slyscorpion said:
I dont often check them but I did recently. Ok next month has Algol star right on the Ascendant by Degree. Venus conjunct Zosma and about 3 things at 22 degrees including Mars which is retrograde in the 12th house.
Is this something to be worried about. If so what precautions should I take that month and what to watch out for. I know Satanists are not slaves to planet influence and probably nothing will happen that month but to me reading into it this looks like an attack possibly severe from someone maybe at random
Anything to prevent that.
If possible you could move residence if you have a friends house, or like a hotel for the month if you are able and there are available hotels (should be pretty easy to get a room, lol). Check the Lunar Return for that location specifically and see if any indications lessen.
22 degrees is currently of the enemy but not exactly fatal, it's more misfortune and also "cruel" things. It's not a big worry and also in numerology there is no number that's completely of the enemy. Some of the Gods have 22 connected in their name and even some major Gods have it in the process of adding up the numerology of their name. It's not a serious worry. Caput Algol is the influence here you should be on your toes for, try and see if you can shake it off your ascendant with your location and alternatively stay away from serious situations and veer for caution. Stay clear of substances like alcohol and illicit drugs because Caput Algol and these lead to ruin (Algol- root of 'Alcohol').
With the ascendant, the energies of Algol should be coming from you as well as on you. With the descendant it manifests through other people in your life which is therefore
on you and more indicative of harsh situations and violence coming from others.
If you have a partner be careful of upsetting them and make sure you temper and discipline the energies through here for the Lunar cycle as if you do it can also contrarily be very positive for your relationship. You would do well to try to curb any upsets between you and make sure nothing definitively negative occurs.
Mars retrograde in the 12th house can undercut martial energies coming from you and the house Mars is ruling, but can also lead to build up and backlash of this angry energy unless you yourself have Mars retrograde natally or something, or a tempered personality in general. It doesn't indicate violence but it turns the assertion inward so I'd say it can be quite positive for introspection especially in the 12th but be wary of this buildup of martial energies I said. Find some kind of outlet for this spiritually.