In this article, I want to systematize the knowledge about the use of planets and signs in trading. I am in the process of learning this branch of astrology and I am surprised how many obvious errors there are in those who teach this outside of the Satanic knowledge of astrology.
First of all, I want to touch on the topic of cryptocurrency. Although the phenomenon itself is experiencing an unprecedented hype around itself, this is due to the position of Uranus in Taurus, its aspects with Saturn (the struggle of "old" and "new" money in many countries) and in general the trend towards digitalization of the entire economy. I do not believe that cryptocurrencies in the form that they are now with us forever, the transition to the Aquarian age will necessarily cause new forms of money circulation that are not similar to what exists now.
More about trading. Each area of the economy has its own planetary rulers, just as certain planets govern certain professions or parts of the body. As for the specifics and complex areas, companies that are engaged in several areas at once and those for which everything is not "transparent", they can have several planetary rulers at once, depending on their significance.
The positions of many well-known companies are known, as their founding dates and main horoscopes are known, others, on the contrary, hide the true map of their planets for the sake of analysis. Like any complex economic system, it is necessary to take into account the superposition of many factors for a better analysis: Astrology + knowledge of fundamental analysis + knowledge of technical analysis = Accurate forecast.
Although, to some extent, astrology is a much more accurate tool for fundamental analysis, taking into account the risks and events that will occur in the future, depending on the placement of the planets.
Although in general terms (theoretically) the placement of an asset on the exchange corresponds to the position of the natal chart of the company that represents this asset, in fact this does not always match. The exchange contains a "projection" of the economic activity of the company, and does not reflect everything that happens to it. This explains the possibility of speculation in certain stocks or currencies in order to extract super profits, which can rarely be seen in advance using astrotrading methods.
To demonstrate the capabilities of this tool, let's take a monthly chart of gold against the US dollar.
It is known that gold correlates with the astrological Sun, and the US dollar with Jupiter (based on the opinion that the US ascendant is in Sagittarius). Thus, we had a conjunction of Jupiter with Sun from March 3 to March 11, which was expressed on the chart as a sharp jump in the gold rate and the same sharp decline as soon as the aspect began to diverge.
Of course, not each of the possible options for assets will be as predictable, sometimes in order to understand the logic of price movement, you need to go into the theory of control signs of certain provisions, and their relationship with 3 or more aspects. In order to learn, in my opinion, it is best to start with assets such as gold to currencies and later move on to more complex assets, considering the logic of movement and rulers as they become more complex as new and new tasks for understanding this instrument.
For a general understanding, I will list the main (in my opinion) possible rulers for different areas of the economy.
Sun - tourism, charitable organizations, creative projects, luxury segment, recreation.
Venus - beauty, services, food, modeling, photography, design, architecture.
Moon - small business, entertainment, restaurants, medical companies, pharmacology.
Mercury - media in general, social networks, IT companies, startups, telephony, research.
Mars - sports organizations, industries, security and police forces, weapons, metal mining, mechanical engineering.
Jupiter - banking structures, lawyers, credit organizations, large business in the fields of finance, auction houses.
Saturn - old financial houses, insurance, critical infrastructure, minerals (maybe).
Uranus - cryptocurrencies, IT, computer components, high technologies in general, power plants and green energy, space industry.
Neptune - movie business, arts assets, as well as oil refining, gas, shipping companies, medical developments, large alcohol and tobacco companies.
Pluto - big funds like jpmorgan, mafia and related structures in business, financial intelligence,
I proceeded from a general knowledge of the nature of the planets and the signs they rule, perhaps other astrologers will not agree with this or that placement.
Naturally, the task is not reduced to determining the manager of this or that asset in order to predict its "life" using the methods of conventional predictive astrology. It is more important to find those points through the impact on which the asset experiences frequent fluctuations in price. Returning to the example with the USD/Gold pair, if we track other moments of connection or other aspects, then not all of them will correspond to the growth of the rate, in some cases there will be a reverse movement or none at all. In addition, there will also be moments when price jumps or drops are due to other moments of the conjunction of the Sun with the planets, as well as without visible (at first glance) correlations, but with deeper reasons when studying.
As another example, more theoretical, it can be assumed that the methods of predicting political or macroeconomic situations using astrology will also make it possible to see the fall or rise in asset prices. Everyone understands that if the price of seeds or fertilizers rises, then this will also lead to an increase in all food products. If this information has already entered a trend, then many market players are already trading based on it in their future transactions (this is part of fundamental analysis), but astrology allows us to see in advance based on where the planets will enter. Knowing this in advance, you kind of read the insider information before it became public knowledge.
The nature of signs, primarily the properties of crosses and elements, can help in interpreting the texture of movement, based on an analysis of similar positions for an asset in the past, when it already occupied similar conditions.
I will add to this topic as I study astro trading, and I will be glad for any comments.
First of all, I want to touch on the topic of cryptocurrency. Although the phenomenon itself is experiencing an unprecedented hype around itself, this is due to the position of Uranus in Taurus, its aspects with Saturn (the struggle of "old" and "new" money in many countries) and in general the trend towards digitalization of the entire economy. I do not believe that cryptocurrencies in the form that they are now with us forever, the transition to the Aquarian age will necessarily cause new forms of money circulation that are not similar to what exists now.
More about trading. Each area of the economy has its own planetary rulers, just as certain planets govern certain professions or parts of the body. As for the specifics and complex areas, companies that are engaged in several areas at once and those for which everything is not "transparent", they can have several planetary rulers at once, depending on their significance.
The positions of many well-known companies are known, as their founding dates and main horoscopes are known, others, on the contrary, hide the true map of their planets for the sake of analysis. Like any complex economic system, it is necessary to take into account the superposition of many factors for a better analysis: Astrology + knowledge of fundamental analysis + knowledge of technical analysis = Accurate forecast.
Although, to some extent, astrology is a much more accurate tool for fundamental analysis, taking into account the risks and events that will occur in the future, depending on the placement of the planets.
Although in general terms (theoretically) the placement of an asset on the exchange corresponds to the position of the natal chart of the company that represents this asset, in fact this does not always match. The exchange contains a "projection" of the economic activity of the company, and does not reflect everything that happens to it. This explains the possibility of speculation in certain stocks or currencies in order to extract super profits, which can rarely be seen in advance using astrotrading methods.
To demonstrate the capabilities of this tool, let's take a monthly chart of gold against the US dollar.
It is known that gold correlates with the astrological Sun, and the US dollar with Jupiter (based on the opinion that the US ascendant is in Sagittarius). Thus, we had a conjunction of Jupiter with Sun from March 3 to March 11, which was expressed on the chart as a sharp jump in the gold rate and the same sharp decline as soon as the aspect began to diverge.
Of course, not each of the possible options for assets will be as predictable, sometimes in order to understand the logic of price movement, you need to go into the theory of control signs of certain provisions, and their relationship with 3 or more aspects. In order to learn, in my opinion, it is best to start with assets such as gold to currencies and later move on to more complex assets, considering the logic of movement and rulers as they become more complex as new and new tasks for understanding this instrument.
For a general understanding, I will list the main (in my opinion) possible rulers for different areas of the economy.
Sun - tourism, charitable organizations, creative projects, luxury segment, recreation.
Venus - beauty, services, food, modeling, photography, design, architecture.
Moon - small business, entertainment, restaurants, medical companies, pharmacology.
Mercury - media in general, social networks, IT companies, startups, telephony, research.
Mars - sports organizations, industries, security and police forces, weapons, metal mining, mechanical engineering.
Jupiter - banking structures, lawyers, credit organizations, large business in the fields of finance, auction houses.
Saturn - old financial houses, insurance, critical infrastructure, minerals (maybe).
Uranus - cryptocurrencies, IT, computer components, high technologies in general, power plants and green energy, space industry.
Neptune - movie business, arts assets, as well as oil refining, gas, shipping companies, medical developments, large alcohol and tobacco companies.
Pluto - big funds like jpmorgan, mafia and related structures in business, financial intelligence,
I proceeded from a general knowledge of the nature of the planets and the signs they rule, perhaps other astrologers will not agree with this or that placement.
Naturally, the task is not reduced to determining the manager of this or that asset in order to predict its "life" using the methods of conventional predictive astrology. It is more important to find those points through the impact on which the asset experiences frequent fluctuations in price. Returning to the example with the USD/Gold pair, if we track other moments of connection or other aspects, then not all of them will correspond to the growth of the rate, in some cases there will be a reverse movement or none at all. In addition, there will also be moments when price jumps or drops are due to other moments of the conjunction of the Sun with the planets, as well as without visible (at first glance) correlations, but with deeper reasons when studying.
As another example, more theoretical, it can be assumed that the methods of predicting political or macroeconomic situations using astrology will also make it possible to see the fall or rise in asset prices. Everyone understands that if the price of seeds or fertilizers rises, then this will also lead to an increase in all food products. If this information has already entered a trend, then many market players are already trading based on it in their future transactions (this is part of fundamental analysis), but astrology allows us to see in advance based on where the planets will enter. Knowing this in advance, you kind of read the insider information before it became public knowledge.
The nature of signs, primarily the properties of crosses and elements, can help in interpreting the texture of movement, based on an analysis of similar positions for an asset in the past, when it already occupied similar conditions.
I will add to this topic as I study astro trading, and I will be glad for any comments.