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Advertising - Internet Warfare - Bi-Weekly Target Group

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Joy of Satan has the most important information and knowledge for the future of mankind. There is nowhere else that will ever come close to the extent of Truth and Power given and shared freely by the Joy of Satan.

Years ago people thought this wasn't really that serious or that this was a joke, or that at least, serious negative karma for this world would be avoided just by shoving one's head in one's ass.

For example, when people spoke of the NWO, people were like "yeah okay its going happen sometime", but now, it's actually happening. Head up in one's own rear is a postponing we no longer have the luxury to do.

Their recent plans have been exposed by millions worldwide, possibly hundreds of millions, and they were stalled, or didn't come full fruition. How? By dissemination of information.

The enemy is preparing round 2 over this. It's going to happen. They used this as an opportunity since 2017 to get better at censorship, intimidation tactics, and tracking down things in social media and so on.

We have to adapt and keep pushing this front also. This has done the enemy a most severe damage, almost as severe as the spiritual damage. These two go hand in hand.

Our enemy has a monopoly on inputs on the human mind, on information, and on projections. We on the other hand, are restrained by the reality of the curious minds that make their own research. These people are precious, but remain a minority.

But not everyone has the time, conditions and so on, to learn. Yet many people out there aren't unworthy to be here, neither non deserving to be here; rather, their issues have to do with time, and mere exposure of information.

Our rituals and help do work powerfully, everything we do. Yet, the real way to manifest them is also affected physically. Part of this is to manifest the spread of this power by showing off it's existence, and directing people here.

Spiritual and Internet warfare is vital for us and the forum, JoS, but above all, future of this planet and people living in it. This is not understood fully yet by many, but as time goes, just ask yourself, where would we be now if x100 more people knew about the JoS 10 or 15 years ago? We would be living in a different world.

The beliefs, accepted and otherwise, let alone the "Normal beliefs" of mankind, are decided a lot by whom controls the media, or the influx of information. The enemy, through this, was able to control people and their perception of reality. The wisest person and the most psychic person in the Middle Ages, may have never had access to anything spiritual - they would be lost.

The JoS exists and is now, for a rare occasion, manifest into this planet, to change this.

On our end [and I mean on an administrative level] we are trying everything within ability to promote the site. This includes advertising efforts, funding and so on. The reality is however this: nobody of the major advertisers, is willing to put the JoS up to promote anything.

If we could get Youtube Ads, or Facebook Ads, we would be inconceivably further than today. Even other medium scale advertisers, will deny access and/or block. Even porn websites or big scams will get treated better. But this is the world we have to work with.

While we have other things we utilize here, and popular interest is rising, we need to push it on our own.

We only have each other here to do this. Everything else comes at extra.

For those who do this, yes, the Gods are really aware of this kind of work. This is imperative. This is the formulation of public opinion. This is very important and a manifestor of the spiritual warfare we do. The enemy does the same.

Instructions have been written before and others may be able to post these here as replies [would be thankful if people did].

Now, we have to be organized on Internet Warfare. The enemy has a full blown department of public opinion control, news and media apparatus, and censorship is becoming rampant. We need to have something like this of our own, and to disseminate our own information. Any platform should be acceptable.

In order to make this happen, from now on, we will have a bi-weekly [15 days duration] target, that we will zerg in order to advertise the JoS. This can be from replies, to links etc. All we willl have to do, is make accounts and get in there.

This should be perceived as Satanic Duty, and everyone must do it for sometime per day. You do unimaginable damage when you do this to the enemy, because this is like we are manifesting physically the power of the message, and carrying it to people. In conjunction to Spiritual Warfare, this progressively has massive manifestations.

Soon this week, you will see up on the forums and announcement with the target for until the end of the month. It's pretty easy. We make an account, and we just go into these platforms, leave replies, instructional replies, links, sermons, posts and so on.

I and everyone else is going to be present and doing things, as anyone should. It's pretty easy as is anyway.

In the future, there may be some form of rewards for participants in the two modes of warfare, besides the obvious that the Gods are REALLY fond of people who do these things. This earns their care and respect, because one is effectively spreading the knowledge of the Gods [and therefore opening up a connection] between their world and ours.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am definately down for this just name the platform. I will spread what I can. I had a time when I did this relentlessly on gab and got mostly bad feedback esp from the NS xtian crowd. They consider anyone claiming to fight for Satan a jew..fucktards. im working alot less hours lately thankfully.
Shadowcat said:
I am definately down for this just name the platform. I will spread what I can. I had a time when I did this relentlessly on gab and got mostly bad feedback esp from the NS xtian crowd. They consider anyone claiming to fight for Satan a jew..fucktards. im working alot less hours lately thankfully.

We should not care that much about these reactions. Yes, I encountered the same oftentimes before. It's unavoidable and a result of brainwashing and enemy programming. They just react with this. Some will move past the reaction, some won't.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I am definately down for this just name the platform. I will spread what I can. I had a time when I did this relentlessly on gab and got mostly bad feedback esp from the NS xtian crowd. They consider anyone claiming to fight for Satan a jew..fucktards. im working alot less hours lately thankfully.

We should not care that much about these reactions. Yes, I encountered the same oftentimes before. It's unavoidable and a result of brainwashing and enemy programming. They just react with this. Some will move past the reaction, some won't.

I realized that pretty quick. What slowed me down ultimately was that there were only so many who would see it and the connection is bad when uploading and replying. Someone got arrested for posting anti Semitic stuff on gab so thrn I started laying low. I always used my VPN and advise others to do the same if they wanna go for this.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I am definately down for this just name the platform. I will spread what I can. I had a time when I did this relentlessly on gab and got mostly bad feedback esp from the NS xtian crowd. They consider anyone claiming to fight for Satan a jew..fucktards. im working alot less hours lately thankfully.

We should not care that much about these reactions. Yes, I encountered the same oftentimes before. It's unavoidable and a result of brainwashing and enemy programming. They just react with this. Some will move past the reaction, some won't.

I realized that pretty quick. What slowed me down ultimately was that there were only so many who would see it and the connection is bad when uploading and replying. Someone got arrested for posting anti Semitic stuff on gab so thrn I started laying low. I always used my VPN and advise others to do the same if they wanna go for this.

These should be treated like "Social Media" ie, care is needed for posting anything. No radical, illegal or strange things should be posted, rather, just informative links and so on.

There will be instructions for this. Generally, Tor or VPN should suffice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We should not care that much about these reactions. Yes, I encountered the same oftentimes before. It's unavoidable and a result of brainwashing and enemy programming. They just react with this. Some will move past the reaction, some won't.

I realized that pretty quick. What slowed me down ultimately was that there were only so many who would see it and the connection is bad when uploading and replying. Someone got arrested for posting anti Semitic stuff on gab so thrn I started laying low. I always used my VPN and advise others to do the same if they wanna go for this.

These should be treated like "Social Media" ie, care is needed for posting anything. No radical, illegal or strange things should be posted, rather, just informative links and so on.

There will be instructions for this. Generally, Tor or VPN should suffice.

Sounds good to me. Proton vpn works pretty good for me personally for those looking for a good one. I hear nord vpn is good too
Alright! Let's go! I've been waiting for this. You leading this will make our efforts way more successful than that dumb twitter group I joined years ago that turned out to be useless and a front for an infiltrator and a control freak to try to "tAkE bAcK" (take over) the JoS.

This should be fun.
Shadowcat said:
I am definately down for this just name the platform. I will spread what I can. I had a time when I did this relentlessly on gab and got mostly bad feedback esp from the NS xtian crowd. They consider anyone claiming to fight for Satan a jew..fucktards. im working alot less hours lately thankfully.

It's best to ignore when people sperg out. Unless there is a legit question, whether asked in a rude way or not, then there's no point in wasting time arguing with the brainwashed. Sometimes it can be a jew purposedly trying to waste time as well.
Everytime I see someone post a joke/meme about Satan that shows him in a negative way I try to lead people here to read about him.

I see one problem. Some people are too brainwashed and they are afraid of Satan. When they see His name that either disable their brains or just stop reading. Another problem is that many people can't concentrate longer than a duration of a TikTok video, texts bigger than a typical meme is a turn off for them. Masses are in a very bad condition, but we still have to try waking them app.

Maybe make something like a text game that will slowly introduce people to Satan? Raising important questions and slowly leading to common sense and then sends the link to our website? This can be actually used for a massive advertisement on FB and YouTube as it won't instantly trigger their algorithms and we may attract more people.
Truth should be dosaged individually.
Good thing I have both Tor and a VPN.

My main focus is spiritual warfare, but if I have time to do this, I've got no reason not to join.

Hail Satan
I'm in. This is very good, promoting JoS as a team. I did some Internet Warfare with some success (success as in planting seeds into the minds of people) before.
It is extremely important to pick and choose how we reply or respond to people on Internet/social media platforms. How we reply or what we reply with, makes people curious to know more or completely dismiss what we say. We have to be smart. Sometimes silence(no response) is the best response, making curious people more curious. Oh and arguing with idiots is a waste of time.
Clerical-Commander Cobra handles business quick. I come on here to Russell some feathers, as the Chinese double Dragon sign, and when I stir the pot things move forward. Next time I will use more tact and cordiality, but there shouldn’t be a next time. I have been doing this on gab, xephula, brighton, Russian vk.com and OK.ru., and minds. I cant access polar because I experience a captcha glitch. Xephula snd Brighton are sensitive to hate. Brighton requires you to mark stuff as sensitive #nsfw

This is how I handle my business. I wrote Anglo’s Axiom PDF alone. Did the poetry. I updated the Merkaba on Joy of Satan: Spirits of Eridu and the Hitler’s death section on the BlackSun666, making a reference to Anglos Axiom PDF. I made a PDF out of blacks for Satan and the Turkish website our friend created. The Russian sites work for Turkish and Arabic. I also repaired the fragmented how to recognize and identify a Jew in Russian. Things have been eliminated and consolidated to get to the point for people who don’t have a lot of time or energy for a massive library and might get overwhelmed.

Wahrheit — Verdad — Правда  —  الحقيقة  —  Hakikat

#StopTheSteal #RevisionistHistory #RedDawnEMP #Occult #Archeology #NWO #Illuminati #Coronavirus #MAGA #AI #Tech #CancerCure #AIDs #KGB #Subversion #Freemasonry #Theology #Mythology #Banking #QAnon #Globalism #Zionism #Kabbalah #FEMAcamps #Conservative #Nationalism #BankingCabal #PoliticalScience #Cartel #ControlledOpposition #Research #ScholarlyConversation #ET #UFO #WW1 #WW2 #WW3 #JunkScience #Debunked #12Steps #nsfw #HolocaustHoax #War



Sometimes I will omit certain things if I’m posting on the same site because they never let you post the same exact thing twice in a row on gab, at least. Use different pictures so people don’t get bored. Have a bunch to cycle through. Add a quote or something or a little description or whatever to hook people. Dropping a link it’s just gonna look like spam you want to engage the audience. And don’t take your enemies seriously if they give you shit about this… It cannot be stressed enough… I just got banned for breaking my golden rule of threatening people. Forum ranting and cabalistic chanting aren’t enough. Remind yourself because it can’t be stressed enough. People forget when they get busy and stressed — not everyone but many. Real Nazis propagate, cheers fam! If I have to come back and remind people after a while when this post gets buried, I will be more tactful and cordial. I do not anticipate that happening one bit. Officer Anglo @officeranglo100

It’s not about what you say, it’s about what you do. It may seem obvious but people usually don’t get it unless forced to in life by unpleasant circumstances. Also, don’t forget that hatred is resolved and healthy, but resentment is a visceral rumination also, don’t forget that hatred is resolved and healthy, but resentment is a visceral rumination (re-scent/re-send). That only hurts the beholder and it’s impossible to manifest abundance if you’re stuck in the past. That’s the one good thing the 12 step program taught me. That allowed me to turn it over to Father Satan and will myself to power. it’s easy to fall off the wagon but it’s even easier to get back on honestly… It takes more effort to like stress about making the wrong decisions then it does to just do the right thing. I really hope to see my family spamming with me on gab. It would be great to decentralize and make extra accounts as well. If they have to start censoring joy of Satan off of gab, people are going to take note. No one is bad ass just because they are here, you have to earn your stripes. DO IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!! Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra666!!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Clerical-Commander Cobra (dig it), Hail the Gods of Hell — and to the most wonderful and amazing being Who should be told just that every day, HAIL SATAN!!

if i could get some stickers with barcodes or qrcodes or something I would put them out there, but I would feel weird doing that. If I put it somewhere and it happens to be in an annoying spot I wouldn't want to give a bad impression on the jos.
I will do my best with this. Recently I've been getting a nudge to do digital warfare. It's interesting that this topic now came up.
Oh Fuck yez!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥 I am ready for a good battle!!!😃🐍 Hail Satan!!!!
This may be misconstrued as advocating spamming. "The JoS promotes spamming links actively! This link to this thread proves that!"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I am glad this is happening, because I think the Internet Warfare definitely needs to follow a more organized approach. Even if lightly organized, just the act of direction towards specific areas or specific topics will help. Unlike the RTR's or other works, IW can be done briefly. One can rattle out a few comments in 5-10 minutes per day.


Going forward, everyone should remember the previous threads on respect, being nice and constructive, and so on. The people we are communicating to are future Satanists. They should be guided and not combated, even if the attempt is done to combat their ideas and not them.

Being patient, positive, and understanding of their situation will allow them to feel emotionally able to enter the JOS world. If they were mocked for their current views, then they will simply become angered and never want to join JOS or look at a link or whatever.

In a similar light, one should be able to understand the current views of their audience and temper their message accordingly. Certain demographics may agree on some things, but not others. It is in your interest to simply form a bridge between what they agree with and what they may not. If you "toss" them (mentally) into an area they don't like, they will just reject it and leave.


Don't be dissuaded by negative comments or reactions. Just stay calm and informative. Other people will read your comments and so on, not just the vocal opponents to it. Always remember that negative comments are to be expected and remind yourself to not get discouraged.

The idea here should be just like regular advertising: Not 100% of people will "buy the product", but 25% might look at the link, and 10% might actually join. Therefore, go for more of a quantity over quality approach. Save the quality, in-depth posts for specific users who express interest. Otherwise, opt for multiple and shorter comments. Don't be afraid to re-post good content into multiple areas, as well.
For those of you who don't follow the forums much or aren't familiar or new.

Towards the footer of the website we have SS-Internet Battalion. So be sure to ring up some coordination with Ninja666 and others who post and perform propaganda activities.

As for this idea wonderful perhaps it would have been better done during the major lockdowns toward the middle/end of the year. With that said I understand Spiritual Warfare should be done.

BTW might I make somea suggestion!

Be sure to include that we perform Spiritual Warfare if you type in a search engine Spiritual Warfare it literally has xtian cancer with people using the bible to perform this. Many people will be scratching their head planting seeds of interest as they go "Wait they fight the (((enemy))) using magick and rituals?" "Brilliant I never believed you can do that and do our part".

So be sure to emphasize that as people will be left in a state of shock and confusion and curiosity.

Finally my second suggestion to everyone is. Only post Satanisgod.org the index. That way people get everything at once. Some have stated posting joyofSatan makes us sound like some hippy wicca organization.

The index blows up in people's faces and gives them all the options.

Also be sure to remember if people ask about us that we are not a forums only organization rather we have a outline of websites available to us.

Be sure to also remember to post Luciferian-Liberation-Front archive website. So people can see the history of the S-NWO and realize people since mid-1990s have been at this.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

@HP.Cobra by any chance can you update the Index(SatanisGod.org) to have, HP.Shannon's BlacksforSatan website on the index.

That way people realize we are a multi-cultural, multi-racial organization that respects all Gentiles. I think it'll attract a lot of non-blacks as well, WAIT WTF Blacks for Satan?!?!?

Also by any chance can you add Exposingcommunism on the Index so people know we mean business and we attack the Marxist, Communist leftist identification. Some people get annoying at marxist/communist states but if you state leftist identanarianism(Tim Pool mentioned this is important as people's simple reaction to marxist and communism but when using that specific term leftist identarianism they go What's that?)

I've mentioned this a few times over the past time I've posted. But can this be done HP.Cobra or is it okay?

I know we have the links on the JoS mainsite but be nice to have BFS and EC to catch attention.
Oh, boys, this is what I was afraid of, I always worry about getting caught if I try to spread information about this website. I suppose I may as well try. I shall wait for that post of the requested platforms to gift knowledge of Satan to.
Drew this up a moment ago, think it could help?

(If anyone wants to make a digital copy and neaten it up, by all means. The tear was originally red but it came up almost black in the photo).

I didn’t mean to reiterate having our own decentralized accounts, that was obviously already mentioned. Furthermore, I wasn’t trying to hate on people who have a busy work week but when they are reading the news or cracking open a beer in front of the TV at night, pull out your phone and spam. Obviously people understand now. Epic post, I really desire this to be pinned or constantly boosted like FRTR from June 2018, so people ALWAYS see it. Much love and gratitude High Priest Hooded Cobra666! Cheers all. You have to have that attitude of gratitude legion, SIEG HEIL!
Can't wait.

Organized propaganda is best.

At the moment I spend every day 7 hours in school+school work in home but I try take time for this because it is really important
I will focus on making profesional documentaries and short educational videos. I just need a list of topics to organize and make everything a big picture and entanglement, the rest is fun. I can also do non-JoS type of videos, which will be a level lower than the understanding of our initiation to truth and make them viral. Those should post questions that can lead to JoS indirectly, also advertise them.

Have you guys watched my amateur first documentary? I do all the graphics and everything under copyright laws.


If alright, give me the go and in a month we'll have a lot of different type of content to post.
This is what im good at,its the easiest way to fight for Satan. Im in
I always tried spreading JOS sites with little success, the only success i had was with quotes or giving black sun website but never with exposing christianity, kabbalah or JOS, is there something different now? like yes i know that we can exploit the chaos from pissrael now to our advantage and that we can manipulate leftists to spread chaos for the kikes, maybe with these events i could finally have a foot on that twitter shithole.
We should make it a competition.The people who do the most gets recognition. The top 5 gets their names on the forum for a couple of days until the next round. Or gets points for every link shared and at the end we see who did the most. It should be motivation to do more.
Maby something like that haha
A few weeks ago I would spam under the top broadcasts subreddit which would sometimes have thousands of redditors watching and maybe a few hundred participants in the chat which is where I spammed. I almost got an IP ban after switching to different accounts while continuing with the same spam message. It was always the same message: JoyofSatan.org <---Satan is Truth!

I wanted the meme to remain the same so that the name Satan is unconsciously associated with truth just by the constant repetition. I would switch to a similar subreddit under top broadcasts and repeat then continue to switch until I was back at the same ones about a minute of two later.

There are certain topics posted that are so relevant that it is not even considered spamming. For example there was a topic titled "What is the biggest rabbit hole you have ever gone down on the internet?". I mentioned the JOS and it got a few replies as well as positive karma points. You just have to search for the topics that are most appropriate.
The arguments I used to have with people on platforms sometimes are really shit.
Usualy I reply to posts where the post editor is intentionally classify Hitler as one of the Illuminati and how evil he was.
Not easy to argue with those xians and probably there are jews too, because when I do protect National Socializm and Hitler, many of them go completely crazy and attacking me like mad dogs /probably they are the jews/.

Anyway, I am ready to continue the internet warfare, but I need a little advise.

What kind of VPN or THOR is the best to use??
/I would prefer a free version but I am able to pay for it, no problem./

Manifesting Satans kingdom is the main goal!!!
Although I seriously lack time for more tasks, you better bet I'll participate in the online warfare regardless. Luckily it's bi-weekly, this will make it easier for me to schedule my time around it.

Really exciting news. Time to change the silent and scattered majority into fully prepared and organized Satanic soldiers.

Sieg heil!
Also targeting local libraries would be great. I placed a lot of stickers inside the books, so that when someone opens up a book will also see the JoS links.
The other way is to write short books.
I have a book on many online libraries and on the Amazon.
You just copy some sermons and organize them and make a book out of them, very simple if you hate writing.
Shadowcat said:
I am definately down for this just name the platform. I will spread what I can. I had a time when I did this relentlessly on gab and got mostly bad feedback esp from the NS xtian crowd. They consider anyone claiming to fight for Satan a jew..fucktards. im working alot less hours lately thankfully.

And the fact that the Lieble tells that Jewsus was born in ISRAEL, therefore, a JEW... Is just jewish bullshit, right? :)
And if we are to do massive Online warfare(Internet Warfare), might i suggest that members or "high-ranking" members(Who have been with the JoS the most, who are the most dedicated) could organize people.

Nothing too complex:
Each("High-ranking member") would make their own topic and let the amount of people(satanists) join in and then they would go and share information on their targets.

Like we would have different "Internet Platoons".

This is just a suggestion, if we would like to go and dedicate thoroughly on Internet Warfare.
FancyMancy said:
This may be misconstrued as advocating spamming. "The JoS promotes spamming links actively! This link to this thread proves that!"

We are doing organized online activism, not "spamming". We are just engaging the public.

Spam is for scammy or nonsense subterranean activities. This is public engagement.

As for those who don't understand jews own the media, and why we would need to engage the public in this way, they are either retarded, or just trying to guilt trip us.

Jews pay whole buildings in Mexico and in Israel to do incessant public opinion shaping to the masses and engage in brainwashing.
You will provide us with the link to the pages where we will create the accounts to disseminate information. I am right?
Artanis said:
And if we are to do massive Online warfare(Internet Warfare), might i suggest that members or "high-ranking" members(Who have been with the JoS the most, who are the most dedicated) could organize people.

Nothing too complex:
Each("High-ranking member") would make their own topic and let the amount of people(satanists) join in and then they would go and share information on their targets.

Like we would have different "Internet Platoons".

This is just a suggestion, if we would like to go and dedicate thoroughly on Internet Warfare.

Yes, that is how it is going to happen along the lines. We will pick a target, then the weekly organization with this will happen on the thread. The rule of thumb is, everyone focuses on the same page, but different people will co-ordinate things within the thread. Organization is paramount so we don't waste the energy.

I think the best would be to focus on one platform as to not scatter ourselves. This will allow for maximum impact. Meanwhile, we are working on the back-end on two other platforms to help to this end while benefiting the public immensely too.

I think Blitz, Ninja and so on, if willing, can take on this. They know what to do.
I just want to add i can only do warfare at night time in the week because im working during the day.
On weekends im free to do warfare from the morning to the night.
Just wanted to add that in case people think im not doing my part.
hailourtruegod said:
Shadowcat said:
I am definately down for this just name the platform. I will spread what I can. I had a time when I did this relentlessly on gab and got mostly bad feedback esp from the NS xtian crowd. They consider anyone claiming to fight for Satan a jew..fucktards. im working alot less hours lately thankfully.

It's best to ignore when people sperg out. Unless there is a legit question, whether asked in a rude way or not, then there's no point in wasting time arguing with the brainwashed. Sometimes it can be a jew purposedly trying to waste time as well.
There was actually one of them who kept calling us kikes for spreading JOS. Next thing I know Abraxas tells me "he's been told he has jewish DNA"

So as a result I make a joke about it in the comment section and say "it would be funny if he got like 2 percent ashkenazi on a dna test"

Sure enough I look at his profile for the lolz and find a post about him having sleepless nights about a dna test...wherein the comments section he confirmed getting a percentage of askenazi. As a result I teased him mercilessly about it and mentioned how I came accross it. He never replied again. Even it it was a false positive it was funny, yet with the way he clung to rabbi jewsus I wouldn't be suprised if it was accurate.
Oooh!! I am definitely looking forward to this! :D
For those who wants some tips, I'll focus on some basics here, I've already mentioned this before and HP Cobra has stated it in the original post here, I'll just add some information to highlight some things. This is basically for beginners.

I was always worried when I started doing the Online Warfare that I wasn't good enough. The reason for this was I saw Mageson who was always good in arguments and hitting the nail on it's head, even though he was shilling in the forum, when he wasn't, his arguments at times were perfection. I was never as good as HP Cobra at giving insights on subjects the way he does. And I never had the amount of knowledge that HPS Maxine had, nor the authority on the subjects that she did. Lydia is also a phenomenal writer, and I've seen other Spiritual Satanists like Stormblood (who has English as his second language, like me) write neat and beautifully in the forum. Syntax and grammar par excellence at times.

But I told myself that everyone starts some place and that I'll get better, so I just went with it. I also remember reading that the Gods help you out. "The more you do for Satan, the more he does for you." "Satan meets you more than half way", that, if you work for Satan --- the Gods will help you. These things motivated me.

HP Cobra already mentioned this, we got the superior framework and context in the debates that concerns us. The Joy of Satan already has the highest perspective on things, so it's of no immediate concern of whether you are great or the best in argumentation, as the JOS websites already has all the dialectics and arguments we need. You can at times just copy / paste if you need it.

There are also other ways of doing this, instead of "just" focusing on argumentation, there is also "educational comments" and there is "advertisement / gaining attention comments" to mention two examples. Sometimes just stating your opinion as an average joe, using your own words, and adding a link to the JOS websites, is enough.

I believe it's best to take instructions in stages to not overwhelm people with information. If we all make a mental note to open for questioning when the social media platform we're engaging is announced, posting a step to step sheet on how to do this is best done then as how one approaches different platforms varies depending on the nature of it.

Blitzkreig and HP Cobra are better at other nuances in how to do this, so I'll leave some of the "how to engage" stuff to them.

Here are some websites that can be used in regards to what I've mentioned.


The Third Reich and Satanism


The Black Sun 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
