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Astrological safety tidbits for our hands on SS, with some other advice


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
This is for the ones who have dominant fire or earth, prominent mars or Saturn in some way, or perhaps in the first house, as the ruler of your mid-heaven or a combination of the above. You might even have strong Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Taurus emphasis specifically or have Saturn or mars in aspect to your chart ruler or as your chart ruler.

If this is the case, especially if you have any Saturn/mars or mars/sun aspects to go with this, you just might be someone who works in construction of any kind. Prominent fire, mars and Aries placements specifically might have it that you be a welder, blacksmith or iron worker. I have read many coworkers charts for them and all of them have some or many of the aforementioned placements.

I mentioned in another article about the indications of an afflicted mars and how this may manifest in general or in the workplace. This needs to be especially be paid attention to if you have a dangerous hands on job. A part of this is actually a continuation of that article with something here below that should have been mentioned along with other things that are new.

The sign your mars is in is also very important to pay attention to. The part of the body that sign rules over, especially with an afflicted mars may attract situations more than normal, especially with overwork and long hours (and especially towards the end of a job if you are a contractor) where that specific part of the body may be prone to injury more frequently. This is not to say to disregard the rest of you, but to pay special attention if you have ever noticed a certain part of your body is always prone to trauma and accidents. I personally have had minor cuts and burns, and moderate other injuries on several parts of my body..but my most prominent and traumatic injury i have ever had was in the part of my body my mars sign ruled over. Keeping up aura of protection in general is always important.

Mars in Aries: watch your face and head. keep your safety glasses and hard hat on and, don't ever walk under or close to a load. Oh and keep your earplugs in unless you want a spark in there. Watch for falling objects!.

Mars in Taurus: Be careful when working in positions that cause you to contort your neck so that you don't wrench it badly or pull a muscle. Look out for spots you might have to stick your head through or in doing anything that might contort or even restrict your neck or put long term pressure. The last thing you want is a hernia in your neck. look out for fall hazards, and other situations that might bring you to literally break your neck. Falling hazards apply to us all...but if it hurts you the trauma is probably going right for your neck or throat. accidents in general with the throat or neck. Significant injury from whiplash is also possible, or trauma to the neck as a result of violent contact directly to the top of the head that results in force radiating to the neck via falling objects or even harshly bumping the top of your head.

Mars in Gemini: You better watch it because that grinder might cut your didgets off, if it doesn't at least bite the shit out of them :x. Please don't take that damn guard off. Watch your hands and fingers when it comes to pinch points and operating any machinery whatsoever. Careful with hand tools. Keep your gloves on for real, with the exception during using a lathe, drill press or plate press machine etc. make sure you roll your sleeves up too and take off any jewelry. Don't lift things in a way that are going to probably dislocate your shoulders or pull a muscle there. Arthritis there from constantly doing stupid stuff will suck. Take extra care of your lungs by wearing respirators if you are exposed to hazardous substances in the air especially on a daily basis, and also with grinding or cutting wood or metal. If you are a smoker you need to quit. I knew a coworker who had a grinder get stuck in his chest during an accident. I wouldn't be surprised if his mars was in Gemini.

Mars in cancer: Long term disease may result in the breasts stomach or lymphatic system, due to chronic exposure to hazardous material. Take measures to limit exposure. There maybe allergic reactions to certain occupational substances that result in an excess secretion of certain bodily fluids. This may be debilitating enough to make work impossible. Other measures to remove oneself from the source of irritation may have to be taken such as switching occupations. Low vitality in general maybe a theme.

Mars in Leo: Be sure to use the proper lifting techniques as your backs may be especially vulnerable to hernias and slipped disks. You may pull muscles very badly in your back a lot and often have vertebrae out of place. Incidents of falling can result in traumatic or even catastrophic back or spinal injuries.

Mars in Virgo: More or less the same with mars in cancer about long term exposure to hazardous substances, but with the bowels and stomach. Injuries in general to the stomach area may occur.

Mars in Libra: injuries and strain to the lower back as well as being prone to bladder infections or even kidney stones. Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, not just things containing water. Energy drinks and coffee in moderation. This may be especially tempting to go over the top with when working odd hours. Food consumption high in carbs and sodium can be come the norm.

Mars in Scorpio: According to what Scorpio rules over this may not apply to work directly, but can have an effect if you involve someone from work, and you are prone to this issue in general. You know what i mean. getting pelvic and getting something not so nice as a result. Don't. You don't know where they have been. And don't tell me something could come of it because relationships resulting from work almost never end well. Most things like this started at work are done so due to sexual frustration from being away from home and out of contact with the rest of society especially if you are working on an oil rig, or a job site for a long period of time seeing the same people every single day having traveled far from home for work. So Safety first..whatever that may mean to you. If you just have to, at least put a damn helmet on. Just a heads up :lol: You also are at risk for hernias, the lower back in particular, so be careful with lifting techniques.

Mars in Sagittarius: Be careful with knee and leg injuries and stress on the hips. Females look out for things that might cause stress fractures as you are more prone to these. Wear knee-pads when possible if you have no choice but to sit on your knees while you work lest chronic waste of the joint may result from constant wear and tear. you are more prone to possible serious trauma of the knees, hips and thighs. Things such as significant cuts, burns, or broken bones may result in this area of the body for you particularly if you do not work safely. Damages or irritation may occur to your sciatic nerve.
There are a lot of people in this line of work who eat like complete trash due to convenience and working long hours and simply not being arsed to cook healthy food. Your arteries may be more prone to problems from this so take care of your diet and eat the right things to stay fit for working for a roof and healthy food.

Mars in Capricorn: You are particularly prone to accidents that may cause broken bones anywhere in your body or fractures. You might have known a time where you have dislocated a joint and have significant problems from this or you may be prone to running into such a problem that is caused during the work hours. Look out for general hazards that may cause falls, slips, trips and use proper lifting technique. Watch out for blunt force trauma and possible significant burns or other type of injury to a large part of your skin. Keep your earplugs in areas at constant sound above 80 decibels, as you can be very prone to hearing loss and tinnitus which can make some people very distressed if it is severe enough. Tinnitus is usually permanent if it remains past a certain time frame and can significantly affect quality of life and sleep.

Mars in Aquarius: Don't go full retard like i did and jump from a certain height (or ANY height) just because you can't find a way to climb down right away. Next thing you know you will have rolled your ankle so bad all the ligaments and tendons will be ripped open and you will need an ankle arthroscopy later to get rid of the bone spurs to help you even walk properly or bend your foot all the way, and you will have early stage arthritis. With you being more prone to ankle and calf injuries, a significant injury here is one of the most troublesome to have, as it is for the back, neck, hip and knee, as your body is made and designed to walk everyday. Now think of that while being active at work, walking up stairs, carrying loads and going back and fourth a lot with that ankle hurting to the point you have to limp from an old injury. Look out for uneven surfaces and rocks and wear the proper shoes or boots that give your ankles good support so they remained uninjured. Pick up your feet when you walk and do not jump from anywhere.

Mars in Pisces: This of course applies to everyone else as you are not special here, you are in the fact that you could very well have a significant injury to one of both of your feet, so never forget your steel toes when you leave the house!. Keep your feet away from dangerous places and if you are doing hot work, especially welding or gouging do not wear boots or shoes that lace up, unless you want a huge piece of molten metal to burn right through your laces, leaving you with an ugly scar at least, or a disfigured foot at worst. Feet get dirty and sweaty so this could even lead to an infection if the wound is not cared for. Your life will change not for the better if you become crippled so take care of your feet!

Mars Is where the energy goes into our charts, but is also the lesser malefic and rules blunt force trauma and violence. The above again does not imply not to pay attention to anything else as injury can occur anywhere on the body. But if transits and/or other energies in the chart permit, it is the part of the body the mars sign rules over that has a good chance of suffering what could be the most significant or life changing injury or at least one of them in ones life. Mars squares with positive affirmations can offset this as well as keeping up aura of protection. If it feels even remotely unsafe, don't do it. Its not worth your body, health or life for that matter, even if your asshole foreman or boss tells you to hurry up. What's more, all that pomp about safety they give is mostly for show as they do not want liability, so you have to think for yourself and look out for YOU. Despite all the rules they tell you to abide by, there will be many a times where you are asked to do sketchy shit. Especially mars in the 8th house people don't you dare. If they give you problems about it, drag. That simple. Your safety and health > their time and money.

On a non astrological note, I must point out one last thing. The aforementioned placements at the beginning of this post can make someone very course and crude in their manners and callous and impatient as to how they treat others. These manifestations are especially apparent in the older generation in this type of work and has also rubbed off on some younger ones. This is sadly the stigma that actually comes with construction workers as a whole and its why a lot of people look down on them despite them having one of the most important roles in society, which is being its bread and butter by providing things like shelter, fuel, electricity, structure and stability. It honestly sickens me that literally 70 to 80 percent of the people i work with are the lowest of the low in society and or are convicts, and it shows in their behavior and habits and how they treat others. You very well may work 10 to 12 hours a day 5 to even 7 days a week. This makes seeing your crew more frequent than family, which is insane, but if this is the case its is mind boggling not to use this as a motivation to not attempt to create a positive work environment which is needed for several aspects of health.

Its not the work people look down on. Its the way (many but not all of) the workers behave. If you are a Satanist and a construction worker try to work on operating on the higher octaves of your elements and placements. Especially with the type of work we have, things are often rushed, people get impatient and there can be a lot of stress. If someone isn't doing a job right because they are just learning or don't know how or aren't going fast enough, it may be tempted to get impatient and snap at them or go around saying "he/she cant do (insert job here) worth a fuck". This is not only asshole behavior but it doesn't help your coworker or the task performance at the time for that matter improve at all. There is a lot of banter in this work environment but especially being someone of Satan and trying to reach higher levels of understanding, approach and treat others with respect and don't tear them down. You don't have to make friends at work or take mistreatment, but don't be an asshole and give someone a hard time just because. And i mean the kind that is different from harmless banter.

Take care of your body and mind and hold a mentality and behavior that is worthy of someone of Satan instead of a lowlife. Just because you have a dirty job does not give an excuse to have a dirtied up mind, soul and body or behavior for that matter. If anything, such important work should reflect the best and most upstanding members of society. Not convicts and lowlifes who treat their body and mind as well as others like dirt.

Be the best version of yourself in all facets. If you are a construction worker SS, thank you to your most valuable service to society. It is one of the most precious.

Hail Satan!
TheAbyss said:
hi, is it by any chance possible to contact you privately?

There's only a select few SS I correspond with. I may reach out to others if they agree if only to briefly ask something or share something important but that is it.

If you want to ask me something you can do so here.
Shadowcat said:
TheAbyss said:
hi, is it by any chance possible to contact you privately?

There's only a select few SS I correspond with. I may reach out to others if they agree if only to briefly ask something or share something important but that is it.

If you want to ask me something you can do so here.
I see. I just wanted to simply ask your opinion on something (concerning astrology). It's partly related to your post however I can't ask it publicly.
Thanks for your consideration though.
TheAbyss said:
Shadowcat said:
TheAbyss said:
hi, is it by any chance possible to contact you privately?

There's only a select few SS I correspond with. I may reach out to others if they agree if only to briefly ask something or share something important but that is it.

If you want to ask me something you can do so here.
I see. I just wanted to simply ask your opinion on something (concerning astrology). It's partly related to your post however I can't ask it publicly.
Thanks for your consideration though.

If it is related to somethings you are having trouble with in your chart maybe this will help you out. Any debilitated or afflicted planets will definitely benefit from runic workings or planetary squares, especially when you make the proper affirmations. Strengthening the positive aspects of your planet, and sublimating its energies will help lessen also any physical troubles that may manifest concerning the planet or whatever planet it aspects and might be afflicting.

Material squares will help you attract something while spiritual squares will help with anything manifesting from you personally, spiritually or health wise, since the body is a manifestation of the soul also. There are positives and negatives to every aspect and placement and there are always a way to empower the positives to help restrict the negatives. It is also important for people to remember this who basically want to remove certain parts of themselves elementally or other that they just "hate", but what they don't realize is that they need to accept themselves for who they are and bring out the positives and the healthy sides of all their elements and placements, because this is then the perfected version , the best version of oneself when one is able to do this with all of their soul.

As for mars specifically, extra aura of protection can also help against its general malefic tendencies, as far as confrontation and injury as it is the lesser malefic, especially if you have a prominent mars in general or in the first house. Teach yourself to control impulse and not to take foolhardy risks with safety and health. Sublimate your energies in ways that are constructive.
Shadowcat said:
Many thanks for the tips.

Then I will take the occasion to ask a more general question.

When you speak of a dominant/prominent or emphasising planet, do you mean a planet that is perhaps in its ruling or exalted sign? Or is a strong planet also considered when it has many aspects with other planets? Maybe even when it is in an angular house?

A Mars in Scorpio in the angular house, making aspect with 5/6 other planets, including three hard aspects. Would this be considered a very prominent planet that needs more attention?

Also, is it possible that a person who has emphasis in Taurus, a strong Mars, hard Mars/Saturn aspect, does not feel that working in construction does for him? One would also have to check the planets in the tenth house to verify this right?

Is that I do not specifically understand what my vocation is by having more planets in the tenth house and by taking into consideration other things such as an emphasised sign, different aspects, tenth, second and sixth house cusps etc etc. I cannot draw a conclusion. :roll:
TheAbyss said:
Shadowcat said:
Many thanks for the tips.

Then I will take the occasion to ask a more general question.

When you speak of a dominant/prominent or emphasising planet, do you mean a planet that is perhaps in its ruling or exalted sign? Or is a strong planet also considered when it has many aspects with other planets? Maybe even when it is in an angular house?

A Mars in Scorpio in the angular house, making aspect with 5/6 other planets, including three hard aspects. Would this be considered a very prominent planet that needs more attention?

Also, is it possible that a person who has emphasis in Taurus, a strong Mars, hard Mars/Saturn aspect, does not feel that working in construction does for him? One would also have to check the planets in the tenth house to verify this right?

Is that I do not specifically understand what my vocation is by having more planets in the tenth house and by taking into consideration other things such as an emphasised sign, different aspects, tenth, second and sixth house cusps etc etc. I cannot draw a conclusion. :roll:

Having many planets in a house means the affairs of that house will be emphasized throughout your life for better or worse depending on how well aspected and placed those planets are.

A planet is stronger in its exalted and ruling signs and weaker in its fall and detriment signs.
A planet that has many aspects to others can make it strong or debilitated depending on the aspects and other placements.It is typically prominent when it is placed in such a way that allows its affairs and energies to manifest very strongly in your life. One example is having a stellium in a sign with that signs ruling planet as a chart ruler, in aspect to the chart ruler, or in the first house or one of the two. This planet may also have many aspects, yet also no aspects can leave the energies of the planet unhindered completely for better or worse, which can also make it manifest strongly, and with the sign and affairs of the house it is in.
Wotanwarrior said:
Thanks for sharing this, it is totally accurate, also having a weakened Mars in a water sign can cause lack of self-confidence and low vitality.

Glad it was of help. Not sure if you have seen this one, it ties into what you mention.
Shadowcat said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Thanks for sharing this, it is totally accurate, also having a weakened Mars in a water sign can cause lack of self-confidence and low vitality.

Glad it was of help. Not sure if you have seen this one, it ties into what you mention.

Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for, besides strengthening it, I was also looking to neutralize the negative aspects and effects.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
