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All information on being vegan?


New member
Aug 13, 2018
Can someone give me important links and information on why being vegan is so bad for you? It's for my own study and to show someone else why they shouldn't be vegan when they want to be.

Hail Satan!!! ⛧
You can be vegan however the problems that come with veganism are from lack of proper nutrition. That is why the more smarter vegans don't just take the b12 they also take calcium and Omega 3 as well. The lack of Omega 3 has caused people to die on vegan diets. Then you have to factor in the situation of the bodies ability to absorb needed supplements and the claim these are in plant foods some of them are but the body can't do much with them and then many cases the amount you need to eat is so high you need the supplement.

When you have to get injected with a B12 shot and take supplements hand over hand to just not die on a diet...… Is this diet really healthy..... The next question is then why are you doing this to yourself...

I do think children should not be allowed on vegan diets they are child abuse this causes them all kinds of health issues. Its bad enough for many adults on it. There was a blog by a vegan named Shazzie or whatever years ago she had a page on why she raised her daughter with eggs in her diet and it was because from being a big name in the vegan community in Europe and America she had been around hundreds of vegans and noted their children where suffering badly on the vegan diet. She also consider it abusive to do such.
The fact is one has to understand the animal rights cause which I support away from diet. Which the vegans try and make into one. Animal testing, the circus, fur farms, leather industry, bull fighting and such all need to be banned. The Factory farms need to be banned as public health issue. However we are not vegan we still require not all plant food in our diet to be healthy the vegans can't argue this as they are the proof of such.

Vegetarianism I would state in my opinion with egg's seems to be more doable. You have the Adventist populations that show such it seems. But veganism has been around for 200 years and where is the vegan populations of intergeneration vegans..... They don't exist people had to fall back on animal products because all planet diets was not working. Even today many of the long term vegans who look decent are closet vegetarians.

The best that can be done is vegetarians create ethical farms. However the vegan ideology makes this impossible because they view this all somehow as slavery. In the end veganism leads to the animal holocaust because all these animals will be exterminated if everyone went vegan.
HP Mageson666 said:
The fact is one has to understand the animal rights cause which I support away from diet. Which the vegans try and make into one. Animal testing, the circus, fur farms, leather industry, bull fighting and such all need to be banned. The Factory farms need to be banned as public health issue. However we are not vegan we still require not all plant food in our diet to be healthy the vegans can't argue this as they are the proof of such.

Vegetarianism I would state in my opinion with egg's seems to be more doable. You have the Adventist populations that show such it seems. But veganism has been around for 200 years and where is the vegan populations of intergeneration vegans..... They don't exist people had to fall back on animal products because all planet diets was not working. Even today many of the long term vegans who look decent are closet vegetarians.

The best that can be done is vegetarians create ethical farms. However the vegan ideology makes this impossible because they view this all somehow as slavery. In the end veganism leads to the animal holocaust because all these animals will be exterminated if everyone went vegan.
Thank you for your answers, I was not expecting a High Priest to answer back but I am very happy you did and it looks like the information you've provided is what I need. So thank you :)

Have a great day and Hail Satan!!! ⛧
HP Mageson666 said:
You can be vegan however the problems that come with veganism are from lack of proper nutrition. That is why the more smarter vegans don't just take the b12 they also take calcium and Omega 3 as well. The lack of Omega 3 has caused people to die on vegan diets. Then you have to factor in the situation of the bodies ability to absorb needed supplements and the claim these are in plant foods some of them are but the body can't do much with them and then many cases the amount you need to eat is so high you need the supplement.

When you have to get injected with a B12 shot and take supplements hand over hand to just not die on a diet...… Is this diet really healthy..... The next question is then why are you doing this to yourself...

I do think children should not be allowed on vegan diets they are child abuse this causes them all kinds of health issues. Its bad enough for many adults on it. There was a blog by a vegan named Shazzie or whatever years ago she had a page on why she raised her daughter with eggs in her diet and it was because from being a big name in the vegan community in Europe and America she had been around hundreds of vegans and noted their children where suffering badly on the vegan diet. She also consider it abusive to do such.

I said the same thing in a lecture and I was surrounded in a room by vegans that all claimed this to be bullshit, it's funny how they think they're right just because they're all vegans except me.

One guy had the nerve to say "We eat animals because they eat grass and stuff, so why don't we just skip the middle-man and eat the plants ourselves?" and I died of laughter while everyone agreed.

People are becoming very stupid lately, they don't realize that farming is a recent human discovery.
In a couple of years of being vegan they won't be laughing anymore they will be forced by plain natural law to understand this truth. It happens all the time after several years people hit the wall of veganism and the supplements don't work that great on their own after the body has used up all its natural reverses from animal foods.
This is the issue with veganism its a political agenda of animal abolitionism from the communist left and they are just promoting a political agenda and to do this they need to convince the public being vegan is super healthy and good for people. So because its not they are left to lying to everyone with propaganda to convince them. Then when the lies don't work they create more lies to cover for this. What they are hoping for is the mentality they created and the reactive personality types they convert more then anyone else come together and enforce the lies more easy for them. The other advantage that works for them is the average total vegan after awhile is drained out mentality. Take a witness upon the look on the faces of the long term vegan activists the true believers. They all have a thousand yard stare and this look on their face like the lights are on but no one is home. This is the look of mental exhaustion that comes with the effects of long term low nutrient vegan diets. That is why the Jews promote veganism and forced veganism on the population with their control over them with the Communist systems. They still do in North Korea and the Communist Party in China the most corrupt system that kills millions of people a year banned most meat production for the population..... The vegans praised this..... They did it because they know veganism makes the population more under control mentality. They all eat meat themselves at the top.
#sv3rige interviews LOKI Ex-Vegan (3 Years): Trapped In The Hell-th Matrix




Found this video when clicking through on the first video Loki88 above here shared.

It has a few points about what happens when you go plant only (vegan) of effects on the body and/or more points about why its not healthy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
