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All Astral Projectors! ( Astral projection )


Jun 18, 2018
I am a long time blood dedicated member of the JOS Ministries who puts in extra effort through the forums in a way I can not specify because there those who are without that luck within the forums. (Even though our webpage search will reveal my work for those who know how to use it.)

I struggle with astral projection. The most recent "experience" was 4+ years ago through void meditation breathing exercise where I felt a uncontrolled falling backwards sensation, I panicked and woke up from that phase without knowing where it would have lead to.

I tried the methods on the Jos website (link: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Meditations_for_Astral_Projection.html ) & they don't work. I tried the PDF's within too with it's rope pulling method that dint work. I tried another method I came across where you climb down a ladder mentally as you breath then fall off backwards to induce the sensation that dint work.

My 11 chakras and most of my minor chakras are open to the best of my knowledge, I am able to raise my energies too

If you are able to astral project or talk with your Guardian Demon please explain your preferred/guaranteed Astral Projection methods.
With all steps included with their tips, fall back procedures, does & donts, notes etc
That will help

Any stories on your astral projection adventures are also extremely welcome, motivating and a big +

This will help me ( and all who'll come across this ) because I'll finally be able to have a astral temple, do RTR's to THE fullest of my ability rather than being forced to whisper or say it in my mind, meditate fully, travel & learn, access akeshik records, meet with the dead, meet with Jos brothers and sisters in Safety and I believe so much more!

If you don't know how to A-P but know someone who does tag them
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A frequent even is when you ask questions to the Gods, but if they cannot get it through directly, they will gravitate you to a post,
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Like so
Soo if possible we may all get various contributions of experiences and complete varying working methods for all SS to experience!!

Especially for those SS like me with basically no privacy to do anything in the physical.

Hail Satan!! Forever!.
Lasollor said:
I panicked and woke up from that phase without knowing where it would have lead to.

This is where you went wrong. You panicked. You displayed fear. Your guardians will not take you Astral travelling when you display fear. You need to work to eliminate the fear and doubt. They can not give you the wisdom you need when you display fear. It shows them that you are simply not ready for it. You will eventually Astral project if you have had this experience. But they will come when your mind is ready. Some people Astral project by accident themselves and because they arent grounded or guarded they normally end up in a mental institute due to fear because of it. When you display fear you are not ready to see things that are beyond your imagination.
Lasollor said:
Morgan said:
Or in astral projection I can see and hear them clearly.

Hail Satan my friend!

It's good that you tagged me because I've been at it for quite a long time and I believe I might be able to help, or at least give you some insight.

First of all, I agree with the above comment - it's the fear and doubt that's stopping you, nothing else. Here's how it all began for me:

I was 15 years old, without any knowledge of Satan and the Gods yet, without ever doing chakra or energy meditation, which means that my energy centers were far from fully opened at that time. I did practice meditation but it was just like void meditation, nothing concerning energy and power. A friend mentioned Astral Projection and it was the very first time I heard about it. He told me how he practiced it and what steps he would take to relax. I had no idea that AP meant your soul would be leaving your body and I understood it more like remote viewing. So I decided to try it that same night. I did everything he said, lied on my back, did some breath work, relaxed, went into a meditative state and focused on relaxing each body part and imagined myself in another place. I did it for like 20 minutes and nothing happened. I was like, bummer, this doesn't work, time to sleep, and I flipped over onto my belly to fall asleep. As soon as I stopped trying I suddenly felt my astral body separating from my physical body and I started flying above the city. For the first couple of seconds everything was dark, I just felt like the wind blowing at my face as I was flying, but then I started to see all that was around me. I found myself flying above an unfamiliar street. And as soon I as I started seeing everything that was around me I also started to panic: "Ok, if I am here, what about my physical body? Is it breathing? Is my heart pumping? Will I die if I stay out?" I freaked out and ZAP I was back in my body. I was so freaked out because I had no idea what had happened. It scared me but it also intrigued me so I decided to try it again. So I tried and tried and tried.. for a long time. And I read about it more and more. Pretty soon I found myself physically in the same place I previously projected to (the unfamiliar street) and that was proof for me that the experience was real. But still, I tried and tried and I couldn't do it. I was close many times but every time I'd freak out and get back into my body again. So I stopped, for a year. And then I started practicing again. This time I was determined to get rid of my fear because that was what was stopping me. It took me about a year of practice to finally achieve a successful projection. I shared this story to show you that AP is actually something very natural but we've forgotten much about it as we've degenerated. Even if all your chakras are fully open, you take all the steps, do the right techniques, you aren't going to achieve it unless you get rid of the fear and doubt. Also, even if your centers are not fully open, but you're not afraid, it comes naturally and you can do it (like my first time).

Sooo, my advice is that you read about it as much as possible. Program your thoughts, make it sound normal and natural, read about it daily. Convince your mind it's not crazy. I also understands how hard it is to do everything in secret and when you don't have anyone to share your experiences with. Often times you probably think you're crazy. But you're not crazy, it's just that many people don't know and are not ready to know the truth. If it's okay with the moderators of this forum, I'll share a valuable source that helped me a lot. It's not a Satanic source, it actually has a more of a scientific-view and no religions or belief systems are involved. There is this renowned hypnotherapist who made a whole audio training to achieve Astral Projection and it's super helpful. He takes a lot of time to talk about fears and how to overcome them. Here is the link to download the whole audio selection: https://thepiratebay.org/description.php?id=6556762
I didn't write his name here or the name of the program on purpose because I don't want it to be taken down, so feel free to use this link for download or search his name. He also has a lot of helpful stuff on YouTube.

Anyway, when I got rid of my fears and doubts I could finally start projecting. It was very valuable because I talk to the Gods on the astral and also do a lot of necromancy with them.

Another thing to consider is also taking care of your psychological and emotional needs. It's no joke and it's very important for spiritual advancement. Work on your issues whatever they may be (we all have them), and that will give you confidence and help you advance faster.

Ask me whatever questions you might have and I'll be more than happy to answer. Also, leave me your email if you wish to write to me personally.
Hornet666 said:
Lasollor said:
I panicked and woke up from that phase without knowing where it would have lead to.

.. When you display fear you are not ready to see things that are beyond your imagination.
Thanks that was 5+ years ago now I know I'm very ready. What are your steps to success for projection?

+Back then that happened during day time but I could see nothing while having the falling sensation, I guess that means I don't even open my astral eyes. & Dint know the exact steps to follow.
So for myself, astral projection is a unique state of consciousness. You have to balance physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with spiritual advancement. If you have a sleep deficit, you’ll just fall asleep when you attempt to astral project OR if you are successful, you will lack the necessary focus to remember it. You also have to have a consistent will and desire to get out of the body, a lot of people are too content with where they are. If you have back pain or any type of pain, it can keep you from getting out. Also any strong emotions. Especially positive ones can keep you from obtaining the necessary balance. The memory bit is also unique, most people obtain some form of astral projection, but don’t remember it. It’s an altered state of consciousness that is compartmentalized with a specific type of memory, I think they call it state specific memory. Keep a dream journal upon waking to build this. It’s important to have consistent breathing while the “shocks” right before you project are happening and to keep yourself from getting excited. Both fear and excitement will abort the projection process. Morning if you can wake and go back to sleep is a really good time to achieve projection, because you are mentally refreshed from sleep. Also 1-3am seems to be ideal if you set a timer and interrupt you’re sleep. Don’t try to hard, it’ll come naturally if you build the memory.
Search HoodedCobra's sermon on Astral projection.
I first tried astral projecting some years ago (I was dedicated and did meditations) and it seemed naturally easy for me. I believe that I may have been successful even if I had tried it before dedicating and meditating.
I will explain my method and share some experiences of mine, but I first want to comment on some of the other replies you received that I found kind of weird or plainly wrong...

Wolfsage said:
So for myself, astral projection is a unique state of consciousness. You have to balance physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Also any strong emotions. Especially positive ones can keep you from obtaining the necessary balance.
None of these are true. Astral projection is the projection of your astral body to the astral world. Do you think you've (or others have) attained physical, etheric, mental and emotion balance because they've achieved it? Nah.
Also, what you said about the strong positive emotions preventing you from projecting is total bullshit. I don't know from where you've acquired this info, but it sounds so new-agey...

You simply need to be into a trance to astral project. I can do it easily, even without being in a trance - some others need to be in a deep trance etc. Everyone's individual, and I believe it also depends on whether you had experimented with it in past lives (if it's natural to you). Of course, it could also be genetics (being born by very psychic parents can make you naturally better at certain psychic things than others).

Wolfsage said:
Actually, your entire message had so many wrongs, but I'm not going to name them one by one.

To @Lasollor please think what this person has written and make your own research- don't take any of these words to heart.

Morgan said:
You said you felt the wind in your face... could this be lucid-dreaming instead of astral projecting? Can our astral bodies feel the way our human bodies do? I am curious about the length of our astral senses. I assume that yes, we could feel the air... but it sounds so weird to imagine it. I can imagine hearing or seeing, but physically feeling? Of course there's the meditation to empower the astral senses (hear, touch etc), so I guess we can... :geek: :geek: :geek:

Hornet666 said:
This is where you went wrong. You panicked. You displayed fear. Your guardians will not take you Astral travelling when you display fear. You need to work to eliminate the fear and doubt. They can not give you the wisdom you need when you display fear. It shows them that you are simply not ready for it. You will eventually Astral project if you have had this experience. But they will come when your mind is ready. Some people Astral project by accident themselves and because they arent grounded or guarded they normally end up in a mental institute due to fear because of it. When you display fear you are not ready to see things that are beyond your imagination.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding these statements.
It is absolutely NATURAL to be afraid of the unknown, or to be wary when experiencing something new. It does NOT mean that "you are not ready" to receive certain knowledge. Fear is most often the result of LACK of knowledge. When you are aware, you are not afraid.

Regardless of that, if you were now afraid of astral projection, this could surely halt your ability to astral project (not because "your Guardians" wouldn't accept helping you - but because your own subconscious mind would prevent you from astral projecting).

You do not "eliminate" fear and doubt like that. You need to study and understand how the whole thing works - do your aura of protection beforehand if you're afraid of spiritual attacks, and then try to relax, enter into a trance etc, and happy traveling. :p

Now, to share my own experience...
I have astral projected 5-6 times in total (in the span of more or less 10 years). Not because I "can't" do it, but because... I'm bored. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I will explain why.

To start off, I used the methods in the site. I was relaxed, had entered a trance state, and imagined that I was standing up, without moving my physical body. I imagined first moving one hand of mine, then the other, then the upper part of my body etc. I imagined myself standing in front of me, and looking at me.

When I first did it successfully (I think it was in my second attempt... or the first. Don't remember - and that was actually when I did it with the FIRST method written on the site (with the chakras), not the second one), I felt an inteeeeense vibration all over my body, that was uncomfortable and unfamiliar to me. It did startle me, but I didn't want to stop.
I could feel myself being where I was "imagining" that I was (my astral body) and I could also bring my attention to my physical body (bring my consciousness in my physical body, where I was sitting on my bed).
Indeed, the first time I astral projected, it was very difficult for me to keep focus on my astral body alone. I had always been bad at void meditation - hence my mind was going back and forth - once in the astral body, then at my physical body, then at my astral body etc. My mind was all over the place lol, but I knew I was astral projecting successfully, as I would feel these vibrations in my body, and I could "feel" that I was in my living room as well. (my physical body was in my bedroom and I had moved my astral body to the living room)

While I was heading towards the living room, I thought I wanted to try entering the apartment of the people living upstairs of me - so I imagined that I was going upwards, levitating, and entering from my ceiling (to their floor) but hooooly shit, I felt this INTENSE vibration in my head (as I was imagining that my head enters through the bricks/wood) and I got scared LOL so I lowered my body again, and continued towards the living room. XD
To this day I'm still not sure if that was really the ceiling/floor's fault, or if... I don't know. I don't know what else it could be. What kind of astral presence do these solid structures have? And can they put pressure in our astral body? Can we not freely enter and exit any surface and material? I have not tried these things, so I don't know. It's interesting food for thought though.

Anyway, as I was heading towards the living room I saw something that I had read a long time ago, but had not consciously (or subconsciously) imagined it... (what I'm saying is that it was not my imagination but I actually saw that)
In one room of my house, there were some furniture that had remained in the same place for a loooooong time (definitely 10 years). But we recently had a change of furniture (recently = 6 months or so), and we had thrown away the old ones. However, when I passed through this hall (I imagined myself floating everywhere I went - I didn't imagine walking pff :lol: :lol: ), I did see the new furniture but... I also saw a "shadow" where the old furniture used to be. What I had read about it (and didn't consciously remember it until I saw it myself) was that, when a furniture (or any item) remains in one place for a long-long amount of time (years), even if it is removed afterwards, it can leave an "imprint" of its presence (energy? not sure) there. I'm also not sure for how long these imprints are supposed to stay there. But anyway, it was pretty cool that I could see this shadow there. It was basically... well, imagine seeing a furniture, but not seeing it. You don't see any details, but you can see a shadow (a darker color) covering the space that used to be occupied by the furniture. It is a 3D shadow (in the shape of the furniture we used to have).

After that, I hovered to the window, jumped out of it (lol) flew in the air a bit, and then imagined my astral body returning to my physical body. In reality, it is not necessary to imagine that last part (if you focus again on your physical body and start moving it etc, your astral body will naturally return there).

Throughout the entire time I was astral projecting, for some reason everything seemed to move veeery slowlyyy (or rather, *I* felt like I was moving veeeeryyy slowlyyy).

That was my first experience with astral projecting.

Now, I need to make something clear. I do NOT have my psychic vision open! I can't see shit!!! (and it is the reason I don't have much interest in astral projecting)

My experience with astral projecting (ALL the times I astral projected) was that I would "imagine" my surroundings (like a visualization exercise.. I would imagine that I was standing in the living room, and I would "look" around at the furniture we have in the living room) AND I would get "flashes" of vision - of things I wasn't aware of, or of things that I COULDN'T know of.
Those furniture shadows were "flashes" of vision. It was something that momentarily appeared in my vision.

Most of the times I've astral projected, I've gone to other planets. :D
I've also gone to Antarctica, and I remember having a very light feeling, like some sort of different energy.

I've imagined going to the Sun, to Jupiter, to Mercury, to Mars... But I would just "imagine" how the planet looked like (I couldn't see it! :( ) with two exceptions!! Before I tell you those two cool exceptions, I want to tell you about how I FELT. I don't remember which planet was it... Either Pluto, Uranus or Neptune... I imagined that I had astral projected on one of them (I will explain below how I do it specifically for far away places), and I remember I had suddenly felt like a sense of "electricity" - a sense of a very intense and strong energy, that was very unfamiliar and very uncomfortable for me!! It wasn't like the vibrations I had felt when I had first astral projected. This new feeling was... bad! I figured that it is because these three outer planets are the most away from us, so maybe our souls are not very... I don't know... familiar with these energies? This is just a guess, of course. But I remember it was very, very uncomfortable and I didn't like it at all, so I left rather quickly - although I did stay a bit more than I wanted to, because I was curious!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
It wasn't like I couldn't "handle it", but I felt no need to stay there for longer than I did. I was just a curious little traveler lol, going to places just for fun and for the experience.

So, what I do when I want to astral project to a far away place is that, I will focus on my astral body (after being relaxed, into a trance and all that) and then I will say "I am now on Jupiter", and then I will imagine my astral body being on Jupiter. When I imagine my astral body, I don't actually imagine my "body" - I imagine that I AM on Jupiter and I am looking around on the planet. I mean, if you are looking at the screen now, you don't imagine sitting there (or standing, whatever have you :p ) and that you are looking at yourself, looking at the screen. You just look at the screen. You experience it "first-person" (imagine a shooting game in first person). This is how I do astral projection as well - I don't try to "see" my astral body being in a certain place. I just imagine that I am (my astral body is) there.

So, these two occasions that I mentioned above, where I SAW something with the planets... It was two times when I had used an affirmation, and I imagined that I was on a planet I had never seen before (and maybe NASA hasn't seen either! :lol: :lol: :lol: Who knows?!).

I was using the affirmation "I am now on the most far away planet from Earth, that is a safe planet for me to be". Basically, I wanted to see a planet I hadn't seen before, and of course I wanted it to be a safe place (wouldn't want to stumble upon an enemy territory).

So, the first time I did this, I had this "flash of vision" (a momentary image in my mind) of planet that was brown, but its shape was like... I don't know how to explain it in words. It had the shape of ΛΛΛΛ all around it (like spikes, but very very big ones).
The second time I had this "flash of vision" I saw a planet that, if I remember correctly it had a green color, but it felt like it was a "sticky" material. It was so strange!! Both these planets seemed so strange, and I hadn't "imagined" them, so I was so excited to see them!!

...Of course, I could never prove that they were real. :lol: :lol: :lol:
One could say it was my imagination, but I am certain it was not. You know, as you gain more and more experiences, from one point onward you can kind of tell which experiences had been your imagination, or they had been real.
And, can you just imagine how many incredible things exist out there in space??! Wow!! I wish I could see them all! I wish my mind could register all those colors that our physical eyes are not familiar with!!

Aaah, and this is the reason I don't astral project anymore... Because I am.. not really "bored" as I said earlier, but because I am just not satisfied, to not be able to fully see astraly. Of course, these few "flashes of vision" that I had were also incredibly amazing!! ..But I still wish to be able to see more - much more than that.

One final place where I've been with astral projection, is Hell! :D
The first time I went there... I didn't do it consciously! It was a personal experience I had received from Satan, and I remember I was still a newbie back then, but I was constantly fighting for Satan, and I was sending Him a ball of energy every, every single night, for some time (I don't remember... it was surely a month I think). I remember one day, after I had sent him my energy, I had sat down and talked to Him, and told Him "Satan, you know what? I don't know You. I don't personally know You, but I do love You. I love You so much, and I really wish I could see You one day". After... more than a month? Two months? I don't remember... I had this experience in which I astral projected to Hell, and I was walking on Hell holding hands with Satan.

This experience will always remain in my mind. I am ever so thankful to Him. I feel humbled, TRULY humbled that He had given me this experience. Of course, mind you, back then there weren't as many SS as there are now. Back then this spiritual war wasn't at its peak, as it almost is now. I believe that Satan and the rest of the Gods don't have as much time as they did back then - things on Earth are escalating quickly.
But it is also important to be patient and faithful. Some things will come in time. Even such experiences, or others - these things are individual to each one of us.

Funnily enough, the first time I had astral projected (not consciously) and went to Hell, I had actually woken up in the middle of the night in order to pee :lol: :lol: and when I tried to sleep again, I imagine electric blue color in my aura, in order to relax me, and I imagined Satan's Sigil on me.
After some time, I found this: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Blue_Light_Meditation.html
I didn't know about this!! Interesting, right? :)

After this experience, I have astral projected again (on my own) and have gone to Hell. I didn't go to see Satan lol (I'm pretty sure He's so busy! I'm so thankful He had given me some of his time back then), but I just roamed around Hell. Hell has such beautiful, calm and "clean" energy. It is so, so, so different from how it is here, on Earth. However, there are also places on Earth (like Antarctica) that have a more "clean" energy.

That's all - I hope my experiences motivate you to keep trying! :D
I know I personally want to empower my third eye and astral vision more, before I astral project again (as astral projection feels natural to me). However, I really enjoyed these few experiences I have. :D

I'm sorry I don't have any better methods to suggest, other than what's written on the site. HP Maxine had also suggested a book... I don't remember which one was it. I had downloaded these three books... Not sure which one was it.
Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics - A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences
ROBERT BRUCE & BRIAN MERCER - Mastering Astral Projection
Robert A Monroe - Journeys out of the Body

If you don't mind downloading them from my link, I just uploaded them on WeTransfer for you: https://we.tl/t-9PfrTPwwRM
Morgan said:
Lasollor said:
Morgan said:
Or in astral projection I can see and hear them clearly.
He takes a lot of time to talk about fears and how to overcome them. Here is the link to download the whole audio selection: https://thepiratebay.org/description.php?id=6556762
I didn't write his name here or the name of the program on purpose because I don't want it to be taken down, so feel free to use this link for download or search his name. He also has a lot of helpful stuff on YouTube.

link is broken for me
Lasollor said:
Hornet666 said:
Lasollor said:
I panicked and woke up from that phase without knowing where it would have lead to.

.. When you display fear you are not ready to see things that are beyond your imagination.
Thanks that was 5+ years ago now I know I'm very ready. What are your steps to success for projection?

+Back then that happened during day time but I could see nothing while having the falling sensation, I guess that means I don't even open my astral eyes. & Dint know the exact steps to follow.

Don't worry about not seeing anything initially. If it happens again just try to stay calm and focused. I've been practicing for 10+ years what I see is dark every single time for the first few seconds. Even if my body is half-way out, with my astral head sticking out, I still don't see anything. I start to see a few seconds after I am completely out. I guess for some of us it takes a few moments to stabilize as we shift consciousness from one body to another.

I also totally agree with Wolfsage's comment. It's important to be well-rested and in balance with your psyche and emotions. One tip that can help induce a natural AP is taking a short nap during the day. This should help you project during the night because the brain will be more rested. Also, if you find yourself in sleep paralysis, it's perfect opportunity to go for it.
EnterpriseToast said:
Morgan said:
He takes a lot of time to talk about fears and how to overcome them. Here is the link to download the whole audio selection: https://thepiratebay.org/description.php?id=6556762
I didn't write his name here or the name of the program on purpose because I don't want it to be taken down, so feel free to use this link for download or search his name. He also has a lot of helpful stuff on YouTube.

link is broken for me

Too bad. It opens it just fine for me.. It's a link for free torrent download. Anyway, try this one: https://lobacademy.com/product/explorations-beyond-the-body/ Here you can see the name and everything and then you can use it to search and either buy it online or find a free torrent.
Not gonna repost a book, but to yagami light. It is true, try to astral project while you are excited, it will prevent you from getting out. And I’m talking about a mental balance here. You can’t project if something draws you’re focus that isn’t supposed to. I don’t think it’s hard to understand.
Yagami Light said:
My experience with astral projecting (ALL the times I astral projected) was that I would "imagine" my surroundings (like a visualization exercise.. I would imagine that I was standing in the living room, and I would "look" around at the furniture we have in the living room) AND I would get "flashes" of vision - of things I wasn't aware of, or of things that I COULDN'T know of.
Those furniture shadows were "flashes" of vision. It was something that momentarily appeared in my vision.
What you describe does not sound like Astral projection at all. It sounds more like Remote viewing.
quoted from power meditations on JOS:
"Astral projection is where your soul actually leaves your body. This is different from remote viewing where you enter into a trance and will yourself to a specific location."


Yagami Light said:
Funnily enough, the first time I had astral projected (not consciously) and went to Hell, I had actually woken up in the middle of the night in order to pee and when I tried to sleep again, I imagine electric blue color in my aura, in order to relax me, and I imagined Satan's Sigil on me.
After some time, I found this: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfir ... ation.html
I didn't know about this!! Interesting, right?

So what your saying You astral projected to hell. Then all of a suddden you had to go chuck a piss?.This sounds more like a wild dream you were having.And you needed to take a piss cause you were still in your physical body! This does not sound like Astral projection at all!.

Yagami Light said:
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding these statements.
It is absolutely NATURAL to be afraid of the unknown, or to be wary when experiencing something new. It does NOT mean that "you are not ready" to receive certain knowledge. Fear is most often the result of LACK of knowledge. When you are aware, you are not afraid.
It is clear that you misunderstood my statements. Because showing signs of fear and hesitation sends you back to your physical body as you are levitating out of your physical body. I was afraid first time and i tried to grab hold of something solid (The top of the chimney on my house). And because of that i was sent back to my body. This was many years ago, and i was not a dedicated Satanist then.I hadnt even heard of Astral projection or out of body experience. When i had a discussion with my family about it,who are devoted xtians. I was simply told that i better pray to Jewsus and be a good boy. God is watching blah blah...And that i had "died and God gave me a second chance at life". Which is pure typical xtian bullshit!. And my knowledge of occult practices was very weak at the time. I actually started to believe this bullshit, as i could not understand or comprehend what i had experienced,due to the Xtian influences in my life back then and nobody with experience to talk to about it, I thought i was going crazy!!. I actually believed it for a while and thought that i had died in my sleep and was being taken away to Heaven or Hell to meet my judgement only to be spared a second chance at life. This point in life really fucked with my spiritual development as all it did, was make my family pray for me more and more making matters even worse!

"any hesitation can keep you in your body. You have to be relaxed, both mentally and physically. The first few times are the most difficult."
Wolfsage said:
Not gonna repost a book, but to yagami light. It is true, try to astral project while you are excited, it will prevent you from getting out. And I’m talking about a mental balance here. You can’t project if something draws you’re focus that isn’t supposed to. I don’t think it’s hard to understand.
Oh, I thought it's a given that one can't astral project if they're not in a trance state. (hence they wouldn't be excited or have intense emotions about irrelevant things)
I thought you meant being excited in general in your life (eg a happy period of time in one's life) - that this would prevent them from astral projecting.

Hornet666 said:
What you describe does not sound like Astral projection at all. It sounds more like Remote viewing.
quoted from power meditations on JOS:
"Astral projection is where your soul actually leaves your body. This is different from remote viewing where you enter into a trance and will yourself to a specific location."

:shock: :shock: :shock:
I had actually missed that.
Now I am incredibly curious about that. :p

Hornet666 said:
So what your saying You astral projected to hell. Then all of a suddden you had to go chuck a piss?.This sounds more like a wild dream you were having.And you needed to take a piss cause you were still in your physical body! This does not sound like Astral projection at all!.
I'm laughing my ass off.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry, I didn't write this properly. I had to pee BEFORE I went to Hell lol. I basically woke up because I had to pee, and then while trying to sleep, it happened.

Hornet666 said:
It is clear that you misunderstood my statements. Because showing signs of fear and hesitation sends you back to your physical body as you are levitating out of your physical body. I was afraid first time and i tried to grab hold of something solid (The top of the chimney on my house). And because of that i was sent back to my body. This was many years ago, and i was not a dedicated Satanist then.I hadnt even heard of Astral projection or out of body experience. When i had a discussion with my family about it,who are devoted xtians. I was simply told that i better pray to Jewsus and be a good boy. God is watching blah blah...And that i had "died and God gave me a second chance at life". Which is pure typical xtian bullshit!. And my knowledge of occult practices was very weak at the time. I actually started to believe this bullshit, as i could not understand or comprehend what i had experienced,due to the Xtian influences in my life back then and nobody with experience to talk to about it, I thought i was going crazy!!. I actually believed it for a while and thought that i had died in my sleep and was being taken away to Heaven or Hell to meet my judgement only to be spared a second chance at life. This point in life really fucked with my spiritual development as all it did, was make my family pray for me more and more making matters even worse!

"any hesitation can keep you in your body. You have to be relaxed, both mentally and physically. The first few times are the most difficult."
Thank the Gods you are here now then. :)

Most people have had their spirituality fucked up or delayed to an outraging degree, because of the fucking enemy's influence. May the enemy and their creations burn.
I agree with what you say about fear though - I initially misunderstood you.
Morgan said:
Lasollor said:
Hornet666 said:
.. When you display fear you are not ready to see things that are beyond your imagination.
Thanks that was 5+ years ago now I know I'm very ready. What are your steps to success for projection?

+Back then that happened during day time but I could see nothing while having the falling sensation, I guess that means I don't even open my astral eyes. & Dint know the exact steps to follow.

Don't worry about not seeing anything initially. If it happens again just try to stay calm and focused. I've been practicing for 10+ years what I see is dark every single time for the first few seconds. Even if my body is half-way out, with my astral head sticking out, I still don't see anything. I start to see a few seconds after I am completely out. I guess for some of us it takes a few moments to stabilize as we shift consciousness from one body to another.

I also totally agree with Wolfsage's comment. It's important to be well-rested and in balance with your psyche and emotions. One tip that can help induce a natural AP is taking a short nap during the day. This should help you project during the night because the brain will be more rested. Also, if you find yourself in sleep paralysis, it's perfect opportunity to go for it.
Does someone need to be in a deep trance for this is there a breathing pattern? And what actually gets you out of the body? Focusing on the back part or right above your body or do you visualize your climbing something.. is there a specific demon to call or affirmation??
Lasollor said:
Morgan said:
Lasollor said:
Thanks that was 5+ years ago now I know I'm very ready. What are your steps to success for projection?

+Back then that happened during day time but I could see nothing while having the falling sensation, I guess that means I don't even open my astral eyes. & Dint know the exact steps to follow.

Don't worry about not seeing anything initially. If it happens again just try to stay calm and focused. I've been practicing for 10+ years what I see is dark every single time for the first few seconds. Even if my body is half-way out, with my astral head sticking out, I still don't see anything. I start to see a few seconds after I am completely out. I guess for some of us it takes a few moments to stabilize as we shift consciousness from one body to another.

I also totally agree with Wolfsage's comment. It's important to be well-rested and in balance with your psyche and emotions. One tip that can help induce a natural AP is taking a short nap during the day. This should help you project during the night because the brain will be more rested. Also, if you find yourself in sleep paralysis, it's perfect opportunity to go for it.
Does someone need to be in a deep trance for this is there a breathing pattern? And what actually gets you out of the body? Focusing on the back part or right above your body or do you visualize your climbing something.. is there a specific demon to call or affirmation??

Ideally you would be in a trance state. Your body should be completely relaxed, almost asleep while your mind is completely awake and aware. As your physical body numbs and falls asleep and you reach a trance state, it is easier to tune into your astral body. And you can start moving it. I'll share a few techniques here for you but bare in mind that everyone is different and you might need to try a few things before you find the suitable method for you.

Firstly, let's talk about breathing techniques. Initially as you close your eyes and start to relax you should take 3-6 deep and long breaths in order to help you instantly relax. Afterwards you continue breathing naturally and comfortably, not focusing too much on the pace. However, if at a point you find yourself losing focus and starting to drift off, this is the time to take a few vary fast shallow breaths, this will help you maintain your focus and stay awake. You may focus on your breath throughout your preparation but make sure you breathe at a natural pace.

Secondly, as you reach the meditative state and you feel your body becoming heavier and start to fall asleep, you can tune into your astral body and you can actually start by drawing in energy through your abdominal area and fill your whole body with this energy. If you are in a trance state you will most definitely feel it and you'll feel a buzzing tingling sensation. After this you may start to move your astral hand, or arm, try to move a little bit. See what that feels like. Your physical body should not move. Sometimes it feels like your moving your physical body while you are only moving your astral body, so just be patient and take practice. It takes some time getting used to. After you are able to move your finders, hand, arm, whatever, you may want to imagine a rope above you and try reaching for it and try pulling yourself up. You may also want to simply imagine yourself sitting up and standing up. Sometimes this does the trick. If not, you can imagine yourself standing right by your physical body, watching over it. However, if none of these work, you can also imagine yourself to be in a different place, some place very familiar to you. Try to picture it in your mind and imagine yourself there. It's very likely that you'll exit your body spontaneously and just find yourself there. Just try and see what works, but before that you must tune into your astral body and really feel it. Also, don't get discouraged if you can get like half of your body out and feel like the other half is stuck. This happens to me all the time. It's because your physical body acts like a magnet, trying to pull you back in. So basically, the farther away you are from your physical body, the less the chance to pull you back in. And also try not to think about your physical body while in AP because that will pull you right back in as well.

As far as calling the demons, I'm not sure because I've never asked anyone to assist me before. Nebthet came once and she took me do some necromancy but she came on her own to help me I never called her. I read on the website that she can assist us with astral projection so you might want to try and summon her. She is very helpful and friendly.
Yagami Light said:
I first tried astral projecting some years ago (I was dedicated and did meditations) and it seemed naturally easy for me. I believe that I may have been successful even if I had tried it before dedicating and meditating.
I will explain my method and share some experiences of mine, but I first want to comment on some of the other replies you received that I found kind of weird or plainly wrong...

Wolfsage said:
So for myself, astral projection is a unique state of consciousness. You have to balance physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Also any strong emotions. Especially positive ones can keep you from obtaining the necessary balance.
None of these are true. Astral projection is the projection of your astral body to the astral world. Do you think you've (or others have) attained physical, etheric, mental and emotion balance because they've achieved it? Nah.
Also, what you said about the strong positive emotions preventing you from projecting is total bullshit. I don't know from where you've acquired this info, but it sounds so new-agey...

You simply need to be into a trance to astral project. I can do it easily, even without being in a trance - some others need to be in a deep trance etc. Everyone's individual, and I believe it also depends on whether you had experimented with it in past lives (if it's natural to you). Of course, it could also be genetics (being born by very psychic parents can make you naturally better at certain psychic things than others).

Wolfsage said:
Actually, your entire message had so many wrongs, but I'm not going to name them one by one.

To @Lasollor please think what this person has written and make your own research- don't take any of these words to heart.

Morgan said:
You said you felt the wind in your face... could this be lucid-dreaming instead of astral projecting? Can our astral bodies feel the way our human bodies do? I am curious about the length of our astral senses. I assume that yes, we could feel the air... but it sounds so weird to imagine it. I can imagine hearing or seeing, but physically feeling? Of course there's the meditation to empower the astral senses (hear, touch etc), so I guess we can... :geek: :geek: :geek:

Hornet666 said:
This is where you went wrong. You panicked. You displayed fear. Your guardians will not take you Astral travelling when you display fear. You need to work to eliminate the fear and doubt. They can not give you the wisdom you need when you display fear. It shows them that you are simply not ready for it. You will eventually Astral project if you have had this experience. But they will come when your mind is ready. Some people Astral project by accident themselves and because they arent grounded or guarded they normally end up in a mental institute due to fear because of it. When you display fear you are not ready to see things that are beyond your imagination.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding these statements.
It is absolutely NATURAL to be afraid of the unknown, or to be wary when experiencing something new. It does NOT mean that "you are not ready" to receive certain knowledge. Fear is most often the result of LACK of knowledge. When you are aware, you are not afraid.

Regardless of that, if you were now afraid of astral projection, this could surely halt your ability to astral project (not because "your Guardians" wouldn't accept helping you - but because your own subconscious mind would prevent you from astral projecting).

You do not "eliminate" fear and doubt like that. You need to study and understand how the whole thing works - do your aura of protection beforehand if you're afraid of spiritual attacks, and then try to relax, enter into a trance etc, and happy traveling. :p

Now, to share my own experience...
I have astral projected 5-6 times in total (in the span of more or less 10 years). Not because I "can't" do it, but because... I'm bored. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I will explain why.

To start off, I used the methods in the site. I was relaxed, had entered a trance state, and imagined that I was standing up, without moving my physical body. I imagined first moving one hand of mine, then the other, then the upper part of my body etc. I imagined myself standing in front of me, and looking at me.

When I first did it successfully (I think it was in my second attempt... or the first. Don't remember - and that was actually when I did it with the FIRST method written on the site (with the chakras), not the second one), I felt an inteeeeense vibration all over my body, that was uncomfortable and unfamiliar to me. It did startle me, but I didn't want to stop.
I could feel myself being where I was "imagining" that I was (my astral body) and I could also bring my attention to my physical body (bring my consciousness in my physical body, where I was sitting on my bed).
Indeed, the first time I astral projected, it was very difficult for me to keep focus on my astral body alone. I had always been bad at void meditation - hence my mind was going back and forth - once in the astral body, then at my physical body, then at my astral body etc. My mind was all over the place lol, but I knew I was astral projecting successfully, as I would feel these vibrations in my body, and I could "feel" that I was in my living room as well. (my physical body was in my bedroom and I had moved my astral body to the living room)

While I was heading towards the living room, I thought I wanted to try entering the apartment of the people living upstairs of me - so I imagined that I was going upwards, levitating, and entering from my ceiling (to their floor) but hooooly shit, I felt this INTENSE vibration in my head (as I was imagining that my head enters through the bricks/wood) and I got scared LOL so I lowered my body again, and continued towards the living room. XD
To this day I'm still not sure if that was really the ceiling/floor's fault, or if... I don't know. I don't know what else it could be. What kind of astral presence do these solid structures have? And can they put pressure in our astral body? Can we not freely enter and exit any surface and material? I have not tried these things, so I don't know. It's interesting food for thought though.

Anyway, as I was heading towards the living room I saw something that I had read a long time ago, but had not consciously (or subconsciously) imagined it... (what I'm saying is that it was not my imagination but I actually saw that)
In one room of my house, there were some furniture that had remained in the same place for a loooooong time (definitely 10 years). But we recently had a change of furniture (recently = 6 months or so), and we had thrown away the old ones. However, when I passed through this hall (I imagined myself floating everywhere I went - I didn't imagine walking pff :lol: :lol: ), I did see the new furniture but... I also saw a "shadow" where the old furniture used to be. What I had read about it (and didn't consciously remember it until I saw it myself) was that, when a furniture (or any item) remains in one place for a long-long amount of time (years), even if it is removed afterwards, it can leave an "imprint" of its presence (energy? not sure) there. I'm also not sure for how long these imprints are supposed to stay there. But anyway, it was pretty cool that I could see this shadow there. It was basically... well, imagine seeing a furniture, but not seeing it. You don't see any details, but you can see a shadow (a darker color) covering the space that used to be occupied by the furniture. It is a 3D shadow (in the shape of the furniture we used to have).

After that, I hovered to the window, jumped out of it (lol) flew in the air a bit, and then imagined my astral body returning to my physical body. In reality, it is not necessary to imagine that last part (if you focus again on your physical body and start moving it etc, your astral body will naturally return there).

Throughout the entire time I was astral projecting, for some reason everything seemed to move veeery slowlyyy (or rather, *I* felt like I was moving veeeeryyy slowlyyy).

That was my first experience with astral projecting.

Now, I need to make something clear. I do NOT have my psychic vision open! I can't see shit!!! (and it is the reason I don't have much interest in astral projecting)

My experience with astral projecting (ALL the times I astral projected) was that I would "imagine" my surroundings (like a visualization exercise.. I would imagine that I was standing in the living room, and I would "look" around at the furniture we have in the living room) AND I would get "flashes" of vision - of things I wasn't aware of, or of things that I COULDN'T know of.
Those furniture shadows were "flashes" of vision. It was something that momentarily appeared in my vision.

Most of the times I've astral projected, I've gone to other planets. :D
I've also gone to Antarctica, and I remember having a very light feeling, like some sort of different energy.

I've imagined going to the Sun, to Jupiter, to Mercury, to Mars... But I would just "imagine" how the planet looked like (I couldn't see it! :( ) with two exceptions!! Before I tell you those two cool exceptions, I want to tell you about how I FELT. I don't remember which planet was it... Either Pluto, Uranus or Neptune... I imagined that I had astral projected on one of them (I will explain below how I do it specifically for far away places), and I remember I had suddenly felt like a sense of "electricity" - a sense of a very intense and strong energy, that was very unfamiliar and very uncomfortable for me!! It wasn't like the vibrations I had felt when I had first astral projected. This new feeling was... bad! I figured that it is because these three outer planets are the most away from us, so maybe our souls are not very... I don't know... familiar with these energies? This is just a guess, of course. But I remember it was very, very uncomfortable and I didn't like it at all, so I left rather quickly - although I did stay a bit more than I wanted to, because I was curious!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
It wasn't like I couldn't "handle it", but I felt no need to stay there for longer than I did. I was just a curious little traveler lol, going to places just for fun and for the experience.

So, what I do when I want to astral project to a far away place is that, I will focus on my astral body (after being relaxed, into a trance and all that) and then I will say "I am now on Jupiter", and then I will imagine my astral body being on Jupiter. When I imagine my astral body, I don't actually imagine my "body" - I imagine that I AM on Jupiter and I am looking around on the planet. I mean, if you are looking at the screen now, you don't imagine sitting there (or standing, whatever have you :p ) and that you are looking at yourself, looking at the screen. You just look at the screen. You experience it "first-person" (imagine a shooting game in first person). This is how I do astral projection as well - I don't try to "see" my astral body being in a certain place. I just imagine that I am (my astral body is) there.

So, these two occasions that I mentioned above, where I SAW something with the planets... It was two times when I had used an affirmation, and I imagined that I was on a planet I had never seen before (and maybe NASA hasn't seen either! :lol: :lol: :lol: Who knows?!).

I was using the affirmation "I am now on the most far away planet from Earth, that is a safe planet for me to be". Basically, I wanted to see a planet I hadn't seen before, and of course I wanted it to be a safe place (wouldn't want to stumble upon an enemy territory).

So, the first time I did this, I had this "flash of vision" (a momentary image in my mind) of planet that was brown, but its shape was like... I don't know how to explain it in words. It had the shape of ΛΛΛΛ all around it (like spikes, but very very big ones).
The second time I had this "flash of vision" I saw a planet that, if I remember correctly it had a green color, but it felt like it was a "sticky" material. It was so strange!! Both these planets seemed so strange, and I hadn't "imagined" them, so I was so excited to see them!!

...Of course, I could never prove that they were real. :lol: :lol: :lol:
One could say it was my imagination, but I am certain it was not. You know, as you gain more and more experiences, from one point onward you can kind of tell which experiences had been your imagination, or they had been real.
And, can you just imagine how many incredible things exist out there in space??! Wow!! I wish I could see them all! I wish my mind could register all those colors that our physical eyes are not familiar with!!

Aaah, and this is the reason I don't astral project anymore... Because I am.. not really "bored" as I said earlier, but because I am just not satisfied, to not be able to fully see astraly. Of course, these few "flashes of vision" that I had were also incredibly amazing!! ..But I still wish to be able to see more - much more than that.

One final place where I've been with astral projection, is Hell! :D
The first time I went there... I didn't do it consciously! It was a personal experience I had received from Satan, and I remember I was still a newbie back then, but I was constantly fighting for Satan, and I was sending Him a ball of energy every, every single night, for some time (I don't remember... it was surely a month I think). I remember one day, after I had sent him my energy, I had sat down and talked to Him, and told Him "Satan, you know what? I don't know You. I don't personally know You, but I do love You. I love You so much, and I really wish I could see You one day". After... more than a month? Two months? I don't remember... I had this experience in which I astral projected to Hell, and I was walking on Hell holding hands with Satan.

This experience will always remain in my mind. I am ever so thankful to Him. I feel humbled, TRULY humbled that He had given me this experience. Of course, mind you, back then there weren't as many SS as there are now. Back then this spiritual war wasn't at its peak, as it almost is now. I believe that Satan and the rest of the Gods don't have as much time as they did back then - things on Earth are escalating quickly.
But it is also important to be patient and faithful. Some things will come in time. Even such experiences, or others - these things are individual to each one of us.

Funnily enough, the first time I had astral projected (not consciously) and went to Hell, I had actually woken up in the middle of the night in order to pee :lol: :lol: and when I tried to sleep again, I imagine electric blue color in my aura, in order to relax me, and I imagined Satan's Sigil on me.
After some time, I found this: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Blue_Light_Meditation.html
I didn't know about this!! Interesting, right? :)

After this experience, I have astral projected again (on my own) and have gone to Hell. I didn't go to see Satan lol (I'm pretty sure He's so busy! I'm so thankful He had given me some of his time back then), but I just roamed around Hell. Hell has such beautiful, calm and "clean" energy. It is so, so, so different from how it is here, on Earth. However, there are also places on Earth (like Antarctica) that have a more "clean" energy.

That's all - I hope my experiences motivate you to keep trying! :D
I know I personally want to empower my third eye and astral vision more, before I astral project again (as astral projection feels natural to me). However, I really enjoyed these few experiences I have. :D

I'm sorry I don't have any better methods to suggest, other than what's written on the site. HP Maxine had also suggested a book... I don't remember which one was it. I had downloaded these three books... Not sure which one was it.
Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics - A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences
ROBERT BRUCE & BRIAN MERCER - Mastering Astral Projection
Robert A Monroe - Journeys out of the Body

If you don't mind downloading them from my link, I just uploaded them on WeTransfer for you: https://we.tl/t-9PfrTPwwRM

Thank you for sharing your experiences. It was very fun to read. To answer your question, ABSOLUTELY, you can feel so many things on the astral but I gather you already know that from your description. The sensations aren't the same as the physical ones, but honestly they can feel a lot more real and feel A LOT more intense. Take for instance astral sex, I don't know if you've experienced it before. It's definitely not the same as the physical, but it can be so intense and blissful.

I find two things from your description very interesting and I've experienced something similar myself. First you mentioned feeling the vibrations while walking through a wall and that's right. All things vibrate, animate or inanimate and you can feel this vibration on the astral. Building materials are very dense and if you focus you can feel them intensely. In one of my first travels, everything felt so real, when I touched objects it was like I was touching them physically. I touched the wall, felt it, and when I put my hand through it it felt like going through thick sand, but at the same time I felt the vibrations. It's hard to describe with words. It's rather interesting. Also, you've mentioned the shadows of old furniture. That happens too, I've seen it as well. Especially if some furniture stayed there for many, many years and then you move it, its energetic imprint will remain on the astral for some time until it fades away. Like, if I astral project to my family home, it will look a lot different than it does now on the physical. My folks did some renovation a few weeks ago but the old furniture was there for like 20+ years and its still energetically there. It's so interesting.

Oh and you flying to other planets is also very interesting. I've done that too, but at that time I thought it was like astral projection / lucid dreaming mixed because I couldn't believe what I saw was real. But now I know it was real. :D Our mental blocks stop us from reaching our full potential but we will one day. One time I found myself at the edge of the Universe. It felt very strange because there wasn't anyone alive there, no soul present, only nothingness. I found myself in a place that resembled a space station and someone was there, like a guard, but he/she was not alive. I have never experienced anything like it before. It was not a being but.. something else. I don't know how I'd describe it other than a guard who has been there and will be there forever. He/she asked me what I was doing there and that I shouldn't be there. It was true, no one should be there so I left. I will always remember that.

I'm so happy you got to spend some time with Satan on the astral. It's truly rewarding. I've been meeting many Gods on the astral for years and years, but Satan himself finally met me there a few months ago for the first time. It was so special and I couldn't have imagined how beautiful he was until I finally saw him. And you're right, he's been extremely busy. I've been going to him recently and every time I go to him he's working on something, usually with a whole group of people but he's so respectful that he greets me every single time and then I wait for him to finish what he is doing and then I grab some time alone to talk to him. Meeting him and really spending time with him changed me a lot and I am truly grateful. I can't wait for the day we can finally reunite.
Lasollor said:
by Lasollor » Sat Jul 17, 2021 3:08 pm
Yagami Light said:
by Yagami Light » Sat Jul 17, 2021 1:09 am
I will share a technique that i use:

For this technique you need a new penny/small copper coin. It should be as bright and clean as possible. Before using it, wash it thoroughly with soap and water and dry it. Lie on your back on the floor in the reclining posture with eyes closed, a folded towel under your head, your arms at your sides, and your feet around six inches apart.

Using your right hand, place the penny upon your forehead between your eyebrows in such a way that it is stable, and not in danger of sliding off your head.Relax and go into deep Trance. Tense then relax your left leg, your right leg, your left arm, your right arm, and work your way up your body until you reach your eyes and forehead. Be aware of the separation between your consciousness and your body, and for several minutes imagine yourself floating gently in a boat on a gliding river.

Focus your attention inwardly upon an imaginary red dot on the inside of your forehead just between your eyebrows, where you can feel the weight of the coin. Do not try to focus your eyes on this place, merely shift your attention and concentrate on a large red dot between your eyebrows as though seeing it float in space against a soft, dark background, like the great disk of the setting sun.

As you mentally look at this dot, imagine it slowly expand to take up more and more of your field of view. Feel yourself as a point of consciousness in the void, without a body. Feel yourself rise up like a soap bubble lifted on a light breeze, and float toward the red dot, which has grown enormous in your inner field of view. The red dot becomes so large, it completely fills your astral vision. You drift forward and pass gently through its center as through an open doorway.
You are surrounded by warm, glowing redness, the color that sunlight makes shining against your closed eyelids. Float within this nurturing red world for a minute or so. Your mind is completely detached, sufficient unto itself. Savor the pleasure of drifting weightless without sensation and without physical limits.

Hold the awareness of yourself as a separate, bodiless consciousness. Gradually become aware that you possess a subtle body, and that the red glow is caused by light shining against the closed eyelids of this imagined astral form. It is like lying on a sunny beach with your eyes closed. Open your astral eyes inwardly, without opening your physical eyelids. Regard the clear, cloudless blue sky that seems to surround you on all sides. If you see a vision of something else, mentally observe all the details of the scene. But if you see nothing but soothing blue all around you, do not be disappointed.

The success of this exercise lies in its process, not in any specific result. Close your inner eyelids once again and be aware of the cheerful red glow all around you. Allow your point of consciousness to sink gently backward until the red light around you has become a large red disk in front of your mental sight. Watch as this circle gradually grows smaller and more distant, until it is only a red dot against a dark background.

Regard this dot for a minute or so without haste, and once again become aware of the pressure of the penny against the skin of your forehead. Remove the penny with your left hand and set it on the floor beside you. Press your palms against your face so that the heels of your palms fit into the hollows of your closed eyes. Slide your hands downward, then open your eyes, stretch gently, and rise to go about your normal day.

Practice this exercise daily and you will get there, but try not to do it more than once in a day. This exercise can be used to initiate astral visions and astral journeys. The red dot acts as a doorway through the third Eye, or ajna chakra, between the eyebrows. The ajna chakra is the psychic center of the body that controls astral sight. Regular use of this exercise will awaken and heighten your natural scrying ability also, and enable you to visualize more realistically astral objects and landscapes.

To gauge its level of sensitivity of your third eye, perform this test.

Get a sharp pencil and hold it in both hands about four inches away from your forehead with the point aimed directly at the place where your nose connects between your eyebrows. Close your eyes. Slowly move the pencil toward your head. Be aware of any sensations between your eyebrows and in the upper bridge of your nose. If your ajna chakra is active, you will feel a tightness and pressure between your brows before the tip of the pencil touches your skin. The closer the pencil comes, the stronger the sensation.

When you notice this pressure, open your eyes and observe how far away the pencil point is from your skin. Release one hand without moving the pencil and estimate the distance by touch. Ideally, the point of the pencil should be more than an inch away from your forehead. Do not be disheartened if you fail to experience spontaneous astral visions after passing through the circular red doorway and opening your inner eyelids. Specific visions are not the object of the exercise. It is designed to enable you to separate your consciousness from your body, and to become better aware of your astral form. On the other hand, do not be surprised if you find that after practicing the exercise regularly for several weeks, images spontaneously appear against the imagined blue background when you open your inner eyelids.

You also need to be psychologically in a good state of mind and your body needs to be fit and healthy. Dont do this right after eating a meal also, wait an hour or two to do so. You will just fall asleep if you try doing this after eating.
Also what i like to do is journal every meditation i do. For example i write down what i experience, did i feel any vibrations, what did i do differently from previous meditation? were there certain fragrances i smelt? did i feel any presence? What did i do to achieve deep trance. Or if you dont like writing you could simply do drawings of your experiences. Having a journal really helps as sometimes you may forget something important.

I hope my experience helps...and good luck Astral Travelling!!
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Aquarius said:
Search HoodedCobra's sermon on Astral projection.

Can't find it. Could you please help

Just had to type 'astral projection' in HoodedCobra's posts search function.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
