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A few j/news articles from jpost


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
  • Did Kanye West apologise for his antisemitic comments?
  • Jews 'own banks, they own the media' says model Carmen Ortega
  • Canada police investigating after a swastika was painted on an election sign

Did Kanye West apologise for his antisemitic comments?
Piers Morgan interviewed Kanye West about his antisemitic comments, in an uncensored interview that can be watched on YouTube.


Kanye West during the Cincinnati Bengals game against the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LVI at SoFi Stadium

Piers Morgan's extraordinary interview with Kanye West on TalkTV surprised viewers worldwide.

Morgan tweeted a link to the exclusive interview with West on Wednesday. The superstar rapper said at the beginning of the video that "you don't hold accountability to my pain. You're being a Karen". A pejorative term to call a white person who allegedly feels entitled, "Karen" usually refers to women but can also refer to men, who are more often called a "Ken".

"I will say I'm sorry for the people I hurt... "Hurt people hurt people, and I was hurt."Don't miss a preview of Piers Morgan's extraordinary interview with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, on TalkTV at 8pm.@piersmorgan | @kanyewest | @TalkTV | #PMU pic.twitter.com/qdhwQ5OFTU
— Piers Morgan Uncensored (@PiersUncensored) October 19, 2022

Morgan replied, "I'm not a 'Karen' and I'm not going to cancel you. I'm simply going to challenge you on what you are saying. I think you understand the pain that you've been causing with some of these comments".


Kanye West (illustrative). (credit: NRK P3/Flickr)

West has made numerous antisemitic comments in his rants on social media. More recently, he tweeted, "I'm a bit sleeping tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 on Jewish people". He also warned Jews about toying with him as well as saying that Jewish Zionists control the media.

During the interview, West tries to justify his antisemitic comments by saying that no-one knows the pain that Black people went through during the Civil War. "One form of racism doesn't justify another", Morgan exclaimed while West tried to cut in.

"I was in a position where I've been hurt and this is the way I had the right to express myself", West fired back. "The point of this interview is for you to question me and then for me to answer and say, 'OK, even though the same rules are not applied to my people, if a person with a gun or drugs is pulled over and has three or four other people in the car, they're all going to jail'. I'm not going to apply that to Jewish people for the sake of this conversation. Isn't that what you wanted? But you know what you did? You tried to 'Civil Rights' me", Kanye said.

After arguing back and forth, West asked Morgan, "How much are you worth?". Morgan then replied, "Not as much as you". West fired back at Morgan by telling him to take his advice rather than the other way around.

Does Kanye West apologise?
Morgan then swings the conversation back by saying, "I think all racism is wrong. If you've now changed what you wanted to say originally, my question for you is, do you now regret saying 'death con 3 on Jewish people'? Are you sorry you said that?"

West's answer has surprised viewers worldwide - "No. Absolutely not.".

"You know, I will say I'm sorry for the people that I hurt with the death con. That I caused hurt and confusion", he started saying, "and I'm sorry for the families of the people that had nothing to do with the trauma that I had been through, and that I use my platform, where you say 'hurt people', hurt people and I was hurt".

Jews 'own banks, they own the media' says model Carmen Ortega
She also shared a tweet by Candace Owens to her Instagram story, saying, "Who runs the banks? How many more times will I be right about these people?".


Carmen Ortega attending Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2015 at Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts on 11th September 2014 in New York City. (photo credit - Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week)

American model and fashion designer Carmen Ortega Baljian spread an antisemitic conspiracy theory on her Instagram page of 2.5 million followers last week. "They own banks, they own the media, and in our politics heavy. Who's awake yet?", she said.

She also shared a tweet by Candace Owens to her Instagram story, saying, "Who runs the banks? How many more times will I be right about these people?" Owens, who recently defended rapper Ye for his "death con 3 to Jewish people" tweet, tweeted that the rapper was kicked out of the JP Morgan Chase bank.

Ortega also recently said on another Instagram story post, "Have short version of the Talmud just in case anyone has any more doubts. It's time to wake up baby. What's happening to Kanye is a direct example of everything. So when I'm always preaching stop voting pro-Israel.

Carmen Ortega - verified @instagram user w/2.5 million followers - is spreading horrifying antisemitic conspiracy theories of Jewish power and controlThis online hatred often inspires others to commit murder as we have seen from Tree of Life, Poway, & Parkland @mosseri @Meta pic.twitter.com/mgVU7pIEQl
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 13, 2022

"You are supporting the very people or the people's people that think it's okay to do what they are doing to him. Our government is infiltrated with the same type of evil. Be intelligent. The truth is antisemitic. Let that sink in", she said.

Response to Ortega's antisemitism
Non-profit organisation Stop Antisemitism said that "this is just a small example of disputing your antisemitic conspiracy theories of Jewish power and control. Your rhetoric is putting the lives of Jews in jeopardy and with a verified following of 2.5 million, you need to do better, esp. as a marginalised woman yourself."

In a tweet sharing Ortega's post, the organisation said, "This online hatred often inspires others to commit murder as we have seen from Tree of Life, Poway, & Parkland.".

Canada police investigating after a swastika was painted on an election sign
This is the second reported hate-related incident during the election cycle in Hamilton, Ontario.

Investigation is ongoing after a Hamilton, Ontario council candidate’s campaign sign was vandalised. The sign targeting Walter Furlan was reportedly found on Thursday with a swastika painted on Furlan's forehead and a moustache to make him look like Hitler. This is the second reported hate-related incident during the election cycle, according to local media.


A Nazi armband with a swastika displayed in the Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Germany (credit - Wikimedia Commons)

The vandalism comes after a sticker saying "white people first" was put on a sign earlier this month by another Hamilton candidate, who is Black. This vandalism appeared to be connected to a larger white supremacist propaganda campaign.

Canadian Jews under attack
Jewish Canadians remain the most targeted religious minority for hate crimes, and second overall, according to Canada’s national statistical agency. Statistics Canada released data in August showing that overall, hate crimes in 2021 targeting religious groups increased by 67% from 2020, breaking a three-year downturn. Incidents targeting the Jewish community grew a dramatic 47% since then, and cumulatively 59% over the last two years. This shows that about four people out of every 3,000 members of Canada’s Jewish community report being the target of a hate crime in 2021.

There are approximately 380,000 Jews in Canada, representing barely 1% of the population, yet members of the Jewish community were victims of 14% of all reported hate crimes in 2021.
These three articles are under "diaspora" and "antisemitism".


Ward 3 councillor candidate Walter Furlan says he found out on 13 Oct one of his signs was vandalised with a swastika. (Submitted by Walter Furlan)
(From www.cbc.ca - https://i.cbc.ca/1.6618425.1665929835!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/walter-furlan.jpg)
Urgent conference on religious slaughter to be held by European Commission

EU flags are seen outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels

In a document that the participants received, obtained by the Post, the European Commission elaborated that it "is committed to ensuring freedom of religion or belief in the EU." The European Commission will hold an urgent conference about religious slaughter titled "Freedom of religion with regard to religious slaughter", The Jerusalem Post has learned. The participants were asked to keep a low profile and not speak of the event before it happens, on Thursday in Brussels.

A European Commission website publicised that on Thursday, the Commission will host a conference on freedom of religion with regard to religious slaughter, in partnership with the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the UN. Commissioner for Equality of the commission, Helena Dalli, will deliver the opening remarks, according to the report.

"The conference will bring together representatives of the European Union (EU) Member States and other national authorities, special envoys and coordinators on combating antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred, representatives of national Jewish, Muslim and other religious communities, international organisations and independent experts", the European Commission site revealed.

"In its EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life and in its EU Anti-racism Action Plan, the Commission committed to facilitating the exchange of practices between national authorities, representatives of Jewish and Muslim communities, equality bodies, civil society and local level representatives and to draw on the experience of international organisations", the site said.

"The conference will bring together representatives of the European Union (EU) Member States and other national authorities, special envoys and coordinators on combating antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred, representatives of national Jewish, Muslim and other religious communities, international organizations and independent experts."
European Commission site

In a document that the participants received, obtained by the Post, the European Commission elaborated that it "is committed to ensuring freedom of religion or belief in the EU, including the rights for minority groups to express their religion through specific cultural, traditional and religious practices in line with the Charter on Fundamental Rights".


EUROPEAN COMMISSION President Ursula von der Leyen arriving at the European Parliament in Brussels last week for a special session to debate the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (credit: YVES HERMAN/REUTERS)

It was added that "recently, Muslim and Jewish communities have been expressing their rising concern about shrinking space for their freedom to practice their respective religions in Europe, in light of bans or discussions about possible bans of slaughter based on religious tradition".

In its judgment in December 2020, the Court of Justice of the EU acknowledged that Council Regulation 1099/2009 allows to "strike a fair balance between the protection of the welfare of animals when they are killed, and on the other, respect for the freedom to manifest religion". The commission explained in the document that the "EU Member States may adopt different rules based on the domestic context".

The event will be hosted by the initiator, Katharina von Schnurbein, Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life of the European Commission, who will open the event and close it. Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER), said that the conference is "a worthy endeavour". Godschmidt[sic] explained that "as Jews, we need complete freedom to practice our religion. We must be able to produce Kosher meat (Shechita), educate our children and maintain our traditions and lifestyle. Yet currently, across the continent, these freedoms are under threat. Shechita stands precariously threatened by hostile governments".

Goldschmidt mentioned that "in Belgium and Finland, for example, Animal Welfare Bills have brashly banned or are on the course of outlawing their Jewish communities' ability to produce their own meat, hindering Jewish life in those countries, and disregarding Jewish religious rights. To be able to live and thrive as Jews in Europe, these rights must be safeguarded in law. Such will be our message to this commendable conference".

Who are the participants?
The participants include Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt, United States Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Antisemitism; Miguel Moratinos, High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations; Nicola Beer, European Parliament Vice-President, Special envoy on combatting religious discrimination, including Antisemitism, and Chair of the Working group against Antisemitism of the European Parliament; Judge Mr. Yannis Ktistakis, European Court of Human Rights; Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President Conference of European Rabbis; Atik Ali, Chair of the Human Rights Commission of the National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland; Elizabeta Kitanovic, Human Rights Officer, European Conference of Churches; Ariel Muzicant, President of European Jewish Congress; Mohamed Moussaoui, President of the French Council for Muslim Religion; Shimon Cohen, Director Shechita UK; Ruben Vis, Secretary General, NIK Organisation of Jewish communities in the Netherlands; Abdassamad El Yazidi, General Sekretär des ZMD (Central Council of Muslims), Germany.

In addition, a panel with religious leaders from Europe will take place, in the participation of Rabbi Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; Imam Salahuddin Barakat, Malmö, Sweden; Pr. Manuel Enrique Barrios Prieto, Secretary General COMECE; Khalid Hajji, expert on interreligious dialogue and Rabbi Schlomo Elieser Hofmeister, Senior Rabbi of the Austrian Jewish community.
Emphases not mine. Again, this article was under "diaspora" and "antisemitism".
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=395515 time=1666744263 user_id=19170]

The man would have such strength if he could detach from all jewish notions and influence upon him.

Due to how he doesn't yet understand that xianity is of the enemy as much as all other jewish crap, Kanye is much weaker than he could be, only a tiny figment of his potential self.

Seeing him stumble over himself and get overwhelmed as he gets cut off again and again by that filthy jewish idiot "interviewing" him (more like attempting to chastise a falsely persecuted man with misplaced beliefs, yet still failing even when this mans inner strength is at its lowest point), it is sad to see, because he could absolutely have put that fool in his place and asserted himself had he not been fooled into believing xianity.

The xianity weakens him so much, it is unbelievable.

Yet, even with that plague of ultimate weakness upon him, he still shows strength of character and conviction, as well as the mentality of a free thinking man.

Watching Kanye is a living example of the corrosion of spirit and the disgusting weakness the plague of xianity inflicts upon the minds and souls of all those who ascribed to it.

It's like a bird with his wings clipped, only able to crawl on the ground and not able to function even 10% of what they could be had they been free from these constraints.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=395515 time=1666744263 user_id=19170]

The man would have such strength if he could detach from all jewish notions and influence upon him.

Due to how he doesn't yet understand that xianity is of the enemy as much as all other jewish crap, Kanye is much weaker than he could be, only a tiny figment of his potential self.

Seeing him stumble over himself and get overwhelmed as he gets cut off again and again by that filthy jewish idiot "interviewing" him (more like attempting to chastise a falsely persecuted man with misplaced beliefs, yet still failing even when this mans inner strength is at its lowest point), it is sad to see, because he could absolutely have put that fool in his place and asserted himself had he not been fooled into believing xianity.

The xianity weakens him so much, it is unbelievable.

Yet, even with that plague of ultimate weakness upon him, he still shows strength of character and conviction, as well as the mentality of a free thinking man.

Watching Kanye is a living example of the corrosion of spirit and the disgusting weakness the plague of xianity inflicts upon the minds and souls of all those who ascribed to it.

It's like a bird with his wings clipped, only able to crawl on the ground and not able to function even 10% of what they could be had they been free from these constraints.

Hail Satan!

jews cannot even fathom what is in store for them.
The time they will, will be a most satisfying moment for us.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
jews cannot even fathom what is in store for them.
The time they will, will be a most satisfying moment for us.


Even though they clipped our wings and cursed us for centuries, we are still here fighting with ever growing fervor and unrelenting will.

When we all rise to our destiny, we are quite literally untouchable to them, and they can naught but flounder before us like the pathetic and worthless beings they are.

Even in Death, they can hold us down for at most two decades. Before long, we return ever more with greater vengeance and will to annihilate their dominion on Our Earth.

In time, they will learn what is the consequence for invading Our Earth, and more importantly, Satan's Earth.

They have made an absolute enemy which even their masters cannot dream of defeating.

Satan's power is supreme and eternal as it has always been.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
