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Algol conjunct sun

Do you relate to the description on the jos? How tight is the conjunction? It should be fairly close like within 1-2 degree orb for it to matter.

It’s a notoriously bad placement, but that doesn’t mean the negativity from it can’t be sublimated.

The spiritual sun square can help sort out a poorly placed sun as well as MUNKA workings to free the soul of the issues from this. The natal chart is a map of the soul. This conjunction reveals something karmic. So removing these karmic energies is something you should do.

Multiple workings over time may be needed to sort it out.
Taurus said:
What do you guys think about this? I have it

Probably not good at all depending on what it rules. I only ever saw anything conjunct Algol once in any chart I have ever looked at from people I met (I often ask about birth time and place of friends I have most people find this interesting to talk about and it gives me more insight into them) it was conjunction exact degree Jupiter and within one degree of the 4th house. Even with Jupiter there the person had a horrible sexual attack occur on them as a child and when they were growing up kept getting victimized by people in several ways did not have a happy home life etc (it’s better now)

I am just going on my experience with this star to give you an example of the kind of vibe it has. With sun what does it rule on your life where is it. Is the star conjunct anything else. I know in the above example Neptune ties into everything there as well but the star alone has a vibe of violence to it that Neptune would not cause.

You either have a problem of having violent thoughts sometimes or may have been victimized by someone or maybe been violent. Secondly you may have some issues with mental illness at least at some point. All of this kind of ties into the rest of the Chart.

It is fixable and you don’t have to deal with it forever. I’d do the Sun Square in Aries spiritual first affirming something about strengthening your natal sun (you have to say an affirmation or the energy will dissipate most likely later) then do material later for any other things you may want related to the sun (I suggest money) that will also strengthen your sun. You have 3 powerful dates this year to do the sun 1 Aries 2 it is Sunday many places when Sun enters 0 Cancer and moon isn’t void it’s said that is as powerful as Leo for the sun and 3 Leo

You can also do Wunjo or munka workings on anything else related to this if you think it is like a trauma or negative situation or programming.
Eric13 said:
Do you relate to the description on the jos? How tight is the conjunction? It should be fairly close like within 1-2 degree orb for it to matter.

It’s a notoriously bad placement, but that doesn’t mean the negativity from it can’t be sublimated.

The spiritual sun square can help sort out a poorly placed sun as well as MUNKA workings to free the soul of the issues from this. The natal chart is a map of the soul. This conjunction reveals something karmic. So removing these karmic energies is something you should do.

Multiple workings over time may be needed to sort it out.
I believe its a 3° orb. It does apply though.
From what i remember the JoS page said it causes someone to be a patholgical liar and i was when i was a kid, but mostly my father(sun) is a HUGE liar, alchohlic aswell. Its in my 10th house conjunct sun, possibly my public reputation being effected?

I just wanted to know how else it could effect me, as of now, im totally fine.

The only other thing i know about it is it makes you unable to ignore pain in the world. Stuff like genocides, animal abuse, the sickest things of (((the world))) cant be ignored. So in a way i think this star will implement violence in your life in one way or another
slyscorpion said:
Taurus said:
What do you guys think about this? I have it

Probably not good at all depending on what it rules. I only ever saw anything conjunct Algol once in any chart I have ever looked at from people I met (I often ask about birth time and place of friends I have most people find this interesting to talk about and it gives me more insight into them) it was conjunction exact degree Jupiter and within one degree of the 4th house. Even with Jupiter there the person had a horrible sexual attack occur on them as a child and when they were growing up kept getting victimized by people in several ways did not have a happy home life etc (it’s better now)

I am just going on my experience with this star to give you an example of the kind of vibe it has. With sun what does it rule on your life where is it. Is the star conjunct anything else. I know in the above example Neptune ties into everything there as well but the star alone has a vibe of violence to it that Neptune would not cause.

You either have a problem of having violent thoughts sometimes or may have been victimized by someone or maybe been violent. Secondly you may have some issues with mental illness at least at some point. All of this kind of ties into the rest of the Chart.

It is fixable and you don’t have to deal with it forever. I’d do the Sun Square in Aries spiritual first affirming something about strengthening your natal sun (you have to say an affirmation or the energy will dissipate most likely later) then do material later for any other things you may want related to the sun (I suggest money) that will also strengthen your sun. You have 3 powerful dates this year to do the sun 1 Aries 2 it is Sunday many places when Sun enters 0 Cancer and moon isn’t void it’s said that is as powerful as Leo for the sun and 3 Leo

You can also do Wunjo or munka workings on anything else related to this if you think it is like a trauma or negative situation or programming.
thanks for the advice, its conjunct my sun in the 10th house.

I said to eric that i think it impliments violence one way or another in my life. For me being unable to ignore the violence and sick things of the world, like when i was a kid and my mom would be late home i assumed she got murderd or somthing.I feel like algol either makes you fight against violence, be a victim of it or be violent yourself.
Taurus said:
slyscorpion said:
Taurus said:
What do you guys think about this? I have it

Probably not good at all depending on what it rules. I only ever saw anything conjunct Algol once in any chart I have ever looked at from people I met (I often ask about birth time and place of friends I have most people find this interesting to talk about and it gives me more insight into them) it was conjunction exact degree Jupiter and within one degree of the 4th house. Even with Jupiter there the person had a horrible sexual attack occur on them as a child and when they were growing up kept getting victimized by people in several ways did not have a happy home life etc (it’s better now)

I am just going on my experience with this star to give you an example of the kind of vibe it has. With sun what does it rule on your life where is it. Is the star conjunct anything else. I know in the above example Neptune ties into everything there as well but the star alone has a vibe of violence to it that Neptune would not cause.

You either have a problem of having violent thoughts sometimes or may have been victimized by someone or maybe been violent. Secondly you may have some issues with mental illness at least at some point. All of this kind of ties into the rest of the Chart.

It is fixable and you don’t have to deal with it forever. I’d do the Sun Square in Aries spiritual first affirming something about strengthening your natal sun (you have to say an affirmation or the energy will dissipate most likely later) then do material later for any other things you may want related to the sun (I suggest money) that will also strengthen your sun. You have 3 powerful dates this year to do the sun 1 Aries 2 it is Sunday many places when Sun enters 0 Cancer and moon isn’t void it’s said that is as powerful as Leo for the sun and 3 Leo

You can also do Wunjo or munka workings on anything else related to this if you think it is like a trauma or negative situation or programming.
thanks for the advice, its conjunct my sun in the 10th house.

I said to eric that i think it impliments violence one way or another in my life. For me being unable to ignore the violence and sick things of the world, like when i was a kid and my mom would be late home i assumed she got murderd or somthing.I feel like algol either makes you fight against violence, be a victim of it or be violent yourself.
Taurus said:
But also aqua, my sun is my chart ruler too

Yes it seemed this turned out way better than it could have if you were never a victim of an attack or violent yourself. Although this sounds like a way that energy could manifest as well. It will only benefit you to do the sun square. Your lucky cause some of us can’t do the square on our chart ruler me I am Aquarius rising opposite of you. This could really benefit you.
Taurus said:
I believe its a 3° orb. It does apply though.
From what i remember the JoS page said it causes someone to be a patholgical liar and i was when i was a kid, but mostly my father(sun) is a HUGE liar, alchohlic aswell. Its in my 10th house conjunct sun, possibly my public reputation being effected?

I just wanted to know how else it could effect me, as of now, im totally fine.

The only other thing i know about it is it makes you unable to ignore pain in the world. Stuff like genocides, animal abuse, the sickest things of (((the world))) cant be ignored. So in a way i think this star will implement violence in your life in one way or another

Well as I said, doing freeing the soul workings will solve your worries. This stuff is all karmic and can be removed. But also on the jos it does say the orb only matters when it’s really tight. 1-2 degrees. 3 probably has a very very mild effect. You said yourself, you felt most effected as a child. Then went on to say your dad is a liar which has nothing to do with this. Kids lying is common no matter what.

Most likely it’s alphabet soup and you’re reading what you want out of it.

The effect probably isn’t terribly strong.
slyscorpion said:
Taurus said:
slyscorpion said:
Probably not good at all depending on what it rules. I only ever saw anything conjunct Algol once in any chart I have ever looked at from people I met (I often ask about birth time and place of friends I have most people find this interesting to talk about and it gives me more insight into them) it was conjunction exact degree Jupiter and within one degree of the 4th house. Even with Jupiter there the person had a horrible sexual attack occur on them as a child and when they were growing up kept getting victimized by people in several ways did not have a happy home life etc (it’s better now)

I am just going on my experience with this star to give you an example of the kind of vibe it has. With sun what does it rule on your life where is it. Is the star conjunct anything else. I know in the above example Neptune ties into everything there as well but the star alone has a vibe of violence to it that Neptune would not cause.

You either have a problem of having violent thoughts sometimes or may have been victimized by someone or maybe been violent. Secondly you may have some issues with mental illness at least at some point. All of this kind of ties into the rest of the Chart.

It is fixable and you don’t have to deal with it forever. I’d do the Sun Square in Aries spiritual first affirming something about strengthening your natal sun (you have to say an affirmation or the energy will dissipate most likely later) then do material later for any other things you may want related to the sun (I suggest money) that will also strengthen your sun. You have 3 powerful dates this year to do the sun 1 Aries 2 it is Sunday many places when Sun enters 0 Cancer and moon isn’t void it’s said that is as powerful as Leo for the sun and 3 Leo

You can also do Wunjo or munka workings on anything else related to this if you think it is like a trauma or negative situation or programming.
thanks for the advice, its conjunct my sun in the 10th house.

I said to eric that i think it impliments violence one way or another in my life. For me being unable to ignore the violence and sick things of the world, like when i was a kid and my mom would be late home i assumed she got murderd or somthing.I feel like algol either makes you fight against violence, be a victim of it or be violent yourself.
Taurus said:
But also aqua, my sun is my chart ruler too

Yes it seemed this turned out way better than it could have if you were never a victim of an attack or violent yourself. Although this sounds like a way that energy could manifest as well. It will only benefit you to do the sun square. Your lucky cause some of us can’t do the square on our chart ruler me I am Aquarius rising opposite of you. This could really benefit you.
so i just vibrate
for 36 days right?
Thanks scorp
Taurus said:
slyscorpion said:
Taurus said:
thanks for the advice, its conjunct my sun in the 10th house.

I said to eric that i think it impliments violence one way or another in my life. For me being unable to ignore the violence and sick things of the world, like when i was a kid and my mom would be late home i assumed she got murderd or somthing.I feel like algol either makes you fight against violence, be a victim of it or be violent yourself.
Taurus said:
But also aqua, my sun is my chart ruler too

Yes it seemed this turned out way better than it could have if you were never a victim of an attack or violent yourself. Although this sounds like a way that energy could manifest as well. It will only benefit you to do the sun square. Your lucky cause some of us can’t do the square on our chart ruler me I am Aquarius rising opposite of you. This could really benefit you.
so i just vibrate
for 36 days right?
Thanks scorp

You are correct on the Mantra here


Follow the amount of times here this is the sun square for each day.

For hours of the sun you either download a planetary hours calculator and put in your location as close as possible or you can visit lunarium.co.uk which has a lot of places in the world. It’s best once you start the sun square to do every day vibrations on the hour of the sun. If you miss that then just do it anyways though cause it’s better than messing up the whole thing. Remember that the planetary days start at sun rise so even if you do this the next day on our calandar at 5 Am and it’s still dark out you didn’t miss a day.

Good luck
This thread kinda makes me wonder... Is everyone who is born on 16th May pathological liar that gets violent when drunk?

Bit late to the party on this one, but the bit about your father does actually make sense given that it's your Sun and this conjunction is in your 10th House - the House that rules the father. As for how it'll affect other 10th House matters, I'll have to leave that to wiser heads.
BlackJackal said:
This thread kinda makes me wonder... Is everyone who is born on 16th May pathological liar that gets violent when drunk?


Of course not a person would have to look at the entire chart of the individual born with Algol conjunct sun and also I am sure sometimes there is and has been other planets conjunct the sun and Algol as well on this date.

You would have to look at also what house the sun rules in the chart. To make a determination. This could mean a lot of things most of the time due to the vibration humanity is on right now it would not necessarily be good but it doesn’t mean the same thing all the time each person is different.

Also one would have to look into any aspects to the sun and what house it is in as well.

Generalizations that apply to everyone in the exact same way don’t exist in astrology because everyone is different so things manifest different in different people often.
Taurus said:
What do you guys think about this? I have it
I have a lot of experience with Caput Algol's energies, and just to repeat the obvious again, let me say first off that its energies are really bad. If you do not have Algol in your chart, then it should be very clear to never try invoking those energies into yourself. And if you do have it in the chart, then these energies must be ruthlessly controlled and sublimated.

The way that Algol energies manifest in life can vary based on what aspects and planets are affected, but in a general sense it will usually manifest as the "toxic enemy of all", so to say. If I had to describe the energies of Algol in a picture, it would be that of a hateful and aggressive person with no compassion, remorse, or ethics. The kind of person that has little to no allies, and does not get along with anyone. The only "good" traits of this star are very strong confidence, athletic prowess, and willpower. These good ones only apply when it's in your chart, not when invoking, because if it's in your chart the energies can actually be sublimated in a good manner.

The manifestation of these energies changes vastly based on the planets affected, but in and of itself it always has a strong danger of becoming a really bad influence. As others have already said, your orb is probably too far to have an actually strong influence anyway, but if you want to stay on the safe side then just do your best to stay self-aware of any bad traits you may have or develop, and always strictly control these. The main thing with these energies is to always make sure they are fully controlled by you. The really big problems come when these energies are left unchecked and start to influence and control you, instead of you controlling them. This is also why these people become increasingly violent when drunk, as their mental control diminishes.
Shael said:
Taurus said:
What do you guys think about this? I have it
I have a lot of experience with Caput Algol's energies, and just to repeat the obvious again, let me say first off that its energies are really bad. If you do not have Algol in your chart, then it should be very clear to never try invoking those energies into yourself. And if you do have it in the chart, then these energies must be ruthlessly controlled and sublimated.

The way that Algol energies manifest in life can vary based on what aspects and planets are affected, but in a general sense it will usually manifest as the "toxic enemy of all", so to say. If I had to describe the energies of Algol in a picture, it would be that of a hateful and aggressive person with no compassion, remorse, or ethics. The kind of person that has little to no allies, and does not get along with anyone. The only "good" traits of this star are very strong confidence, athletic prowess, and willpower. These good ones only apply when it's in your chart, not when invoking, because if it's in your chart the energies can actually be sublimated in a good manner.

The manifestation of these energies changes vastly based on the planets affected, but in and of itself it always has a strong danger of becoming a really bad influence. As others have already said, your orb is probably too far to have an actually strong influence anyway, but if you want to stay on the safe side then just do your best to stay self-aware of any bad traits you may have or develop, and always strictly control these. The main thing with these energies is to always make sure they are fully controlled by you. The really big problems come when these energies are left unchecked and start to influence and control you, instead of you controlling them. This is also why these people become increasingly violent when drunk, as their mental control diminishes.

It may be too far away to cause any real kind of Damage in the persons life or personality but if they have a theme revolving around dealing with Violence like what was stated and having a focus on it that may mean that there is a slight influence of this star here.

That is the same kind of theme it seems to have when it is in orb but usually in a much worse way.

I think your right about this from my experience in looking at a chart with a planet exactly right on the degree of it. Even Jupiter doesn’t fully make this positive in fact it doesn’t seem to offset this at all.

Thanks for your imput
slyscorpion said:
BlackJackal said:
This thread kinda makes me wonder... Is everyone who is born on 16th May pathological liar that gets violent when drunk?


Of course not a person would have to look at the entire chart of the individual born with Algol conjunct sun and also I am sure sometimes there is and has been other planets conjunct the sun and Algol as well on this date.

You would have to look at also what house the sun rules in the chart. To make a determination. This could mean a lot of things most of the time due to the vibration humanity is on right now it would not necessarily be good but it doesn’t mean the same thing all the time each person is different.

Also one would have to look into any aspects to the sun and what house it is in as well.

Generalizations that apply to everyone in the exact same way don’t exist in astrology because everyone is different so things manifest different in different people often.

My post was sarcastic if you haven't realized it.
slyscorpion said:
BlackJackal said:
This thread kinda makes me wonder... Is everyone who is born on 16th May pathological liar that gets violent when drunk?


Of course not a person would have to look at the entire chart of the individual born with Algol conjunct sun and also I am sure sometimes there is and has been other planets conjunct the sun and Algol as well on this date.

You would have to look at also what house the sun rules in the chart. To make a determination. This could mean a lot of things most of the time due to the vibration humanity is on right now it would not necessarily be good but it doesn’t mean the same thing all the time each person is different.

Also one would have to look into any aspects to the sun and what house it is in as well.

Generalizations that apply to everyone in the exact same way don’t exist in astrology because everyone is different so things manifest different in different people often.

My post was sarcastic if you haven't realized it.
Ok guys i cant believe i forgot about this but the reason i found JoS when reading about algol from a SS blog and he made some good points. im not going to copy and paste all of it because its too much.


The snake represents Kundalini and also it is an ancient symbol of healing, initiation and rebirth.
Such as the Ophiuchus, the “serpent-bearer”, constellation which is in connection with the Milky Way.
The serpents in Medusa’s(algol) hair connect her to the Ophiuchus constellation also known as the “medicine man”.
The word “medicine” comes from the same root as Medusa, the name of the sorceress Medea also comes from this root. The “blood” from Medusa’s left side was poisonous and the right side was used to heal.

The other name of Algol is “Demon Star”. The Arab word for alcohol means “the Demon”. Alcohol comes from the word Algol. The other word for alcohol is spirit. Another term for alcohol is Latin “aqua vitae” meaning “water life”…
We already know what these words mean and made the connections…

We also shouldn’t forget the fact that Algol is the second brightest star (Beta star) of the Perseus Constellation.
Algol is a star which gives out light. Some astrologers say that every celestial sign which gives out light or in other words transmits light helps us.
“It is time to redefine those light giving starts which are labelled as bad and evil just like Algol which manifests the basic natural feminine energies. The negative labelling of Algol suppresses energies and desires only to create and magnify fear.”

Murder is a common concept associated with Algol.
In a spiritual sense murder means the transformation of the inner energies and their elevation to a higher level (as death is not the end, only taking off the body-clothes when the soul enters a higher dimension).
Algol is in opposition with Scorpion which also represents passing away, transformation…

Algol is the face of the feminine most feared for her raw passion and power.
“She is the kundalini energy… the power of the feminine or the potential power of Mother Nature, not to be called evil for being strong.” Algol carries the collective rage for the suppression and repression of this power.

The jews FEAR the female energy. That’s why they also smeared Algol. You can see many of the astrologers – most of them are jews – even connect the effects of Algol to the holohoax and tries to emphasize their lie.
Many jewish astrologer and other idiot chrisitans depict the Algol as the star of mass murderes and serial killers and they love bringing the nazis as examples. Bad examples as the nazis weren’t serial killers…
Taurus said:
Eric13 said:
Do you relate to the description on the jos? How tight is the conjunction? It should be fairly close like within 1-2 degree orb for it to matter.

It’s a notoriously bad placement, but that doesn’t mean the negativity from it can’t be sublimated.

The spiritual sun square can help sort out a poorly placed sun as well as MUNKA workings to free the soul of the issues from this. The natal chart is a map of the soul. This conjunction reveals something karmic. So removing these karmic energies is something you should do.

Multiple workings over time may be needed to sort it out.
I believe its a 3° orb. It does apply though.
From what i remember the JoS page said it causes someone to be a patholgical liar and i was when i was a kid, but mostly my father(sun) is a HUGE liar, alchohlic aswell. Its in my 10th house conjunct sun, possibly my public reputation being effected?

I just wanted to know how else it could effect me, as of now, im totally fine.

The only other thing i know about it is it makes you unable to ignore pain in the world. Stuff like genocides, animal abuse, the sickest things of (((the world))) cant be ignored. So in a way i think this star will implement violence in your life in one way or another

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BlackJackal said:
This thread kinda makes me wonder... Is everyone who is born on 16th May pathological liar that gets violent when drunk?


You know Algol as a fixed Star blinks constantly and its light and energy emission changes because of that. That would be another factor on this not being the case all the time, on top of what Slyscorpion wrote.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
