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about magic soap


New member
Jun 26, 2018
My Home
hey hi everybody
im wondering about something, is or not good if i share my soap with other people (like my family)?
im wondering because of astral dirting, and... sorry if this sounds stupid, but visualize the soap like a pocket size sun (a little sun) can give some benefit? like a "soap meditation" :lol:
Theli said:
hey hi everybody
im wondering about something, is or not good if i share my soap with other people (like my family)?

Soaps and tensides work by forming micelles ( cell-like structures ) around substances that are only soluble in oils, e.g. fatty acids, bacteria ( because of their membrane, their "hull" or "protective wall" so to speak ).
After that you just wash it off. You never achieve 100% sterility, but it still gets the job done. For the sake of hygiene, I wouldn't be concerned in your case.

Theli said:
im wondering because of astral dirting, and... sorry if this sounds stupid, but visualize the soap like a pocket size sun (a little sun) can give some benefit? like a "soap meditation" :lol:

Soaps are just the salts of fatty acids and work by the aforementioned micelle mechanism. If you really wanted to increase the efficiency of this process, you'd have to influence the laws of thermodynamics by increasing the entropy. But this would be a waste of energy, since micelle formation is the result of the increasing entropy ( which is energetically favorable ).
I can imagine that a pocket sun in your case gives a better state of mind, though.

It's just a household prop. Unless somebody intentionally infused it with negative intents and energies, I don't believe it would cause any harm.
If this helps you visualize cleaning away dirt from your aura with a magic glowing soap, then perfect that works for you. This makes cleaning your soul easier because it's something that personally fits with you and helps you. This is like when I'm in the shower it can help visualizing all the dirt from my soul being removed and going down the drain. Little things like this that help you are a much bigger help than it might seem. Satanism is personal, everyone works best with different little things. :D
Get a soap dish keep it to yourself as the enemy can use your family with thoughtforms or other ill intent like if i took your soap i could put a spell of anytype on you be the smartest person i your home room and anywere

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
