Hail Satan
I am Kalidas Aghori and I have recently joined the group. I have no need to say that the JOS website is superb - excellent practical material and insights! And congratulation to the Priest/Priestesshood for keeping it all together and providing leadership.
A brief intro about myself. I reside in Australia and I am a practitioner of Traditional Tantra for many years. I have traveled to India several times to receive teachings and go on pilgrimage to some very potent spiritual sites. I am a devotee of the Goddess Kali and practice the LHP. On my altar to Kali, I have a genuine human skullcap from which I drink and at times eat from. I also do some of my meditations (mainly Japa - Mantra Chanting) at the graveyard. I also do oblations to the Shiva Lingam. Tantra is the science of Shiva - Shakti, the eternal dance of Consciousness and Power.
I am of European background (I was actually born in Europe) and take pride in my ancestry. As Europeans our soul is Pagan and not this forced upon us imported filth known as christianity. I am a supporter of the Pagan Reconstructionist Movement in Europe and of political groups that look at the national identity from that perspective.I strongly oppose communism/maoism (they are the worst social political cancer), globalization and the blind consumer and credit society where multinationals rule government and consider citizens as mere robots for their own profiteering ends. I believe in an Organic State where the individual is sovereign and proves his/her worth through contribution and merit. Some of my other political ideas and supports are for the nationalization of banks, the absolute secularization of the State, investing in education and trade schools (with these directly linked to small and medium enterprises) with the creation of Guilds (to bring back beauty, pride and uniqueness/creativity), the death penalty for assholes like child rapists and killers, and among other things a parliament that is composed of expert Ministers in their field each with their own secular board where issues are dealt with and visions created as best solution according to the circumstance at hand with a vision into the future. Plato's Republic inspired me in this context!I would like to see a new political party created in Australia with these views in consideration, perhaps the National Australian Socialist Democratic Party (NASDP).To this end, I would like to network with individuals and/or groups who are of European background and interested in Pagan Reconstructionism. I am also interested in tapping into a network of international National Socialists.
Finally but not least, Satanism. Just as to me Kali is the Divine Mother of the Universe and the Power behind the Kundalini Fire, Satan to me is the Divine Father of the Universe and the Black Flame of Sovereignty. He is the true Force behind the true essence of the Power to Will and His Legion of Demons is His Cosmic Army and the allies of humanity.
I look forward to contributing to the group. And in finishing I would like to say: Hail Hitler and Fuck Putin!
Hail Satan!Kalidas Aghori
On Tuesday, 13 May 2014 12:31 AM, "promitheuss@... [JoyofSatan666]" <
[email protected] wrote:
Dude, i tell you, this guys are fucking hypocrites ! They are not Nazis ! They don't know the true meaning of National Socialism.. have you see how they treat other people ? The problem of the illegal imigrants won't solve by going in the streets and kicking those people's ass ! They must put their papers down and say what is their agenda. Ok, i dont like it either that we have soooo many illegal immigrands here, but they are people you know... we can't treat them like shit.
Anyway, im not going to support some people who are fanatic xtians, who hates homosexuals, who does not respect other persons opinion, who think's that they can compel their opinion by force !