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ATTENTION There is a Jew in your kitchen


New member
Dec 10, 2020
Greetings, this is my first post on the JOS forum. Many Satanists have their front, be it the spiritual front, the social front, etc. But I want to focus on scientific satanism, I hope my contribution will be helpful. I apologize for my English, I am not fluent in the language and sometimes I use the translator.

The pure salt of ancient times

Sodium chloride is used in foods to give them a very good taste. Since time immemorial it has been used in the daily food of the human being, it was extracted in the past directly from the sea by drying the foam that the wind generated, and it is essential for your metabolism, for example: it helps your neurons to conduct electrical signals in the brain , your stomach uses the chlorine in salt to optimize digestion and sodium is occupied to a lesser extent in the cells in the sodium-potassium pump), today it is present in practically all food, including some foods that taste sweet (as weird as this sounds), such as candy or cake.

And I can assure you that you have a salt shaker on your home table, there is nothing wrong with this except for a small detail ... There is fluoride in the salt...
There is fluoride that should not be there, fluoride is not something that we find in seawater and rather it has been obligatorily imposed on your food. It is industrially added to common salt forming a mixture between salt and fluorine approximately 200-250mg / kg. And what's wrong with this? This altered salt is a tool that YHWH uses to keep the rest of the planet ignorant, but in what way? How is this possible? What does salt have to do with YHWH?
I will give you a little explanation about this and you will understand many things. I will put aside technical language, use simple expressions and explanations.

The damage produced by this desecrated salt

When you eat a food that contains salt, the fluoride enters your body through the mouth and through your small intestine reaches the bloodstream, it is distributed in all corners of your body, part of that distribution reaches your brain and can jump the blood-brain barrier, this in itself is dangerous since it can cause biochemical and hormonal changes during pregnancy, causing a deficit in the infant's learning, decreasing its intelligence and even in adulthood it is still just as dangerous.
Neurodevelopment is affected due to the interruption in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and receptors in nerve cells, loss of gray matter, damage to the synaptic membrane causing a concentration deficit and in general decreases the efficiency of neuronal connections, influencing development cognitive of the individual. The list is big ...

But here the key factor is that it can also induce an accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland fluoride damages the pineal gland, preventing biochemical processes from being carried out correctly. The brain is a very fine machine and a single variation of the nominal values leads to a chain disaster, causing a decline in the functioning of this gland and therefore your sixth chakra is attacked and in a future atrophied.

Another way how fluoride attacks this gland is that neurons, when intoxicated by fluorine, stop working, fluorine is the most electronegative element in the universe, this means that it takes a truly high energy to separate it from a compound, in In this case, the neuronal structure, so that the human body in the need to recover its homeostasis may arrive at the need to kill neurons at will with the help of the imune system since a damaged neuron spoils the efficiency of the rest of the neurons around it.

Now you can see how the powers of your soul are kept hidden and now you know why the rest of humanity is kept in infinite spiritual ignorance.

According to the company that manufactures salt in Mexico (my country), fluoride helps prevent cavities since when consuming food, fluoride adheres to the teeth, reducing cavities problems by shielding the calcium from your teeth (and this is true) Toothpaste has fluoride in the form of stannous fluoride and it has the same impact on your teeth, but do you know the difference between one and the other? that altered salt enters your body and toothpaste does not enter the body, it is spit out and rinsed out of the mouth.

So why do they add more fluoride with the excuse of improving dental health if we all brush our teeth? Isn't it totally unnecessary?

Well now you know why they do it.

As the Satanist that I am, I tell you this: stop eating that desecrated salt since every time you consume it you continue to be manipulated by YHWH. You can look for sea salt made by hand.

By the way, when doing the research of this article I checked the bag of salt in my house and I found a curious little friend...

This is my first contribution, I hope it has been helpful, I want to upload more scientific satanism and I need your opinions about my work and how to improve it, thanks for reading!
Your post is pretty good.
As far as the fluoride in the toothpaste is concerned. It does enter your bloodstream since the mouth has several ways for things to hit the bloodstream fast including the area right under your tongue. Ok the whole thing about fluoride helping prevent cavities is utter bullcrap. Several different studies have found that with fluoride you end up with more cavities. Ones best bet is to find toothpaste with no fluoride in it. Here in the United States a company called Tom's Maine sells fluoride free toothpaste. I don't know about Mexico but if nothing else you can look up homemade tooth powder. Flouride itself is also used in water treatment plants so those that can should get as good of a water filter as possible.
As far as getting what fluoride is already in your body out I'm not sure on this. I've read a few articles on this but I can't recall at this moment what they said about decalcifying the pineal gland.
If anyone else can find it or remember please do share.

Thank you though for pointing this out to the rest of us.

Hail Father Satan
News flash! Everything HAS fluoride in it. You can't avoid it, you can reduce it but for most people they can't avoid it. Do you know how much fluoridated water is used in farming, tons of water. For example tea absorbs fluoride and can't get rid of it so it just masses it up, I would not be surprised if other plants follow suit.

It's a shame jews are in power position with fluoride because technically to make your bones and teeth stronger, Boron would have been used and we'd be boronated. Ironically enough Boron is also a cheap reducer and even outright cure for arthritis. Most professionals suggest about 60-80mg of Boron a day, maybe more for body builders. Also funny enough a person who posted a recent article on the forums on Boron. Found boronation is so strong that even to perform surgery on a bone caused the doctor to stop cutting the bone because he could not cut the bone. Fluoride causes as well fluorosis of the teeth and bones in other words weakening of the bones.

Also I find it hilarious your posting this. Because you literally bought fluoridated Salt. Your problem is not Salt in general most salt does not contain that.

Your buying perfectly good salt and mixed with flouride. It's your fault for buying that or family member.

Remember Kosher = Good. As much as I hate to admit anything that is labelled with kosher supervision contains less to no poisons. We have in the past performed rituals against kosher industry back in the 2004-2007 region of time using Runic magick to poison their food. So it stands to reason why they put Soy or Soy-related stuff, Fluoride in your case with kosher labels, and other toxins. We did rituals to poison them to bring them to our levels. They wish to goy us up and live like kings of the Universe. Well might as well hit the king and maybe even kill the king.

In the end this is your fault. The salt literally states "Iodided Fluoridated Salt". Funny enough I would not be shocked in any way, shape, or form. If that Salt is safer than some of the normal Salt found among your nation. Even IF it contains Fluoride it is kosher labelled and on top of that it is Pareve = Neutral and probably approved for Pesach.

In the end this is your fault. If you want to buy good proper salt. Buy "Sal Yodada" along with other substances besides fluoride. In other words some salt contains certain other minerals that promote good health. For example some salts contain iron for blood reasons. It's small so it doesn't trigger iron allergies. But in other parts of the World like whereby I'm living at most salt is Salt + Iodide and that is it. If it contains a kosher label or a cheap K label perfectly good.

Iodide = Anti-goiter, Thyroid regulator = Very good.

Remember the hierarchy:

4th:best food: Non-GMO labeled maybe secondary label.
3rd best: Non-GMO, maybe other labels cheap or advanced kosher label/s
2nd best: Non-GMO, Vegen, Vegetarian, other labels. Maybe IF kosher label.
1st best: Non-GMO, Vegen, Vegetarian, other labeles. Kosher labels, most definitely advanced kosher labels.

So next time you go shopping. Find non-fluoridated Salt. While this is an issue of current times. In reality it's your fault for buying it when it literally states Fluoridated Salt in large letters in Spanish.
Interesting post, the issue of fluoride has been talked about extensively here and also including counter-measures from the side-effects of fluoride intake.

Sermon from Shannon regarding this:

As well as sea-salt, I've also been looking into Himalayan salt. Himalayan salt contains 84 different minerals, but it also includes the naturally occurring mineral, calcium fluoride. But from what I've read so far, calcium fluoride is different in that sodium fluoride is the traditional consumer product in standard use but is incredibly toxic. The fluoride added to 90% of drinking water is hydrofluoric acid, a compound of fluorine, chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. Calcium fluoride was contained in the drying seabed for millions of years before pollution was heard of.

Would it be best to stay away from fluoride entirely, or just avoid the artificially made variant?
Dear Gear88
Great, this is the spirit I was looking for!
someone who sees the article beyond the obvious and taking logical actions opening a debate.
You are right in some of the points that I am going to answer right now, but beforehand I put in context that the goal of an article of scientific dissemination is to take the data and simplify it for the understanding of the general public since if we go into details only confuses the reader, not all of us have a Ph.D. in some science, but when seeing that a doubt arises I am open to give more advanced details for the better understanding clarifying erroneous understandings.

In effect, fluorine is in all the places you mentioned, but it is generally kept in the earth, even with that fluoride is considered one of the trace elements and is necessary for life.
Yes, the fluorine is in the irrigation water but here the plant does not absorb the compounds accompanied by fluorine, because fluorine is the most electronegative element in the universe, and I discussed this in the test but I think the significance is not known. From this detail, the more electronegative an element is, the more difficult it is to separate it from the original compound, in addition to the fact that the system in question (the fluorinated compound) always tends to the lowest possible energy level with a direct tendency towards electropositive elements.
In the terrestrial soil there is a very high amount of iron and to a lesser extent aluminum, copper among other elements and the trend is in favor of metals before non-metals (the plant) hence the absorption is lower in plants. and fluoride consumption by humans remains at nominal levels.

In your second paragraph you talk about boron, but ... I never said anything about boron (I don't know why you counter-argue with something that doesn't fit the context).

You also gave an argument that fluoride attacks bones and teeth, this is true but for a different indirect reason and is also related to the consumption of fluoride, bone weakening can be due to the action of fluoride in two specific cells , osteoblasts and osteocytes, the osteoblast is responsible for forming the bone structure while the osteocyte is responsible for eating it, thus completing a cycle of bone regeneration. An unevenness in any position of the aforementioned cells could lead to either of the two extremes you mentioned, an extremely hard bone or excessive deterioration of it.

In your third, fourth, sixth and seventh paragraphs you tell me about what I write about fluoridated salt, complaining about it but in the end I wanted to buy it.

Okay, I understand your point of view and the specific statistical term is that my argument is "biased", that it starts from a non-representative sample of the whole universe, and you are correct, take the bag of salt that is in my house. Why? Well, the first reason is simple, it is the most commercialized salt in my country (if not the only one), the second is that the government of my country makes it mandatory to integrate fluoride in salt at the request of an investigation from the same company . And this applies to any other brand of salt produced in my country.
And this applies to any other brand of salt produced in my country.

You also tell me that iodine has good repercussions on health, but again I tell you, I am talking about fluorine, they are not the same things. The elemental properties are different, of course both are from the same family of halogens but their properties are different.
In your fifth paragraph you talk about Ka-kosher.com, I really did not understand your writing of everything and I do not want to fall into misinterpretations so I reserve an answer.

But I want to add that here it is not so easy to speak of "poison", that is, "poison does not kill, it is the quantity"
Nitrogen is not bad, but an excess could end up drowning you, sugar is also essential in the body but could cause you to go into shock, fluoride is necessary in minimal amounts in the human body but the amount approved by the government is high In addition, considering the treated water, toothpaste, among other things, can have excessive amounts of fluoride, (we are talking approximately in ten parts per million, it is not a big deal but it does affect the body)
An example is botulinum toxin (Botox), it takes only 0.000000000001 grams to kill a human.

In conclusion, I am not bad and neither are you, it is only a matter of details and approaches, good work always questioning each data, but I only ask you to give your opinion and argument in a positive way since at the beginning of your comment you were speaking with a sarcasm that is offensive and in bad taste, I am starting with these articles and polishing details, I want to continue dealing with issues that are related between science and spirituality although it will take me a little time I hope in the future to make progress in my laboratory but for the moment enough with helping in satanism and in the war with the RTR, thanks for reading.

good evening!
Sodium on its own is poisonous; chlorine on its own is poisonous; put the two together and BAM it's not quite sodium nor is it quite chlorine, but sodium-chloride. (Common/table) Salt has been used for millennia, so it only now being dangerous for consumption is rather late coming to the...well... table. Plus if "we evolved from fish" - or as one might say, from out of the salt water - then we'd have evolved to be extinct... or severely malformed.
Surely you guys can buy something off the internet from some other place this isn't mandated and yeah if its "Kosher" that means it's safer than something that's the kikes code word for ok to consume. I would not get anything not "kosher" there.
Don't Buy Jewish Products ,, Starve The beast

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
