Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.
This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.
And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.
We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.