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About opening the 3rd eye and 6th chakra and Thoth


New member
Dec 2, 2006
Thoth has been helping me open my 3rd eye and just like HP Maxine says, the most important thing to do as a new satanist is to open the 3rd eye.

Learning to correctly pronounce the THOTH mantra is essential as this mantra is very powerful when done correctly.

THOTH is the only surefire mantra to open the 3rd eye quickly.
Even then it can take several months to over a year to open it all the way.

Don't be stupid like me and open your 6th chakra first or you can fry your brains and become a real idiot.
Open the 3rd eye first, then the crown, THEN the other chakras in the order listed on the meditations section.

Work your way up to where you can do 88 reps at a time of each mantra after learning the most effective way to guide and pronounce them.

And a special thanks to Lord Thoth for being such a good teacher!


Yeah I still can't figure out if I'm pronouncin thoth correctly when vibrating. I've been doing that, and also using the shortcut satanas meditation to empower it, and also just scrying into my 3rd eye.

I saw one shadow person recently, but I really don't see that many things. I'm a little better with my bullshit detector and intuition, but I want to empower my 3rd a lot more than this. This is not that advanced with it.

Also I work with the public a lot sometimes and I'm not sure how I will handle seeing all these Jews and reptilian and creatures so much, and still keep cool and be all chill about things. I mean they won't probably do anything to me, that's not the worry, but what if I get scowls and things in my expression lol. It's important I look collected and cool instead of looking like I just stepped on a dog turd when I do happen to see something.
Question. What are some clear indications that my third eye is enTIRELY and permanently opened? I am a fool for having been discouraged in the past because I felt like it took so long, and then I just stopped meditating on it.
And how many vibrations a day should I begin with if I JUST start using the THOTH mantra, as though my third eye was at 0% open?
I try to do 20 reps of the THOTH mantra every 3 minutes for several hours.It's such a powerful mantra that more than 20 reps overwhelms me if I do them all at once.
Slow and steady wins the race and this is the best way for beginners too.

On Friday, February 24, 2017 4:00 PM, "moekcrocell@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Question. What are some clear indications that my third eye is enTIRELY and permanently opened? I am a fool for having been discouraged in the past because I felt like it took so long, and then I just stopped meditating on it.
And how many vibrations a day should I begin with if I JUST start using the THOTH mantra, as though my third eye was at 0% open?

@hailodin666 - I  like your sense of humor. 
I'll give you my take on your situation... My third eye has been opened most of my life.  I'll try to explain as best I  can.  Please don't take it in a wrong way.
 If you're not freaked out yet you probably won't be. I see things all the time, and even [often] see when there are thoughtforms attached. 
Sometimes I find it hilarious or/and gratifying. 
Some of the thoughtforms I'm told are a direct result of the RTRs!
No, I'm not always successful. No I don't see them all. Still working on it. But that's what aura cleaning and aura of protection is good for. Many I'm using now have been discussed in these forums and on jos.
Ask Father or your GD what to do. Explain your concerns. They will give you reassurances and let you know what you need to do/develop to keep these threats away from you and your loved ones. 
Personally, I'd say to work on your aura. Develop a shield. Take note and act accordingly. Like, with Father's help and some serious work on your part, this can become a great weapon! 
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 1:02 AM, hailodin666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Yeah I still can't figure out if I'm pronouncin thoth correctly when vibrating. I've been doing that, and also using the shortcut satanas meditation to empower it, and also just scrying into my 3rd eye.

I saw one shadow person recently, but I really don't see that many things. I'm a little better with my bullshit detector and intuition, but I want to empower my 3rd a lot more than this. This is not that advanced with it.

Also I work with the public a lot sometimes and I'm not sure how I will handle seeing all these Jews and reptilian and creatures so much, and still keep cool and be all chill about things. I mean they won't probably do anything to me, that's not the worry, but what if I get scowls and things in my expression lol. It's important I look collected and cool instead of looking like I just stepped on a dog turd when I do happen to see something.
You can do the basic third eye opening (I believe it was 4 days in a row), then wait 1-2 days and do it again. Then repeat this for a decent while. 
You could also try to do a "selfmade" working on it for 90 or 180 days (or even 360 days if you want to be 100% sure). So basically just vibrate thoth for a multiple of 4 (I think 108 is one so that would be a pretty good choice. You can use a lower amount if you want, though) and then proceed as in the third eye opening meditation (align your third eye correctly and meditate on it for a while). I would suggest that you meditate on it 15 minutes or more afterwards if you have the time. Also, if possible, you should have your hands in the mudra position while doing it, but I believe it's not a neccessity so you can use them for counting if you need to.
Now, I'm pretty bad at astrology, but I believe that the annular eclipse this sunday would be a great starting date for this working, so if you can, I would recommend to start there.
Lastly, you can ofcourse also make your own working for this if you want. It's by all means not necessary to take the one that I suggested.

There is, as far as I know, no surefire way to know that it's COMPLETELY open. However, I believe that after a 360 day working, any progress you made with the third eye (you would probably have opened it by a significant amount) is permanent.
I hope I could help you. 
On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 13:02, moekcrocell@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Question. What are some clear indications that my third eye is enTIRELY and permanently opened? I am a fool for having been discouraged in the past because I felt like it took so long, and then I just stopped meditating on it.
And how many vibrations a day should I begin with if I JUST start using the THOTH mantra, as though my third eye was at 0% open?
HPS Maxine posted this yesterday:

Message 4 of 4 , Feb 24 11:50 AM

    I wrote the opening the chakras pages many years ago, some are as old as 15 years.

    Satan has shown me a lot over the years. There are many different words of power. More than one word of power can be used in opening the chakras.

    The THO vibration is most effective for opening the Third Eye.

    Other very strong words of power for the chakras are on this webpage:

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... uning.html

    High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Tee ... ics/104895
You and I both will be seeing them soon. I advise you just tune them out like I do. I have seen thought forms of them before in the past in this life recently actually. They'll try anything to get on your nerves with the harassment.

It's better off ignored entirely. You won't believe what I went through just 5 months ago with reptilians. It was total bullshit. I took a look at the astral side of things where I was 3 times and it looked like a total war zone, murder house. It was like something reptilians had almost entirely annihilated and would need the help of Satan and the Gods to dispel entirely.

Curses possessions, and harassment psychic traps and many more things galore. The astral looked absolutely hideous there in the house, and on the very outside as well. The energy was also very unpleasent as well, including these types of energies. Death, anti-gravity, electromagnetism curse, psychic, and a couple of other energies I am still not aware of. It's still there I'm sure. Like I said though, through all of what I went through which registers a 10 on the bullshit meter, it is better to ignore them entirely. Give a child attention and what do they do?

Enough said.

Hail Satan.
Hail Lady Agares.
Hail Lady Beleth.
Hail Lady Kyrie.
I think its one of those things where you'll know when it's permanently and fully open. Until then be consistent and keep working on it there's no way to tell how long itll take
But some people are already born with the Third Eye open and others with psychic hearing.I for example have a tendency to listen so I wanted to open my astral ears, I have heard strange sounds but I have not yet found a way to do this. The enemies have closed me completely to the astral and it has been very difficult to open my psychic fields.
And another question is, if we open the Third Eye will we see things even with the closed sixth and seventh chakra?
This video teaches you how to vibrate correctly:Opening third

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Hail Lord THOT!

On Sunday, February 26, 2017 9:02 AM, "belthazorthemighty@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I think its one of those things where you'll know when it's permanently and fully open. Until then be consistent and keep working on it there's no way to tell how long itll take

This thread says that thoth empowers the 3rd eye while thor unblock it. Perhaps I need to unblock it and then empower it. I will try this to see if I get more results.

If this is true I don't think the page on the 3rd eye explains it very well then, that "thoth" just is for empowering but not getting out the blockage. I have repeated thoth many times and will use a different mantra/rune now.

My jew phone won't let me post the link now. :(

Also I saw another that says to breath up through my body energy into the 5th chakra. I find it better to go all the way to the 6th and the 3rd eye itself. Why do we stop the energy only at the 5th?
What's more powerful is personal. For me, runes work best than Sanskrit. For others, it may be the way around. You cannot apply the same criteria to everyone.
Has anyone tried that CHANDRAMASE vibration for opening the third eye?
Since it is used for the sixth chakra as listed in that tuning the chakras page, I believe it should work for the third eye as well.

As for which word of power is more effective, I think we're all individuals with that.
I have been vibrating THAUM into my third eye 27 times (it's what I currently can do consistently) along with meditating on my third eye n the end and then affirming, while I focus on it:
"My third eye is permanently open and activated"

I always use a rosary so I can focus the most on my third eye and not on counting the repetitions.

Also, it makes a huge difference to meditate on the energy raised in your third eye area in the end. You make good use of that energy in activating your third eye. Just vibrating your word of power multiple times everyday into your third eye might even not be effective at all if you don't meditate on your third eye in the end.
I used to do just that, and then one day I tried meditating on my third eye after the vibrations by both focusing on the energy raised in that area from the vibrations and by trying to look at my third eye with my eyes closed, and when I did that I could not only feel a tiny but constant vibration in the middle of my forehead, along with a pulling sensation at times, but I also saw a purple and shapeless spectrum both with my eyes closed and open, which I haven't experienced when I just did the vibrations and did not meditate on my third eye afterwards.

So my advise is to be sure to meditate on your third eye after the vibrations. I think it's no use to use the most powerful word of power possible if you don't meditate on your third eye to make the most of that energy raised. Even if you just vibrate 27 times everyday, properly meditating on your third eye in the end can bring you good results.
Also Mr.shaman, you could have a fixed star :
ANTARES - [9 degrees of Sagittarius] 
Watcher of the West The nature can be impulsive, headstrong, stubborn, and courageous. The life meets with unpredictable events, unexpected upsets and changes, and a loss of success can come from self-undoing. There is military and martial aptitude, bringing honor and favors. This is a warrior star. Those who have this star prominent in their charts often rebel against spiritual and religious oppression, bringing drastic changes in these areas.

Since you are such a strong warrior, I might be wrong idk it's a guess
Yeah, that's very true. For me Sanskrit has always worked best, but I have a brother who, like you stardust, has always had better results from the runes.It's best to try them both out, see which you like best, which you get the greatest effects from
  What's more powerful is personal. For me, runes work best than Sanskrit. For others, it may be the way around. You cannot apply the same criteria to everyone.
There's a ton of methods to activate the 3rd eye and varies for each individual but each respective mantra has their own benefits and the 3rd eye being an extension of the 6th, but as an important extension as well. I feel that Thor is better variation with Thoth being preliminary for me, and that mantras containing the U syllable are better for the main chakras instead.
Also, the opening the watch tower meditation further helps to vent out the energies if you get the feeling that your chakras are feeling overpowered with too much energy.

On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 11:23 AM, "'denadehna@...' denadehna@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yaye! I just love that website on YouTube! 
Hail SatanHail Lilith

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  You can also perform the SATANAMA chant to strengthen you psychic abilities along with healing yourself.


So I have been advancing lately. I don't have all chakras opened and empower and I'm not super advanced but I've made progress.

I've been doing some basic hatha, lifting weights, lots of aura cleaning and AoP. I sometimes do the RAUM tetragrammaton to give a little boost to all systems but I'm not unsafely opening everything at once. I also am working in 3rd eye/6th.

Yesterday I was able to telepathically give my dog commands, and when I close my eyes I see color around the peripheral.

My skin is looking whiter, moisturized healthy etc. I don't drink at all, I use very little nicotine now, and I drink more than 1 or 2 cup of coffee only when I am working very hard at my job. I am switching coffee for tea sometimes too. I used to be a bigger user of these things.

I have for a few days been waking up foggy, and tired. I don't feel super bad, but I am wondering is this something that we go thru as we advance? Is this something that crops up from time to time as the physical body and soul rewires?

Should I be concerned that I am doing something wrong or under attack? I havr had times I feel extremely light, and energized so it's weird I feel more heavy and slothy now.
"It's best to try them both out..." etc etcSounds sensible. If only more people had the sense for adventure and discovery, instead of wanting everything already prepared for them...
I have a question after you open the third eye and feel atleast the pressure should you move on to the crown?
Or should wait until my third eye is fully open and then move on to the crown chackra?
Jhonson okay thank you for the information, so while I move on to my crown crown chakra should I still work on my third eye and so on.
Or should i open one by one and then work on full chakra meditation?
Because working on all my chakras everyday can be overwhelming to much meditations.
Meditation is very individual. You can continue to work on your 3rd eye while you work on your crown chakra or you can come back to your 3rd eye later. It is up to you.
Okay I will immediately do full chakra meditation after I open all my chakras.
I did the opening of the crown chakra and it felt amazing filled with bliss and I will try the headstand technique which HP hooded cobra posted on the groups sometime ago.
I would recommend it for those having trouble opening the crown.
I would post the technique hear on the groups but I don't know how.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
