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A simple Tarot spread for those who might be interested.

Dypet Rod

Active member
Sep 20, 2017
Hello, everyone.

It's been a long time that I haven't posted anything. I got my old job back after some time being unemployed and my routine has been tight lately, but I'm gradually adapting. Everything is fine with me. I'm living blessed times at the moment, I would say. And as always, I'm always catching up with the most important announcements.

It's been some time that I thought of sharing this.
This is a simple Tarot spread that I thought of. I don't know if this has been used by anyone else before, so as to not claim it as my own "invention", I just had an insight of using this.

This is what it looks like:

I call this the "tale spread", because it has the purpose of letting you know something in the format of a short story.

The single card on the top is a Major Arcanum, and the three ones in the row below are Minor Arcana.

This can be quite useful for asking questions about people you've had some sort of relationship with in past lives, or any story-like situation that can fit this format.

Let's suppose that you wanna ask what kind of relationship you had with a person in a past life.
1. The first Minor Arcanum will represent what that person was to you. Lover, friend, teacher, etc.
2. The second Minor Arcanum will represent what happened between you and that person.
3. The third Minor Arcanum will represent how the story between you and that person ended; what were the circumstances that caused you to become apart from each other. Death, a fight, different life goals, etc.

And what will that single Major Arcanum represent? The "title" of that story! The Major Arcanum will tell you in advance what was the general theme of the affair; if that was a happy affair for you, a sad one, an affair caused by or related to foolish decisions, a learning type of situation, etc.

The Major Arcana generally have deeper meanings than the Minor Arcana, which can make a reading a bit confusing to interpret if you're using too many Major Arcana, so this is can be a good way of getting a clear reading about a specific affair with the details that you want, while still having the benefit of the deeper meaning of a Major Arcanum to help you further clarify the situation.

For those of you who are familiar with the Tarot, I hope you enjoy this and that it comes to be useful.

Hail Satan!
Glad you have been doing well, keep it up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Glad you have been doing well, keep it up.

Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra.
I think your spread method is really nice! At first glance, it seems really convenient for learning some things for a past life, or even for this lifetime, about certain events/situations.

So inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
Maya said:
I think your spread method is really nice! At first glance, it seems really convenient for learning some things for a past life, or even for this lifetime, about certain events/situations.

So inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for your feedback Maya, I'm glad you like it ;)
This is excellent! I just did a reading and it was very insightful. This is a great spread and I will be utilizing it often.

I also think that you do deserve credit for it, as I have never heard of it before :) Thanks for this.
I have to say thank you too this come at the right time because i'm going to buy a Tarot deck and i'm definitily going to try this!
Lydia said:
This is excellent! I just did a reading and it was very insightful. This is a great spread and I will be utilizing it often.

I also think that you do deserve credit for it, as I have never heard of it before :) Thanks for this.

luis said:
I have to say thank you too this come at the right time because i'm going to buy a Tarot deck and i'm definitily going to try this!

Thank you, Lydia and Luis. I'm glad you like it :) Make good use of it.

SS66610888 said:
I have a question that could be stupid.
Can I use playing cards like poker cards or Italian decks to do readings?

Well, game cards were actually "inspired" on the Tarot (rather, modified from it). Theoretically, you could, but it would be incomplete because there are no cards to represent the Major Arcana and the pages. Also, if you use a deck for readings, it should be cleansed off any leftover energies and reserved for readings only. So an actual Tarot deck is more ideal for this.
Thanx. Sounds like it'll be really useful.

Out of curiosity, what tarot decks are people using here? I've seen some posts on here about how the Rider-Waite deck has all these Hebrew symbols on them. Anyone got a good, uncorrupted deck they're using? :)
sunrise said:
This is super cool, I had fun with it, thank you

Thanks for the feedback sunrise, I'm glad you like it

LaconicLion said:
Thanx. Sounds like it'll be really useful.

Out of curiosity, what tarot decks are people using here? I've seen some posts on here about how the Rider-Waite deck has all these Hebrew symbols on them. Anyone got a good, uncorrupted deck they're using? :)

Mine is the Witches Tarot, by Ellen Dugan. It has no hebrew letters, and the Arcanum XV (the "Devil" card) is represented as "the Shadow Side" instead, with an alternative illustration too.

I personally chose to get the version with no companion book, as I suspect that the author probably has Wiccan beliefs, although the illustrations are pretty much neutral.

I believe this is about as cheap as it can get with non-corrupted decks out there. It's cheap, yet well-designed and quite pleasant to handle and look at.
LaconicLion said:
Out of curiosity, what tarot decks are people using here? I've seen some posts on here about how the Rider-Waite deck has all these Hebrew symbols on them. Anyone got a good, uncorrupted deck they're using? :)

I have Revelations by Zach Wong, I've recommended it here before and other SS bought the same deck. It has minimal xianity (only a few cards have "angels"), it is nice to look at (stained glass art), and has the inverse side drawn into the upright, making it quick to learn by looking at it. Good symbolism and colors to help show the meaning.

Here's the link to look at it: https://www.amazon.com/Revelations-Tarot-Zach-Wong/dp/0738706078
Lydia said:
I have Revelations by Zach Wong, I've recommended it here before and other SS bought the same deck. It has minimal xianity (only a few cards have "angels"), it is nice to look at (stained glass art), and has the inverse side drawn into the upright, making it quick to learn by looking at it. Good symbolism and colors to help show the meaning.
Your post inspired me to research this deck. Just for your information, regarding the Wheel of Fortune card:
http://www.zachwong.com/tarot/ said:
The actual wheel is adorned with the letters TARO and the Hebrew letters of Yod, Heh, Vav, and Heh - unpronounceable consonants that made God's "true" name unpronounceable.
Is there anything in this world that is not jewed, corrupted, tainted? That was a rhetorical question. Anyway, it seems that a pure, uninfluenced deck is like a pink unicorn - it doesn't exist...
Apprentice said:
Lydia said:
Your post inspired me to research this deck. Just for your information, regarding the Wheel of Fortune card:
http://www.zachwong.com/tarot/ said:
The actual wheel is adorned with the letters TARO and the Hebrew letters of Yod, Heh, Vav, and Heh - unpronounceable consonants that made God's "true" name unpronounceable.
Is there anything in this world that is not jewed, corrupted, tainted? That was a rhetorical question. Anyway, it seems that a pure, uninfluenced deck is like a pink unicorn - it doesn't exist...

I forgot about that. I've had my deck for a long time and somehow forgot. Ugh, maybe it's the only way the publishers would let it be published, to have some jew crap in it :roll:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
