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Afghanistan And Taliban [Megathread] : Prepare For Another 2015 Europe "Crisis"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The mockery of a government in the United States is starting to have major ramifications for the global stability of both the United States and other Nations. Afghanistan is yet another victim of this.

For those who need to catch up with this, all you need to do is read the news. Of course, none of the news outlets that are jewish controlled are going to tell that their champion Joe Biden, has actually really FUCKED UP in the region. Because that would undermine their own narrative on the supreme skilled Joe vs "Idiotic Trump".

Now, the Taliban have literally taken Afghanistan over, because of US oversight in the region. As to why the USA is there in the first place, the claim was that this is because of local oil. The usual claim is being done whether or not there is any oil in the region that is invaded.

However, a large reason on why the US was there, was because apparently bullying every small Nation on the behest of Israel, was looked as a good idea in US external policy for decades. The US finds itself shoving it's nose [and sacrificing military like sacrificial lambs] for Israel's sacrifices and nonsense existence. The existence of Israel should concern nobody, and if anything, the West should abandon Israel in it's warmorgering fate, to continue agitating the locals, and leaving it to go extinct without any help.

But this won't happen anytime soon, because Israel makes sure to keep it's agents in every Nation, who progressively work to brainwash important decision taking posts, into supporting it. America here comes "first" when it comes to the useful idiot list that Israel will deploy when any problem arises for it.

The issue with having a weak or even senile president is that it brings a national life to a life and death situation. This case is even worse because there is not even any domestic war, but everything is slowly burning because of carelessness, wrong values, false priorities, and oversights. Even worse, this is occurring for the US, which still remains the world power.

Unfortunately, this has happened in the West many times over. Joe Biden is essentially senile and appears to really have a total lack of oversight in regards to what goes in any other place. He is busy all day trying to promote the Vaccine and just printing money, and promoting Socialism with just having open borders.

Effectively, this is going to upset and destroy the lives of millions of Americans, irrespective of creed or color. However, being senile and being part of a world power, also affects the lives of others.

Now that Afghanistan has fallen, Europe should be preparing for a second influx on refugees [both Afghani people] and other people, coming again like they did in 2015. Of course, Rabbi Shekelstein will reassure the worst of the bunch such as new batches of empty prisons are also let to roam in Europe.

At the same rate, psychopathic brats will keep pushing the "Vaccination" and "Climate Change" agenda [which is part of the liberal Biden Agenda], and of course, the Kalergi plan will keep being promoted inside Europe.

Of course, the new influx, won't need frivolous Co-Vid vaccines, or a QR code to walk freely and to be part of Europe. The rights of invaders in Europe and everywhere are undeniable. But for the Europeans I guess, you can't even go to the cafeteria.

Maybe because the Taliban will bomb you? Maybe because of the Co-Vid certificate? Both appear to be equally certain with these crackpots of leaders in Europe, and the crypto jews running it. Brace yourselves my fellows, the ride is going to get really rocky.

This new migrant "Crisis" will play along just about every other crisis, which makes one wonder: Did the Jew World Order, literally ignore Afghanistan on purpose, allow the bloodshed to happen, to create a domino chaos effect again in the Middle East and then into Europe?

At the same rate, let us also think of this: What if now China goes in, and supports the Taliban? They are apparently trying to set up an actual government in the region.

We will probably live to see Iraq and Iran situation all over again. Might we see that again?

Prior experience of tracking the political steps of these NWO criminals, only tells us that the answer is that: Yes, the chances are very high.

Syria was also caused because they did improper intervention. Now, after doing improper intervention, they allowed everything to destabilize in the region again. Apparently, the Afghani president has evacuated the Nation. The Jew World Order now has many "choices".

The Afghani president also asked for help from the United States, and as it appears, Joe Biden. But he didn't really give a damn, he probably forgot about 15 minutes later. Maybe he forgot even his name during them speaking on the phone? Who knows.

Between let's say the Mexican in the US that is 3 generations an American, and a random person just entering from a gang, the only answer of the modern neoliberal government is that these are equals and they need to be forced to live in the same place.

The reality is starting to show, that the so called "Neoliberal" values, are only creating bloodshed and war, but also injustice, be this from oversight, or injustices, or because they can't comprehend basic reality.

In fact, anything that made these values appealing at all, is eclipsing from the United States, exactly over the pretext of that these values are supposedly "applied".

At this rate, the current Government of the United States in a nutshell is this:

The only dialectic of this now is:

1. Mix up the races cause muh whites, while jews created all the issues.
2. Allow anyone to come in and put him above any American citizen.
3. Loosen all laws and regulations, promote strange sexual norms, nonsense and just generally social decay.
4. Let everything that is American die such as American values, Constitution amandments and so on.
5. Become a Soviet Vaccine dystopia with hoaxes like Co-Vid to rape the freedoms of people ad nauseum.
6. Use secret services and any important aspect of the country for nonsense bullshit.
7. Print money to kill the dollar, while exponentially taxing people on a currency the government itself is pulling the trigger on.
8. Get everything to China and stop native manufacturing, severing American independence.
9. Lip serivce all the different minorities in the US, while you kill them all by essentially destroying the United States and it's cultural and physical foundations that kept it all together until now.
10. Extinct Whites while you are at it because Jews said so and I guess it's fun to do if you are a jew, because they are Amalek and they are ancient enemies from the Bible.
11. Extinct the military and make it a weak fucking mockery that can't even win a war in desolate weak countries, and make sure you disengage it so suddenly that natives die.
12. Make sure you fuck any semblance of freedom of speech or anything globally, by giving the wrong example to all other Nations.
13. Under Neoliberalism, the most major censorship purge in recent human history has happened, comparable only to China, based on the hoax of overblowing a "pandemic" as threatening as the seasonal flu: that of Co-Vid.

We could go on and on. What is for certain is that this weakness is breeding disaster to our world and global community, and we need to turn around our values and approach if we want to live in a strong balanced war of peace.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Not saying the communists are completely without fault, but how do you fuck this up that bad? Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan(or still india) all functional societies. The list goes on.

The 1970's before Jewish ran Masonic intelligence agencies ran Afghanistan amok;




Many more pictures here; https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/afghanistan-in-the-1970s?page=2&phrase=afghanistan%20in%20the%201970s&sort=mostpopular

As long as Uncle Sam has some rat squeeking in his ear we will always have a problem. Time to take care of it. They have been doing the same problem reaction solution shit for decades along with the trojan horse type genocide against whites.

Race awakening anyone?
StraitShot47 said:
Not saying the communists are completely without fault, but how do you fuck this up that bad? Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan(or still india) all functional societies. The list goes on.

Afhganistan, Iran, Pakistan and many other places, so long they were left at peace, they were slowly adopting the good fruits of the Western lifestyle. You can see this in pictures.

This however would advance their civilizations, and therefore make the position of jews very difficult. So they used terrorism, enforcement of Islamic norms, and even using the US to destabilize the region, to turn these people back into prior level of development and therefore weakness, to where they don't constitute a danger to jews.

This would actually also empower the Real America, because people would really want to be "part of it" culturally, sort of like the Roman Empire. Jews couldn't allow this to happen of course, since their interests are opposed to American interests at the core.

In fact, all of this is the Communist subversion of the United States, manifested on the meta social and political level. Because of too much Communism, the projection of the America as the land of opportunity, progress, and being something inspiring to the world, has been ceasing steadily and in accelerating fashion. This is because the more the Communism, the less the appeal, and the less the beauty of a Nation.

These levels go into decades, and infecting one, can take 10 years to transfer to the next level. For example, most kids at school have been taught copious Marxism. Then, these children went to the Military, and had 10 years more of having their brains fogged with more Marxism.

Eventually, this bled over to popular opinion, society, and now it's reaching the critical stages where this is going into the Military etc.

Whether or not this potent neurotoxin of Communism will be kicked out, is something we might see in the future. The reason the jews love to cause so much divide and confusion in the US, is because, primarily, nobody's interest is this neurotoxin of Communism.

So even in an environment of many different races, people could combine their ideological might to crush Marxism and Communism, and return to a semblance of normal.

Communism is actually the Jew incarnate as political ideology, but the neurotoxin itself being defeated, would delay jews a considerable deal. With that being stated, Communism is to be fought as tooth and nail as the jew.
Shadowcat said:
Race awakening anyone?

We are going to do a heavier and stronger alteration of the Race Awakening Ritual, very soon. It will be stronger than before.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Race awakening anyone?

We are going to do a heavier and stronger alteration of the Race Awakening Ritual, very soon. It will be stronger than before.

YES! My Gods that gets my martian energy going! I cannot wait.
Amalek is tired of shekelsteins shit!
Deluded people think 'liberal Afghans will come here' - hahahaahha! More than likely it will be the Taliban themselves...

Social media is awash with support for them as well. This inches everything closer to the Houellebecq Eurabia nightmare. The enemy's pattern of problem reaction solution is crazy.
Karnonnos said:
Deluded people think 'liberal Afghans will come here' - hahahaahha! More than likely it will be the Taliban themselves...

Social media is awash with support for them as well. This inches everything closer to the Houellebecq Eurabia nightmare. The enemy's pattern of problem reaction solution is crazy.

The first batch of people that will come, will probably be richer and a bit better off, because they were the ones that could move immediately. They are actually already arriving in Europe and Greece as we speak right now. Turkey is also going to experience a major influx of this.

The next batches, will probably be Taliban, closeted militants and of course, randoms from other places who exploited the chance to come in.

The only solution for Europe now is to legitimately shut down borders immediately. This whole senile thing, may actually take a war so that people get their homeland back to live in. Millions will pay the price of this mistake, and many are going to die, and millions will lose their livelihoods worldwide because of this senile sitting US president.

An influx of 3 million Afghanis, if we are to add the rest that will come and claim to be Afghani, will probably reach figures of 10 million displaced individuals. These people will also be declared stateless, if the Taliban literally take over the Afghani government. Then, the regular Afghanis will be at the mercy of people.

This crisis might reach 2015 levels. The jew media won't admit it, but this is worse than that. I think that if this is allowed to fly even further, the Taliban may legitimately make a Government there, and then if China backs that up?

Pandora's box is legitimately opened because of senile Biden.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Race awakening anyone?

We are going to do a heavier and stronger alteration of the Race Awakening Ritual, very soon. It will be stronger than before.

This has just immediately lifted my spirits.
Resources on the matter :arrow:

Watch: 100s Of US Citizens Scramble Aboard C-17 As Taliban Ready To Declare "Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan"


Afghanistan: The Greater of Two Evils Has Fallen.


Kabul falls to the taliban as Biden hides from the public in disgrace.


You must take more refugees goyim!
tabby said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Race awakening anyone?

We are going to do a heavier and stronger alteration of the Race Awakening Ritual, very soon. It will be stronger than before.

This has just immediately lifted my spirits.

Ikr :D
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

When you say the US promotes strange sexual norms do you mean going ot the bar meeting a stranger going to their home having unprotected sex, leaving before the other wakes up and getting an abortion?

Look at NAMBLA and you will understand what I mean really well. Or how they are promoting now the sexualizing of very young kids and dressing them like drag queens. That is psychologically way before the time where sexual urges or sexual nature has been created psychologically inside the human being.

No, going to a bar doesn't look all that much of a strange things for many people.

Now, getting knocked up by literal strangers, is however, fairly irresponsible.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

You must take more refugees goyim!

All Afghanis need to go to Israel, because Israel is our friend and the Democracy in the Middle East, and I am sure they would love to take around 20 million Afghanis in there. All of Biden's cabinet is actually literally Israeli.

But wait Israel has a wall and won't even take 10 people in of course, because it belongs to Jews. Whatever, send them to Sweden or you aren't a True Swede, goy.
The Middle East may be about to erupt.

But President Senile was at least woke enough to finally muster all the powers of the State and CIA and FBI, to go after jackie down the block, 21, working class American, for being White and writing in twitter "shit, I just wanna live in this country my ancestors built and not die. I mean I love anyone else but I need to live too".

You can't of course utilize these units to, I don't know, maybe make an inspection on the fucking actual Taliban?

But who has time for that shit? All our time is like invested here in stopping the less than the flu virus, printing money with the printer, and just putting random people based on color of skin in the agencies, so we can say we are equal and stuff. Doesn't matter if they can run the agencies or not, who the fuck cares?

We only care about the liberal meme at this point.

Now this be some real smart usage of powers of the state goyim, it's for your security from the evil Kobe-Bryant19 and evil Whitey Devil.

Meanwhile every American in Kabul and in Afghanistan may actually be dead or something if they are surrounded by the Taliban, and they are ready to annex the American Embassy, because the State Department was busy masturbating in their offices all day long to portraits of Joe Biden, but at least it's not a racist state department goy, so it's woke.

It's ok I guess if America or the world goes down, at least, we were woke while we were at it. Oy veyyyyyy, shieeeeeet, on a National level tier.
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

When you say the US promotes strange sexual norms do you mean going ot the bar meeting a stranger going to their home having unprotected sex, leaving before the other wakes up and getting an abortion?

Absolutely not. We stand against things like Lesbian "Men", Gay "Women", or people who define their personality based on sexual orientation and gender "ideas". Obviously we stand opposed to pedophilia.

A woman who aborts a fetus after a one night stand is her decision and neither good or bad. Should the "father" be consulted in this situation? Yes, but ultimately it rests on the woman.
Can't wait for the new awakening ritual!

Hail Satan!
here's some american based youtube channels that cover a bunch of american political news which is usually pretty spot on with no underlying agenda, just posting for those who do not live in america and don't know a place to get info, also you can find a lot of news outlets through watching them, one that comes off the top of my head is https://www.thegatewaypundit.com

Mr obvious https://www.youtube.com/c/MROBVIOUS

The salty cracker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8c-i0G5ySY3giqIQepEjcQ

liberal hivemind https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIr4vkCsn0tdTW2xZ1jRG1g

styxhexenhammer666 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rZoXAD5lxgBHMsjrGwWWQ
StraitShot47 said:
Not saying the communists are completely without fault, but how do you fuck this up that bad? Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan(or still india) all functional societies. The list goes on.

The 1970's before Jewish ran Masonic intelligence agencies ran Afghanistan amok;




Many more pictures here; https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/afghanistan-in-the-1970s?page=2&phrase=afghanistan%20in%20the%201970s&sort=mostpopular

there's no way you can fuck up this hard unless its on purpose.
The Talibans seem much more civilized than the media present them to be, they are nothing compared to the so called Syrian Rebels, Islamic State and the like... They are not killing any civilians or anything like that, and they took over Kabul without a fight... The people on the street cheered as the Talibans entered... It just looks like another media hoax and propaganda, especially when you compare it to the 'Syrian Rebels' who were massacring the civil population of Syria, torturing and executing prisoners and the media was silent about it. And now they are in hysteria about the Talibans, who are not doing anything like this.

Because of the 10+ billion dollars gas line project from Turkmenistan to Pakistan, and India via Afghanistan, the economical situation of Afghanistan and its population might even improve...

So I don't see any reasons for an immigration crisis, however this does not mean that it won't happen - it means that if it happens, the Taliban takeover won't be the actual cause of it, the media will use it only as an excuse. Like with the so called 'Syrian Refugees', more than 90% of them were neither Syrian, nor refugees, the whole immigration crisis was organized and paid by the Soros NGO's.
Turkey is also effected by refugee crisis because of taliban in first place. Our (((goverment))) doesn't close the eastern borders against them and they do it on purpose. Our families, our friends, our women, most importantly, our race is in danger from syrian and afghan vagabonds. (((Something))) is trying to change demographic structure of our country.

Otherwise we are thinking about these refugees will use on civil war for (((sharia))) against us in future days. I hope it will never happen. Turkey is not islamic state or center of a civil war. We don't deserve that.
I think its a jewish plan to invade iran using an islamic "sunnie" opponent against the "shia" iran.
I still could not believe when i saw the news like wtf, i wonder how much time they would be under taliban rulership because it's scary to think that it will become a land where women will prob be slave wifes to their soldiers and be seen as a second class citizen, no, even worse i think.
And of course cucks like CCN will prob do something like ''taliban fighters responsibly wearing mask during attacks" off course:
https://babylonbee.com/news/cnn-praises-taliban-for-wearing-masks-during-attack/ (a joke of course).
It would be interesting to hear HP Cobra 666's opinion on how this situation with the Taliban will affect Russia - the Russian leadership has supported the Taliban, and hosted their delegation in Moscow. And besides - the Russian embassy in Afghanistan is the only one that was not evacuated because the Taliban said they would not be touched. Nevertheless, Russian citizens are very concerned about the situation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Middle East may be about to erupt.

But President Senile was at least woke enough to finally muster all the powers of the State and CIA and FBI, to go after jackie down the block, 21, working class American, for being White and writing in twitter "shit, I just wanna live in this country my ancestors built and not die. I mean I love anyone else but I need to live too".

This whole thing is actually absurd. Literal terrorist organization, funded and created by Jews, about to form a legitimate government because the one single time military intervention was warranted and extremely necessary the senile piece of dogshit America happens to be stuck with as president was too senile to act and prevent this insane tragedy with global consequences.

Wtf is this shit even? How the duck is this allowed, and why isn’t this a bigger deal than it is?

Rhetorical questions mostly, but this shit should be of global concern, especially in the west, yet everyone is so baffled and sedated by all the other insane shit going on, nobody seems to care or even notice.

This sort of event calls for immediate global U.N. Intervention as the lives of over a dozen million people are at stake, and potentially hundreds of millions with how the entire Middle East is about to collapse entirely.

Why even have these agencies and alliances when they are ignored during critical moments because there is some disgusting NWO that tries to superimpose itself on all of the existing leadership, alliances and global accords governments of the world shook hands on in the past 100 or so years.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Race awakening anyone?

We are going to do a heavier and stronger alteration of the Race Awakening Ritual, very soon. It will be stronger than before.

That sounds great! :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Okay, What we can do right now for help? Can we stop this fucking idiots I suposse that they start to popular islam it is can be like second igil and soon the can attack our counrties and our religion. What we should to do? This so serious
The brainwashing in the news has already started. There are videos going around all day long, of people climbing onto airplanes about to lift off. And then falling to their deaths. Interesting fact is that you can clearly see that some are jewish. Other people you can't really tell but one thing is certain - they are adult men... Soldiers maybe? Who knows? Where are the children? Where are the women? It's all orchestrated, all part of the big plan, in the meantime Portugal already offered assistance. We are open for a new invasion.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
The Talibans seem much more civilized than the media present them to be, they are nothing compared to the so called Syrian Rebels, Islamic State and the like... They are not killing any civilians or anything like that, and they took over Kabul without a fight... The people on the street cheered as the Talibans entered... It just looks like another media hoax and propaganda, especially when you compare it to the 'Syrian Rebels' who were massacring the civil population of Syria, torturing and executing prisoners and the media was silent about it. And now they are in hysteria about the Talibans, who are not doing anything like this.

Because of the 10+ billion dollars gas line project from Turkmenistan to Pakistan, and India via Afghanistan, the economical situation of Afghanistan and its population might even improve...

So I don't see any reasons for an immigration crisis, however this does not mean that it won't happen - it means that if it happens, the Taliban takeover won't be the actual cause of it, the media will use it only as an excuse. Like with the so called 'Syrian Refugees', more than 90% of them were neither Syrian, nor refugees, the whole immigration crisis was organized and paid by the Soros NGO's.

They are terrorists and full on Islamic freaks, but whatever, at least they are "cultured" ones, they cut heads only with the machete, and not with knives.

In the end of the day it's the same, now the pandora's box is open. In fact, the situation in Afghanistan may have improved if there was peace, now there may not even be a manifestation of the gas line at all. This seriously impeded Afghanistan, which I don't doubt, is Israeli work. They might cite instability in the region, and nobody might want to invest.

Cohencidentally, after the situation with Syria calmed down and Assad imposed order, or when the problem was starting to be less, suddenly the Taliban literally fuck everything up in the region.

Basically, they are terrorists. But since terrorism is a vague word at this point, I would not doubt that Israel or even the State Department allowed this to happen to control the region or to toy with the Taliban. Also, the Taliban meme has been created by Israel as early for decades as you know, same as the group.

The reason the media is kvetching is because they want the US to intervene and get into yet another losing war, but Israel is also alarmed that the sleeping giant of the US might also fail to protect their sorry ass in the levant.

But in the end of the day these Taliban may also act as their own individual control group, and in this manner, I don't see a reason why they shouldn't go in alliance with Russia or China instead.

Afghanistan has 40 million population, and it's said that already 3 million have evacuated. Yes, there will be influx, towards all Nations. The numbers are just huge. Also, the Taliban will probably displace and abuse quite a few people, and Europe will pay the bill again. It's Syria 2.0, just with different definitions.
Siavash said:
What will happen to Iran?

The situation is rather worrisome for Iran, but I don't think Afghanistan will now be stabilized. Yet if somehow it stabilizes, Israel may agitate Afghanistan or use shills and proxies to attack Iran, or try to somehow invest the two countries in war, but not for anytime soon. Iran also seems more than capable of defending itself fully from Afghanistan.
Young girls are being raped by Jewish Taliban. Before giving a damn about emigration to europe, I announce my extreme fury anf empathy for the Afghanistans. For Satan's sake !!
StyleCoin said:
Are millions of Europeans and Americans going to die because of this?

If a migrant wave occurs like 2015, then yes.

Americans will die if America decides to engage [and many are trapped in Afghanistan right now as it is], and Europeans are going to die progressively with the usual Kalergi plan, invasion, and other things that will be facilitated from this event.

Many Afghanis are also definitely going to die during this period of destabilization, because many don't support and hate the Taliban, so having civil war there and the government crushing innocents is also highly likely to occur, despite of what the Taliban say to the public and pretending to be good guys.
From reading around the reports, it appears, the people themselves and the military just allowed the Taliban to literally take over, because they were being disappointed with their current president.

Not that this changes anything but the US and the rest of this. It makes the fuck up look even more monumental.

At this point Biden should resign. The head of the US military was busy trying to whitewash himself of "White Sin" and I don't know, decorating his office with GBLTQAI+ flags, and they literally lost all of Afghanistan while they were doing that.

These people are either on drugs, or insane, but they are very threatening to the whole safety of the both native people like the Middle East, and the West too.
Siavash said:
What will happen to Iran?

I think the jews who rule america made a deal with the taliban that they must attack iran if they want to keep thier feet in the afghani gov and parliman. Thats my personal analysis.
Everyone please share any sources you have, because there are lots of lies and coverups online. Apparently, the Taliban were left alone to literally take over and invade the Government, and not even the military posed any resistance. This means that we are not told the whole truth.

They might be what they are, but for this to happen, people must have been extremely fed up with the previous government.

Now also, this might facilitate finally the move of the US troops away from this place. We will see as it unfolds.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StyleCoin said:
Are millions of Europeans and Americans going to die because of this?

If a migrant wave occurs like 2015, then yes.

Americans will die if America decides to engage [and many are trapped in Afghanistan right now as it is], and Europeans are going to die progressively with the usual Kalergi plan, invasion, and other things that will be facilitated from this event.

Many Afghanis are also definitely going to die during this period of destabilization, because many don't support and hate the Taliban, so having civil war there and the government crushing innocents is also highly likely to occur, despite of what the Taliban say to the public and pretending to be good guys.

If biden resigns, who will take over as president?
The Jews are pushing their agenda with full force, we have to be strong amidst the chaos.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
