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Back/abdomen problems

Ko Johnson

New member
Jan 29, 2004
Hey guys I have an imbalance on the left side of my body. The left side of my lower back is significantly weaker than my right side. My lower back also curves a little to the right. Also the left side of my abs is shifted upwards. Does anyone know of and techniques, stretches or workouts that would be beneficial. Thank you Hail Satan

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Well, does this cause any pain in your body or  does it effect daily life activities?
When you pop your back....

That doesn't sound overly good as a habit to get into.

Have you tried some yin yoga? It is basically hatha but holding the same pose for ten + minutes with long slow deep breathing.
@ KO Jonhson.

It doesn't seem like a very good idea to keep popping your back like that. In fact because you have to do that so often is an indication of a problem. Now, I know that not all doctors are very affordable, but it's better than being in health so poor that you cannot function. If your spine is messed up then you cannot complete the Magnum Opus. Or in any other place of your back such as a broken disc. These things need to be addressed by a professional practitioner. It's not likely that your spine is in very bad condition nor are the other things you are talking about but because you have to do such things often it would seem you need to seek professional help.

This is my advise to you before you ruin yourself or something/someone else through advisory, STOP doing that now. I know this being an enemy attempt on your life is ridiculous and yes, you have to just deal with it and it's entirely rotten how these miserable oafs operate just to get you into the operating table, or just to see a doctor by cursing you causing the problem to begin with, only to have you paying money you probably don't even have but you need to try and seek a professional back doctor, preferabally a gonstead doctor to see what they can do about your back and spine.

I plan on going to see one when I can afford one. These doctors are expensive, and but can probably offer you decent payments plans unfortunately with interest in the payments which is outright robbery but it's the only option you will get with how little money you can afford right now.

Also, CentralForce666,

You mentioned Yin Yoga, I am personally interested in this yoga, will you please post a webpage about this, or a PDF. I would greatly appreciate this.

Also, you may not remember me, but I went by the name DescipleoftheGods, that is my old username and is attached to something hideous the enemy did to me. I'm sure you can tell what I mean.

I would greatly appreciate it if you post a PDF about the Yin Yoga, but anything will do as long as it shows some poses and has useful information. I do not have the time which is something I believe you understand studying to become a LHP styled Chi doctor, among other things.

I  want to thank you, your advice back then literally saved my life, although I got no help from any doctor, but Satan Himself.

Doctors do not know anything about the wind stroke. They had no idea. Satan took it upon Himself to personally protect me I have been just fine. These are the things He will do for His truly dedicated desciples.

I have something in return for you in the future. Although I have not entirely planned what it will be yet. Probably something along the lines of helpful advise from myself.

Thank you again. Take care of yourself.

Is it not good to pop my back? Most of the time it feels good but if it will cause problems I definitely need to stop. also sometimes I feel energy blocks and when I pop my back it flows again.   I will look into yin yoga and thank you

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On Feb 8, 2016, at 6:45 PM, ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  When you pop your back....

That doesn't sound overly good as a habit to get into.

Have you tried some yin yoga? It is basically hatha but holding the same pose for ten + minutes with long slow deep breathing.

Just because his spine is a bit curved doesn't meant that he cannot complete the Magnum Opus.
Popping it may feel good yes but in the long run it can damage the joints and tendons... It is best to gently stretch out those energy blockages rather than force them. The pain you are getting when you do it is indicative that it is not a great practice. I had to learn to not pop my neck... leaving it be and gently stretching it got rid of the need to pop it over time but popping it actually increased the need to pop it which forms a destructive cycle.

NaturesEmblem, I do remember your old username and I remember quite clearly the advice which I gave you. I am very glad that you were able to avert a personal disaster and yes Satan looks after us quite uniquely and He has saved my life on several occasions more or less indirectly, albeit not in health related ways.

Yin yoga is the same as normal yoga, but applying the female Yin aspect to the practice. I try to incorporate it into my normal routines by doing some of the poses like the life cord stretch found at item #6 here:

Kundalini Yogato raise kundalini in quick order  and holding it for 8-10 minutes rather than the suggested 2.

Similarly, later in the routine I also hold item #3 here:

Kundalini Yoga for waking up series  for up to 11 minutes which slow steady breathing (not the chanting).

Realistically any pose which you are comfortable with can be used for Yin yoga, starting with 108 gentle, slow breaths or even 54 if you are low on time. The idea is to enter a state of Yin energy, which is opposite to the male principle of action and rather favours inaction.. This is a good time to try to practice Void Meditation also although with a focus on relaxation.
I'm kinda freaking out now is it possible to get rid of the curve over some years or something. I have made magnum opus my life goal in all seriousness and can not stand the idea of starting over again in another life. Anywho it hasn't affected me in any serious way. And I tried the yin yoga pose cat holding its tail it felt good and I will add it to my routine. Other than that I will keep on with. My hatha and kundalini yoga

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On Feb 8, 2016, at 9:08 PM, soutlaw92@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Just because his spine is a bit curved doesn't meant that he cannot complete the Magnum Opus.
Yes it is possible and as High Priestess Shannon has stated, this slight curvature will not prevent you from completing the Magnum Opus.

The Magnum Opus corrects all physical ailments as it is the restoration of the body's systems into a total state of health which includes correct and balanced flow of energy through meridian pathways, an imbalance in which can cause the problems you are experiencing.

I would be curious to see exactly how your imbalance manifests, could you describe which muscles are tight and which are loose and I can see if there is a point prescription of acupressure I could recommend to aid you in restoring a healthful flow.

You're actually entirely wrong about that. If your spine is ruined then you WILL NOT complete the Magnum Opus. A damaged spine with the energy blockages as he mentioned is easily fixable with the proper applications such as Ying Yoga which will help somewhat with releasing the extremely large excess of excess Yang energy which you might have KO Johnson checking this is something I would further ask CentralForce666 about as he deduced I had this issue, which is why returning to my Hymaphroditic Female state has been a lot harder naturally. Yes I have Male genetics but I am mostly Female which is another reason why I seemed like the slob when I first came to the JoyOfSatan E-Group and many months after.

These energies can affect your Soul and hamper your proper genetics greatly. Your genetics maintain the promise of Godhood which is something that is the most important thing to consider AT ALL TIMES, it is your endeavour and Satan's Holy Promise to us all.

I have had to go through the most absurd things just to even get to this point and there's still a lot to go, I have yet to assume my full on Female physical appearance which is ridiculous. Basically take the idea of what you thought I was looking like the basement nerd who was somewhat to pretty fat(In comparison to what a lady should look like) and then apply on the male side of the genetics and appearance I don't even really look much like a lady at all right now which is an utter outrage.

But my main point is this, meditation is extremely revitalizing, and it brings your True Self out to find out about, and these blockages are put there by the enemy intentionally to try and hamper your progress and basically destroy your Soul if they can manage it because the enemy are mindless insane destroyers. It's good to seek help wherever you can find it for the physical problems a decent supplier of basic health insurance is Charity Health, who is free to walk in with and sign up with. It's a low grade as medicaid but it's actually a better option then them.

It's up to YOU to get rid of the filth the enemy has put on you through reincarnation, yes, this is the main reason reincarnation is awful. They cheat and put all of this insane rubbish on you without your consent and then basically challenge you like a psychotic brat to undo it.

This is your endeavor, no matter how hard you MUST overcome it, or you die.

Dying means going to the light out there in space where they Soul wipe you. Is that what you want?
You cease to exist if you do NOT fight. Yes, I am going this far to get the point accross. This is literal life or death. Which do you choose?

Those who stand up for their life and have self respect will naturally follow Satan's instructions and He will lead you to the right way everytime.

So to you KO Johnson given that information what do you choose? Please stop popping your back it's going to destroy it. I know this intuitively. Please don't question this and look at the information that has been given to you by us all your loving Family.Please take our advise and STOP popping your back. To all of you struggling know that we all go through this together each one of us(and I want you to know this) could lose the life we have if we do not band together. Satan wants this it is His charge to make sure Family unity is achieved and maintained at all times no matter what. He has personally taught me this many times and is reminding me again in this life. We all come into this life with the threat of death on us despite the enemy starts feeding our premature brains from birth through the Torah, and Bible. I had reptilians attached to me since birth and I had to fend these murderous insane beings off and if it weren't for Satan's protection I would be dead. This in His own way is Satan's talking to you KO Johnson. Many times even without our knowing He will choose a medium in a conversation and it could even be an everyday normal conversation(make sure to be aware and keep looking for it because these are NOT all of the answers you need) for when more come.

I don't even have all of the answers even though I got one from my current doctor to change my diet which literally saved me life by returning my liver back to working function, although Father Satan blessed me by healing it mainly, I had to do my part as well. Satan will provide all of the answers you need but YOU have to make that change NOW, yes, as soon as you are given the information, or you have made a truly foolish mistake. Failing to listen to your own Father is the most awful stupid thing you can do.

Not that you are stupid, I gather you are very bright, but the choice would be stupid. This goes for everyone in general this message is being voxed or spoken for everyone here to see and understand. Take it or not, the information is here.

Know that I go through the most rotten treatment to get this information to you including but not limited to dark magicks that cause the mental confusion, the sleep attacks which I was subjected to earlier today despite my attempts to overcome it, and black magick, Chakra curses which are hampering my ability to even feel my Chakras natural abilities and functions and attacks from multiple thoughtforms trying to murder me every 5 seconds. So if you don't take this information then you're a fool, because I went through all of this rubbish for you.

I wish you would. Because this is the real LHP when you actually get serious about it. I am giving you this information to prevent you from being killed by the enemy later in life. They plan to do something awful to your spine little do you know. Please do something. Mine as well, I have the same issue as you, including the Base Chakra curse. Please take the advise and put money aside to get an Red Almandine Garnet on EBay it's financiable which is legal robbery but it's your life. Just make an account with paypal and then get either a GreenDot card, or a paypal credit card preferably both. Satan will instruct you how to undue the Chakra Curse, plus you get to keep that Almandine Red Garnet forever, yes that means even after you become a Pagan God, and I guarnetee He WILL get you the best on the entire planet worth far more than the price you see on EBay. World Class quality is what He will get you. People have forgotten the value of everything because of Jewish lies. But, because this is His planet He remembers and owns it.

I also advise again that you start empowering BOTH your Base and Sacral chakra, I guarantee you if you do not empower your Base Chakra you may still die. When a Chakra becomes too weak then the rest of the Soul has to either compensate if it can or the person dies.

You have the information from your loving Family including an aspiring Future almost entirely certified LHP Chi doctor. It's up to YOU now what you do.

Which do YOU choose?

I did take a little anatomy but I'm not proficient at it lol so I will give you the general area but if you would like me to try to get more specific I will. Mainly the tightness and weakness is  the muscle that erects the spine in my lumbar area. On the right side the muscle is smaller than on the left. 
When I do things like Kundalini yoga it feels like I'm not even using the right side of my back during the flexion motion. Sorry if my wording is hard to understand I am confused myself. Let me know if you have any other questions Thank you for your time 

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On Feb 9, 2016, at 3:54 PM, ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Yes it is possible and as High Priestess Shannon has stated, this slight curvature will not prevent you from completing the Magnum Opus.

The Magnum Opus corrects all physical ailments as it is the restoration of the body's systems into a total state of health which includes correct and balanced flow of energy through meridian pathways, an imbalance in which can cause the problems you are experiencing.

I would be curious to see exactly how your imbalance manifests, could you describe which muscles are tight and which are loose and I can see if there is a point prescription of acupressure I could recommend to aid you in restoring a healthful flow.
I made a mistake the right side of my lower back is weaker sorry ?

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On Feb 9, 2016, at 3:54 PM, ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Yes it is possible and as High Priestess Shannon has stated, this slight curvature will not prevent you from completing the Magnum Opus.

The Magnum Opus corrects all physical ailments as it is the restoration of the body's systems into a total state of health which includes correct and balanced flow of energy through meridian pathways, an imbalance in which can cause the problems you are experiencing.

I would be curious to see exactly how your imbalance manifests, could you describe which muscles are tight and which are loose and I can see if there is a point prescription of acupressure I could recommend to aid you in restoring a healthful flow.
Thank you very much for this. And I would never forsake information this serious. Starting today I have stopped purposely popping my back but as I go into asanas it pops on its own. And I'm sorry I got it twisted the right side of my back is weak and I know I have a Lack of yang. I can tell by my personality and certified by my natal chart. I know that it's time to get more serious and I am adaptable. I have to tread on new ground. I do empower my chakras and their extensions everyday and have never skipped a day. I'm not going to die due to stupidity I am far passed that. I do thank you and everyone here for the info sincerely. Should I still do the asanas that pop my back or find an alternative?

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On Feb 8, 2016, at 11:31 PM, naturesemblem@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

You're actually entirely wrong about that. If your spine is ruined then you WILL NOT complete the Magnum Opus. A damaged spine with the energy blockages as he mentioned is easily fixable with the proper applications such as Ying Yoga which will help somewhat with releasing the extremely large excess of excess Yang energy which you might have KO Johnson checking this is something I would further ask CentralForce666 about as he deduced I had this issue, which is why returning to my Hymaphroditic Female state has been a lot harder naturally. Yes I have Male genetics but I am mostly Female which is another reason why I seemed like the slob when I first came to the JoyOfSatan E-Group and many months after.

These energies can affect your Soul and hamper your proper genetics greatly. Your genetics maintain the promise of Godhood which is something that is the most important thing to consider AT ALL TIMES, it is your endeavour and Satan's Holy Promise to us all.

I have had to go through the most absurd things just to even get to this point and there's still a lot to go, I have yet to assume my full on Female physical appearance which is ridiculous. Basically take the idea of what you thought I was looking like the basement nerd who was somewhat to pretty fat(In comparison to what a lady should look like) and then apply on the male side of the genetics and appearance I don't even really look much like a lady at all right now which is an utter outrage.

But my main point is this, meditation is extremely revitalizing, and it brings your True Self out to find out about, and these blockages are put there by the enemy intentionally to try and hamper your progress and basically destroy your Soul if they can manage it because the enemy are mindless insane destroyers. It's good to seek help wherever you can find it for the physical problems a decent supplier of basic health insurance is Charity Health, who is free to walk in with and sign up with. It's a low grade as medicaid but it's actually a better option then them.

It's up to YOU to get rid of the filth the enemy has put on you through reincarnation, yes, this is the main reason reincarnation is awful. They cheat and put all of this insane rubbish on you without your consent and then basically challenge you like a psychotic brat to undo it.

This is your endeavor, no matter how hard you MUST overcome it, or you die.

Dying means going to the light out there in space where they Soul wipe you. Is that what you want?
You cease to exist if you do NOT fight. Yes, I am going this far to get the point accross. This is literal life or death. Which do you choose?

Those who stand up for their life and have self respect will naturally follow Satan's instructions and He will lead you to the right way everytime.

So to you KO Johnson given that information what do you choose? Please stop popping your back it's going to destroy it. I know this intuitively. Please don't question this and look at the information that has been given to you by us all your loving Family.Please take our advise and STOP popping your back. To all of you struggling know that we all go through this together each one of us(and I want you to know this) could lose the life we have if we do not band together. Satan wants this it is His charge to make sure Family unity is achieved and maintained at all times no matter what. He has personally taught me this many times and is reminding me again in this life. We all come into this life with the threat of death on us despite the enemy starts feeding our premature brains from birth through the Torah, and Bible. I had reptilians attached to me since birth and I had to fend these murderous insane beings off and if it weren't for Satan's protection I would be dead. This in His own way is Satan's talking to you KO Johnson. Many times even without our knowing He will choose a medium in a conversation and it could even be an everyday normal conversation(make sure to be aware and keep looking for it because these are NOT all of the answers you need) for when more come.

I don't even have all of the answers even though I got one from my current doctor to change my diet which literally saved me life by returning my liver back to working function, although Father Satan blessed me by healing it mainly, I had to do my part as well. Satan will provide all of the answers you need but YOU have to make that change NOW, yes, as soon as you are given the information, or you have made a truly foolish mistake. Failing to listen to your own Father is the most awful stupid thing you can do.

Not that you are stupid, I gather you are very bright, but the choice would be stupid. This goes for everyone in general this message is being voxed or spoken for everyone here to see and understand. Take it or not, the information is here.

Know that I go through the most rotten treatment to get this information to you including but not limited to dark magicks that cause the mental confusion, the sleep attacks which I was subjected to earlier today despite my attempts to overcome it, and black magick, Chakra curses which are hampering my ability to even feel my Chakras natural abilities and functions and attacks from multiple thoughtforms trying to murder me every 5 seconds. So if you don't take this information then you're a fool, because I went through all of this rubbish for you.

I wish you would. Because this is the real LHP when you actually get serious about it. I am giving you this information to prevent you from being killed by the enemy later in life. They plan to do something awful to your spine little do you know. Please do something. Mine as well, I have the same issue as you, including the Base Chakra curse. Please take the advise and put money aside to get an Red Almandine Garnet on EBay it's financiable which is legal robbery but it's your life. Just make an account with paypal and then get either a GreenDot card, or a paypal credit card preferably both. Satan will instruct you how to undue the Chakra Curse, plus you get to keep that Almandine Red Garnet forever, yes that means even after you become a Pagan God, and I guarnetee He WILL get you the best on the entire planet worth far more than the price you see on EBay. World Class quality is what He will get you. People have forgotten the value of everything because of Jewish lies. But, because this is His planet He remembers and owns it.

I also advise again that you start empowering BOTH your Base and Sacral chakra, I guarantee you if you do not empower your Base Chakra you may still die. When a Chakra becomes too weak then the rest of the Soul has to either compensate if it can or the person dies.

You have the information from your loving Family including an aspiring Future almost entirely certified LHP Chi doctor. It's up to YOU now what you do.

Which do YOU choose?
Does your left side then feel tighter? If you press on it I mean? And the right side looser?

How does this correspond to what you are talking about in regards to your abdominal muscles?
Hey you're the guy who talked about the sacral blockage right?

I have had a similar problem, my left side is tight and over strengthened/hypertonic and right side hypotonic/weak. So I did deadlifts in a way that only my right side would be affected and it sounds dumb because you can't really isolate an erector but I tried.

I do side planks on my right side and stretch my left side. Not sure if this is a right approach or I should be even about my body, maybe for short term it is okay?

I workout any muscle connected to the long side, so triceps long head to tighten up that area with teres, lats and rear delt. It helped with the posture, same with glutes and hips. I only train the right side so it tilts back to where it's supposed to. I stretch my left leg, hips, and arm. I don't stretch the right side at all because it never tightens up. I only stretch my right chest and work my left chest so my left shoulder now rolls forward when it would go back.

But I do face pulling which you might not need at all, it would be waaaay easier for you. But tell me, do you have an overbite or an underbite? Or you ever grind your teeth? Or a slightly crooked face or nose? If you do face pulling will fix it but I hold no responsibility for any harm that may happen.

But I gotta say that I did a lot of progress with a crooked spine and a crooked face so I think anything is possible.
Yea that's me lol. I found out shortly after working with my sacral chakra. Thanks for the testimony I'll also try working out my right side more. I'll try the plank as well. My face isn't crooked I think but my right jaw bone pops often will face pulling help with that ? Thanks man!

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On Feb 11, 2016, at 1:38 AM, shenshakti@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hey you're the guy who talked about the sacral blockage right?

I have had a similar problem, my left side is tight and over strengthened/hypertonic and right side hypotonic/weak. So I did deadlifts in a way that only my right side would be affected and it sounds dumb because you can't really isolate an erector but I tried.

I do side planks on my right side and stretch my left side. Not sure if this is a right approach or I should be even about my body, maybe for short term it is okay?

I workout any muscle connected to the long side, so triceps long head to tighten up that area with teres, lats and rear delt. It helped with the posture, same with glutes and hips. I only train the right side so it tilts back to where it's supposed to. I stretch my left leg, hips, and arm. I don't stretch the right side at all because it never tightens up. I only stretch my right chest and work my left chest so my left shoulder now rolls forward when it would go back.

But I do face pulling which you might not need at all, it would be waaaay easier for you. But tell me, do you have an overbite or an underbite? Or you ever grind your teeth? Or a slightly crooked face or nose? If you do face pulling will fix it but I hold no responsibility for any harm that may happen.

But I gotta say that I did a lot of progress with a crooked spine and a crooked face so I think anything is possible.
That long winded reply was not neccessary. I do not need you to tell me something I already know.
In this case I was speaking of Ko's situation. You just assume just because he has a slight curvature that he cannot complete the Magnum Opus. That sounds like nonsense.

Satan shows us that we do not have to live by imitation and restrictions. There are ways around Ko's situation and he can work on it energetically. For example, if having  a slight curve in his spine causes blockages then they are many things he can do to work out that blockage like continuous Yoga and or Qigong (which acts as a full body acuppressure treatment and balancing the energy centers in the bodies and removing blockages. And even if he didnt get his spine to physical revert back to straight, as long as his energy is circulating freely then he will be fine.

This is different, lets say, as if someone had a shattered spine. A slight curve would stop him from completing the magnum Opus, All he would have to do is make sure his energies are balanced and free. Its been done before, so do not give me that crap and completely dismissing me as if I have no sense on the subject.
As I said, his spine is slighlty curved and not LOCKED Tightly in one place. As long as energy can still pass through he is fine.

And if this issue is bothering you then go on the main groups and forums, state your case and see the responses you get.
Hps Shannon would you have a website or some poses you would recommend for somebody beginning qigong. Or any thing that can increase masculine energy. 

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On Feb 11, 2016, at 8:13 PM, soutlaw92@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
That long winded reply was not neccessary. I do not need you to tell me something I already know.
In this case I was speaking of Ko's situation. You just assume just because he has a slight curvature that he cannot complete the Magnum Opus. That sounds like nonsense.

Satan shows us that we do not have to live by imitation and restrictions. There are ways around Ko's situation and he can work on it energetically. For example, if having  a slight curve in his spine causes blockages then they are many things he can do to work out that blockage like continuous Yoga and or Qigong (which acts as a full body acuppressure treatment and balancing the energy centers in the bodies and removing blockages. And even if he didnt get his spine to physical revert back to straight, as long as his energy is circulating freely then he will be fine.

This is different, lets say, as if someone had a shattered spine. A slight curve would stop him from completing the magnum Opus, All he would have to do is make sure his energies are balanced and free. Its been done before, so do not give me that crap and completely dismissing me as if I have no sense on the subject.
The Qigong postion "Standing like a tree" works wonders for that and clearing bloackages and such in the body over time.

http://www.eso-garden.com/specials/the_ ... energy.pdf
Page 25-31

This e book has many Qigong exercise to release and clear out energy blockages and trapped energy. I have this book at home. You can read the whole book if you want further insight and a rewarding qigong practice.
Thanks I will get started today!

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On Feb 11, 2016, at 10:16 PM, soutlaw92@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The Qigong postion "Standing like a tree" works wonders for that and clearing bloackages and such in the body over time.

http://www.eso-garden.com/specials/the_ ... energy.pdf
Page 25-31

This e book has many Qigong exercise to release and clear out energy blockages and trapped energy. I have this book at home. You can read the whole book if you want further insight and a rewarding qigong practice.
Hey no problem brother, as you can see there is a thread here on my experience if you are interested.

Hmm I don't know if face pulling would help, my jaw used to pop and lock, now it opens smoothly but there is slight cracking. I need like a year or more to finish this.

From what I've read any changes from face pulling reverse once you stop, even skipping one day can take you months back. This is all from what I've read since there isn't scientific research that I know on this. A more professional approach is neurocranial restructuring which is when a balloon is placed up your nose and inflated to realign the sphenoid which aligns the atlas vertebrae (the 1st one) so that straightens the rest along with the face. But I've heard people say it isn't as healing as said.

I've been doing the things I've been suggested here, the qi gong exercises and acupressure points and just trying to work with every aspect from energetic to physical.

I have had hepatitis (I eat too much sweets like chocolate) and noticed the swelling of my liver would shift my thoracic vertebraes out worsening my scoliosis so taking care internally is super important.

Oh also keep in mind for any imbalance there is a root, like it could even be one arm, hand, or foot. Try rolling your feet on a baseball.

I noticed my left hand is so tight so I stopped playing guitar because my nervous system won't properly send it signals but realized when my torso had a more automatic clockwise rotation my left hand felt more proprioceptive like I was left-handed or something. But it is still shortened and I need lots of fixing, but just telling you since in my experience there is a crazy domino effect all over. My left pinky toe doesn't work, so there could be a connection but I cant move it like it's dead lol.

Oh well I'm sorry for long ass posts but I'm a very airy electric (uranus energy) type haha. Good luck brother!
You did not understand properly what I said. I said if your spine is "broken" then you will not be able to complete the Magnum Opus. With the midly damaged, or misaligned spine you will be fine.

I was referring to a time when his spine may not be workable if he continutally allows ths problem to go on here. Please do not start an argument. I believe this was just a misunderstanding. I have the same problem and I know what I am talking about and I go through bad enemy attacks by them trying to make it worse because of it.

I got attacked last night and the spine did something funny, and I felt somewhat disoriented. So, I do have some idea of what I am talking about. I f re-read what I said you will find that I actually agreed with you, and did not mean to contradict you at all.

I am simply stating facts that if you have the disability or disadvantage then the enemy will definitely take advantage of it and try to destroy you with it inside and out. They were basically trying to break the spine last night. This is NOT something that should be ignored. I recommend sitting in an upright position AT ALL TIMES.

This is something as a Woman that I Pracitice daily, and it is not the easiest thing, but it is necessary as this facilitates your spine properly and helps the energy flow as well. These are things the enemy want kept from us, or destroyed, simple proper care taking techniques.

As for the Ying Yoga, this is something I plan to start tomorrow. I was slow to get back to this because of a lot of enemy stalls in my life.

Will you please try to read a little more closely what I said, I meant if he doesn't do something then the enemy will most likely put a plan into motion to destroy his spine.

I woke him up to the reality the enemy has put on him. If you still want to try for a squabble I do not have the time. Perhaps you could learn from my wisdom, because I like CentralForce666 have something viable to say.

No, I do not know much about the spine, but I know A LOT about enemy attacks, and when they infest themselves into your life it gets ugly.

Their are also certain crystals in the book The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall that will help in returning your physical health and destroying the problem.

This is also again an issue I have to deal with with no health insurance thanks to the enemy currently.
We all have knowledge to impart and this is what I told him.

We have to band together as a Family, not cause petty squabbles, this is exactly what the enemy wants.
I thank you for your suggestion of Qigong, which I am also going to practice, but as the spine is not in the best condition I cannot even practice Hatha Yoga, you understand the general picture of what I am trying to convey here as to what the enemy has done to me. I have to be careful how I sit, get up, and generally move around.

Knowledge spread to each other is how the enemy loses, lack of it, or petty squabbling is how the enemy wins.

I do not meant to argue with you, just to point out the reality. I personally need to learn about the spine other than it is the Shushumna, and begin practically applying the knowledge as this will help me, and anyone else I educate complete the Magnum Opus.

If anyone knows about the spine then I would be greatly interested in reading a website, or even just an article dedicated to the spine as I do not have the time to look it up myself and I would greatly appreciate someone helping me.

Thank you.

Hail Satan.
@naturesemblem I am aware of what the enemy can do when it comes to our disadvantages and weaknesses. But this situation is just me calling you out on your mistake.

Look back at the thread. When I wrote "Just because his spine is a bit curved, does not mean that he cannot complete the Magnum Opus" you then replied that I was totally wrong. In that case, you should have then said that you meant a ruined spine and not a slightly curved one.

I am not starting a squabble or denying your own wisdom and what knowledge you can offer, this has nothing to do with my point. I am just calling out an error on your part because it is in this thread.

But anyway, carry on with your doings.

Be well.

High Priestess Shannon

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
