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A secret I feel it needs to be shared with all the SS from here


New member
Mar 25, 2021
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Hello, my dear SS family! In this topic I want to say that I am a teenager and I have autism, asperger's syndrome to be more specific. What is your opinion on this? I want to know! :D
Is it okay to start the Serpent of Fire Power Meditation if I have Asperger's syndrome?
Also, is my dream career as a programmer good for me as I am in Cancer and have Scorpio Ascendant? I remember every single code I need ți learn but I want some advice from an astrological point of view 🙂

HP. Hoodedcobra666
I want to know your opinion regarding Asperger's syndrome! 🙂

Please don't make me feel bad as I am still very fragile emotionally

I am an adult woman with undiagnosed Aspergers (high-functioning autism). All my life, my peers found me to be almost emotionless, but that is because I use my intuition to discern who is worth socializing with or not. Turned out most of my peers back home were unworthy to me, and they proven so. (Just an intellectual introvert who likes to keep to myself.) I find autistic spiritual/occultist people are highly intuitive, hence why they may often avoid trouble in life.

For any of the power meditations, the main JOS rule is people with epilepsy (history of seizures or convulsions) should not practice them. Void meditation or simpler meditations are best for people with epilepsy (ensuring the brain/nervous system does not overload with bio-electricity).

But for only-autistic brains (no epilepsy co-morbid), there should be no significant risks. Just make sure you don't fall into any emotional/mental extremes. Having Aspergers means self-awareness of autistic tendencies and traits, and being better at "masking" autistic quirks or odd behaviors. If we are not always self-aware, then at least we Aspies are still very talented at our special interests or committed to favorite routines (chores, hygienic habits, preferred sleep pattern, etc.).

Scorpio Ascendant is a good sign for intense or deep-minded work, and also heavy memorization of information. Scorpio is a sign that wants answers; no matter what question, challenge or project. As a Fixed sign, it makes you committed and also stubborn in mental processes. If you ever feel ambitious enough, you can also build up your reputation as a programmer, and then perhaps join electronic espionage or government-level hacking services. Sun in Cancer means you can be patriotic for your country or continent, as well as capable of emotionally understanding co-workers or clients. If your Sun is Trine your Ascendant, then you can easily make good impressions with any professional organization interested in your work as a programmer.

I know you much rather hear from Hoodedcobra, but I just wanted to reply with what I know as well. :D
These are just terms to indicate people who are different from the norm. It's all jewish crap.
Don't affirm that you have any kind of problem unless you want to curse yourself and make it worse.

This is a fictional thing. The Asperger guy that this is named after was a pedophile jew who was taking custody of hundreds of orphans and sick children. And he also admitted to murdering many of these children who were sick. And probably doing many other horrible things to them. So it is no mystery why the globalist jews have this one as a hero or as a "doctor." He was never a doctor, just a pedophile and a murderer.

Maybe you are shy when you talk to some people. This is normal and you don't have any kind of problem. Most people are shy or nervous when they are young. You can fix this by practicing talking to more people and you will get used to it and not be shy anymore.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:

You have some personality traits that many other people also have. This is it. You do not have any problem, there is nothing wrong with you, and there is nothing medical about this. It is a jewish hoax to think that you have any medical problem or there is anything wrong or different about you.

Very similar situation as how ADHD has always been a jewish hoax and nothing other than an excuse for drug companies to make billions of dollars by giving children methamphetamine pills. All of this was admitted by the doctor who first created the diagnosis for ADHD, he admitted that it does not actually exist and he did it because drug companies made him do it, and in the end of his life he was horribly regretting creating this lie because how many millions of children have been destroyed in their bodies and in their souls by these amphetamine pills.

All of these are just basic personality traits as determined by astrological influences in our birth charts. How calm or energetic, how shy or bold, how introverted or extroverted, how childish or mature, and what subjects or topics you think are interesting. All of these things are just normal characteristics that everybody has some balance of. There is nothing wrong with any of these things, and there certainly is not any physical or medical reason that causes somebody to have a personality.

Do not place limits on yourself. Do not think that you have to be limited by some fictional label that was created by lying jews. You do not have any kind of problem or medical difference between you or anybody else. All it is is that you have some personality traits which is fine. These personality traits are caused by a mix of astrological influences and your personal history from past lives. And if you ever want to change one of your personality traits, these things can be changed or improved by practicing the things you are less comfortable with. Like shyness for example (I am not saying you have this trait, but just for example.), this can be improved by practicing talking to more people. Talk to boys, talk to girls, talk to young people, talk to old people. And soon you will be more comfortable talking to anybody.

The jewish psychologists who own and control the medical industry, and who write and edit the one single magazine each year that is treated like the one single absolute true thing that everybody has to follow, their only goal is to control everybody, and make money. They lie to people, they hurt people, they completely destroy peoples bodies and souls by giving them dangerous drugs, and they make billions of dollars each year by selling these drugs. They don't care about you, they don't want to help you, and they don't care if you are healthy or sick. Actually they want to create a sickness in you and want to continuously make this sickness worse for the rest of your life, because any sickness is another excuse for them to make more money by selling you more pills. And this entire system is fictional and just a criminal business. There is a reason that the medical industry is the most expensive business in the entire planet, and that they have never actually cured any problem. Every kind of sickness, they only sell you a pill that you buy every day for the rest of your life, and the sickness is never healed and never goes away. Because if they actually fixed the problem, they would not be able to make any more money. And the pill also creates 5 other sicknesses, then 5 other pills are also given for the 5 simptoms that were created by the first pill.

When the truth is very simple and does not cost any money, all personality traits are influenced by your astrology. This is including everything, both good things and bad things. If you want to change any of these traits, you could invoke some astrological energy that contributes to a different trait. You could do planet squares to strengthen the energy of a planet that is weak in your chart. You can do things to sublimate energies that you have too much of. Or you can practice doing some actions that you are less comfortable with, and become more comfortable with them. You can reinforce and strengthen your good traits, you can weaken and reduce your bad traits, and you can nurture and create new traits that you lacked before. So do not ever try to limit yourself by applying a fictional label to yourself because there is nothing that you can not change or can not accomplish. Any other time and place in the history of this world, everybody would be saying the truth about you. That you are a perfectly fine person and there is nothing wrong or different about you, and you just have some natural strengths and weaknesses. Which everybody has natural strengths and weaknesses.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:

Don't be sorry about anything. We all just want to help you.

Pull the laces tight and do a simple over hand knot like this. This will hold them there so you can let go real quick without them coming loose.

I think for this simple one it just moved one string through the hole in the middle, but when I do it I do both strings so it is a little bit stronger. It is the same thing but with one more twist in the middle.

Then fold each string in half so they are loops. And tie the exact same kind of knot again with the loops. And you can do it twice to be extra strong. But when you do it the 2nd time, I only put one side through the hole because both are not needed.

There is many ways to do this but this is how I always did it. It is easy and fast, it is easy to untie it if you need to, and it also is strong enough to stay for months without coming loose.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
By the way, forgot to tell you that the Enemy thoughtform is recently making me thinking that HP s and Guardians and Memebers from JoS are cursing me when I talk about Horoscopes. But, what the Enemy doesn't know is that he is already dead to me, it can't affect me, but, it's hard since both my sign and ascendant are water signs.

When Samhain will come, on 30th of October, I will do the RTR, if possible of course, 11 times, with breaks of 2 hours. The Enemy will be dead :twisted:

You're halfway there with the affirmation, you can put more energy behind it by doing a banishment ritual.

I had a few enemy thoughtforms that were very annoying, doing that ritual and using the fire element got rid of them.

Please do not attempt to perform the banishing ritual without being certain that you know exactly what you are doing and are trying to accomplish. Sanskrit words like "Vinasa" are extremely powerful and there runs a very real possibility of doing major harm to one's self unintentionally.

Regarding the thoughtform and thoughts you are having, it's possible that there is no actual thoughtform or harmful enitity at play here. I recommend you reach out and talk to Satan or your guardian if you know who they are. They will help you with whatever it is you're having issues with, and if you cannot communicate telepathically with Satan or the gods yet, they will answer your question through other means, such as in a forum post you happen to stumble upon.

Also, I notice you are still revealing bits and pieces about your natal chart such as placements etc.
Please refrain from doing that, or giving out any other unessesary information about yourself because it is true that anybody can view this forum and it's posts and you never know what they might do or who they might share what they find in it to, especially when it comes to things they find on members. I have a feeling that you and I have similar tendencies or characteristics to really want to share personal things about ourselves to others, even if we are aware that it could detrimental, but we do it anyways.

Regarding your question about if you should do any specific meditations, I think if you haven't completed it already, HPHC666's 40 day program was made for a reason. https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf

...even if you think it looks boring or the other meditations sound and look way cooler, or you think you need to be doing workings and routines that other advanced members are doing or have done in the past, I am again speaking from experience that it's best to *gradually* build one's self up in a safe and healthy way than to sorta go nuts with everything :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
