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ancestor question


New member
Sep 21, 2023
so one of my great grandmothers on my dads side was a jew, but during the 1920s or something she converted to catholicism and my grandma and my dad were raised catholic, and i know that this shit is passed from maternial linage, and my dad also says my family was also full of nazis in his side of the family,
i however do not identify as jewish
would this prevent me from being a satanist?
Identifying as something and rules of religion do not change biological facts. If you have jewish blood in your lineage you are a jew. In such a case you can't be part of Spiritual Satanism even if you tried. Practices wouldn't work for you, plain and simple, as you'd have another type of soul.

Now, if you meant that some idiot adopted the jewish religion in the past, that would be another story. Still not good due to the negative consequences of such an action (that can also be passed on to offspring), but better than being an actual jew.
This is a very simple matter.
Jews don't have a 6chakra, so all you have to do is meditate on the 6chakra for 7 or 13 days and observe the results.
You can also vibrate SATANAMA in your soul, or do an FRTR.
Good luck
IF your grandmother was BIOLOGICALLY Jew, than you are a Jew, IF your grandmother wasn't BIOLOGICALLY Jew, she only practiced Judaism, you aren't a Jew.
The Phantom Stranger said:
I once asked Satan if a girl I knew was a jew. That girl had jewish parents. But turned out she wasn't. So I think its possible that maybe your grandmothers wasn't biologically jewish, just that she might have been jewish in name only because she was fooled into thinking that it was something good.

This is a very dangerous and ridiculous lie for you to be spreading. The only way it could be possible is if she was adopted. If her parents are jews, she is a jew.
A jew is a jew even from several hundred to thousands of years ago. It does not matter if your uncle aunt or 3rd cousin 2 times removed married a jew but if someone that contributed to your birth married a jew, meaning parent grand parent, great grand parent, second great, third great and so on, then you are a jew. It does not matter if this comes from the maternal or paternal side or both, if there is any jewish ancestry from someone that contributed to you being born you are 100 percent a racial jew.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
I once asked Satan if a girl I knew was a jew. That girl had jewish parents. But turned out she wasn't. So I think its possible that maybe your grandmothers wasn't biologically jewish, just that she might have been jewish in name only because she was fooled into thinking that it was something good.

This is a very dangerous and ridiculous lie for you to be spreading. The only way it could be possible is if she was adopted. If her parents are jews, she is a jew.

I am not lying. Think logically.

Even if I were. Who would it be dangerous for?
It would be dangerous for the jew.

Because, if the jew believed that she wasn't a jew and performed the dedication ritual, she would be hurt by the gods.

Who does this benefit? Us. Not the gods. So why would I spread this lie? How does it benefit me? Why would I lie? A lie needs a motive behind it.

A newcomer to the JoS is highly susceptible to enemy attacks, the infamous "Am I jew" doubt that can prevent people from joining.

What if she's a gentile and actually needs Satan? Wouldn't it be bad for her to leave? That would keep her away from something life changing and profound.

I don't know anything about whether gentiles can exist with biological jews or not. Like you said, maybe she was adopted.

If you don't believe me ask Satan.

One of the weirdest things I first found on this forum is how much the opinions of people differed here. There's literally 100 opinions on topics here. Weird wouldn't you say?

There should be one objective answer regarding most things. Not multiple answers.

For example, if I ask you a question in Chemistry, what is the formula for a compound, you would give one answer. Not multiple "opinions".

The reason people give multiple opinions here is because they seriously don't know the answer.

I had this expectation here that people could talk to Satan or the Gods and give the one true objective answer regarding many things. But they can't communicate with Satan or demons. So they are limited to misinformation they find in many places.

So people of the forums, I highly request that you people focus on astral senses. It is very much 100% important that you establish a connection with the Gods now, because the forums is just a bunch of people giving their own opinions and arguing, not the objective truth. Once you can communicate with Gods freely, you'll always get the right answer.

In the meantime, the ones who can't communicate, I request that you either focus on your guardian demon's sigil or Satan's sigil(if you don't know your guardian demon yet), both are fine, and ask them your questions, and letting them guide you to the answers. Or prayers work too with them, as written here -


To the OP, I'd say give the dedication ritual a shot, if you are a gentile it will work. If you aren't, well... It just wouldn't.

You don't want to miss out on the life changing opportunities here.
The Phantom Stranger said:
So why would I spread this lie? How does it benefit me? Why would I lie? A lie needs a motive behind it.

I don't know why you would say that. I can't imagine a good reason. All I can think of is because you had some strange kind of attraction to a jew, so you tried to lie to yourself and convince yourself that the jew was not a jew so that you would not feel bad for being attracted to it. Or something like that.

The Phantom Stranger said:
What if she's a gentile and actually needs Satan? Wouldn't it be bad for her to leave? That would keep her away from something life changing and profound.

I don't know anything about whether gentiles can exist with biological jews or not. Like you said, maybe she was adopted.

She is not a gentile. She said herself that her grandmother is a jew which means that she is a jew. Jews are not Satan's people. Jew is a species which is in the DNA and in the Soul. None of our gods have any help or anything beneficial to give to a jew, so there is no benefit that a jew can get by bothering the gods.

There are no 100 different answers. The answer is actually extremely simple and obvious, which is that a jew is a jew and a human is a human. These are absolutely different species and they can not mix together. If even one of your ancestors 500 years ago was a jew, then you are a jew. This is a simple biological fact which everybody agrees on. This is not a debate and it is not subjective, it is a simple fact. And you are the only person I see who is trying to deny or ignore this.
The Phantom Stranger said:
There should be one objective answer regarding most things. Not multiple answers.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. In this topic, we have several people listing the same concepts:

- Jews as a distinct species
- Judaism as a religion

And how the above applies to the situation when a person questions their lineage.

I know jews are a race.

My whole answer is based on the premise that her grandmother or whoever her ancestor is, is not a jew. Just that somehow adotped the religion because they were fooled or something.

It just seems weird to me that somehow her dad's side is Nazi and her mother's side is Jewish. The Nazis should have tried to keep their dad away from jews.

So stop attacking me.

The 100 different answers was more of a tangent on the forums thing, and the point was that people give their opinions on things without really confirming if its true. I am not saying there are 100 different answers specifically in this question.

I can bet 1 million dollars that most people who answer questions on the forums, don't ask Satan or their demons to confirm their answer first. They just give their opinions. For example is red hair a white trait or not. Why is there a debate on that topic? Why not just ask Satan if it is or isn't?

I don't either. Which is why I ask a lot of questions, and answer a bit less, and my answers are based on the main JoS website.

Maybe the advanced members like Blitz or someone etc have open communication with demons so I trust their answers more since they can directly communicate with demons so their knowledge isn't really "opinions" but more so objective facts.
Henu the Great said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
There should be one objective answer regarding most things. Not multiple answers.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. In this topic, we have several people listing the same concepts:

- Jews as a distinct species
- Judaism as a religion

And how the above applies to the situation when a person questions their lineage.

Me saying they list different concepts was more of a tangent. Not specific to this question. So I apologize if it seemed that way.

Why is there a debate on whether red hair is a white trait or black trait? Why are some people saying squares can cause issues with astrological issues whereas someone else disagrees with them? Why is someone saying Varuna mantra is safe to use but someone else is saying its not safe to use?

I can list 100 more such topics like this.

There should be NO debate. Someone should just ask Gods and get the correct answer.
But they don't. They just write whatever they feel.

Which is why I said people should work on their astral senses more.
Henu the Great said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
There should be one objective answer regarding most things. Not multiple answers.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. In this topic, we have several people listing the same concepts:

- Jews as a distinct species
- Judaism as a religion

And how the above applies to the situation when a person questions their lineage.

I just want to clarify, I mean no offense. I hope I was not rude. I just found some things weird to believe. I know jews are a species.

I just found it weird that Nazis would somehow intermingle with jews.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
I once asked Satan if a girl I knew was a jew. That girl had jewish parents. But turned out she wasn't. So I think its possible that maybe your grandmothers wasn't biologically jewish, just that she might have been jewish in name only because she was fooled into thinking that it was something good.

This is a very dangerous and ridiculous lie for you to be spreading. The only way it could be possible is if she was adopted. If her parents are jews, she is a jew.

Listen, the only thing I'm tryna say is maybe, gentiles who were fooled into thinking Judaism is something good might exist.

I know jews are a species.
But is it impossible for some gentiles to accidentally adopt the religion?
The Phantom Stranger said:
Me saying they list different concepts was more of a tangent. Not specific to this question. So I apologize if it seemed that way.

Why is there a debate on whether red hair is a white trait or black trait? Why are some people saying squares can cause issues with astrological issues whereas someone else disagrees with them? Why is someone saying Varuna mantra is safe to use but someone else is saying its not safe to use?

I can list 100 more such topics like this.

There should be NO debate. Someone should just ask Gods and get the correct answer.
But they don't. They just write whatever they feel.

Which is why I said people should work on their astral senses more.
A debate exists because of differing levels of knowledge, wisdom and in some cases, intentions.

Debate is always welcome. In good faith, ideally. After all, we are social beings and can learn through debate.
The Phantom Stranger said:
I know jews are a species.
But is it impossible for some gentiles to accidentally adopt the religion?

Yes, it is nearly 100% impossible. Because it is not a religion, it is the entire Purpose encoded into the jewish racial soul. They work like a programmed hive mind, and this is their soul programming. Judaism is not a club that anybody can join, and anybody who is not part of the species is not allowed in.

Jews do not accept gentiles, and no gentile would ever be allowed inside of judaism. No matter how hard a gentile would work to try to help and support judaism or to try to become a jew, it would never be allowed by the rabbi and other leaders. The closest a gentile would ever be considered is a Shabbos Goy, basically like the equivalent of a janitor who does small simple tasks for them on saturdays and holidays when the real jews are not allowed to do anything that is considered as work. Basically turn on the lights, light the candles, turn on the coffee maker, take the food out of the fridge. Doing these jobs for jews is the closest a human would ever be towards being considered a religious jew. But the person would never be accepted, it would just be on the level of a useful idiot or a slave.

You think it is impossible for a German soldier to have sex with a jew? There are many white people who have race mixed with jew, or black, or asian races. Race mixing is something that has happened before, so I don't understand you acting like this is impossible. What is far more impossible would be to somehow pretend that the jew is not really a jew.

Again, I think it is very suspicious that you for some reason convinced yourself that a jew girl you knew was really not a jew, even though both of her parents are 100% jews. This says a lot about you needing to clean yourself and remove jewish curses and programming out of your soul. You pretend that it is impossible for a German soldier to have sex with a jew, but yourself in your own life basically tried to justify this the exact same way.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
I know jews are a species.
But is it impossible for some gentiles to accidentally adopt the religion?

You pretend that it is impossible for a German soldier to have sex with a jew, but yourself in your own life basically tried to justify this the exact same way.

You may argue with me, but do not insinuate that I want to have sex with a jewish girl. That's a very offensive accusation. I never mentioned the word "sex" anywhere. So please stop assuming.
The Phantom Stranger said:
You may argue with me, but do not insinuate that I want to have sex with a jewish girl. That's a very offensive accusation. I never mentioned the word "sex" anywhere. So please stop assuming.

I didn't mean it that far. I meant that you would go so far to convince yourself that a jew is not a jew. So other people who are not you might convince themselves of the same thing, and then they may think that it is okay to breed with them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
You may argue with me, but do not insinuate that I want to have sex with a jewish girl. That's a very offensive accusation. I never mentioned the word "sex" anywhere. So please stop assuming.

I didn't mean it that far. I meant that you would go so far to convince yourself that a jew is not a jew. So other people who are not you might convince themselves of the same thing, and then they may think that it is okay to breed with them.

Ok sorry. All is good.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:

I should have been more careful about how I wrote it the first time. Sorry for that.

Well, you might have been right all along. I asked my friend to channel Satan again and he got some answers that Satan would never say.
My trust in his channelling abilities are lower now.

I guess bias can affect you a lot. So his original answer about the girl not being a jew could have been wrong.

Well, I'll just work on my trance ability to channel myself now.
ok guys it was only just now i found out that my great grandmother wasnt jewish. i shit you not. my dad (abusive and manipulative) told me she was and thats what prevented me from so long believing in this stuff but it was a shitty lie one of his old wives told him.there hasnt been any recorded jews in our family since the sixteen hundreds. im apparently related to john addams and shit. idk something feels wrong abt there being jews in my linage before the sixteen hundreds too. it doesnt feel right i cant explain. my mom (who knows the truth) didnt say there was any jews. anyways thanks for helping
A jew is a jew even from 2000 years ago. If you have jewish relatives from the 1600s and back your soul is still jewish.
i know
ok guys it was only just now i found out that my great grandmother wasnt jewish. i shit you not. my dad (abusive and manipulative) told me she was and thats what prevented me from so long believing in this stuff but it was a shitty lie one of his old wives told him.
To my experience this looks like an enemy attack, as the enemy loves trying t convince SS they are somehow jews, so they would quit Satan ... this seems rarely working though.

If your father is abusive/manipulative, he can be a very useful tool to the enemy aliens/entities as he may have power over your mind therefore may bring to you enemy attacks, unwillingly and unconsciously. I do not know it this is the case, but it's strongly possible.
If you mean you suffered physical abuses from him when you say he is abusive, this is even worst in terms of opening your side to the enemy energies. I trust this is not the case, anyway.
To my experience this looks like an enemy attack, as the enemy loves trying t convince SS they are somehow jews, so they would quit Satan ... this seems rarely working though.

If your father is abusive/manipulative, he can be a very useful tool to the enemy aliens/entities as he may have power over your mind therefore may bring to you enemy attacks, unwillingly and unconsciously. I do not know it this is the case, but it's strongly possible.
If you mean you suffered physical abuses from him when you say he is abusive, this is even worst in terms of opening your side to the enemy energies. I trust this is not the case, anyway.
i did not know this, this makes more sense, i mean i wouldnt put it pass my family they do sympathize with the greys .^.
Yes, it is nearly 100% impossible. Because it is not a religion, it is the entire Purpose encoded into the jewish racial soul. They work like a programmed hive mind, and this is their soul programming. Judaism is not a club that anybody can join, and anybody who is not part of the species is not allowed in.

Jews do not accept gentiles, and no gentile would ever be allowed inside of judaism.

I would argue with that.

Jews were considered as a religion in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, not as an ethnicity, race, specie, or anything, just a religion. I'm almost sure some gentiles converted to Judaism in this or other times.
I would argue with that.

Jews were considered as a religion in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, not as an ethnicity, race, specie, or anything, just a religion. I'm almost sure some gentiles converted to Judaism in this or other times.
I'm interested in Truth, and I speak in Truth. I'm not interested in some ignorant mistake made by some country hundreds of years ago, which was only a tool used by jews to try to hide themselves and hide their crimes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
