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All Planet Sounds From Space (In our Solar System)

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Impressive video, can't wait for dumb xians and jews to start saying shit like "Oy vey, Saturn is definitely Satan, I can listen the demons screeching there, oy veh, alien evil planet, muh Saternnnnnnnnnn!".
Planet of Liberty said:
NASA has discovered the electromagnetic "sounds" emitted by the planets.
I must say that the sounds of the planets are truly magnificent. :mrgreen:

Thanks for sharing. Very interesting :)
Planet of Liberty said:
NASA has discovered the electromagnetic "sounds" emitted by the planets.
I must say that the sounds of the planets are truly magnificent. :mrgreen:

feels goood
Ooh, joke time!

These sounds are what they use in those "paranormal" videos.

I prefer Holst.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Impressive video, can't wait for dumb xians and jews to start saying shit like "Oy vey, Saturn is definitely Satan, I can listen the demons screeching there, oy veh, alien evil planet, muh Saternnnnnnnnnn!".
Without those hateful enemies we would be far ahead. I have two questions. 1) The astral, electromagnetic field, ether, the spiritual energies we use, what exactly are they? Electricity (electrons), protons, neutrons? 2) By being advanced and having advanced technology and also with divination, can we measure the spiritual energy we use for magic? I mean how do we measure electricity? These questions are scientifically advanced and can only be explained by advanced physical knowledge. Obviously it is the fault of the enemies that we have not yet succeeded in explaining the astral scientifically, since it is the same thing. I have no shadow of a doubt that all this can be explained by the supreme knowledge ... the Physical science.
The question is are these NASA truly and how were they recorded exactly?

Is there also any legit source?
Energy is infinite,why would you want to measure energy,it not like there is any use anyway,advanced beings with advance technology can tap into the infinite energy of the universe and use it without measuring anything
I am not an expert on these things, of course.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The question is are these NASA truly and how were they recorded exactly?

Is there also any legit source?
Look at some of the comments. Most joke about peace and calm, or thinking that other comments are over-reacting...until they get to Saturn and say it's Daemons screeching/Souls damned in Hell. How many "commenters" are bots or just the jew who is employed by "israel" to troll everyone? Copypasta -

Erik Childers

The sun: burning
Mercury: wind
Venus: bells?
Earth: planes
Mars: more wind
Jupiter: also wind
Saturn: hell
Uranus: even more wind
Neptune: crickets
Pluto: didgeridoos
1 week ago

Maybe they will record Moon or Halley's Comet and make it sound like vuvuzelas and football hooligans slowed-down to 1/16th or 1/32nd speed. Just like these "unsolved mysteries" and "inexplicable events which baffle scientists", we'll not receive any actual answers from official sources. Maybe all Bloop was was a jew recording the sound its shit made as it plopped into the toilet water, but then slowed it down for us to hear. This nonsense, just like the clever scientists who didn't realise that they encountered a strange phenomenon which coincided with the use of the on-site microwave oven - "Strange 'outer space' signal that baffled Australian scientists turns out to be microwave oven"..., or the wasting of money for researching how to be able, scientifically, to produce "the perfect cup of tea"...

Along with these "supernatural" videos and pictures, it is merely an attempt at using the Boogeyman. Previously, there weren't videos nor pictures, but just charismatic storytelling and oratorical skills, in detail with wild imaginations of spooks and evil spirits in history, to keep xians idiotised, moronicated, stupefied (the "Child-like faith"); now, there are low (very low)-quality pictures and videos and sensationalist hyperbole. How often does imagination supersede logic and reason? That being said, I might have drawn into a tiny number of them, though - the Green Children of Woolpit, the security/CCTV camera of "Men in Black" in a public building (I think hotel)/a story of a man being visited by two "Men in Black" at home. From what I have seen, these are the only ones which seem to be less nonsense - but there still isn't enough information about these "accounts". Take the Green Children of Woolpit, for example - they could and should have given great accounts of where they came from, and taken people back to those caves for explorers to visit and investigate. It's also convenient that this story happened in the 12th century, when sheeple accepted what they were told and didn't use their own Brains which "god" gave them but we're forbidden from using.

There is also the related sarcastic joke that before camcorders there many "supernatural" events happening; after cameras, there were very few, if any, "supernatural" events happening; then after Photoshop, there were many "supernatural" events happening. Realise that it speaks both to the imagination side of our Brain, to the Natural or primitive fear/defence instinct within us lowly, stupid Goyim, and to the insatiable thirsty too know, understand and explain the Universe, and our world, around us. Realise also that it is possible to edit videos to make anyone say anything you choose, and with image manipulation the HD/4K/6K/etc. videos will also be false.

I'd be more likely to believe these silly comments than any "lejit sauce". I know "I want to believe", but the false joke that they don't have a sense of humour which they are aware of is part of the trollage!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The question is are these NASA truly and how were they recorded exactly?

Is there also any legit source?

Exactly, I've heard they were recorded by the NASA Voyager as it was passing by the planets. it's difficult to tell cause if you listen to these recordings, they sound nothing like the ones provided in the OP's link above. And of cause there are already idiots saying Saturn is hell and sounds like tormented souls screaming, if you read the replies to the top 3rd comment under the name "μda1λnaθ" on the Saturn recoding then you'll truly see an idiot. In my opinion I reckon they sound amazing nothing terrifying about them at all.

Jupiter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UChzxK9gknM
Saturn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_JAvVjKeWI&t=62s
Neptune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuODoF16Cck&t=63s

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Impressive video, can't wait for dumb xians and jews to start saying shit like "Oy vey, Saturn is definitely Satan, I can listen the demons screeching there, oy veh, alien evil planet, muh Saternnnnnnnnnn!".
Loool :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The question is are these NASA truly and how were they recorded exactly?

Is there also any legit source?

By the looks of it, they are recorded by NASA. They also have a Soundcloud page.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Impressive video, can't wait for dumb xians and jews to start saying shit like "Oy vey, Saturn is definitely Satan, I can listen the demons screeching there, oy veh, alien evil planet, muh Saternnnnnnnnnn!".
Hp. Hoodedcobra666 don't you think that we can take advantage of the situation by spamming comments related to satanisim and more specifically to astrology.We can post links or words that will lead tye people to the Jos part of Azazel's astrology !If they found this website there is chance to read.more of it so they will find out the truth and since they turned out speaking for supernatural thinks it will no weird at all to speak about astrology!What do you think is it worthing a try?
I think you can meditate on these sounds and get the energy from the planets I remember about four 5 years ago when Jupiter was in Cancer I used to sit and meditate on Jupiters planet sounds and felt the energy of it. Although clearly the mantras and planitary Squares are better for this
No idea if it was just a placebo effect, but I felt strong energies from the sounds of Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.
I would also be interested in how these sounds were recorded exactly.
For those who can "carry a tune", I've been thinking the RTRs could be sung/vibrated at the specific note/frequency associated with the orbit or spin of the planet of the hour we do the working... For a planetary boost as a kind of a carrier frequency. Just a thought. *wink* Hail Satan.
Shael said:
I would also be interested in how these sounds were recorded exactly.
[url=https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/sounds-of-the-sun said:
Sounds of the Sun[/url]"]These are solar sounds generated from 40 days of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’s (SOHO) Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) data and processed by A. Kosovichev. The procedure he used for generating these sounds was the following. He started with doppler velocity data, averaged over the solar disk, so that only modes of low angular degree (l = 0, 1, 2) remained. Subsequent processing removed the spacecraft motion effects, instrument tuning, and some spurious points. Then Kosovichev filtered the data at about 3 mHz to select clean sound waves (and not supergranulation and instrumental noise). Finally, he interpolated over the missing data and scaled the data (speeded it up a factor 42,000 to bring it into the audible human-hearing range (kHz)). For more audio files, visit the Stanford Experimental Physics Lab Solar Sounds page.​ Credits: A. Kosovichev, Stanford Experimental Physics Lab
Basically... they just recorded the radio freq coming from the sun and converted it into something you can hear.
PanStellar said:
For those who can "carry a tune", I've been thinking the RTRs could be sung/vibrated at the specific note/frequency associated with the orbit or spin of the planet of the hour we do the working... For a planetary boost as a kind of a carrier frequency. Just a thought. *wink* Hail Satan.

Hmm good idea I have been wondering if mantras are supposed to be sang kind of anyways some of the hindu recordings of mantras on youtube are sung at a certain pich if they could be vibrated at the same time it might be really powerful. Maybe I was supposed to do this to begin with. I never saw it mentioned on the JOS.

I dont know about doing what you said but I might try it.
Rook said:
Shael said:
I would also be interested in how these sounds were recorded exactly.
[url=https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/sounds-of-the-sun said:
Sounds of the Sun[/url]"]These are solar sounds generated from 40 days of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’s (SOHO) Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) data and processed by A. Kosovichev. The procedure he used for generating these sounds was the following. He started with doppler velocity data, averaged over the solar disk, so that only modes of low angular degree (l = 0, 1, 2) remained. Subsequent processing removed the spacecraft motion effects, instrument tuning, and some spurious points. Then Kosovichev filtered the data at about 3 mHz to select clean sound waves (and not supergranulation and instrumental noise). Finally, he interpolated over the missing data and scaled the data (speeded it up a factor 42,000 to bring it into the audible human-hearing range (kHz)). For more audio files, visit the Stanford Experimental Physics Lab Solar Sounds page.​ Credits: A. Kosovichev, Stanford Experimental Physics Lab
Basically... they just recorded the radio freq coming from the sun and converted it into something you can hear.
Thanks :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
