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Jan 22, 2005

The major case for Atlantis being in the West is made in Plato's works the Timaeus and Critias and these accounts are based upon the Egyptians record. But that is not what the Egyptian record documents on the subject. The Egyptian record documents the opposite the Egyptians origins are in the East the 'Land of the Gods,' Pa-Nuter. Which is modern India of which the it has been shown to share an identical culture:

Peter Von Bohlen (1796-1840) German Indologist, compared India with ancient Egypt. He thought there was a cultural connection between the two in ancient times.

(source: German Indologists: Biographies of Scholars in Indian Studies writing in German - By Valentine Stache-Rosen. p.15-16).
In his book, Empire of the Soul: Some Journeys in India, Paul William Roberts, states:
" Recent research and scholarship make it increasingly possible to believe that the Vedic era was the lost civilization whose legacy the Egyptians and the Indians inherited. There must have been one. There are too many similarities between hieroglyphic texts and Vedic ones, these in turn echoed in somewhat diluted form and a confused fashion by the authors of Babylonian texts and the Old Testament."
(source: Empire of the Soul: Some Journeys in India - By Paul William Roberts p. 300).

It is believed that the Dravidians from India went to Egypt and laid the foundation of its civilization there. the Egyptians themselves had the tradition that they originally came from the South, from a land called Punt, which an historian of the West, Dr. H.R. Hall, thought referred to some part of India.

The Indus Valley civilization is, according to Sir John Marshall who was in charge of the excavations, the oldest of all civilizations unearthed (c. 4000 B.C.) It is older than the Sumerian and it is believed by many that the latter was a branch of the former.
(source: The Bhagvad Gita: A Scripture for the Future - Translation and Commentary by Sachindra K. Majumdar p. 28).

Adolf Erman (1854-1937) author of Life in ancient Egypt and A handbook of Egyptian religion, says that the persons who were responsible for a highly developed Egyptian civilization were from Punt, an Asiatic country, a description of which is unveiled by this scholar from the old legends - a distant country washed by the great seas, full of valleys, incense, balsum, precious metals and stones; rich in animals, cheetahs, panthers, dog-headed apes and long tailed monkeys, winged creatures with strange feathers to fly up to the boughs of wonderful trees, especially the incense tree and the coconut trees.

Dr. Erman further says that analyzing the Egyptian legends makes it clear that from Punt the heavenly beings headed by Amen, Horus and Hather, passed into the Nile valley...To this same country belongs that idol of Bes, the ancient figure of the deity in the Land of Punt.
Max Muller had also observed that the mythology of Egyptians (and also that of the Greeks and Assyrians) is wholly founded on Vedic traditions. Eusebius, a Greek writer, has also recorded that the early Ethiopians emigrated from the river Indus and first settled in the vicinity of Egypt.

In an essay entitled On Egypt from the Ancient Book of the Hindus (Asiatic Researchers Vol. III, 1792), British Lt. Colonel Wilford gave abundant evidence proving that ancient Indians colonized and settled in Egypt. The British explorer John Hanning Speke, who in 1862 discovered the source of the Nile in Lake Victoria, acknowledged that the Egyptians themselves didn't have the slightest knowledge of where the Nile's source was. However, Lt. Colonel Wilford's description of the Hindus' intimate acquaintance with ancient Egypt led Speke to Ripon Falls, at the edge of Lake Victoria.
Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890), who worked in French India as a government official and was at one time President of the Court in Chandranagar, translated numerous Vedic hymns, the Manusmriti, and the Tamil work, Kural. This French savant and author of La Bible Dans L'Inde says:
"With such congruence before us, no one, I imagine, will appear to contest the purely Hindu origin of Egypt, unless to suggest that: "And who tells you that it was not Indian that copied Egypt? Any of you require that this affirmation shall be refuted by proofs leaving no room for even a shadow of doubt?
"To be quite logical, then deprive India of the Sanskrit, that language which formed all other; but show me in India a leaf of papyrus, a columnar inscription, a temple bas relief tending to prove Egyptian birth."
(source: Hinduism in the Space Age - by E. Vedavyas p.117).
Heinrich Karl Brugsch agrees with this view and writes in his History of Egypt that,

"We have a right to more than suspect that India, eight thousand years ago, sent a colony of emigrants who carried their arts and high civilization into what is now known as Egypt." The Egyptians came, according to their records, from a mysterious land (now known to lie on the shores of the Indian Ocean)."

The record of Egyptian origin from the Egyptians actual records:

Col. Henry Steel Olcott, a former president of the Theosophical Society, who explained in a March, 1881 edition of The Theosophist (page 123) that:
"We have a right to more than suspect that India, eight thousand years ago, sent a colony of emigrants who carried their arts and high civilization into what is now known to us as Egypt...This is what Bengsch Bey, the modern, as well as the most trusted Egyptologer and antiquarian says on the origin of the old Egyptians. Regarding these as a branch of the Caucasian [Aryan] family having a close affinity with the Indo-Germanic races, he insists that they 'migrated from India before historic memory, and crossed that bridge of nations, the Isthus of Suez, to find a new fatherland on the banks of the Nile." The Egyptians came, according to their own records, from a mysterious land...on the shore of the Indian Ocean, the sacred Punt; the original home of their gods...who followed thence after their people who had abandoned them to the valley of the Nile, led by Amon, Hor and Hathor. This region was the Egyptian 'Land of the Gods,' Pa-Nuter, in old Egyptian, or Holyland, and now proved beyond any doubt to have been quite a different place from the Holyland of Sinai. By the pictorial hieroglyphic inscription found on the walls of the temple of the Queen Haslitop at Der-el-babri, we see that this Punt can be no other than India. For many ages the Egyptians traded with their old homes, and the reference here made by them to the names of the Princes of Punt and its fauna and flora, especially the nomenclature of various precious woods to be found but in India, leave us scarcely room for the smallest doubt that the old civilization of Egypt is the direct outcome of that the older India."
(source: Theosophist for March 1881 p. 123).

A very revealing statement was made to the fact the early Christian Church edited the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers:

"As Christian monotheism took hold of Western civilization basic paradigm, it carried foth and incorporated ancient Greek science into its mix of world knowledge. Thomas Aquinas and Albertus Magnus MODIFIED and adapted Grecian scientific philosophy to accommodate and support the tenets of Christian scripture. In this supportive capacity, sicne obediently took its place as the Church's handmaiden."-Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Steve Bhaerman, `Spontaneous Evolution'

This is the cause for misdirection in Plato's mention of Atlantis, after all the Christian program went out of its way to destroy any historical records burning numerous libraries such at Alexandria and aboard even using mass murder in it's terror program it has been shown in other texts they did not burn they altered such as the Eddas. It's clear they wanted to wipe out the original histories to create a false history to build their lies upon. The original record show the origin of the Aryan Race in the East the one place they don't want Gentiles looking. By making it in the wrong direction it discredits any idea of an homeland outside of the biblical false claims. As after years of combing the West nothing of any substance has been found of Atlantis and it remains a seeming myth in the eyes of many, hence not real. They know they might not able to get every ancient account so they just injected their lie into place to take care of that fact. The lie is designed to discredit the truth.

The American Record:

Viracochas [White Gods] who settled in the America's stated they came from another continent:

Augustus Le Plongeon (1825-1908), after his investigations, which supposedly showed that the Maya of Yucatan were older than the later civilizations of Greece and Egypt, and additionally told the story of an even older continent

-Professor Raman Mena, curator of the National Museum of Mexico, said that the general appearance of Maya's writing is considered of oriental origin. According to scholar Orozco V. Berra, Maya and other languages are of Sanskrit origin.-


Other connections from Britain and aboard:

"The Pheryllt were Druids of the Cymry people who arrived in the British Isles from "Defrobani" which is a Welsh of Taprobana, a name for Sri Lanka. It is said that the Cymry where guided from Sri Lanka to the British Isles by the Welsh cultural hero, Hu Gadran, and proof of their Westward journey is the Welsh language, which is full of Sanskrit root words. Hu Gadran founded what many believe to have been the incipient sect of Druids, the Pheryllt, a term meaning "Alchemists." The term Britain itself comes out of the ancient Sanskrit word Bharat, the ancient Aryan name for the area today known as the Indian subcontinent. "The Druidical religion prevailed not only in Britain, but likewise across the East."
-E. Keneanly, the Book of God

"The Yezidis, who now reside in Northern Iraq, before coming to Iraq they had resided in India" The Yezidi God is Melek Ta'us whose symbol like Murrugan in Sri Lanka is the Peacock and the Serpent. Within the Yezidi writings Melek Ta'us makes mention of Shambhala the sacred place of the East and to the Lotus another Eastern spiritual theme. The Peacock the sacred symbol to the Yezidi, Mandean and Hindu alike, is native only to the Far East not the Middle East or Europe and nowhere else on the planet. The Peacock was a sacred bird in Europe to the Goddess Hera and the God Dionysus (of whom the serpent is also sacred). "Like the Yezidi the Mandeans also have a tradition regarding Melek Ta'us, whom they refer to in their texts as Malka Ta'us….Melek Ta'us was present at the birth place of the Mandean culture, the island paradise of Sri Lanka…where he was known not only as the Peacock Angel, but also as Murrugan. According to Mandean legend Melek Ta'us came down from Sri Lanka's highest mountain and taught the Mandeans' their spiritual wisdom.

The Mandeans have also stated the Sumerians (of who they view themselves being a remnant of, like the Yezidi) came from Sri Lanka area. The Mandeans state the Garden of Edin (abode of the Gods) was in Sri Lanka as do many other tribes in the Near East today.

"Kumarai Nadu that once stretched across the Pacific Ocean, most of this primeval continent sank to the bottom of the ocean except for those parts of it that became islands, such as Sri Lanka, the paradise currently recognized by much of the Arab world as not part of the primal Garden, but the Garden of Edin (Edin means abode of the Gods in English). Melek Ta'us is worshipped by the Sri Lankans as Murrugan and center in English means "Place of the Peacock.

The Vedic Record:

Aryan Invasion theory has been debunked as a fraud the origin the very fact the Indus Valley sites of the Harappa and Mohenjodaro have been proven to have been Vedic Aryan civilizations dating back before the time of the claimed invasion of. With the find of the Saraswati river bed the date of the Veda's has been rolled back to 8000 bc. The mighty Saraswati river is referred to in the Rig Veda more then fifty times which provides the Aryans had already been there prior to the drying up of the Saraswati. This river stopped flowing six thousand years. It also describes this river in full flow which was around 8000 years ago.

And the remains of the few dozen skeletons found at Mohenjodaro have been found to be from different periods of time long after the area had been abandoned and show no evidence of death from fatal wounds. Debunking the main claim of Sir M.Wheeler as to valid proof on an invasion.

The story of Manu who is described as a Rishi is the first ark builder in history, the tale comes from the Vedic literature, from the Mahabaratha::

Manu is warned: `Great Lord, thou hast to every way preserved me: now hear from me what thou must do when the time arrives. Soon shall all these terrestrial objects….be dissolved. The time for the purification of the worlds has now arrived. I therefore inform thee what is for thy greatest good. The period dreadful for the universe has come. Make for thyself a strong ship, with a cabled attached; embark in it with the Seven Sages and stow in it, carefully preserved and assorted, all the seeds which have been described of old….
Manu as enjoined, taking with him the seeds, floated on the billowy ocean in beautiful ship … Tossed by the tempests the ship whirled like a reeling and intoxicated woman. Neither the earth, nor the quarters of the world appeared; there was nothing but water , air an sky. In the world thus confounded, the Seven Sages, Manu and the fish were beheld. So, for very many years, the fish unwearied drew the ship over the water; and brought it at length to the highest peak of Himavat[Himalayas]. He then smiling gently, said to the Sages, Bind this ship without delay to this peak., They did so accordingly. And the highest peak of Himavat is still known by the name of Naubandhana `the Binding of the Ship.'

After this Manu `began to visibly to create all living beings.'

Manu was believed to have been, in antediluvian times, a king of the people of South India.

When the sites in the Indus Valley where examined they where shown to have no evolutionary development meaning they had been built by a culture that had already developed somewhere else and transplanted their civilization there. The tale of Manu shines a lot on the evidence the Arya came from another homeland that was destroyed in a great flood and the survivors emigrated to Northern India and the Himalaya regions after and rebuilt. The archeology evidence also supports this cultural record.

An example:

`Kashmir - was the abode of Rishi Kashyap. It is often described as "Nandanvan" the pleasure garden or paradise of Bharat. According to tradition recorded in a number of Sanskrit texts and chronicles of Kashmir this valley was once a vast lake. It was converted into an alluvial plain when Kashyap, a great "Rishi," made an opening into the surrounding mountains near Baramula. As a result the water of the lake was drained out and the submerged land became a habitable
valley. It then came to be known as "Kashyap Marga" the abode of Kashyap from which the name Kashmir is derived. Geomorphological evidence has confirmed that the valley was originally a vast lake. History of Kashmir began with the settlement of the Indo-Aryan people in it in pre-Mahabharata days[my note ten thousand years or before]. It became a centre of Indo-vedic culture and civilization. Sanskrit literature is replete with references to it.'

Further down off the Coast of India is an set of Islands called the Maldives who's ancient tradition speaks of a group called the Redin:

"Very tall. They were fair-skinned, and they had brown hair, blue eyes sometimes. And they were very, very good at sailing…. The Redin came long before any other Maldivians. Between them and the present population other people had also come, but none were as potent as the Redin and there were many of them. They not only used sail but also oars, and therefore moved with great speed at sea…"

"During his series of research visits to the Maldives, Thor Heyerdahl collected amd compiled the Redin legends form all parts of the archipelago. He concludes that in the memory of the islanders the Redin were `a former people with more then ordinary human capacities.'
Cowrie shells from the Maldives had been excavated among the ruins of the Indus-Sarawati civilization at Lothal. A Vedic Aryan civilization dated at over eight thousand years old.

Kumari Kandam

Kumari Kandam flood myth is set in the time between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago

"The First Sangam was headquartered in a city named Tenmadurai. It had 549 members "beginning, with Agattiyanar[the sage Agastaya]… Among others were God Siva of braided air… Murugan the hill God, and Kubera the Lord of Treasure."

"The Vedic God Rudra-Siva, Lord of Yoga, Siva's primary attribute is gnosis-or knowledge-and that whether in south India or the Himalayas he is associated with a cult of esoteric knowledge that is said to have been carried down from before the flood."

The date of the first Sangam [or 9800 BC or 9400 BC] is close with Plato's date for the sinking of Atlantis 9600 BC [11,600 years ago].
This Sangam held an immense library of literature most of now all lost, the First Sangam was destroyed by a deluge. The survivors of this antediluvian civilization relocated further north, saving some of the First Sangam texts at some point some moved into India.
It should be noted in the ancient Tamil texts it specifically calls this center `Sangam" which is a Sanskrit word, not a Tamil word. Dr.Pillari a Tamil, states that Tamil is descended from Sanskrit, the other language on Tamil Nadu[Sri Lanka] Sinhalese is officially documented to be of Sanskrit origin.

"The questions continues to be this: how could Plato less than 2500 years ago, or Nakirar less then 15oo years ago, have managed by chance to select the epoch of 9600 BC in which to set, on the one hand, the sinking under waves of the Atlantic Ocean of the great antediluvian civilization of Atlantis and, on the other, the foundation of the First Sangam in Kumari Kandam-a doomed Indian Ocean landmass that was itself destined to be swallowed up by the sea?"-G. Hancock

T.R. Sesha Iyenagar mentions in Tamil Traditions on Kumari Kandam:
"Connected with South India… which was overwhelmed and submerged by a huge deluge. There are unmistakable indications in the Tamil traditions that the land affected by the deluge was contiguous with Tamilaham and that, after the subsidence, the Tamils naturally betook themselves to their northern provinces."

Dr M. Sundaram, Chief Professor and Head of the Department of Tamil, Presidency College, Madras wrote in his paper `The Cultural Heritage of the Ancient Tamils' that:

"The tradition of the loss of a vast continent by a deluge of the sea is too strong in the ancient Tamil classics to be ignored by any serious type of enquiry. In fact the first Tamil Sangam was said to have been functioning from South Madurai, in the lost continent. Ancient grammatical texts in Tamil and their latter day commentators testify that River Prahuli and Kumari Mountain ranges were lost by a deluge, a Purunaruli verse refers to the River prahuli and Silipathikaram mentions the deluge in which the Kumari continent was lost…"

Dr T.N.P. Haran, Professor of Tamil Studies at the Ameican College in Madura states on this lost continent "The best and the ancient civilization existed there…. Kumari Kandam was a big land. So many people were there. The sea came in and it swallowed the whole thing."

In the tale of the Ramayana we have evidence of a land bridge once existed between India and Sri Lanka this has been found to have existed around 11,000 thousand years ago. Rama invaded the area

In the Rajavali a Sri Lanka record of their ancient oral tradition penned around the 4th Century AD, it mentions from their primordial tradition of three floods that stuck the area in three different era's. The first flood is mentioned "in a former age" during the time of the giant Ravana:

"The citadel of Ravana, 25 palaces and 400,000 streets, were swallowed up by the sea… The submerged land was between Tuticorin[south-eat coast of modern Tamil Nadu] and Mannar[NORTH-WEST COAST OF MODERN sri Lanka] and the island of Mannar is all that is now left of what was once a large territory."

A similar reference is made in the Ramayana and it includes Rama forces crossing a Land Bridge[Rameswaram] between India and Sri Lanka was has been found to been in existence around 11,000 years ago. To fight Ravana "A King of a former Age" also stated to have been immortal and possessed of great powers.

From modern inundation mapping of the region it has been found that just as the record of the primordial tradition stated the finds correspond to the record by showing the area described as Ravana's citadel would have been above the waves over 10,000 years ago before flooding.

"But once again, as we know, there is abundant evidence that before the historic period, at the end of the Ice Age, Sir Lanka was indeed much larger then it is today with the greatest extent of antediluvian land in the north-west bridging the Gulf of Mannar exactly where , `in a former age, Ravana's citadel is supposed to have stood."

Author and Researcher Graham Hancock states about his experiences in S.India:

"In Poompuhur and again in Mahabalipuram I met fishermen, who had nothing whatsoever to gain by deceiving me, who claimed to have seen with their own eyes what they described as `palaces' or `temples' or `walls' or `roads' underwater when diving down to free trapped anchors or nets."

One strange report was that of ruins close to Mahabalipuram that emit `clanging' or `booming' or `musical sounds if the sea conditions are right.' It is like the sound of a great sheet of metal being struck.'

One fisher stated:
"As far South as Rameswaram you may find ruins underwater I have fished there. I have seen them."

This significant as there have been major finds off Poompuhur of ancient structures that have been dated to have sunk 10,000 thousand years ago. A time as Author Graham Hancock mentions of his diving on the area:

" A well-organized and apparently man-made structure that had been inundated more then 10,000 years ago at a time when there was no known civilization in the vicinity that could have built it."

Here is Graham Hancock record of his dive off Poompuhur:
http://www.grahamhancock.com/archive/un ... d1.php?p=4
The mystery of the U-shaped structure
Yet there are so many underworlds.
I'll not add here to what I have to say in the book and the television series about Malta, China and Japan -- or why and where I think the Grand Bahama Bank as it last looked 6000 years ago is portrayed on the infamous Piri Reis Map of 1513.
I'd like to close with the Indian "theme" of the last few paragraphs but in a place about as far away as you can get from the Gulf of Cambay and still be in India.

The place is called Poompuhar. It lies on southeast India's Coromandel coast facing the Bay of Bengal between modern Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. Its immediate offshore area has been the subject of marine archaeological investigations by India's National Institute of Oceanography since the 1980's -- and numerous non-controversial finds of man-made structures dated between the third century AD and the third century BC have been made in the "inter-tidal zone" close to shore at depths down to 6 feet (approximately 2 meters).

These finds of structures in shallow water (some so shallow that they are exposed at low tide) have been quite widely written-up in the archaeological literature. But for some reason other discoveries that the NIO has made in deeper water off Poompuhar have attracted no attention at all. Most notably these other discoveries include a second completely separate group of structures fully three miles from the Poompuhar shore in water that is more than 70 feet (23 meters) deep. The lack of interest is surprising because to anyone with even minimal knowledge of post-glacial sea-level rise their depth of submergence is - or should be - highly anomalous. Indeed according to Glenn Milne's sea-level data the land on which these structures were built last stood above water at the end of the Ice Age more than 11,000 years ago.

Is it a coincidence that there are ancient Tamil flood myths that speak of a great kingdom that once existed in this area called Kumari Kandam that was swallowed up by the sea? Amazingly the myths put a date of 11,600 years ago on these events -- the same timeframe given by Plato for the end of Atlantis in another ocean.

Like the cities in the Gulf of Cambay the underwater structures three miles offshore of Poompuhar were first identified by an instrument called side scan sonar that profiles the seabed. One structure in particular was singled out for investigation and was explored by divers from India's National Institute of Oceanography in 1991 and 1993. Although they were not at that time aware of the implications of its depth of submergence -- i.e. that it is at least 11,500 years old -- the 1991 study confirms that it is man-made and describes it as:
a horse-shoe-shaped object, its height being one to two meters. A few stone blocks were found in the one-meter wide arm. The distance between the two arms in 20 meters. Whether the object is a shrine or some other man-made structure now at 23 meters [70 feet] depth remains to be examined in the next field season.
The 1993 study refines the measurements:

The structure of U-shape was located at a water depth of 23 meters which is about 5 kilometers off shore. The total peripheral length of the object is 85 meters while the distance between the two arms is 13 meters and the maximum height is 2 meters Divers observed growth of thick marine organism on the structure, but in some sections a few courses of masonry were noted

After 1993, no further marine archaeology was conducted along the Poompuhar coast until 2001 when I arranged with the NIO to dive on the U-shaped structure with funding from Channel 4 television in Britain and the Learning Channel in the US. Exclusive footage of the structure was filmed and is shown in episode 2 of the Underworld television series. Chapter 14 of the book is a report of our dives at Poompuhar, and what we found there.

Dr A.S. Gaur of the NIO told me on camera that it would have required "a very great technology" to build the U-shaped structure -- one far beyond the abilities of known cultures in India 11,500 years ago. For Dr Gaur this is a reason to doubt the accuracy of the sea-level-data which suggests that the structure was submerged so long ago. However the NIO have not yet been successful in recovering any datable materials or artifacts that could tell us its age more directly (for example by C-14 or TL tests).

My own expedition to Poompuhar with the NIO in 2001 was limited to diving on the U-shaped structure and one neighboring structure. But what's really exciting is that more than 20 other large structures are known to be located in the same area down to depths of more than 100 feet. These have so far been identified only by side scan sonar and never yet explored by divers. I've organized an expedition jointly with India's National Institute of Oceanography and John Blashford-Snell's Scientific Exploration Society in Britain to map and investigate these other structures in March/April 2002.
The Cambay and Poompuhar discoveries are both reported in depth for the first time in Underworld and set into the proper context of the flood myths and inundation history of the broader regions to which they belong.

If they are what they seem to be -- a caution I must repeat since so little research has actually been done by anyone -- then they signal an exciting new era in Indian archaeology in which the investigation of submerged ruins will play an increasingly important role. How do the Poompuhar finds compare with those in Cambay? Are they both parts of the same lost civilization? Or do they perhaps represent two separate Ice Age cultures, one based in the north and the other in the south of the subcontinent?

Further exploration, involving divers, sonar scans and the recovery and analysis of artifacts will provide the answers.
And for reasons that I explain in Underworld, I think India's most ancient scriptures, the Vedas, also have a lot to tell us. There are tremendously good reasons to disbelieve the scholarly consensus (certainly the consensus amongst Western scholars) that the Vedas were composed as late as 1500 B.C. Parts of them probably do date from then; but some of the hymns could be much older than that -- carried down by oral traditions from much earlier times."

BBC Article on another lost city found off the Western Coast of India:

"Marine scientists say archaeological remains discovered 36 metres (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India could be over 9,000 years old.
The vast city - which is five miles long and two miles wide - is believed to predate the oldest known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years."

What caused the destruction?

Many ancient Traditions have tale of a war between the Gods that destroys the Golden Age.

"In the Sanskrit texts – many marriages take place between the gods and they also beget children. Copulation between gods and men also exists."

"The Ramayana's 24,000 sholkas are also a treasure trove to pointers to the gods' space traveling activities. There is a detailed description of a wonderful car which immediately suggests the idea of a spaceship. The car rises into the air with a whole family on board. Curiously enough, this craft is described as a flying pyramid which takes off vertically. When this flying pyramid rose from the ground, it naturally made a tremendous noise.

If the Ramayana mentions what is clearly a flying apparatus, which made the mountains tremble, rose up amid thunder, burnt trees, meadows and the tops of houses"

According to Professor Dileep Kumar Kanjilal in his book, Vimana in Ancient India:
In addition to the Vaimanika Shashtra, the Samarangana Sutradhara and the Yuktikalpataru of Bhoja, there are about 150 verses of the Rig Veda, Yajurveda and the Atharvaveda, a lot of literary passages belonging to the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Puranas, the Bhagavata and the Raghuvamsa and some references of the darma Abhijnanasakuntalam of Kalidasa, the Abimaraka of Bhasa, the Jatalas. the Avadhana Literature and of the Kathasaritsagara and a number of literary works contained either references to graphic aerial flight or to the mechanism of the aerial vehicles used in old ages in India.
In the Ramayana both the words "Vimana" and "Ratha" have been used:

Kamagam ratham asthaya...nadanadipatim (3. 35. 6-7). He boarded the aerial vehicle with Khara which was decorated with jewels and the faces of demons and it moved with noise resembling the sonorous clouds.

You may go to your desired place after enticing Sita and I shall bring her to Lanka by air.. So Ravana and Maricha boarded the aerial vehicle resembling a palace (Vimana) from that hermitage.

Then the demoness brought the Puspaka aerial vehicle and placed Sita on it by bringing her from the Ashoka forest and she was made to see the battle field with Trijata.

This aerial vehicle marked with Swan soared into the sky with loud noise.

Reference to Flying vehicles as Vimana occur in the Mahabharata in about 41 places of which the air attack of Salva on Krisna's capital Dwaraka deserve special notice. The Asura king Salva had an aerial flying machine known as Saubha-pura in which he came to attack Dwaraka. He began to shower hails, and missiles from the sky. As Krishna chased him he went near the sea and landed in the high seas. Then he came back again with his flying machine and gave a tough fight to Krishna staying about one Krosa (about 4,000 ft) above the ground level. Krishna at last threw a powerful ground-to-air weapon which hit the plane in the middle and broke it into pieces. The damaged flying machine fell into the seas. This vivid description of the air attack occurs in the Bhagavata also. We also come across the following references to missiles, armaments, sophisticated war-machines and mechanical contrivances as well as to Vimanas in Mahabharata.

The Mahabharata is one of the oldest known texts on earth:

"Vedic texts describe the conflictual relationship between the Asuras and Devas who are depicted as the primary protagonists for control over Earth's cities and other planets. The Asuras appeared intent on taking direct control over human cities and civilizations….
The Asuras used advanced technologies to invade different planets to establish direct control though interbreeding and the introduction of advanced technologies. Their chief protagonists, the Devas, also used advanced technologies in their perennial conflict with the Asuras. In contrast to the Asuras, however, the Devas were intent on establishing what they called the Sanatana Dharma (eternal law) where righteous human rulers."were in charge of Earth's different kingdoms and civilizations."

Here the reference is to the Mahabharata wherein a great war involving advanced technologies led to the decimation of Asura dominated kingdoms in ancient India. Numerous references in the Mahabharata refer to the destructiveness of the advanced weapons used, some of which appeared to be atomic in nature as evidenced in the following passage:

Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor... a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds... the cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols... It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas... The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected... ...to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.

Mahabharata from Chandra Roy translation 1889:
...This weapon was so feared that "in great distress of mind" the king had the bolt reduced to fine powder and thrown into the sea. Even with these precautions, peoples hair and fingernails
fell out overnight, birds turned white and their legs became scarlet and blistered, and food went bad... Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis
and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas… The corpses were so burned as to be
unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected…To escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment...

Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that "Indian sacred writings" are full of such descriptions, which sound like an atomic blast as experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He says references mention fighting sky chariots and final weapons.

An ancient battle is described in the Drona Parva, a section of the Mahabharata.

"The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry leaves of trees," says Ganguli.

"Instead of mushroom clouds, the writer describes a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds as consecutive openings of giant parasols. There are comments about the contamination of food and people's hair falling out."

Archeological Investigation provides information
Archeologist Francis Taylor says that etchings in some nearby temples he has managed to translate suggest that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.

"It's so mid-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare."
Construction has halted while the five member team conducts the investigation.

The foreman of the project is Lee Hundley,
who pioneered the investigation after the high level of radiation was discovered.

In ancient India the texts of the Karna Parva recounts the story of "the War of the Gods and Asuras" waged by the great ruler Sankara Mahadeva against his enemies, the Daityas and Danavas. The ruler went forth in his "radiant celestial vehicle" and attacked the triple-city of Tripura, totally destroying it with his "god-given weapon" and sending "all the rebellious races burning to the bottom of the Western Ocean ." The texts in Chapter XXXIV of the Karna Parva say that:

"The illustrious deity sped forth, and his shaft which represented the might of the whole universe penetrated the triple city. Loud wails of woe were heard from all those within as they began to fall. Thus was the triple city burnt and thus were the Asuras burned and the Danavas exterminated by the gods."

Two other ancient treatises from India , the Drona Bhisheka (Chapter XI) and the Harivamsa (Chapter LVI), offer descriptions of other major destructions from the same war in which whole cities were "consumed in an all-encompassing inferno" and "plunged into the water depths." These accounts conclude with the defeat of a peoples called the Avantis—very close to Plato's Atlantis.

In the Hindu epic poems of the Mahabharata and Ramayana are even more detailed descriptions of an age thousands of years ago when great god-kings rode about in their Vimanas or flying craft and waged war by launching powerful weapons at their enemies.

The descriptions given of these weapons in the ancient verses—their force, the characteristics of their destruction and the after-affects—sound disturbingly modern. The texts describe:
*The thunderbolt of Indra was endowed with the force of thousand-eyed Indra's thunder.
*The bolt of death measured three cubits by six. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt of Indra, the messenger of death.
*The projectile was charged with all the power of the Universe.
*The Agneya weapon was capable of being resisted by none of the very gods themselves.
*The Brahma-danda or Brahma's rod was even more powerful.
*Though it struck only once, it smote whole countries and entire races from generation to generation.
*Adwattan let loose the blazing missile of smokeless fire.
*The missile burst with the power of thunder.
*The flying missile ruined whole cities filled with forts.
*The three cities of the Vrishnis and Andhakas were destroyed together in one instant.
*An incandescent column of smoke and fire as brilliant as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendor.
*Clouds roared upward showering dust and gravel.
*Dense arrows of flame like a great shower issued forth upon creation, encompassing the enemy on all sides.
*The sky blazed and the ten points of the horizon filled with smoke.
*Meteors flashed down from the sky.
*Fierce winds began to blow, and the very elements seemed disturbed.
*The sun appeared to waver in the heavens.
*The earth and all its mountains and seas and forests began to tremble.
*The wind blew as a fierce storm and the earth glowed.
*No one saw the fire—it was unseen. Yet it consumed everything.
*As rain poured down it was dried in mid-air by the heat.
*Birds croaked madly, and beasts shuddered from the destruction.
*Animals crumpled to the ground, their heads broken, and they died over a vast region.
*Elephants burst into flame, running to and fro in frenzy seeking protection.
*The waters of rivers and lakes boiled and the creatures residing therein perished.
*Thousands of war vehicles fell down on either side.
*Whole armies collapsed like trees in a forest burnt where they stood as in a raging fire.
*Corpses were so burnt they were no longer recognizable.
*The gaze of the Kapilla weapon was powerful enough to burn fifty thousand men to ashes.
*The thunderbolt reduced to ashes the entire race of Vrishnis and Ankhakas.
*To escape the breath of death the warriors leapt into rivers to wash themselves and bury their armor.
*Hair and nails fell out.
*Unborn children were killed in the womb.
*Birds were born with white feathers, red feet and in the shape of turtles.
*Pottery broke without cause.
*All foods became poisoned and inedible.
*The land was afflicted by drought thereafter for ten long years.

There are too many details here that are frighteningly similar to an eye-witness account of a nuclear explosion—the brightness of the blast, the column of rising smoke and fire, the fallout, intense heat and shock waves, the appearance of the victims and the effects of radiation poisoning. More than half a century ago these ancient descriptions were considered mere fantasy—but with the advent of the Nuclear Age in 1945, suddenly the texts from ancient India take on a whole new meaning.

There are remains that strongly suggest that nuclear wars were indeed waged in the distant past. According to the Mahabharata, the Great Bharata War in which flying Vimanas and fiery weapons were used, involved prehistoric inhabitants along the upper Ganges River of northern India . Precisely in the region, between the Ganges and the mountains of Rajmahal, are numerous charred ruins which have yet to be explored or excavated.

Observations made in the nineteenth century indicated that the ruins were not burnt by ordinary fire. In many instances they appeared as huge masses fused together with deeply pitted surfaces—described as being like tin struck by a stream of molten steel.

Some scholars are of the opinion that the horrific war which brought about the fall of the prehistoric Rama Empire in India was once fought in the region of what is now Kashmir . Just outside of Srinigar are the massive ruins of a temple complex called Parshaspur, whose multi-ton stone blocks are scattered over a wide area. The configuration of the blocks is suggestive of a tremendous explosion having once destroyed the site. It is not without karmic significance that today the two modern southern Asian nuclear powers— India and Pakistan —are bitter rivals, and one of the elements of their contention is the disputed region of Kashmir .

Have We Shattered the Atom Before?—Signs of a Former Nuclear Age?
Today we tend to belittle the past and boast our age as the highest peak in human cultures.
Whole cities were "consumed in an all-encompassing inferno" - says The Mahabharata.
Farther to the south among the dense forests of the Deccan are more such ruins which may be of earlier origin, pointing back to a war antedating that the Mahabharata, and which encompassed a far greater area. The walls are glazed, corroded and split by a tremendous heat. Within several of the buildings that remain standing even the stone furnishings have been vitrified. That is, the surfaces of the rock have been melted and re-crystallized.

No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced a heat intense enough to cause this phenomena. Only a strong radiated heat could have done this damage. In this same region as this second group of ruins, Russian researcher Alexander Gorbovsky reported in 1966 the discovery of a human skeleton with radiation fifty times above normal levels.

In January, 1992 a news report was published concerning the discovery of a three-square mile area of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, located ten miles west of Jodhpur . The development of a housing project in this area had to be abandoned because of the high incidents of recurring cancer and birth defects.

A nuclear power plant recently built in the region was thought to be the culprit, but a five-member scientific team, headed by project foreman Lee Hundley, dispatched to study the mystery found a very different source. They eventually unearthed the charred remains of buildings thought to be at least eight to twelve millennia old which were once inhabited by perhaps as many as half a million people.
The prehistoric city had all the appearance—and the tell-tale radioactive residue—of having been destroyed by a nuclear weapon the scientists estimated was about the same size as that which destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.

Archaeologist Francis Taylor, in a follow-up to this initial discovery, found historical wall engravings and texts in a nearby temple which depicted the local people as praying to be spared from the "great light" that was coming to destroy their city. The inscriptions appeared to have been copied from older sources going back several thousands of years. Taylor was quoted as saying:

"It's so mind-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare."

In order to protect the local population, the ash and ruins were carefully covered over to barricade against the remaining radiation, and today only a length of thick concrete highway running through the area is all that can be seen.

It may be more than coincidental that at the time the mysterious city was destroyed in Rajasthan circa twelve thousand years ago, there was also an increase in traces of copper, tin and lead in ice cores from around the world—indicative of huge amounts of pollutants suddenly being thrown into the upper atmosphere and circulated around the globe—as well as a dramatic increase in uranium concentrations in coral growths from 1.5 parts per million to over 4 parts per million. Paleo-climatologists have never been able to explain these increases as a natural occurrence.
Note: Another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India is a giant crater near Mumbai (formerly Bombay). The nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater, located 400 kilometres northeast of Mumbai and dated at less than 50,000 years old, could be related to nuclear warfare of antiquity. No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the world's only known "impact" crater in basalt. Indications of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site.

Main Sources:

UNDERWORLD The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, Hancock Graham

The Mahabharata

http://www.grahamhancock.com/archive/un ... d1.php?p=4

http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in- ... celestials

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
