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After November 10 - We Continue FRTR Until New Release

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.

Bump so that everyone sees this.
I'm in hate here, making the most of the rtr, I'm looking forward to the next more powerful attack.
The enemy has made gigantic missteps with their actions during this election. They cant recover from it anymore. Now is the time to push as hard as possible with the Final RTR so that we extend our victory even further. Every RTR that is done now will explosively speed up our victory and do great things for the world as a whole. Spam the RTR as much as you can.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

Can it be done on my phone? I don't know if my printer will work. If not, I will try to print it.
Can't wait for the next days.
Thanks to the great Clergy.
Hail Satan!

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.

Let's go, I can't wait to see what's new
Staying focused we shall. HAIL SATAN AND ALL DEMONS OF HELL
Good, good i am happy to see this, still it may be offtopic but ''biblically accurate angels'' is becoming a bit of a trend you know guys, where it show them for the ugly thoughtforms they are, we could use this chance to our advantage and spreading memes on jewtube, and yeah i made a post on internet batalion too.
Thanks To You HP and thanks to everyone involved in this daily war. The last days were really hard... I mean that I felt that the enemy raised a lot of negative energy and sometimes were hard to meditate and do the RTR’s!

Hail Satan!
Hail Amon Ra!
Send these alien-goblins to perdition -- HAIL VICTORY!
high priest, would rituals of race awakening and welfare and prosperity in the following days be useful?
Is this the announcement Maxine mentioned? I’m very curious/excited to see the effects of this one. Is the release dependent on starting the proper date or is it dependent on our success with the current RTR’s?

I eagerly await the update.
Fantastic news it's wonderful to see new rituals.

Last time things changed around the R-Shema was released and about 6-7 months later Final was released that was circa two years ago.

Hopefully sooner rather than later the kabalistic backing of the enemy is unplugged. I and some members have expressed desires in performing Earthly rituals like weather rituals to help especially considering we've done things in the past year to help the Earth like Amazon ritual or how some people are wanting to help Australia, I'm sure some of our Aussie members would appreciate it. Some of our other members want more 88(W)/99(B) race rituals as well to help unify the races in racial comradeship and avoid the shithole the jews are putting us in for several centuries now.

Unfortunately the enemy is still kicking and screaming and well we gotta do our part. Hopefully we aren't doing these current and coming rituals till 2025 like some members state. I'm not trying to be disrespectful but it seems a bit crazy spending so many years doing it. Especially when our rituals splash their entire backing. I could understand multiple-RTRs from 2014-2018 like we did but surprisingly the enemy collapsed a lot quicker than anticipated. So hopefully we don't have to spend years bombarding them.

Also HP.Cobra is this ritual a separate ritual like zero-hour: F-RTR, 1-hour:New ritual or does it compliment the F-RTR in both are done one after the other?

I'm assuming it's a separate ritual for warroom operations time separation.
HPS Maxine has said that there was something more powerful than the RTR's but that it is kept secret as the enemy would get hold of it. ( Best to keep 'that' secret, unless Satan says otherwise ). I just hope that it works. Success to it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.


Can't wait for our new arsenal to destroy those filthy creatures
Is it yule already :lol:
Hail Satan!
Yeah I noticed that we are making a lot of progress the energy of the enemy is not anywhere near as pervasive as it once was. This is great news. I assume this is the ritual Maxine was talking about with the Barrier. Everyone is really excited for that i believe and will probably do it a lot. I knew the enemy energy has to be down more to do this. I was a little impatient for awhile (as were some other people) with me mainly cause I wanted to do something different but I understand these things take time now. I also want the enemy gentiles to pay not all of them in death only the worst ones. The real way I want them to pay in is having their illusions pulled from their eyes. Realizing they were wrong and at this point they are the equivalent of spiritual garbage. This will be fun to watch for me personally. That was my real motivation in why I was impatient for this i cant wait for the enemy to pay. This will be interesting. It was said that without the bindings in peoples souls they couldn't believe in xtianity no matter what experience they had from the enemy. So this means many of them will at least realize its all a hoax (though if i remember right Hitler himself said to one of the Hps upon his return some will still believe in the enemy) Remove the barrier which i believe is these bindings it will be fun to watch them especially my family. I really dont have any sympathy for any them though that were strongly connected to the enemy and i am sure a lot of people here dont either. Maybe a few that are actually good people should not suffer but most of them are pure scum.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.


So There’s going to be a new ritual? I’m excited.
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.

Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.


Start by meditating first, and welcome.

Our SS warriors will be here to answer you and direct you shortly, since I am low on time right now.

Meditation and studying is mandatory for this path.

Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.


Welcome to the Joy of Satan.

As far as the RTRs are concerned they will do nothing but benefit a dedicated gentile as they free us from the curses of the enemy that originate in their torah. That is the reason why they are done by reciting specific paragraphs in reverse, to undo the curse placed upon the gentile humanity. The only reason why they would cause you harm is if your were of jewish blood or a hardcore zealot of the enemy programs of xianity and related. So long as you are not in any of those categories, you will only help yourself with RTRs by cleaning your soul from the enemy curses that bind us all and worse.

As for doing this the right way, below is the link to the FAQ thread.


And also remember to perform meditations daily to empower yourself and gain control of the powers of your mind.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be an update soon with an additional Ritual that will be extremely potent against the enemy. The basis will be the already flattening FRTR.

Until this is released [it may take a few days - we will not write exactly], we continue doing the Final RTR daily and without fail.

These are extremely crucial times. We have to do our part and what it is our duty to do.

We have been doing monumental progress. Stay strong and focused.


Yes lets finish the enemy we are getting closer to victory!!! My personal life is also getting more and more straightened out, due to the RTR I believe.
Also I feel very close again to the Gods in these hard times. Let's keep up the fight brothers and sisters, we will Triumph!!

Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.


Yeah read the JOS site at www.satanisgod.org there is more stuff on the Jews see the links on the front page there. Right now we are doing the final rtr the other ones are not being used right now at least (the ones where you vibrate Torah scriptures in reverse if that is what your talking about the final rtr is vibrating the hebrew letters in reverse) The final rtr can be found at www.evilgoy.com with the timer as to when you should start it if you can. Though you obviously can do it any time you want if you can't do it when the timer says all the time that is fine.

You want to be dedicated when you do the final rtr. Read over the JOS if your sure this is for you then you can dedicate and do the rtr. If your not sure this is for you for sure then its best to not do any of it at all or dedicate until your sure because the enemy won't forget you did it. We could use the help though as many people joining in as possible is great.

Good luck.
Necroconsecrator said:
New here, been reading threads on this forum and have been familiar with the JoyofSatan site for at least several years now. I know every fucking religion out there says there right, but the Spiritual Satanism that is preached on JoS makes the most sense to me.

I've been wanting to do some final RTR's. I just want to know how to go about it the right way. Can it backfire on me? Is there any repercussions? I've seen the links for chanting RTR's, it's basically torah scriptures in reverse if I'm not mistaken. I just want some advice on how to do this right. We know these are crucial times for obvious reasons, I want to join the spirtual war in taking down the jews(zog) I just want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I refuse to live in a Marxist socialist/communist state, I want to crush the jew controlled media. I feel that it's time to start doing my part. The freedom that America is known for was founded on satanic principles, it's time to uphold that.

Man, I loved what you wrote.

We were founded on Satanic principals in deed.

Our founders were Druids.

Oh and yes,

Keep a strong aura of protection, keep your aura clean...and go at it with the RTR's my friend!!!

Hell's yah!

P.S. Fuck Communism!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
