For this, perform the standard ritual to Satan. It will do you good, let him know your wishes and desires. It is under his supervision that you can take the best path.
If you want a good job, leave your CV at good institutions. You can apply to many places.
In order to be a Security specialist, you must meet certain criteria.
If the work of a security officer is not the work of an ordinary security guard, who can be employed by almost anyone, but is a real security service in the full sense of this terminology, then as a rule, former law enforcement officers who have proven themselves to be a professional in their field are taken into real security services.
If the criteria for this profession are less demanding, then I recommend that you study all the nuances of what you need to master from what is required and try to meet these requirements, including when preparing a resume for a job.
If you have experience working in the security service, then you need to correctly describe the skills and experience gained that would be useful to your employer, and when interviewing your employer in person, answer all questions confidently.