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Advice Regarding Work/Life?


Jul 23, 2018
I am seeking advice here in regards to my current work/life predicament.

Like many following the current societal constructs of 40hr+ weeks, I have hit a place where I feel only suffering. I am going to university pursuing a degree in computer science. My past job experience is not much other than customer service. I recently changed jobs into a better paying role at a software company with the intention of moving into an engineering role once I have more experience/finish my degree. However, the position I am in now is still a customer service role, but worse than my previous job as this position is basically the role of a call center for the software.

I absolutely dread coming to work, and will stress upon the thought the night before, and every day. I am looking into doing some sort of work-from-home freelance things, or really any role where I am no longer in direct line of customers (like being a web evaluator or map analyst.) That path would take a while to build up profitable skills, or steady workflow, as you could say my current cs portfolio is basically none.

Would there be any sort of meditations out there to lessen the emotional/mental strain I currently feel? Or certain workings that would aide in bringing about a more desired role than the one I currently work?

Advice in general upon anything here would be helpful and greatly appreciated.


I would also like to mention, like many, my primary goal is that of pursuing the spiritual path and arising to new heights, free of many of the things that currently restrain me from flourishing. Is there such a thought that after raising beyond a certain level, concerns like current jobs, monetary flow, etc, will no longer be a concern? Like achieving our ideal form of work that allows us instead to focus more on our advancement rather than procuring all the necessities in order to physically survive?

Thank you in advance.
Void meditation, use it to ignore those feelings you have.
As for working from home you can check out Appen and lionbridge.

As for your last question, it's a whole new discussion, it's not about advancing and have money fall from the sky, it's about being smart with your money and investing it wisely so that it will make other money.
I've just been gifted the book:" The richest man in Babylon" and I believe it could help you out to understand, you can find it easily for free online. (libgen.is - open it with tor if the link doesn't work on a normal browser.)
Cyn666 said:
I am seeking advice here in regards to my current work/life predicament.

Like many following the current societal constructs of 40hr+ weeks, I have hit a place where I feel only suffering. I am going to university pursuing a degree in computer science. My past job experience is not much other than customer service. I recently changed jobs into a better paying role at a software company with the intention of moving into an engineering role once I have more experience/finish my degree. However, the position I am in now is still a customer service role, but worse than my previous job as this position is basically the role of a call center for the software.

I absolutely dread coming to work, and will stress upon the thought the night before, and every day. I am looking into doing some sort of work-from-home freelance things, or really any role where I am no longer in direct line of customers (like being a web evaluator or map analyst.) That path would take a while to build up profitable skills, or steady workflow, as you could say my current cs portfolio is basically none.

Would there be any sort of meditations out there to lessen the emotional/mental strain I currently feel? Or certain workings that would aide in bringing about a more desired role than the one I currently work?

Advice in general upon anything here would be helpful and greatly appreciated.


I would also like to mention, like many, my primary goal is that of pursuing the spiritual path and arising to new heights, free of many of the things that currently restrain me from flourishing. Is there such a thought that after raising beyond a certain level, concerns like current jobs, monetary flow, etc, will no longer be a concern? Like achieving our ideal form of work that allows us instead to focus more on our advancement rather than procuring all the necessities in order to physically survive?

Thank you in advance.

Runes like Nauthiz for increasing resilience or endurance. Eihwaz or aum yamaya svaha/nama, which are plutonian and can affect transformation. You can use both together, for example, to change yourself to not mind daily chores or Jew-world work.
Sowilo or surya for increasing health, willpower, and/or productivity so you don't get drained as easily. The sun is now in a position for a square for about a month now.

Void for increasing emotional regulation and willpower capacity. Pairs well with these runes, of course.

Any sort of wealth working will help. Fehu or gebo can both be used to secure promotions, for example.


Yes of course, one should do as much as they can to expedite their advancement. This can be through changes upon the material world, or personal changes to reduce strain, like you are thinking of.

As far as I understand, the customer service/IT help desk role is the beginning level for CS work. From there, you will be able to move up, provided the job has made it clear you can. Usually, you have to show initiation in this case.
Hey sorry to hear that friend, i would also recommend practicing void meditation as well as making sure your aura is cleaned and your thoughts are positive so that you dont bring even more negative into your life. Remember since you SS the energy of your thoughts and emotions are stronger, so its important to keep them positive.
Personally, i would try a spiritual sun square with the intent to really strengthen positive energy within you and to have a positive outlook as well as to attract great things and ensure success. Just remember to keep yourself clean, have positive thoughts, and do void meditation and i would strongly recommend a sun square.
As for work, look into your local school district, they are all hiring right now and they tend to have pretty decent jobs, especially in the tech field. Low stress, not long hours, decent pay. Just an idea. Good luck SS!
Absolutely understand you.

The job of a heart is a problem of many in the JWO. Jews made it hard for a Gentile to express. Many might ask why it is connected to the Health forum. I can tell them: it does. Energy stagnation and grief because inability to self-express is very connected to health problems. Other problem is kikes force talented Gentiles especially in your sphere, to serve their interests. Scientists went through this: they force us to spy on people, collect data, create tech to collect it and betray our nation. I knew a girl who was invited to work at secret FSB laboratory, and they told her she will never be able to travel, all her home tech will be monitored, all her loved ones will be spied on for life - she will not have a life anymore if she accepts the offer. She refused, and as a result had to work at non-scientific job ending up in your situation, because between happiness and freedom she chose the second.

I used Berkana to free my career sphere when I had to go through a lot of obstacles, lack of special skills, need to find special way etc. It is about growth through difficulties and it is very soft in nature, it should be directed into easing your way in career where you want it to lie instead of others forcing you into what they want to use you for.

Mercury mantra can be used for study but not so in a way to get social success or acceptance in some specific institution, but in a way of actual understanding of your subject, and very deep one. Very good for sciences.

Jupiter mantra is for the first - it can be used to successfully graduate and have general success and opportunity in universities and after - doctor degree etc.

Sun mantra - for success in getting money.

For endurance and mind release - a lot of yoga and void.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
