This advice is advice that has saved a man from suicide, who had exactly the same issues you are experiencing. Treat everything I say very seriously. Nobody here wants to know you died.
You seem to be deeply in some dark things, which could either be negative entities harassing you or just your mind causing itself harm, from mental issues or trauma.
The line can often be blurry because there are a lot of thoughtforms that are negative for the mind, that can attach to you over time if you are not doing things well.
The best thing you can do right now is to stay calm and understand that these voices or visions do not matter.
All they can do is be annoying, like a song that gets stuck in your head.
They shouldn't overpower you, and you have no reason to be scared. You are an entire physically functioning human, they are some thoughtforms at best, and some hallucinations at worst.
Trust in yourself a bit here.
Over time, do the Aura Cleaning and Aura of Protection meditations from the main Joy of Satanas site.
If you see great results from these, that's probably good enough evidence to do the Rite of Dedication, to know that you have some degree of extra protection and help from the Gods, when you are genuinely being overpowered by things in your life.
For now, realize you are better than some voices or some visions. Read a book, eat something tasty, get some stretching in, even while some stupid voices annoy you. Treat it like your neighbors are playing loud music and there's nothing you can do about it, for now.
Also know that over time, it WILL get better. This annoyance will go away.