Each sigil represents a form of power. The Sigil of Lucifer or Satan has to do with sight and understanding; the Sigil of Beelzebul has to do with the concept of power.
We still mention the truth about this topic, it has not disappeared. It is in the site. It was put in a bigger context of why it is as it is.
This decision does not have first and foremost to do with the public, but about the Gods themselves and how to properly express them. The public understanding is a consequence of restoring the culture; so it happens because of this, not because of conformity.
There was a time not that long ago before it was called "Satanism" and it's incosistent with the flow of time to stay stuck and only approve of 70 year mentality of the LHP and the timeline of the enemy to describe ourselves. We predate them by 40,000 years. We predate all their views and opinions, objectively speaking. So to stay on the limited context, is not helping anywhere.