I am lost. My mother and sister are spiritualists/white witches and have been informed my grandmother was a black witch and spontaneous combusted. I want to find my way, and protect myself, can you help?
I am lost. My mother and sister are spiritualists/white witches and have been informed my grandmother was a black witch and spontaneous combusted. I want to find my way, and protect myself, can you help?
I am lost. My mother and sister are spiritualists/white witches and have been informed my grandmother was a black witch and spontaneous combusted. I want to find my way, and protect myself, can you help?
"White" witches don't exist. This is just a newly made up term with the arrival of Wicca. Witchcraft was always all "black" historically. Not to say that it's "evil" in the xian sense, but it doesn't conform to xianized Wiccan morality and their fake "threefold law".
Your mother and sister are Wiccans or New Agers claiming to be "witches". They are bullshitting you about your grandmother.