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The Gods #77001 Silly question but…

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Do the Gods really want us to pray/communicate with them? Or does that bother them?

I read people saying they are busy or unable to come. But do the Gods want us to express things for help. Ex: Cleaning rather than empowerment for those who have dross.

So is it like are we bothering them? Or like some members put the Gods are far too advanced to 1. Be bothered and 2. It's their job.

I know self-relience is paramount but often times I'm stumped at what to do and try and figure out myself till I ask a being of higher power.

Are the Gods wanting us to speak to them? And if so are they screaming in our faces metaphorically speaking to communicate to set our micro- and macro- -cosoms right? i.e ourselves and our surroundings.
Do the Gods really want us to pray/communicate with them? Or does that bother them?

I read people saying they are busy or unable to come. But do the Gods want us to express things for help. Ex: Cleaning rather than empowerment for those who have dross.

So is it like are we bothering them? Or like some members put the Gods are far too advanced to 1. Be bothered and 2. It's their job.

I know self-relience is paramount but often times I'm stumped at what to do and try and figure out myself till I ask a being of higher power.

Are the Gods wanting us to speak to them? And if so are they screaming in our faces metaphorically speaking to communicate to set our micro- and macro- -cosoms right? i.e ourselves and our surroundings.


Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)
There's balance in everything.

Regular communication with the Gods is an important thing and it's recommended to do rituals to them at least once a week. The Gods want you to keep in touch with them. If you are afraid of bothering them, then you are at the one extreme and you need to do more rituals to them often.

But, there's the other extreme too, where some individuals ask frantically for the Gods to fix their lives, bring their girlfriends/boyfriends back, give them money, fame or other material things and want to depend on them all the time. They don't get bothered, but this is an unhealthy mindset.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
