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Astrology of Psychopathology


Jun 14, 2018
Has anyone here ever studied the astrological influences & causes of mental disorders & disabilities? Can anyone point me to good places to learn about such?

I've heard of a couple books on the subject, that being Dark of the Soul and Mitchell Gibson's book, but the former is either not available anywhere or very expensive when it is and the latter I'm not sure of the reliability of, and alot of posts online about the subject don't feel quite right to me.

More broadly, I'm also curious as to how to find the signs in a chart that show the way out of these, out of the darkness. One writer mentioned Bruce Lee's chart having showing a strong inclination toward violence that could have been expressed destructively and consumed him but was sublimated through theater. When I looked at his chart and read into his story after this, the signs jumped out at me. But it's just 1 example and it may not always be so obvious.

I also wonder what in a chart makes some people more resilient to life's hardships, and able to make the lemons into lemonade. If anyone has any input on this I'd love to hear it.
curio said:
Has anyone here ever studied the astrological influences & causes of mental disorders & disabilities? Can anyone point me to good places to learn about such?

I've heard of a couple books on the subject, that being Dark of the Soul and Mitchell Gibson's book, but the former is either not available anywhere or very expensive when it is and the latter I'm not sure of the reliability of, and alot of posts online about the subject don't feel quite right to me.

More broadly, I'm also curious as to how to find the signs in a chart that show the way out of these, out of the darkness. One writer mentioned Bruce Lee's chart having showing a strong inclination toward violence that could have been expressed destructively and consumed him but was sublimated through theater. When I looked at his chart and read into his story after this, the signs jumped out at me. But it's just 1 example and it may not always be so obvious.

I also wonder what in a chart makes some people more resilient to life's hardships, and able to make the lemons into lemonade. If anyone has any input on this I'd love to hear it.

Mental disorders and mental health studies are really fluid and broad, there’s many layers and underlying causes for different things. You can study the charts of serial killers and see particular fixed stars and other degrees, but there’s a lot to take in to consideration for other psychopaths and what not.

I’ve noticed for myself, people with heavy fire and water, specifically Aries and Pisces, they’re really wild.

Flip of a switch, turn on you, narcissism and hysteria combined. Not all of these people have been jewish, some have. They all have different sources of their narcissism or psychopathy... or bipolar. They express it slightly differently too. Generally though, they’re all dangerous to be close with.

I knew a sun cancer, mars chart ruler and he was violent. My mother was an Aries sun, mercury Pisces retrograde, and she’s just all sorts of messed up. I don’t know if I’d classify them under those cold calculated and controlled psychopaths though. They have emotions and generally a valid reason, like an extremely traumatic childhood event, that they just can’t see around. They take it out on those around them, don’t take responsibility for their actions, are manipulative and have had hallucinations before.

Dangerous though, definitely. The most cold calculated psychopath I know has a sun in libra in the 8th house, reading those term on jos coupled with what I’ve seen of him puts it all together. You’ve got to get a feel for someone. If it’s someone you know in person and you’re suspecting them of psychopathy, make sure to note... is this person TOO nice? Initially he seems very charming and stable. He has a mars retrograde 0 degrees Aries conjunct moon in Pisces 28 degrees in the first house though, and an Aquarius chart ruler. Libra sun, 8th house. Pluto 8th house. In another person these traits may not be bad. Heavy Capricorn’s are also sketchy, particularly the ones from Russia. Those tend to be Jews. I’ve seen a few heavy scorpio jews too.

As far as Scorpio goes though, I generally have discovered most scorpios and heavy scorpios to be very REAL and wise. Great intuition, they can really call shit for what it is in themselves and in others. It goes another way though, where you’ll see the jealous vindictive grudge holder scorpio. I don’t see them often though.
Many people that were labeled as mentally ill are in actuality open to the spiritual either genetically or from practice in past lives. Some of them are souls who were of Satan in a past life. Now entities such as greys and reptilians love attacking and harassing people and making them suffer. It does not matter if the person ever did anything against them or for Satan they will attack if they can. This can cause all sorts of mental symptoms and problems. People that are open to the spiritual can be completely mentally ill as well.

The next part is people who are mentally ill with no spiritual ability at all they usually are detached from reality in some way and think and say things that don’t make sense. Often times this is caused by chronic drug use. There really is a point of no return with that where a persons mind is messed up beyond repair and they are not even able to help themselves let alone get off it. These people are probably done for forever and won’t reincarnate unless for some reason a God helped them.

In gentiles when it comes to emotions it is possible for the emotions to completely shut down if the person had a traumatic experience or way too much pain. If a person is in total denial this can turn into becoming a psychopath. This kind of shutting down of emotions often happens eventually in the above people I mentioned. Entities such as the greys and reptilians often like to cause violent urges either suicidal homicidal or both. An example of this is Andrea Yates who heard the voice of “god” commanding her to kill her children because they would leave xtianity at some point in their life and go to hell if she didn’t kill them something like that. Now obviously this is an attack from enemy entities along with mental illness such as depression.

Mental illness can also be caused by imbalances in the soul and by the teachings of the enemy these in themselves can lead to tragic events.

Astrology cannot always predict this because just about anyone if they did the wrong things could get into a state of mental illness or disharmony.

However hard aspects with Neptune things in the 12th house a very weak Saturn or few aspects with Saturn (strong Saturn grounds people despite the negative aspects of it and keeps them more in touch with reality) and stars like Polaris Scheet (spelling ?) and Algol can cause mental illness to be an inborn trait. However it’s not like in most cases all of this can’t be healed. However there are some cases where the person is too far gone.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
