stayhigh666 said:
A planet in my 8th house rules my 7th house. in this case, can my partner/spouse die prematurely?
Another, more positive indicator is inheritance of wealth from the partner or them having high earnings through life. I have the same house ruler placement, and my partner is in a job that has guaranteed income for life.
As for premature death, this depends on what aspects you have to your 7th House Ruler. Squares, oppositions, quincunxes are the typical negative aspects. Another factor is if the 7th's ruling planet is malefic or benefic.
Benefics: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury* (more neutral*)
Malefics: Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
If the planet that rules 7th is malefic, then we can assume particular negative traits or bad events will occur.
If the planet that rules 7th is benefic, then the spouse relationship will be more beneficial than inconvenient.
Of course, it all comes down to the aspects to your 7th Ruler.