more positive or neutral.

im in poverty and cant get ajob now because of vaccine passports, the only option i have to escape this area is if i accept this christian womans offer to live with her
slyscorpion said:
My Jewdar is going off on this one sounds super familiar. This person should think about what kind of interactions they have had with them. I am almost sure that is the cause of the problem somehow. I talked a lot to at least 3 people who had major problems dealing with this. The line is very similar here.

i had a very weird experience recently, i met this guy who was obseesed with the emerald tablets of thoth, kept goig on about them. I had to stop hanging out with him thought because I read his mind and he said "i cant believe I have to pretend to be her friend, she talks so much it seems like she likes hearing herself speak" so i confronted him about it and he denied it, but when we went to the pharmacy so i could pick something up i read his mind again and heard him say to himself hes super hungry and wants to buy snacks, and after i picked up my prescription i saw him buying snacks which pissed me off because he said hes healthy and eats non gmo but buys chips and candy? this proved to me i did read his mind before, and he was lying so i had to cut him off. but this is where it gets creepy ok, when hes getting snacks i go pick up my prescription and the man behind the counter was jewish AND LOOKED LIKE A DEMON I WAS SO SCARED TO EVEN GET THE PRESCRIPTION, ever since this happen i feel worse than ever, and ever before this i was under severe attack i got a new puppy to help with me feeling lonely and someone stopped to talk to me and was creepy and knew information about me that they wouldnt know unlesss they know me, but it was a stranger? how would he know? next thing you know it feels like someone is doing black magic on me and im suicidal, and my dog has been acting up ever since and i haven't been doing well AT ALL. the night i saw the jewish man I kept seeing 666. this is wat the jewish pharmacist looked like. im not lying or making this up


also this famous rapper that paid ppl to human traffick me, drug me and rape me, i wikipedia him a couple months ago and found out hes half jewish.

at the point no one can gaslight me and say i cant mind read, ive been able to read minds since 2016 and keep having situations where it gets proven, just like the guy with the snacks, and he had a jew looking nose. you saying that made me think about what has happened since mercury retrograde started, it was so creepy. and i went to the hair salon and same shit the woman was bullying me, but i was also reading her mind and she kept calling me awful names, and im like k maybe im tripping but then she said something out loud that made me realize, no im definitely reading her mind. i dont like this. i keep seeing jews at starbucks too. also when i was in miami in 2018 being attacked badly when i was homeless i woke up one day outside this jewish temple on south beach wondering how the fuck i ended up there, and that man who locked me in the closet saying the devil is lurking in the corner told me he is a skin walker, and the closet he locked me in was right next door to this creepy jewish holost memorial statue here is the link


idk wats going on anymore
I do not think that I have been able to establish a good relationship with Sir Satan even after a year of dedication. Even then, I can say 100 % without uncertainty that he would never treat his own children as you have described.

From the moment I was born into this world till the moment now, He and the Gods of hell have literally raised me up and guided me with or without my knowledge. I believe its the same for each and every loyal Satanists there is. They cared for us like children and raised us to who we are now. The sufferings and hardships have shaped us into who we are now.

When we went to sleep, they made sure no enemy entities harmed us. When we did stupid things or risked our lives stupidly, even then, they made sure that no severe harm ever came upon us.
Even when we were selfish and outright disregarded them, they still give us chance to be with them even though we know that we were not deserving of such a chance. When anyone even thought of harming us or harmed us, they protected us. Of course, retribution was upon those who thought of hurting or hurt us in anyways.

They did this all while fighting the enemy. They did this all while being exhausted from their divine work. Whatever the situation or whatever the hardships they faced, they made sure that we had a roof over our head and warm food to eat.

As such, there are two possible scenarios:
1. You are a jew.
2. You are with the enemy regardless of being jew or not.

If you are looking for a third scenario where you are a loyal SS but still had much sufferings regardless, then stop looking for it because there isn't such a scenario in existence. What you are trying to do is indirectly imply to people who read your text is that there is such a third scenario when there simply isn't. If anyone has doubts about it, then one should meditate upon Satan's sigil to get answers themselves.
I will emphasize this again, this comes from someone ungrateful and someone who has not established a good relationship with Sir Satan like a proper SS should. For now, all I can do is join the warfare and repay as much as I can.
666fairy said:
I want nothing to do with Joy of Satan or Lucifer anymore. It was a mistake and realize Satan used my childhood trauma against me to decieve me to worship him.

I have been a devout Satanist since 2016 and it has landed me in scary, scary, scary places. It has led me to being human trafficked, homeless, raped multiple times, attacked and bullied everywhere I go, and to havesevere depression and spiritual attacks and be under severe spiritual warfare. Everywhere i go I see creepy ugly looking people who wear satanic symbols. I get bullied all the time despite being kind hearted, and polite unless I have to defend myself.

Last year I decided after only being on the main website to come on ancient forums and the fact people bullied and attacked me on here off the bat just for asking for help should of been my sign to turn to God, but instead I got deeper into Satanism and fought for Satan with all my heart.

Now I know that I have been deceived and lied to. Satanism has made me isolated, depressed, even more suicidal than I was as a child, and is ruining my life. I think spiritual awakening is evil and demonic and designed to make you kill yourself. I have thrown out all my crystals and my tarot deck and occult items and repented to the Lord

I have turned back to satanism and now worship Jesus Christ after deep thought. I was getting attacked in my sleep and the only think that helped was saying in the name of jesus. Doing daily aura cleaning and building, cleansing my soul, returning hexes and spells to senders, doing extreme cord cutting, and rituals for protection on a daily basis for a year now should of made my life better, but nope. im on the verge of suicidal.

Its crazy because when I was really fighting for satan, and I was homeless i would have ppl target me and talk about the devil, one time this guy locked me in a closet and told me the devil is lurking in the corner and terrorized me and wouldnt let me leave. why didnt i see this as a sign to find god?

The only thing that only makes me slightly still believe this website is that I get stalked and harassed by jews and they look very creepy and ugly, but nope. my life is worse than it was when i was a christian as a teenager. i had a horrible childhood and my adulthood is worse.

Please ban my account i want nothing to do with this and im very scared.

Others have answered good, but I dont rly understand some of the things here

1. U say u were homeless, but u arent anymore? U blame Satan for everything, but u dont think he may have helped u with this?
2. Didnt u read Exposing Christianity website?
3. U were attacked? Even if u did aura of protection, why didnt u ask Satan or ur Guardian Demon for help, instead u screamed for jesus?
666fairy said:
I will try all the advice everyone gave me tonight, im giving this one last chance but if nothing improves im begging to please ban my account because im very very scared, and the way some people treat me on here when im in emotional distress, have no family that loves me, no support system, makes me very scared of satanism. im scared of everything at this point, if that mkes me weak so be it but you people have no idea the hell i been through and wouldnt last a day in my shoes.

The text I made bold is a legitimate concern. I do not ask you to understand why people do react harshly seeing what you wrote, but I will explain it.

There's always been many people who came by the forum with the only intent to slander Satan and promote the enemy programs as positive, while calling everything the Joy of Satan stands for as lies.

Jews and other infiltrators often do this. It makes many of us very hostile to people who come here and say negative things about Satan or our Gods, especially right now during times of warfare where we are doing a spiritual assault on the enemy, it fills us with the strong war like energies required to deal great damage to the enemy and most of us will be less empathic or colder in our behavior, or more fiery and direct because of the energies we are dealing with at this time.

Recently more infiltrator and other people wanting to cause trouble have come around because of some negative groups actively trying to defame and slander us, in an attempt to shut us down, thus people are less tolerable in general towards anything that resembles this.

Therefore people were harsh and angry towards you, because you had unjustly accused Satan of causing you harm, which for many of us is not tolerable.

However, everyone here does need to learn to give the benefit of doubt to people, as there are people who are legitimately in need of help and at their wits end, not knowing what to do anymore.

For people like that, harsh words are only off putting and will do greater harm, giving us a bad name also if this behavior is too common place, but sometimes it is justified when there are repeat offenders or known infiltrators.

In your case, it seems you are legitimately in dire need of help, when people see that they will help you certainly, so long as you also accept help that you are given, which you are doing from what you say.

For the advice I gave, do not give up if you do not see immediate improvement. It can take a weak or two to begin to notice improvement. This is difficult for one such as you to maintain, I understand, but you really need to persevere and maintain this.

When you do the rituals I suggested, think strongly to yourself that you need this to help you, that you want to escape the suffering you have experienced and you want to live a nice and pleasant life from now on.

It's important to program your mind to think positively and seek improvement, if you can succeed in this, you absolutely can get out of this.

Since you want to escape the negative things you have gone through, escape these in the best and most beneficial way for yourself.

Care for yourself and give yourself the healing that you need and deserve.

Do not expect failure, this time tell yourself to succeed. Since you do want to try again, this is good, and shows you haven't given up yet despite of everything, this is also something the Gods appreciate greatly.

Hail Satan!
Shadowcat said:
IF this was a real person with a real issue i would sympathize. but with the intel i havee gathered as of late i am certain it's a rat shill. Just a heads up. They might even send in more.

While what you say is a real possibility, if it is not the case and this is a real person with real issues, which also is a possibility, then I do not want our Joy of Satan to further push such a person away and into despair.

This person, in the case it is very real what they are experiencing, may really just take their own life if they receive only harsh words or attacks.

The Joy of Satan should enlighten people, give those who were wronged by the enemy the knowledge and advices to pick themselves back up and heal their damaged souls.

We are to being positive improvement to people that join us, for this sometimes soft methods are needed to give people a chance to come around.

If instead of pushing a soul to xianity or suicide because they were slammed by a dozen people here because they said a few negative things about Satan due to ignorance or being misguided/deceived by negative influence or entities, we can help them understand the mistakes they have made which lead them to where they are now and give them advice to help them break out of this, show them the benefit and beauty that Spiritual Satanism can bring to a person in need and steer them away from the path of ruination, this is a wonderful thing and great gain for Satan and the Joy of Satan.

Therefore, I do believe softness is needed in some cases, as well as a benefit of the doubt to people like this.

It also puts us in a much better light towards outsiders if they see us uphold positive morality first while correcting their erroneous judgements rather than cast them out down the cliff right away on unconfirmed suspicion the said person may be an infiltrator.

In case they are, it doesn't hurt us to have given them the benefit of doubt first, because either way we are in the right and we can always cast them out down the cliff if the person has not improved with time and continues slandering our Gods or methods while ignoring advices, as most infiltrators tend to do.
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowcat said:
IF this was a real person with a real issue i would sympathize. but with the intel i havee gathered as of late i am certain it's a rat shill. Just a heads up. They might even send in more.

While what you say is a real possibility, if it is not the case and this is a real person with real issues, which also is a possibility, then I do not want our Joy of Satan to further push such a person away and into despair.

This person, in the case it is very real what they are experiencing, may really just take their own life if they receive only harsh words or attacks.

The Joy of Satan should enlighten people, give those who were wronged by the enemy the knowledge and advices to pick themselves back up and heal their damaged souls.

We are to being positive improvement to people that join us, for this sometimes soft methods are needed to give people a chance to come around.

If instead of pushing a soul to xianity or suicide because they were slammed by a dozen people here because they said a few negative things about Satan due to ignorance or being misguided/deceived by negative influence or entities, we can help them understand the mistakes they have made which lead them to where they are now and give them advice to help them break out of this, show them the benefit and beauty that Spiritual Satanism can bring to a person in need and steer them away from the path of ruination, this is a wonderful thing and great gain for Satan and the Joy of Satan.

Therefore, I do believe softness is needed in some cases, as well as a benefit of the doubt to people like this.

It also puts us in a much better light towards outsiders if they see us uphold positive morality first while correcting their erroneous judgements rather than cast them out down the cliff right away on unconfirmed suspicion the said person may be an infiltrator.

In case they are, it doesn't hurt us to have given them the benefit of doubt first, because either way we are in the right and we can always cast them out down the cliff if the person has not improved with time and continues slandering our Gods or methods while ignoring advices, as most infiltrators tend to do.

I understand this and am not usually one to react the way i did to the initial op. But if you have seen the rats layer of whose name we must not speak of as of late they have been spamming messages of this very same caliber trying to showcase satanism as some manifestation for everyones problems and curses to drive others away from Satan and this OP was quite on par with the same theme.

In the case this persons plight is genuine i would suggest that they summon the Gods for help and increase their aura of protection and cleaning. It sounds like very heavy enemy attack or manifestation of some of the most horrible karma. Freeing the soul would also be advised along with trying to reach out to any trusted people of which hopefully there is any offline.
666fairy said:
I want nothing to do with Joy of Satan or Lucifer anymore. It was a mistake and realize Satan used my childhood trauma against me to decieve me to worship him.

I have been a devout Satanist since 2016 and it has landed me in scary, scary, scary places. It has led me to being human trafficked, homeless, raped multiple times, attacked and bullied everywhere I go, and to havesevere depression and spiritual attacks and be under severe spiritual warfare. Everywhere i go I see creepy ugly looking people who wear satanic symbols. I get bullied all the time despite being kind hearted, and polite unless I have to defend myself.

Last year I decided after only being on the main website to come on ancient forums and the fact people bullied and attacked me on here off the bat just for asking for help should of been my sign to turn to God, but instead I got deeper into Satanism and fought for Satan with all my heart.

Now I know that I have been deceived and lied to. Satanism has made me isolated, depressed, even more suicidal than I was as a child, and is ruining my life. I think spiritual awakening is evil and demonic and designed to make you kill yourself. I have thrown out all my crystals and my tarot deck and occult items and repented to the Lord

I have turned back to satanism and now worship Jesus Christ after deep thought. I was getting attacked in my sleep and the only think that helped was saying in the name of jesus. Doing daily aura cleaning and building, cleansing my soul, returning hexes and spells to senders, doing extreme cord cutting, and rituals for protection on a daily basis for a year now should of made my life better, but nope. im on the verge of suicidal.

Its crazy because when I was really fighting for satan, and I was homeless i would have ppl target me and talk about the devil, one time this guy locked me in a closet and told me the devil is lurking in the corner and terrorized me and wouldnt let me leave. why didnt i see this as a sign to find god?

The only thing that only makes me slightly still believe this website is that I get stalked and harassed by jews and they look very creepy and ugly, but nope. my life is worse than it was when i was a christian as a teenager. i had a horrible childhood and my adulthood is worse.

Please ban my account i want nothing to do with this and im very scared.

I will assume this isn't some Israeli kike typing with its hooked nose to troll us.

Just another normal day for Satan. Spend ten thousand years fighting for people who blame you for their own karmic issues.

You have a screwed up soul and this is why you suffer a lot. It has nothing to do with Satan. You think going back to the worthless enemy thoughtform will change your karma? While jesus asks you to kiss his ass and he'll give you castles in the sky, Satan asks you to be a man and use the knowledge He gives you to fix your life.

Life is hard and it can even get extreme. Accept it, start fixing your soul and live to see better days.
666fairy said:
VoiceofEnki said:
What you have gone through is truly awful, not many people could relate to what you have gone through.

However, blaming anyone, or even yourself, is not going to help you in this situation.

The enemy loves weakness, and xianity, by design is created to cause as much suffering and pain as it can to people.

You blame Satan for all the pain and suffering you've been through, while in actuality the entities that have psychically attacked you, and caused all this pain and suffering, deceived you into thinking it was caused by Satan, this is very common enemy behavior, first entities will attack you and push you to the depths of despair, then they will pretend to come and save you, telling you worship xianity diligently and you will be saved from the "evil Satan" that has caused you so much suffering.

The person, broken and weak under the constant barrage of attacks, desperate for any way out, blames everything they have experienced on Satan and turns to xianity to seek salvation. Xianity gladly accepts the weak and broken person, and for a short time the person will live without these attacks and sufferings.

However after a while it continues, the same entities who brought you to the depths of despair and who presented themselves as your saviors, will continue to torment you until you fall deeper into the pit of torment and suffering, deceiving you into thinking you are being attacked by Satan and his Demons and telling you so long as you remain a devout xian and follow all the demands from "god" you will be saved from these evil entities.

The weak person continues to blame all this on Satan, and devotes their entire existence to xianity while they continue getting sucked dry of everything they have, living on the edge of despair their entire life, until the day they die and their soul continues to be exploited till it's destruction.

In reality Satan has nothing to do with this, and doesn't cause even the smallest ounce of suffering onto any gentile souls, instead he offers a way out of this for anyone who wishes to escape this cycle.

All you have gone through, the pain, suffering and misfortune, you can turn everything around using the methods that Satan has given us, here on the Joy of Satan.

Joining the enemy won't give you any of this, they keep you weak and unable to stand up on your own two feet, just begging to be saved by some "god" who toys with their existence in order to harvest their despairing souls and take from them everything they ever had while laughing at you for being such a fool for willingly submitting to it.

First you need to clean your aura and build your AoP. Everyday, build your AoP and protect yourself from this psychic abuse as well as any physical misfortune.

If you say you have been doing this, but it has done nothing, then you have been doing it wrong, because this always works.

Do it and make it work, continue building your AoP without fail and build an impenetrable fortress around your soul so none of this shit can ever reach you again.

Your will is important here. Clearly, because of everything you have gone through, your will is weakened greatly right now.

Turn this around by using the trauma you have as fuel to never want experience such sufferings again. Think back how painful and terrible all that has been, and feel strongly how you never want to experience such suffering ever again, how you want to escape this forever.

Build your AoP with that in mind. To escape forever this suffering and always be save and sound.

Clean your house with the Vinasa mantra daily.

Vibrate Vinasa 8 times, and affirm: "Any and all hostile and negative entities, energies, influence and thoughtforms are permanently banished from my home and environment now and forever in positive ways for me!"

This too always works when you do it right. No negative entity can stick around under the influence of Vinasa, it banishes everything spiritual you direct it towards.

Then, use positive visualization and thoughts to change your state of mind.

Visualize/imagine yourself flying through a golden sky, your being radiant like the sun, while all those who harmed and wronged you burn to ashes far below you on the ground under the invincible radiance of your soul.

Visualize/imagine yourself trampling all those who had harmed you underfoot, trample them to dust as you stand triumphantly like a mighty goddess.

The next time any entity comes around to cause you harm, do not point your knife at your own throat in fear, point it towards them with intent to return to them 10 fold the pain and suffering they had caused to you.

Instead of cowering and hiding somewhere, use the pain you have experienced as fuel to rise yourself up and escape this suffering so you never have to experience this again.

Remind yourself how much you hate all the awful things that happened to you and how much better life would be if you never suffered these again, create for yourself the path towards a life of freedom and pleasure that is worth living, imagine for yourself the life that you love and tell yourself everyday to seek that life.

Seek the positive, even if there is none around you, even if you do not believe in it. Quell your negative thoughts with avoid meditation and pick yourself up, then climb out of this pit of despair you've been stuck in.

Affirm to yourself daily that you want to live a life free of suffering, that you want to live a life worth living, that you escape the pain and suffering of the past to experience a good, positive and pleasant future.

Even if you are skeptical of this, or do not believe in it, keep telling yourself this.

Whenever suffering comes your way, do not sigh in acceptance or lower your head in fear, instead, reject it strongly and tell yourself "No! Not again! Enough is Enough! I do not suffer anymore!"

Fight it off. Reject it. Even if life is terrible where you live, it is possible to live a better life than you do now, you can shape your own life to be worth living by empowering your soul, protecting yourself spiritually and never capitulating under pressure or pain.

Rather than let the pain crush you, let it fuel you to seek a life without pain. Then too, let Satan guide you there as he is the one who can and will help you, rather than the enemy, xianity or anything else.

Blaming anyone leads you nowhere, neither does begging something to save you, especially not begging the enemy as they laugh at you while they continue to kick you down if you come crawling towards them like you are.

Instead you act to save yourself, you take matters into your own hands and overpower those that harm you through applying the knowledge Satan has granted to us, you rise above the suffering and have the last laugh.

Stand up and stop begging, take the reins and break out of this cycle forever.

Hail Satan!

I will try all the advice everyone gave me tonight, im giving this one last chance but if nothing improves im begging to please ban my account because im very very scared, and the way some people treat me on here when im in emotional distress, have no family that loves me, no support system, makes me very scared of satanism. im scared of everything at this point, if that mkes me weak so be it but you people have no idea the hell i been through and wouldnt last a day in my shoes.

I can try to talk to you give you empathy compassion etc but the level of issues you had is honestly really big. Well at least your talking to someone who understands this stuff but not having experienced most of it I will admit. I try to be kind though.

666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
My Jewdar is going off on this one sounds super familiar. This person should think about what kind of interactions they have had with them. I am almost sure that is the cause of the problem somehow. I talked a lot to at least 3 people who had major problems dealing with this. The line is very similar here.

i had a very weird experience recently, i met this guy who was obseesed with the emerald tablets of thoth, kept goig on about them. I had to stop hanging out with him thought because I read his mind and he said "i cant believe I have to pretend to be her friend, she talks so much it seems like she likes hearing herself speak" so i confronted him about it and he denied it, but when we went to the pharmacy so i could pick something up i read his mind again and heard him say to himself hes super hungry and wants to buy snacks, and after i picked up my prescription i saw him buying snacks which pissed me off because he said hes healthy and eats non gmo but buys chips and candy? this proved to me i did read his mind before, and he was lying so i had to cut him off. but this is where it gets creepy ok, when hes getting snacks i go pick up my prescription and the man behind the counter was jewish AND LOOKED LIKE A DEMON I WAS SO SCARED TO EVEN GET THE PRESCRIPTION, ever since this happen i feel worse than ever, and ever before this i was under severe attack i got a new puppy to help with me feeling lonely and someone stopped to talk to me and was creepy and knew information about me that they wouldnt know unlesss they know me, but it was a stranger? how would he know? next thing you know it feels like someone is doing black magic on me and im suicidal, and my dog has been acting up ever since and i haven't been doing well AT ALL. the night i saw the jewish man I kept seeing 666. this is wat the jewish pharmacist looked like. im not lying or making this up


also this famous rapper that paid ppl to human traffick me, drug me and rape me, i wikipedia him a couple months ago and found out hes half jewish.

at the point no one can gaslight me and say i cant mind read, ive been able to read minds since 2016 and keep having situations where it gets proven, just like the guy with the snacks, and he had a jew looking nose. you saying that made me think about what has happened since mercury retrograde started, it was so creepy. and i went to the hair salon and same shit the woman was bullying me, but i was also reading her mind and she kept calling me awful names, and im like k maybe im tripping but then she said something out loud that made me realize, no im definitely reading her mind. i dont like this. i keep seeing jews at starbucks too. also when i was in miami in 2018 being attacked badly when i was homeless i woke up one day outside this jewish temple on south beach wondering how the fuck i ended up there, and that man who locked me in the closet saying the devil is lurking in the corner told me he is a skin walker, and the closet he locked me in was right next door to this creepy jewish holost memorial statue here is the link


idk wats going on anymore

Ok so it sounds like you know none of this stuff has anything to do with Satanism here at the JOS. Maybe enemy fake devil worship but that has nothing to do with us that is in line with Xtianity and Judaism they actually worship an aspect of JHVH.

This sounds like straight up Jews. We tell you to stay away from them and for reasons you found out yourself unfortunately and that are repeated over and over.
666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
My Jewdar is going off on this one sounds super familiar. This person should think about what kind of interactions they have had with them. I am almost sure that is the cause of the problem somehow. I talked a lot to at least 3 people who had major problems dealing with this. The line is very similar here.

i dont think people understand what its like to walk through life feeling and believing youre not worthy of love or respect because everywhere you becuase, people treat you like you arent worthy of those things. im very trauamtized, scared, and hurt and wish people would show me love and compassion instead of call me names, belittle me, threaten me, etc when i actually need to be shown love and people be gentle to me. i dont want to be alive im scared of humans and this world. i feel like im already in hell and cant comprehend how im here to be tortured like this.

you know last year my neighbour was harassing me badly, she was some scary butch lesbian trying to dominate me and fiancially dominate me too, demanding i buy her studio equipment and move in with me, and when i wouldnt let her i recieved threats to be shot and killed on a regular basis and i recorded it. one day she actually did try to kill me, and i had witnesses and neighbours had to keep her off of me. the police showed up, ddint helped me, despite there being witnesses they said they are gunna get her side of the story, and when i saw them leavign they were smiling and laughing with her so i started crying asking why they never help me, because when my dad gave me a concussion the police wrote me up and called ME flloyd mayweather, and you know what the police did? they got violently angry and tried to arrest ME when my NEIGHBOUR TRIED TO KILLL ME AND THERE WERE WITNESSES.

but this is my fault? i get what i put out? do you even know what i put out? my whole life ive tried to stand for truth justce and love and been crucified for it, IRONICALLY just like jesus. if you gusys saw my old social media when i had a big following, all i did was uplft and try to empower people, teach them about the deception in this world, expose the evil in hollywood and the government, one of my statuses: "Society lied to you. Know your worth.
It aint got nothing to do with your race, appearance, weight, gender, class, what kind of car you drive, the clothes you wear, how big your house is, or financial status.", and funny enough after this status people bullied me AGAIN. but i deserve it, so aparrently being nice to people means im putting out negative energy and deserved to be treated like shit? I used to stand up for other kids at school and get in trouble for it and no one would do the same for me and my parents told me t stop and said no one would ever stand up for me, so stop standing up for others. but thats why i do it, because i would want people to sand up for me. i pray and dream of the day someone actually stands up for me and protects me like i do for others.

ive been to protests for indigneous rights. ive followed anonymous content and been a fan of tupac since i was 14 and thought i was on this planet to change the world and make it a better place., i used my social media to spread love and empower people and tell them that they are not what society lies to them about and to stop listening to the media and tabloids and magazines, you are beautiful as you are... yeah thats so toxic and means i deserve to be treated like shit. you guys say i keep blaming others, but actually you guys are blaming me for things that are not my fault or doing and scapegoating me for other peoples cruelty treating me like i desevere it, just like my parents made it seem like i deserved to be beaten up and given a concusson and emotionally abused. you are scaring me away from satanism and not making it seem appealing at all, just like my parents didnt make christianity appealing. whole reason i turned to satanism in the first place, but nothing has gotten better. things just get worse every fucking year .

I am trying to tell you this to calm you down. When I see things like this I know it's not time to be judgmental you may even have a trigger event dealing with Satanism in some way or trigger phrase on one of the topics in this group that's OK relax.

I do feel your a kind nice person. Unfortunately if you start healing workings from this it may make it worse at first when it comes out of you so only go at a level you can handle. Identify the event that triggers you the most Start working to heal from it.

666fairy said:
slyscorpion said:
My Jewdar is going off on this one sounds super familiar. This person should think about what kind of interactions they have had with them. I am almost sure that is the cause of the problem somehow. I talked a lot to at least 3 people who had major problems dealing with this. The line is very similar here.

i dont think people understand what its like to walk through life feeling and believing youre not worthy of love or respect because everywhere you becuase, people treat you like you arent worthy of those things. im very trauamtized, scared, and hurt and wish people would show me love and compassion instead of call me names, belittle me, threaten me, etc when i actually need to be shown love and people be gentle to me. i dont want to be alive im scared of humans and this world. i feel like im already in hell and cant comprehend how im here to be tortured like this.

you know last year my neighbour was harassing me badly, she was some scary butch lesbian trying to dominate me and fiancially dominate me too, demanding i buy her studio equipment and move in with me, and when i wouldnt let her i recieved threats to be shot and killed on a regular basis and i recorded it. one day she actually did try to kill me, and i had witnesses and neighbours had to keep her off of me. the police showed up, ddint helped me, despite there being witnesses they said they are gunna get her side of the story, and when i saw them leavign they were smiling and laughing with her so i started crying asking why they never help me, because when my dad gave me a concussion the police wrote me up and called ME flloyd mayweather, and you know what the police did? they got violently angry and tried to arrest ME when my NEIGHBOUR TRIED TO KILLL ME AND THERE WERE WITNESSES.

but this is my fault? i get what i put out? do you even know what i put out? my whole life ive tried to stand for truth justce and love and been crucified for it, IRONICALLY just like jesus. if you gusys saw my old social media when i had a big following, all i did was uplft and try to empower people, teach them about the deception in this world, expose the evil in hollywood and the government, one of my statuses: "Society lied to you. Know your worth.
It aint got nothing to do with your race, appearance, weight, gender, class, what kind of car you drive, the clothes you wear, how big your house is, or financial status.", and funny enough after this status people bullied me AGAIN. but i deserve it, so aparrently being nice to people means im putting out negative energy and deserved to be treated like shit? I used to stand up for other kids at school and get in trouble for it and no one would do the same for me and my parents told me t stop and said no one would ever stand up for me, so stop standing up for others. but thats why i do it, because i would want people to sand up for me. i pray and dream of the day someone actually stands up for me and protects me like i do for others.

ive been to protests for indigneous rights. ive followed anonymous content and been a fan of tupac since i was 14 and thought i was on this planet to change the world and make it a better place., i used my social media to spread love and empower people and tell them that they are not what society lies to them about and to stop listening to the media and tabloids and magazines, you are beautiful as you are... yeah thats so toxic and means i deserve to be treated like shit. you guys say i keep blaming others, but actually you guys are blaming me for things that are not my fault or doing and scapegoating me for other peoples cruelty treating me like i desevere it, just like my parents made it seem like i deserved to be beaten up and given a concusson and emotionally abused. you are scaring me away from satanism and not making it seem appealing at all, just like my parents didnt make christianity appealing. whole reason i turned to satanism in the first place, but nothing has gotten better. things just get worse every fucking year .

Yeah me too I mostly stay to myself out of choice I don't like it here either. I do not understand all of this as in having experienced it. I do know some absolutely horrible things are going on in the world. In fact even where I live. In my city someone got tortured for hours and then killed over literally a dollar. That was the saddest story ever then a week ago someone got shot for no reason at all. I really don't like the way people are.

Nothing gets better cause you need to work more on removing this bad karma and healing or it will keep repeating itself. Suicide nah not unless you want the same or worse shit maybe even with a couple of the same people.

Wunjo Nauthiz Sowilo Ansuz Uruz etc good runes for this.

You have to be strong and work through this. DO NOT
as of right now do empowering meditations. It sounds to me like you are empowering the dirt from this stuff. It could get way worse.

So what do you do? Work a lot on cleansing and healing. Removing bad karma. Cleanse it out of you every day. Work to remove any Jewish energy if it is there some of this stuff described fits people's descriptions of what that kind of energy in someone might do so see about it. Especially the entities attacking you and no aop or rituals or anything stops it that energy can cause that. Get rid of it they will leave.
Do not feel alone and scared you are not.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
